God is Coming

Chapter 20: Academic

Although the scale of the Pompano Business School is large, it is extremely strict to recruit students. The faculty at all levels in the college have active military ranks at the same time and have a transcendent status in the entire kingdom.

The current year of Chu Chujun's return has just entered the second year of freshman, and it will take nearly three years to graduate.

届 This session of talented people far exceeds before and after, also known as the session of hope. However, because of the many talents and arrogances, they are sometimes hailed as thorny assemblies.

The course setting of the Pompano Business School was deeply influenced by the Tang Dynasty, and traces of emulation can be seen everywhere, even in the school profile.

The undergraduate program here is a four-year program. The first two years are mainly for general courses, covering a range of content from individual combat to warship command. The next two years are professional courses. Major.

As a star country on the frontier of defense, the School of Business also has its own specialty, which is intra-planet battle.

In addition to combat courses, participating business schools also include many Chinese traditional civilization content as required content, including history, literature, and philosophy and religion. Modern economics, politics, and law courses are also very popular with students. After all, not everyone likes to fight in the battle, and the rear positions can also have high weight.

In addition, the Tang Dynasty always admired Confucian generals, and the generals of the unified army also had to read a lot of books to convince the public.

The second grade naturally has more than just this person on the transport ship. There are more than 20,000 students in the whole second grade in the college. Only the best one hundred of them are qualified to participate in the survival battle assessment on the unmanned planet. After all, a transport ship is needed to transport the students to the unmanned planet. The cost is not a small amount.

The ordinary students who have not been selected can only fight for survival in the college's examination base. Over the centuries, the maps of the test bases have long been known to everyone, where there is a house, where there is a gun, and which trees are easy to hide behind. All of them are clear. Know everything, sometimes it's not fun. For example, several sites with well-prepared equipment are often the areas with the largest number of airdrops. Many rookies have just been harvested and equipped before they understand what is going on.

There are calls for changing the map every year. However, for the sake of saving money, the map of the survival battle in the test base is still thundery every year. At most, it needs to be repaired, thrown in a few broken cars, and even upgraded.

Pompano Business School is not poor. The tuition fees here are several times higher than ordinary schools. Tuition fees alone are full. Not to mention there are so many subsidiary industries. Every year, the military orders alone are received.

It is one thing to have money, and it is another thing to refuse to spend money on students. In the eyes of the participating business schools, the students in the first period are like leeks, cutting one crop and another crop. Since leek can grow when watered, why do you apply fertilizer?

Xi Chujun returned a few clicks on the screen. As a second-year student, all the courses he had the right to study appeared, and there were thousands of them. There are more than a hundred ways to use all kinds of individual weapons.

Xi Chujun first looked at the catalogue, and the major and subdivided levels of each course were clearly shown in the catalogue.

In today's age, humans are no longer the weak body race on the mother star. After more than a thousand years of progress in science and technology, artificial intelligence and genetic engineering, humans have gradually formed three different directions in individual strengthening.

One is to strengthen the basic functions of the human body through genetic modification, and to strengthen the basic functions by loading micro-devices and various auxiliary power organs.

最 The most common manifestation in this regard is chip implantation. In this era, most people with conditions will implant chips to store information, assist computing, and communicate and data transmission. As long as it is a citizen of the Kingdom, even the poorest, the Kingdom will implant identity chips for free. Of course, the implanted chip has only the most basic functions, which is better than nothing. Its main purpose is to identify.

In today's era, identity chips are like passports and ID cards of the old age

Identity chips are for everyone, but functional chips are not affordable for everyone. The price of a chip can be hundreds of times the cost. Don't say that those limited editions with special functions, that is, mid-range chips, can only be afforded by the real middle class.

Only a functional chip is called a chip.

Piracy and counterfeit chips are not impossible, but they don't make much sense. These chips are similar to an access interface and can receive the latest version of software from the service provider periodically for upgrades. Pirated chips cannot be upgraded naturally, and chips that cannot be upgraded are like defective products, which can only be used to deceive people without knowledge.

As a formal student of a participating business school, an important benefit is the ability to buy three mid-range chips or one high-end chip at half price. There is really no money, such as Chu Jungui, you can also apply for a college loan, and repay in installments after graduation.

The second enhancement path is external equipment. The simplified version is an exoskeleton, and the complicated one is a single-armed combat mech. The more complicated one is a ground-effect tank or a floating combat platform that requires multi-person control.

进化 On this path, evolution is also endless. More powerful individual weapons, more effective defense, smaller and lighter engines, more durable and efficient energy supply, each direction is worth the effort of countless people.

The last path is also the most controversial, which is to replace the original organs of the human body with various biochemical tissues or artificial organs, or even organs taken from other species. After the final deep transformation, can we still say that it is a person, it is difficult to talk about.

In fact, this road has many supporters since ancient times. In the era of the mother star, people are not the fastest and the highest jumpers. The reason why humans dominate the mother star is because of an abnormally developed brain. Since the primitive era, there have been people who have dreamed of the power of elephants, the agility of lion tigers, and so on.

In the age of civilization, all kinds of superheroes, immortals, ghosts, and gods have some illusions in this regard.

The three major forces currently dominated by human beings each have their own emphasis on the evolutionary path.

The Tang Dynasty of Tang Dynasty always respected the unity of heaven and man and emphasized the strengthening of human beings. The ultimate goal was to accommodate everything in the world, so it was the representative of the first road. The British Commonwealth has the tradition of the Great Industrial Revolution in the old times, and even more respects the advancement of hardware technology. Therefore, it is a must in the field of exoskeleton and auxiliary combat armor. As for the pan-star community, it was originally a group of black people, and most of them were located in areas with harsh living environment. Therefore, the transformation of human body is popular, and people who are not like humans are often seen everywhere.

I am not saying that the three major forces will not be involved in other fields, in fact, they each quietly study the fields of their opponents. After all, human beings have no external enemies, and the greatest enemy is human beings themselves.

Xun Chujun's return was not anxious to choose practical courses, but to look at the political polity system first. He must first understand the political structure of his era, at least in a general direction, so as not to be too confused.

Community adopts loose alliance system. The big parliament is the highest authority, but its binding force is also limited. Each participating planet has the highest rights to its own affairs, and the community cannot interfere in the internal affairs of the joining planet without a state of war or a resolution passed by the big parliament.

The internal structure of the Commonwealth and the Commonwealth is closer. Although the federal star domains have great autonomy, most of them are concentrated in the internal affairs, and foreign affairs and military are exercised by the federal government. Although the Federation implements a president-parliamentary system, after thousands of years of accumulation, each of the long-established families has become a behemoth. The ring of roses composed of 13 ancient families is known as the shadow cabinet of the Federation.

The last is the Tang Dynasty. The imperial chamber of the dynasty is huge, but it is better to say that it is an emperor. In fact, the predecessor can trace back to multiple families. Although the emperor was a virtual monarch, it was the dynasty's favor. The Prime Minister leads the cabinet to govern the world and chooses to change every ten years. In addition, another twelve ministers, known as Zhu Guo, are located in different parts of the town. Some of the pillar ministers are dynasties, and some are monarchs of powerful vassal kingdoms.

Xun Zhengzheng's system emulated the Tang Dynasty, and there were also differences. King Zheng is in power, and both the Prime Minister and the Cabinet must act in accordance with the will of the king. In the frontier star domain, foreign enemies are in the lead, star thieves are numerous, and even more decrees are required to be popular. Therefore, few people oppose it.

After understanding the basic structure of human beings, Chu Jungui took a quick look at current affairs. It seems peaceful at the moment, and the actual war is everywhere ~ www.readwn.com ~ The Tang Dynasty and the Federation are on the surface in peace, rubbing secretly from time to time, and have quietly fought many battles. Although it is impossible to announce the results of the war, judging from the official responses, there should be different outcomes.

The puppet community is erratic, always trying to get around, and constantly provoking the relationship between the federation and the dynasty. The relationship between the three forces is intricate and complex, and it is not clear at all. If you look at it from any angle, you can write dozens of monographs and feed a dozen experts and professors.

The star field is extremely vast, star thieves everywhere.

Some star thieves are indeed a last resort. For example, the original star thieves came from the inhabitants of the abandoned planet. They lived for revenge. After the formation of the three major forces, Star Thief was found to be the best cover to test each other's strength, so many unscrupulous acts were carried out in the name of Star Thief. This is why the Star Thief can't be eliminated all the time, but the more they hit, the more.

After understanding the current situation, Chu Jungui did not delve deeper, but turned back to the course on individual combat power. After all, he is a little novice student. Even if the meal for the next meal has not been hit on the chip, it is a bit funny to worry about the world's major events now.

He clicked on the course of mastering light weapons for single soldiers and saw that the course was divided into three parts: elementary, intermediate and advanced, but he did not find a familiar version number.

I can't see the version number, Chu Jungui is a little upset. He opened the junior tutorial and searched carefully, and finally found the version number: 2.05C in the course introduction entry.

Wu Chujun returned to his respects, with a pilgrimage, opened this junior course.

After a long time, Chu Jungui looked up blankly. He searched for an entire hour, tried all encoding schemes, and even tried various algorithms for unlocking high-level passwords, but he couldn't find where the data download interface was.

Can't load, how can this book be learned?

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