Go crazy!Just broke up and you gave birth to my third daughter

Chapter 218

"Then let's go back to the village as soon as possible? Or call the uncle and uncle quickly, and ask them to ask the villagers who has the video in their hands and is willing to help us prove it?"

Du Yuwei asked eagerly.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the voice fell, the mobile phone in Ji Mingxuan's pocket rang, and when he took it out, it happened to be the uncle's call.

"It's my uncle's call. I guess he also saw the report."

The number of fans of Douyin is increasing, and the two brothers Ji Zhizhuang naturally attach great importance to it. They will carefully collect materials every day, and try to edit them into a video when it is almost done, and update the content on Douyin frequently.

This morning, I also habitually took out my phone and turned on Douyin to interact with fans, but when I clicked on the comments, I received a lot of bad comments.

I looked at it, and it was all about the incident of not donating at the lottery center yesterday. Regarding this incident, the netizens on Douyin said everything, all kinds of nasty and hurtful things.

There are only a few people who are willing to continue to support them and believe in them, and they have been sprayed all over by those keyboard warriors.

When did Ji Zhizhuang and his brothers suffer this kind of grievance, and they were not as calm as Ji Mingxuan. At that time, they were so angry that their hands shook when they saw those bad comments, but they didn't dare to show it in front of their mother, for fear that she would be worried and anxious. He and his younger brother made an appointment to go out and walked some distance away from home before discussing calling Ji Mingxuan.

The two clicked on the push video on Douyin, and soon found a report about their donation yesterday.

"These reporters are really shameless! Isn't this a bloody spout, who are you calling us! It really pissed me off!"

Ji Zhizhuang has a fiery temper. At that time, he was trembling with anger, and his voice could not stop trembling.

Ji Zhiliang knew that his eldest brother had a problem with high blood pressure. He usually took medicine to maintain his blood pressure, but he couldn't stand the emotional ups and downs. What kind of energy.

Quickly and softly comforted: "Brother, don't worry, you must pay attention to your own poor health. If you get angry, how can you ask our mother to fix it? You should calm down first, and now the Internet is like this, some people are indiscriminate. Just go with the crowd and slander you. If you take every word to heart, will you still be alive? According to me, we are definitely not as good at this matter as Mingxuan and Weiwei, two young people. According to me, Let's call Mingxuan first, he must know about this, let's discuss what to do."

Ji Zhizhuang suddenly realized, and slapped his head: "That's right, why did I forget Mingxuan and Weiwei, I'll call him right away!"

That's why I got this phone call.

The uncle's mood on the phone was much calmer than Ji Mingxuan imagined. It must be the second uncle who persuaded him, otherwise the uncle's fiery temper is still trembling with anger.

"Mingxuan, we were on Douyin yesterday when we were accepting the award, did you see it? Those unscrupulous reporters were really mad at us for what they were talking about. Now when we turn on Douyin, they are all scolding us. Those words don’t see the light of day, and you’ll panic when you read them!”

Ji Mingxuan nodded, and quickly comforted him: "Uncle, what you and my second uncle have to do now is not to read the comments of those people on the Internet. I am worried that you will be depressed and will not be able to bear the impact on your health. Also, try to hide this matter as much as possible. The rest of the family, if they get it too, tell everyone not to say anything, and you must hide it from my grandma, she doesn't know how to use Douyin, so you can hide it for as long as you can, otherwise she will definitely take things seriously Think about it, the body will not be able to bear it."

"Yeah, Mingxuan, don't worry, your second uncle and I will definitely arrange this matter, try to keep it from your grandma, and don't let her know."

"Well, that's good, uncle, if you and my second uncle are free today, we will go to the homes of a few families in our village, that is, the young people who followed us when we went to deliver things to poor families yesterday, I remember Uncle Zhang and his son Zhang Kai. He should have taken videos and photos. You can go to his house and have a look. It’s up to Weiwei and I to settle it.”

"Okay, Mingxuan, your second uncle and I will go now! I'll send you the video and photos as soon as they come!"

After hearing Ji Mingxuan's words, Ji Zhizhuang felt more confident. For some reason, Ji Mingxuan could give him a trustworthy feeling. Just like this matter, he now believes that Ji Mingxuan can handle it very well.

My heart was no longer so irritable, and my head, which was a little dizzy from the rush, became much clearer after calming down.

"Zhi Zhuang, did you hear what Mingxuan said on the phone? Let's go to Zhang Dequan's house now to see if his son Zhang Kai is at home. It would be best if he was at home. Mingxuan said he wanted him to take pictures yesterday. photos and videos."

Ji Zhizhuang nodded: "Okay, let's go now."

The two brothers went to the supermarket in the village to buy a case of wine and a bag of milk, and when they went to someone's house during the Chinese New Year, and they wanted something from someone, it seemed too impolite to show up empty-handed.

We soon arrived at Zhang Dequan's house. Fortunately, Zhang Dequan's son, Zhang Kai, was still at home. Knowing the purpose of Ji Zhizhuang's two brothers, Zhang Kai said with a smile: "I originally planned to go back today. I have to go to work tomorrow, and I will go back by car in a while. If you are late If I come for a while, I guess I will go to the car."

The two Ji Zhizhuang brothers secretly breathed a sigh of relief, this is really good luck.

Without saying a word, Zhang Kai took out his mobile phone and sent all the saved photos and videos to Ji Zhizhuang's prestige.

"Actually, it was my fault that I took photos and videos without your permission. I didn't want to post them online, but I just wanted to save them on my phone and watch them when I was free. Because brother Mingxuan is my idol, I also want to share with you He will also be able to help those in need one day through his own strength, and if the videos and photos I took today can help you, that would be a great thing."

Zhang Kai and Ji Zhizhuang are coming to Ji Mingxuan's prestige signal to apply for adding friends.

"I add Brother Mingxuan's prestige, if he needs any help from me in the future, I will definitely define it!"

"Zhang Kai, thank you so much! Mingxuan said that these photos and videos are valid evidence. Although I don't quite understand it, Mingxuan's words are definitely inseparable. Zhang Kai, you are helping me this time." Very busy!"

Ji Zhizhuang and Ji Zhiliang thanked him again and again, and the two elders kept thanking themselves, but they couldn't deal with Zhang Kai, a big boy who was originally a bit introverted and quiet.

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