Global Survival Game: I can see extra hints

Chapter 27 In-depth

Chapter 27 In-depth
Wu Tu also heard the hurried and numerous footsteps in the cave, and knew that these goblins had gathered.

There was no hesitation, stepping over the corpses of this small group of goblins, and continuing to let the mechanical dog move forward.

The length of the entire cave is only tens of meters. Wu Tu didn't walk very fast, and it didn't take a minute. When he approached the innermost part of the cave, he found that the light inside was getting brighter and brighter.

The main reason is that there are more and more glowing objects on the walls of the cave, and some were dug from other places and placed next to the cave.

Wu Tu guessed that the goblins should have put it here. Monsters like goblins cannot see at night. Putting luminous objects here is equivalent to street lights.

When he finished walking through the narrow cave intersection and reached the innermost part of the cave, he saw the 'luxury team' welcoming him.

Dozens of goblins held various weapons in their hands, including wooden spears, rusty iron knives, and the thigh bones of unknown monsters.

The weapons held by the ten goblins in front were considered normal. At least the knives in their hands were not rusty.

The goblins blocked the entrance of the cave in a mess, and behind them was the lair they lived on, a cave that had been dug in a large area.

When the goblins saw Wu Tu, they immediately started screaming, holding a weapon in their hand and waving it continuously, as if they were threatening him.

Wu Tu didn't intend to have a cross-species discussion with these goblins who couldn't speak human language, so he drew the Zhengyang bow and shot an arrow.

The sound of swishing arrows broke the chaotic sounds of the monsters, but Wu Tu's simple arrow caused great fear to these goblins.

The goblins are densely positioned so that there is not much space between them. Wu Tu's seemingly tentative arrow has already used [-]% of his strength. After shooting an ordinary goblin, the arrow has no power left. It pierced through its body and took the life of a goblin behind it.

Suddenly two died!

Seeing their comrades die in front of them, the goblins went completely mad, and the weapons in their hands were swung more and more hastily, and some even hit themselves on their companions.

But none of these goblins dared to step forward, they were all waiting for the order from the leader in the lair.

The goblin standing at the front was furious when he saw his companion died. He opened his mouth to show his jagged teeth and roared, ordering the goblin to attack.

After hearing the order, the green goblin clutched his tattered weapon and rushed towards the wall made of mechanical dogs.

Wu Tu didn't have anything to worry about. The Zhengyang bow in his hand shot out arrows one by one. Since he was blocking the exit of the cave, the goblins could only squeeze in from the wide area to the narrow area.

There were too many goblin monsters in front of him, so he didn't shoot a single arrow. Each arrow shot could take away at least one goblin's life, and even two if he was lucky.

Wu Tu kept drawing his bow and nodding his arrows, feeling that his proficiency in archery was constantly improving. Even after learning the skill book, he could only master it more easily after he constantly adapted.

On the other hand, those goblins' attacks were just pointless struggles. The mechanical dog stood in front of them, and every time they could push away the goblins that rushed up, those goblins' attacks fell on the mechanical dog. , can't even break a mark.

There is no comparison between flesh and metal, and the mechanical dog firmly occupies the position at the exit of the cave. It is extremely difficult for these goblins, not to mention Wu Tu who wants to attack, even thinking of the mechanical dogs in the second row.

The number of goblins in the lair died more and more, and the first to attack were ordinary goblins. When the goblin monsters suffered too many casualties, the elite goblins couldn't sit still.

It is impossible for them to watch all the goblins under their hands die.

The reason why these ordinary goblins go first is because they have this habit when hunting monsters.

Goblins are not a powerful monster. Individual Goblins are very weak, and only goblins gathered in groups can exert their weak strength.

Once facing the enemy, the elite goblins will let the ordinary goblins consume the enemy's strength first, and when the enemy's physical strength or hole cards are almost consumed, it will be their turn to make a move.

It's just that now let alone exhausting Wu Tu's physical strength, they haven't even touched Wu Tu.

Ten elite goblins rushed together, holding real elementary weapons in their hands, ready to fight to the death.

Goblins themselves are very timid monsters. Under normal circumstances, they would have been terrified to see Wu Tu slaughtering his companions wantonly here. They don't know where they went, but now they have no other choice.

The elite goblins represent the last strength and the last hope of the goblin lair. Wu Tu bet on the position of the cave entrance, making it impossible for them to get out of the lair.

If Wu Tu is not killed, they will not be able to get out of the nest.

When Wu Tu saw the elite goblins attacking, he finally became a little more formal. Only these few goblins could barely cause damage to the mechanical dog. He didn't want his own things to be damaged, so he planned to shoot these few first. Elite Goblins.

Even the elite goblins have nothing to do with the bow and arrow in Wu Tu's hands.

The elite goblin rushed in front of the mechanical dog, and the weapon in his hand slammed into the mechanical dog's body, but if the collision between the metals was not particularly powerful, it would not be able to cause any damage at all.

When Wu Tu saw this situation, he knew that his worries were unnecessary, these goblins were worse than he imagined.

Now he has nothing to worry about, and can practice his bow and arrow skills to his heart's content.

However, there was a small accident in the middle. A few goblins were very clever. They found a few spears from nowhere, and when their companions were desperately attacking, they threw them from a distance to attack him.

It's just that these goblins overestimated their own strength. Among the four spears thrown, only one was thrown in the direction that the goblins threw, and the other three spears did not know where they went.

This can't be blamed on these goblins, they have never been trained like this, and it is already good if one of the four can throw accurately.

But the flying speed of this well-aimed spear was too slow. Before it could get close to Wu Tu, a mechanical dog in the second row jumped up and blocked it.

The goblin monster's spear did not cause any damage to the mechanical dog, but Wu Tu found a few more unique goblins, and immediately turned his bow and arrows to them first.

If he dared to sneak attack Wu disciple, he must die first.

(End of this chapter)

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