Global Survival Game: I can see extra hints

Chapter 230

Chapter 230
[Biluohuangquan, special airdrop, the number of airdrops consumed is not fixed each time you enter, and the difficulty of airdrops is determined according to the number of airdrops consumed. 】

"The player consumes 2 airdrops, and the difficulty of the special airdrop in Biluohuangquan is doubled!"

Wu Tu looked at the prompts and system information that appeared in front of him, and knew that he seemed to have made a decision in a hurry, and he didn't know whether it was right or wrong.

Originally, he just wanted to deal with the monster Touch of Evil Thoughts. Unexpectedly, he was affected by the sudden attack. He entered the big hole directly and came to the special airdrop.

Wu Tu even came in first without seeing the prompt clearly. Although he knew it now, there was a problem. The difficulty of the special airdrop has been doubled. This is no joke.

Ordinary special airdrops are extremely difficult. Wu Tu has experienced it many times, so even if his strength is so strong, he is very calm when he sees special airdrops. He will only enter when he is sure that he has enough strength.

The main reason is that there are too many uncertainties in special airdrops, and there are more powerful monsters appearing.

In particular, the place Wu Tu is in is the second act, which is more dangerous than the place where he entered the special airdrop before. Wu Tu, who has not entered the special airdrop here, first tried a special airdrop with twice the difficulty. Ordinary people can try.

Even if the special airdrop of Biluohuangquan is not very difficult at the beginning, it must be extremely dangerous after doubling.

It will definitely become more difficult to survive the danger.

If Wu Tu had known earlier, he would have fought the touch of evil thoughts head-on. He would not have to spend so much time to save his energy. After two hours had passed, he would be able to teleport away. Now in this special airdrop that was so uncertain, he needed to be very careful.

He might be happy if he entered the special airdrop normally, but now he feels heavy in his heart.

However, Wu Tu did not prepare to leave immediately, because after all, it is a special airdrop, and it is not easy to enter every time, so he must first understand, if he can solve the danger, even if it is difficult to deal with, he will try Through this special airdrop, if it is really not the opponent, you can only choose to retreat.

Under Wu Tu's feet was a piece of black land, on the bank of a river, and not far in front of him was a very wide river, the whole river was yellow in color, the water flowed very slowly, and the water was turbid.

[Huangquan River, a special area, all living creatures will be swallowed as long as they enter this river. The weight of the river water is unbearable for life, and nothing can fly over this river. On to the next area! 】

When he saw the reminder of the Yellow Spring River, Wu Tu already had the intention of retreating. He could neither fly nor swim. If there were no special items to carry it, I am afraid that this river would not be so easy to cross.

Wu Tu thought for a while, there is no need to take such a big risk, the difficulty of crossing the Huangquan River is too great, if there are monsters appearing in it.

Even if he finds something that can carry it, if he crosses the river, once the tool for crossing the river is destroyed, the only thing waiting for him is death.

There is a piece of land above his head, Wu Tu can clearly see the big hole coming in from him, the huge flame wings behind him spread out, Wu Tu flies towards the big hole at a very fast speed, but when he is still some distance away from the hole At that time, he was suddenly blocked by an object, and the strong impact made him hurt very much.

But this is not important, Wu Tu found a problem, that is the way out of the cave, the way out of the airdrop seems to be blocked.

Unwilling, Wu Tu tried to fly over from other directions, but after trying for a few minutes, there was no place where he could fly out of the hole from above, so Wu Tu knew that this special airdrop would be easier to get in and harder to get out.

Since he can't leave, he can only find a way to cross the Huangquan River. First, he has to find a tool that allows him to cross the river. There is a vast land on one side of the river bank. Wu Tu saw a white mist in the distance He couldn't see clearly if it blocked his view.

I could only walk over slowly to check, but everywhere I looked was black land, and I couldn't even find a grass. I'm afraid it would be very difficult to find the tools to cross the river.

Wu Tu first ran to the left for a certain distance. After finding nothing, he went back to the right to check a little bit. This time he finally gained something. On the right side, there was a platform made of wood. Below the platform there is a small boat for two people only.

[Yellow Spring Ferry Platform, a special item, is originally an ordinary wood. After passing through the Yellow Spring, he was soaked in the river water to give him a special ability, which can resist the erosion of the Yellow River spring water. 】

[Canoe, a special item, made of special wood, can float on the water of Huangquan River, it is the best way for living people to cross the river. 】

Seeing these two items, Wu Tu knew that the only way to cross the river was here, and the only thing he could rely on now was the canoe.

Wu Tu looked around again, and found that there were no monsters, nor did he find any strange places. After thinking about it, he decided to try the boat.

The boat is very small, with only one oar on it. If you want to cross the Huangquan River, you have to slide across it yourself.

Rowing a boat is not a difficult task, as long as you try a little bit, you can quickly master it. It is naturally not difficult for Wu Tu, and he can quickly grasp the paddle in his hand.

However, Wu Tu did not slide too far, mainly because he was not clear about the situation on the Huangquan River. In case of monsters appearing in it, he had to be careful, so after sliding for more than ten meters, he slid back and made sure that he was not there. If you see any monsters on the river, you should prepare for crossing the river after you have made all the preparations.

Wu Tu sat cross-legged on the canoe. The Jidao Blade was not put away, but placed on his lap so that he could use it at any time and it would be faster than leaving it in the room card.

There is no fog on the Huangquan River, but it is actually much more frightening than on the shore. There is no sound when the whole Huangquan River flows, even when the oars interact with the river water, there is no sound. It is extremely silent. The situation is always creepy.

Wu Tu wouldn't be afraid because of this, but he knew that crossing the Huangquan River with only a canoe should not be so simple. The river is very wide. Although there are no monsters at the bottom of the river, it is very normal. Get over it, it's too easy.

Sure enough, everything was as Wu Tu guessed, about one-third of the journey, translucent souls floated up from the river, and many monsters appeared, surrounding the canoe.

(End of this chapter)

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