Global Survival Game: I can see extra hints

Chapter 18 All Appeared

Chapter 18 All Appeared
There are all kinds of food on the eight-meter-long dining table, including roasted suckling pig, roasted chicken, roasted duck, roasted goose, fruits, and vegetable salads. In addition to various meat dishes, there are also many desserts and small cakes. , biscuits, etc., drinks and drinks are placed neatly on the side.

Such delicious food was placed on the dining table one by one, which whetted Wu Tu's appetite. Although he had only been in Gray Plain for two days, he always felt like two years had passed. During these two days, every day except instant noodles , he had never eaten anything else, and of course he was very excited to see so much food.

What is strange is that there are also reminders on this table of food.

[The last supper in the castle, only those who lived in the castle at the end are eligible to enjoy the dinner! 】

While he was still thinking about the prompt, a voice came.

The windows were broken, the door was kicked open suddenly, the hurried footsteps on the stairs, and the sound of slamming on the floor let Wu Tu know that there were still unfinished monsters in the castle.

One after another, monsters appeared in the living room and surrounded Wu Tu.

These monsters look almost identical to the monsters he killed. The only difference may be their abilities.

The goat-horned monsters coming from behind were holding various weapons, including knives, swords, jab gloves, etc.

When seeing Wu Tu, he kept shouting or talking to Wu Tu, but Wu Tu couldn't understand their language at all.

When one or two monsters appeared, Wu Tu wasn't very worried, but when he saw more monsters appearing behind him, he started to take it seriously.

Without waiting for these monsters to attack first, he controlled the mechanical dog and rushed towards the horned monster holding a thin sword in front, and he was going to strike first.

Zhengyang Bow was used by him again, and the sound of the arrow breaking through the air was extremely dull in the closed room of the old castle. The monster with the horns holding the sword was suddenly targeted for siege, and it was unexpected that there would be such a situation.

He wanted to retreat anxiously, but the scope of the castle was so large, and there were two ram horned monsters standing behind him, so there was very little room for him to retreat.

But he only paid attention to the mechanical dog in front of him, and didn't think about the bow and arrow in Wu Tu's hand at all. When he heard the sound of the bow and arrow, it was too late when he looked up. The arrow was precisely inserted into the socket of his left eye. He went in and was killed by another arrow.

After one horned monster died, the three mechanical dogs didn't stop, and rushed towards three different horned monsters.

The monsters who rushed to the living room couldn't sit still when they saw Wu Tu's attack. Except for the three horned monsters who were entangled by three mechanical dogs, the two horned monsters who arrived first took out their weapons and wanted to attack. Kill Wu Tu.

Wu Tu was very calm, and he raised his bow and arrow again, aiming at the monster with horns coming in from the window, and the arrow was shot out, unlucky, it only hit his shoulder.

But the powerful force made him take a few steps back, and the arrow pierced through his shoulder and hit the wall behind him directly. The shofar monster felt great pain, and for a while, he had no strength to come down from the nailed wall.

The other horned monster with a stick in its hand has already approached Wu Tu.

Wu Tu put away the Zhengyang bow, took out the alloy long knife, and swung it over.

The alloy long knife collided with the long stick of the goat-horned monster. The goat-horned monster seemed to be very powerful, but in fact it was a weak group. After the long stick touched the alloy long knife, it was directly shocked.

Wu Tu held the handle of the alloy long knife with both hands, drew a beautiful knife mark in the air, and before the monster had time to take back the long stick, he directly chopped off the head of the monster with horns.

At the corner of the eye that was nailed to the wall, the monster finally struggled down, covering his wound with one hand, and trying to pull out the arrow stuck in his shoulder with the other hand.

Before he could ruthlessly pull out the arrow from the wound, Tu Wu was already in front of him, and the sharp blade of the alloy sword had already cut across his body, cutting his body in two from his chest to his abdomen.

Blood gushed out, and a lot of blood had splashed on Wu Tu's body. The monster's internal organs and intestines flowed onto the luxurious carpet of the castle.

Wu Tu, who had never even killed a chicken before, did not feel the slightest fear after seeing all this, but instead inspired the ferocity in his bones.

In addition, the monsters entangled by the three mechanical dogs were also scarred.

In one-on-one situations, they are not opponents of mechanical dogs at all.

It didn't even take ten seconds from the monster's appearance to the heavy casualties, and several more monsters came upstairs and down.

The six goathorn monsters that arrived first were in the room on the second floor of the castle, so they came down faster.

The horned monster on the third floor thought that there would be no chance to make a move this time, but he never expected to come to the lobby of the castle and see that his companion was about to be killed.

Seeing the blood of his companions on his body, Tu Wu let out a furious roar, and all the weak dark power in his body burst out.

When Wu Tu saw the sheep-horned monster appeared again, not only was he not worried, but a smile appeared on his lips.

He rushed towards the scarred horned monster beaten by the three robot dogs. The three horned monsters had no ability to defend against Wu Tu who rushed over suddenly, and he hacked them all to death one by one.

Six horned monsters died in Wu Tu's hands one after another. After these monsters were killed by him, the white light emerging from the corpses merged into Wu Tu's body, improving his physical fitness by at least [-]%. The benefits of monsters are obvious.

Make him stronger.

The seven shofar monsters who came down from the third floor became extremely crazy when they saw their companions die at the hands of Wu Tu.

The originally red eyes were about to burst into tears, and all of them rushed towards Wu Tu.

It was very easy to deal with the horned monster originally, but now that his strength has increased so much, it has become even easier.

The horned monster even ignored the three mechanical dogs, and wanted to kill Wu Tu to avenge his companions, but how could the mechanical dogs let them pass easily.

Two ordinary mechanical dogs directly found a monster with horns from the side and rushed towards it. The stronger mechanical dog suddenly jumped up from the ground and fell down in an instant, two monsters with horns.

The remaining three goat-horned monsters rushed over, and Wu Tu slashed towards the frontmost goat-horn monster with a single stroke of the alloy long knife in his hand.

The horned monster Wu Tu targeted was wearing a spiked glove, and when he encountered the alloy long knife, he hurriedly raised his fist to block it, not knowing how to dodge it.

Wu Tu's speed was faster than him, the knife from top to bottom deviated a little, and slashed directly from his arm, taking his whole arm, split his upper body in half, and ripped open his stomach.

The other two monsters wanted to take advantage of this great opportunity to attack Wu Tu.

But one of them was blocked by a chair that suddenly fell from the air, and it didn't have time to cooperate with its companions.

(End of this chapter)

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