Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 105: head-to-head battle

At the moment when the barrier barrier was broken.

The three elements of Wang Guochuan's belief race have already launched a charge towards Lin Fan's virtual realm.

It's a virtual battle after all.

Sooner or later they will collide.

Moreover, Wang Guochuan is very confident in his followers. Although Lin Fan has two demigods, he does not believe that those two demigods can compete with his elemental masters in elemental magic!

Elemental make, is the element itself!

Lin Fan smiled as he looked at the rushing elemental army.

"Hit hard?"

"Then come!"

"Followers, charge!"

Lin Fan gave an order.

Feeling Lin Fan's oracle, the power of Demacia raised a huge sword high.

"Go ahead!"

One hundred and thirty-five Great Galen, under the leadership of the God's Chosen One, Galen, rushed directly to the army of those Elementalists!

His stubborn face was full of fighting spirit.

With the blessing of the speed boots under his feet, Garen's speed, which has turned on the fatal blow, has almost reached the fourth level!

Just a dozen breaths.

Galen has collided with those elementals!

Those tall clay giants looked at Galen rushing towards him with a trace of disdain in their eyes.

these tiny humans.

Even if he looks stronger, isn't he still a tiny human?

Jump up and hit our knees?

"The power of the earth!"

The mud giants rushing to the front as the front row roared, and the mud under their feet surged up quickly, condensing them into a piece of mud armor.

This is the means of the earth elementalist.

Fight with the power of the earth.


Just when these clay giants were absorbing the power of the earth, under their stunned gaze, the tiny Garen jumped high one by one!

A full jump of seven or eight meters!

A terrifying jumping power that did not belong to their burly body erupted.

Frogmen, [Jumping] talent!

The clay giants widened their eyes one after another, staring in amazement at the Garen who jumped above them.

At this moment, they knew.

When these humans jumped up, they could not just hit their knees.

But before they could react, one hundred and thirty Galen were condescending, raised their huge swords high, and slammed down on these clay giants with swooping power!

"Fatal Strike!"

Those clay giants were staggered at that time, and were almost knocked down by this huge force from top to bottom.

This is the power beyond the third-order!

But even more alarming for these clay giants.

Under this smashing blow, the power of the earth they were absorbing instantly dissipated!

The half-condensed mud armor fell from the body one after another.

fatal blow.

Silence for a second.

Interrupt any skill!


The clay giant let out a roar, not wanting to absorb the power of the earth, and slapped the Garen who had just fallen to the ground with a slap, or stepped on it with his feet.

It's like stepping on these galens like ants.


Before they could pat and step on them, the Galens had already jumped high again and jumped directly onto these clay giants, smashing the big swords in their hands on these clay giants with all their strength.

For a time, the clay giant actually fell into a disadvantage.

Whenever they wanted to shoot these humans to death, the Galen jumped away instantly, without giving any chance, and continued to chop in another place.

It's like fleas that keep these mud giants in a hurry.

The strength of these fleas is as high as 19 points! Even those Tier 3 Garen's powers have reached 29 points!

With the blessing of skills and equipment, it erupted beyond the third rank and reached the fourth rank.

Most of these second-order, but only a dozen third-order earth-attribute elements make it impossible for these tiny humans to do anything at this moment.


Just when the Garen were slashing at the clay giant.



Dozens of branches swept out like lightning, directly binding those Garen.

The tree-like wood elemental element behind the earth giants stretched out a thin arm like a branch, trapping Garen round and round.

The Galens were unable to break free for a while.

These branches contain divine power and are pure wood elements condensed. They are much tougher than ordinary branches, as tough as steel bars.

The tree people who were eight or nine meters tall looked at the Galens who were trapped by them, and showed a sneer.


"Also dare to challenge the elementalists."

The treemen grabbed Garen and were about to throw Garen to the ground.

Yet at this moment.


"Thunder's Wrath!"

A roar of a bear roared instantly.

Accompanied by deafening thunder.

One after another Tianlei seemed to be summoned by some kind, and slammed down from the sky!

Countless thunders fell precisely on the branches that trapped Garen, and the violent thunder directly smashed the branches made of wood elements into coke!


The tree people who had their branches cut off screamed and took a half step back subconsciously.

Stare at the bears in front of you.

In the thunder, the immortal mad thunder slowly walked out.

Huge body like a hill.

Although he was a head shorter than the tree man, his muscular and burly body exuded a sense of oppression and strength that the lanky and slender tree man did not have.

This is true, from the power of the wild!

On the body of the immortal Kuanglei bathed in thunder, there appeared an armor that flickered with thunder, as if the thunder was condensed.

Like a **** descended to earth.

As if they were the gods of thunder who were in charge of thunder and lightning.

There was an aura of destruction all over him.

The snow-white hair shone brightly under the thunder.

"The tree man," the inextinguishable mad thunders stared straight at the more than one hundred tree people in front of them, their bright red tongues licked the fangs that flashed with cold light, and pinched the thundering claws: "Your My opponent is me!"

"On the wild, soft trees can only end up being shattered by thunder."

At this moment, looking at these inextinguishable maddened thunders bathed in thunder light in front of them, the tree people felt incomparable pressure in their hearts.

Although the wood element is not restrained by the thunder element like the undead system.

But... it's also not easy to deal with!

"Wooden shield defense!"

"The Great Sword of Wood!"

"Root bondage!"

The tree people have used their own racial magic.

However, in the face of these bells and whistles, the Inextinguishable Thunders have only one reaction!

dash forward!

One hundred and thirty-five gigantic bears roared and rushed forward, with the lightning flashes all over their bodies.

The claws sharp enough to break through the mountains and gravel slammed down fiercely.

With each attack, a thunderbolt continued to bounce, splitting the branches of the treemen into charcoal.

The blood of these inextinguishable mad thunder is wild and wild.

These treants can only resist, and with the resilience of the wood element, more branches continue to grow to try to trap these furious bears.

But every time they were about to be trapped, these bears directly launched a head-beating blow, and their huge claws directly stunned them.

This is a battle between the wild and the woods.

Soft trees, under the thunder, only shattered.

For a time, Wang Guochuan's wood and earth elemental elements were at a disadvantage.

But Wang Guochuan's face did not change in the slightest. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

"Although it is at a disadvantage."

"But the original role of the two faith races is to hold each other in the front row."

"The real killer move is the Wind Elementalist."

The wind element is the key to the real victory.

Wang Guochuan looked below him.

One hundred and twenty-three wind element envoys are gathering together, fully condensing the wind element.

Dozens of invisible but icy wind blades are rapidly condensing.


"come on!"

"As long as you use the wind blade to break the stalemate, you can win in one go!" The latest website:

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