Global Fantasy: Only I Can Hang Up!

Chapter 267

Chapter 267

After being robbed by all kinds of tens of thousands of people again and again, there is nothing they can do to resurrect their ancestors. At this moment, their ancestors have finally been resurrected, and naturally they have to breathe out this bad breath.

“We swear to follow our ancestors, and we will say whatever the ancestors say.”

The god nodded, “Well, our space is about to collapse, and the purgatory can no longer suppress me. This death beast is no longer there. Otherwise, what about 100,000 years? Give me another million years. , I can’t escape either. After the master let me go back then, something must have happened, otherwise it won’t be so simple.”

These words seemed to be muttering to himself, but Qingfeng Mingyue didn’t speak, but was listening to these words slowly~.

“By the way, what has happened to the Ten Thousand Clan now-?”

The second elder of the Shenhua tribe, the Qingfeng Mingyue shook his head, a little helpless, “We have not been out of this intermediate world for so many years. We have been serving you here all the time. I hope you will return. So we don’t know much about the outside world. too much.”

After talking about this, Qingfeng thought a little, and slowly said the following words.

“It’s just that in recent years, there have been fewer and fewer people in this intermediate world treasure hunting adventure. In the first few years, there were protoss, demons, and even those of the immortal ancestors who came here secretly. I visited and wanted to inquire about your legacy, but they didn’t find it.”

The voice fell, and a sense of loneliness came from Qingfeng’s words.

“Those guys, once thought of forcing us to force us, but back then we could still rely on the eternal heart you left us to compete with them. Later, because of the resurrection you consumed too much eternal heart, they won a lot of these. , So they slowly discovered that a small part of the eternal heart is of no use to them, and as long as they snatch the eternal heart, this space will collapse, and they will also die here. The so-called gain is not worth the loss.”

These are true. The Eternal Heart is not something that can be done once and for all, but there will be some other situations that will make the Eternal Heart collapse.

That is to leave this world where the god flower body is placed, the powerful life force of the Eternal Heart will crush the void and completely disappear.

· 0 Seeking flowers···········

“Because of this situation, all those people will not come later, and gradually some younger generations will come here.”

After talking about this, Qing Feng seemed to remember something, and after a while, he slowly opened his mouth.

“On the contrary, Human Race came here this year. This is something we did not expect. We must know that Human Race did not send anyone here in the past 100,000 years.”

. … …

Shenhua squinted her eyes and was a little surprised after hearing what the Great Elder Qingfeng said.

“Humans haven’t been here even once in recent years? You know, this is the place where the traces of the Creation God are the most conspicuous. There is no secret realm left by the traces of the Founding God so obvious, so that everyone in the world knows.”

Shenhua really didn’t expect it, so she also raised her own question in surprise.

Qingfeng shook his head, “I don’t know this. At first it was the rejection of the ten thousand races. Later, the ten thousand races came less and the human races did not come here, so we don’t understand why they didn’t come.”

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