Global Fantasy: Only I Can Hang Up!

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

Chen Xuanfeng was a little away before, so I didn’t feel it deeply.

Now that the distance is close, I can feel how exaggerated the aura remaining above it.

“This sword mark is just left by the Martial Emperor rank. I don’t know how long it has passed, but it can still retain such an exaggerated aura… This sword doesn’t need to hit me, it’s just the casual sword intent spreading. It is enough to easily crush me into powder!”

For the first time, Chen Xuanfeng felt the huge power gap.

Immediately, he tried to feel it.



Chen Xuanfeng’s spirit felt pain for a while, and the whole person quickly stepped back.

“No, my level is so different. Unless I can reach the Wuhou level, I am not qualified to comprehend this sword intent at all!”

Chen Xuanfeng sighed.

The sword mark is like a hot soldering iron that is glowing and hot, and if one’s spirit is touched a little, it will be burned and painful.

Only after he officially stepped into the Wuhou level, opened up his spiritual consciousness, and strengthened his spiritual power, can he resist this hotness and feel the artistic conception above…otherwise, he can only rely on the spiritual power of his current military commander level to understand. It’s no different from seeking a dead end.

“But this trip is considered a huge harvest. I thought there was no way for the best technique, but turned my head and gave me a martial emperor-level sword intent!”

Although I can’t comprehend it.

But this is the trump card.

In the future, as long as he reaches the Wuhou level, Chen Xuanfeng will have one more channel to become stronger than others… If you wait for him someday to realize his sword intent, he will sweep the same tier every minute, or even leapfrog, and his strength will be greatly increased. rise!

After a turn of time, the remaining ten days passed.

Chen Xuanfeng returned to the real world smoothly.

“Ding! You have left Otherworld, and the Otherworld clone is being shaped… The Otherworld clone is finished!”

“The two avatar realms are both intermediate generals.”

“Ding! In view of your smooth return to the real world alive for the fifth time, you will be rewarded with a new feature: [Sentimental Consciousness]!”

[Artistic perception]: Allow the clone to perceive the analytic and stored artistic idea.

Chen Xuanfeng was startled.



Chen Xuanfeng laughed out loud.

The laughter caused many students near the bronze tower to look sideways. As soon as they saw Chen Xuanfeng, all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred came up immediately.

Needless to say, to be able to laugh so loudly, it must be another great treasure in Otherworld, and smoothly brought it back to the real world… How did this guy have so many adventures?

“Host, please operate on your two avatars.”

“Currently available operations are: [Entering Ding Cultivation] / [Killing Monsters] / [Cultivation Techniques] / [Yi Jing Sentiment]!”

“Sense of artistic conception!”

Chen Xuanfeng made a decisive choice, “Let No. 7 understand the mood, and No. 6 to brush the second-order fierce beast!”

“The sixth clone is heading to the second-order fierce beast area…”

“The seventh clone is comprehending the imperial sword intent…”

system hint.

“System, this imperial sword has a strong intent, it can burn the spirit, and if forced to perceive it, it will directly die. Isn’t the seventh clone okay?” Chen Xuanfeng asked.

“Host, please rest assured, all behaviors that do not require contact with Otherworld things will not trigger the death mechanism.” The system replied.

“Does not trigger the death mechanism!”

Chen Xuanfeng’s gaze flashed, and he smelled the aura that could be exploited. “So…the practice of entering concentration, practicing the exercises, and the behavior of mood perception, no matter how overbearing and outrageous the practice is, and no matter how the mood perception makes people feel the mood. Suffering or even death, the clone can ignore these difficulties and continue to practice!”

Chen Xuanfeng seems to have found a new way to play a clone.

“Yes, but these dilemmas, as well as the realm strength of the clone itself, will increase the length of time for the clone to perceive, so you need to wait a longer time.” The system said.

“Time is not a problem!”

As long as he dispatched enough clones.

Multiple clones can practice the same technique together, or multiple clones can feel the same sword intent at the same time…No matter how long it takes, it will be quickly compressed until it enters the acceptable range!

“Now, let’s see how long it takes for a clone to realize this sword intent.” Chen Xuanfeng thought to himself.

This time, Chen Xuanfeng waited for six days!

Six days passed.

The progress of the sentiment of the Emperor Realm Jianyi finally increased from 0% to 1%.

At the moment when he saw the number change, Chen Xuanfeng almost burst into tears.

Six days!

Only 1%.

It means that it takes at least 600 days to reach 100%!

And this is still 720 times the flow rate.

In other words, it is equivalent to almost 1200 years!

That’s right.

This shows that if the current Chen Xuanfeng wants to comprehend this imperial sword intent, it would take nearly 1,200 years to reach the smallest level without any damage.

If you want to go further.

It is estimated that the time will have to soar to thousands of years and tens of thousands of years.

In a word, according to the normal situation, even if Chen Xuanfeng’s 24-hour non-stop comprehension, he would never want to comprehend this imperial sword intent for the rest of his life.

“One clone is 600 days, if all seven clones are dispatched, 85 days, which is nearly three months.”

Comprehending an imperial mood in three months, I am afraid that if you say this, countless Wuhou Martial Kings will shed tears.

Give them three months, not to mention mastering, even if they are only inspired by it, it is already thank God.

“If this is the case, wait for the half-moon Thunder Magic to reach the entry level, and then directly attack the imperial sword intent…With it, maybe I can be in the realm of an intermediate general, comparable to the real Wuhou level!”

It is not uncommon for a military master to be comparable to a military commander. Every year in the base’s universities, such a genius is born… For example, this time Xu Xiao belongs to one of them.

But the generals are comparable to the Wuhou level.

From the birth of Base 108 to the present, there has never been a genius of this kind!

Even those who have been immersed in high-level military commanders for many years, whose strength has been infinitely close to the existence of Wuhou-level, are only younger brothers in front of Wuhou-level, and cannot be compared with Wuhou at all.

From this it can be seen that the gap between these two realms is really too big, and it is not an ordinary one that can be made up.

Therefore, even if he spends more time and sacrifices his realm and his skills, Chen Xuanfeng will have to win this sword intent!

Chen Xuanfeng was thinking about his imperial sword intent.

And it was within 100 meters of Chen Xuanfeng’s home.


In the dark, blood spattered, and a high-level general assassin quietly fell.

Beside the corpse, Old He was wiping the blood on the blade.

He silently looked at the room in the residential area where Chen Xuanfeng lived. The straight line distance between the two was less than 100 meters.

“He’s old, the other two assassins have been resolved.” At this time, the man Xiahui reported.

“Keep watching.”


For the past two weeks, Mr. He has been secretly guarding Chen Xuanfeng.

The assassins of the intermediate generals and senior generals went on to succeed…there were no fewer than five assassins killed by He Lao himself.

During this time, Mr. He was always observing Chen Xuanfeng.

Chen Xuanfeng’s whereabouts and his behavior are all under He Lao’s nose.

But what makes Elder He feel particularly puzzling is… It’s been two weeks, Chen Xuanfeng has never practiced! .

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