Global Demon Transformation

Chapter 6: Enchanting Butterfly

When Lin Feng found Gao Hai, the latter was refining the demon spirit, and his body changed.

Lin Feng guarded him to prevent accidental interference.

I saw Gao Hai trembling all over, his fat face flushed red, blue veins appeared, his mouth screamed in pain, and the fat all over his body trembled slightly, swaying like a wave.

He saw Lin Feng, but he couldn't even speak in pain.

Lin Feng's heart trembled slightly, how similar his eyes were.


With the last roar, Gao Hai, who was originally fat and happy, now his eyes became rounded and enlarged, his nose swelled, and two curved and pointed horns grew on both sides of the sky’s full forehead. The black horns looked like two. With sharp edges, his limbs became thick, his skin became dark red and shiny. Due to the demon spirit's possession, his original fat figure became stronger, but he still couldn't see the outline of muscles.

"Brother Feng, I refined the Great Demon Cow, and I finally succeeded!"

Gao Hai yelled in excitement, and his voice when the demon spirit possessed his body became slightly rough.

For Gao Hai, it is not easy to become a demon spiritist. Even if the power of the Demon Bull is not of high rank, the second-rank demon spirit belongs to the low-level demon spirit and cannot add attribute damage.

"Well, you are finally a demon spiritist!"

Lin Feng smiled.

If you were admitted to a key university before the cataclysm, every student’s dream was to find a good job after graduation, but now, it’s every teenager’s dream to become a demon spiritist.

Not only Gao Hai, but Lin Feng is no exception.

Since they were young, they dreamed of growing up quickly, waiting to participate in the Awakening Day at the age of sixteen, refining their own demon spirits, becoming true powerhouses, and changing the family's living environment.

The two of them have discussed more than once what demon spirit to refine, which demon spirit is the most powerful, the most handsome and domineering, and the ability best suits them.

Lin Feng clearly remembered that what Gao Hai wanted to refine was the 9th-Rank Mammoth Iron Elephant.

Gao Hai grew fat, which is destined to have great power, but slow attack speed, and Mammoth Iron Elephant is a metallic demon spirit, famous for high defense, high attack and low speed. For Gao Hai, this is very suitable for him. Demon spirit.

But what Lin Feng wanted to integrate was the ninth-rank green sting dragon demon spirit.

Compared to strength, his speed and agility are better, and his future development is in the direction of the Storm Swordsman.

The green sting dragon belongs to the demon spirit of the sub-dragon family. It has the blood of the dragon family. It not only has the ability to fly, but also controls the lightning. It is a rare demon spirit with the thunder attribute.

At the time of the discussion, both of them wanted to refine the 9th grade demon spirit.

As for the demon spirits on the earth list, of course they also think about it, but they can only imagine in their dreams that there are 100,000 people participating in the Awakening Day in Jiangcheng every year, but they may not be able to refine a demon spirit in the earth list. Unrealistic.

In fact, the 9th-Rank demon spirits are also very unrealistic. They are all geniuses out of a million. If they can refine 7th-Rank or even 5th-Rank demon spirits, they will be satisfied.

"Brother Feng, how are you, what demon spirit has been refined?"

After the joy, Gao Hai quickly asked, seeing that Lin Feng was not demonized.

"No, I couldn't find a suitable one."

Lin Feng shook his head. Even though he trusts Gao Hai, the nightmare is too precious, and he can't understand the truth about guilty.

If Gao Hai accidentally said it, I'm afraid there will be a disaster.

Although logically speaking, once the demon spirit is refined, it belongs to the refiner and cannot be deprived of it.

But at this time, the nightmare in Lin Feng's body was only sealed by him with a special secret technique, and it was not refined.

And Lin Feng also knew that the third-ranked Devouring Beast in the strange and exotic version had the ability to absorb and fuse other demon spirits, and some rare and precious secret skills also had this effect.

Although the use of this secret technique is very demanding and the effect is limited, it is impossible to perfectly copy the effect of the demon spirit, but with the natural ability of the nightmare, even if it has a one-tenth effect, it is enough to make people crazy and take risks.

If it is exposed, it will inevitably be peeped while gaining a lot of attention and resources. At this time, Lin Feng has no ability to protect himself.

So this secret can only be buried in the bottom of my heart.

Moreover, he left a leeway, just saying that he couldn't find a suitable demon spirit, not that he couldn't refine it.

"how come..."

Gao Hai couldn't talk, his round eyes stared like copper bells, Lin Feng's physical training was sevenfold, and his strength was stronger than his physical training six.

As Lin Feng's younger brother since he was a child, in Gao Hai's eyes, Lin Feng would definitely refine demon spirits of higher rank than his.

But soon, Gao Hai comforted Lin Feng and said, "It doesn't matter, with your talent, maybe the school will prepare a better demon spirit for you."

Just as Gao Hai comforted Lin Feng, a discordant voice came: "Today there are tens of thousands of demon spirits, with various attributes, ranging from the first to the ninth grade, and even the demon spirits on the ground list. Without refining, I am afraid that the soul sea is weak and pitiful."

"With this kind of qualification, I want the school to prepare a demon spirit for you. I dare to say it."

Quite a few people showed sarcasm on their faces.

Those who dare to say this are all demon spirits possessed and become demon spirit masters.

Lin Feng used to practice seven stages, and almost all of them were practicing six stages. Their strength was not as good as Lin Feng. In addition, Lin Feng's fierce shots made many people jealous of him. At this time, they saw that he could not refining. The demon spirit, coupled with the excitement of Song of Songs before, they immediately ridiculed.

In their opinion, now that they have refined a demon spirit and become a demon spirit master, they no longer need to fear Lin Feng.

"you guys..."

Being ridiculed by everyone, Gao Hai was filled with anger and wanted to speak for Lin Feng, but he didn't know how to refute it.

Although the words are ugly, they are not without reason.

Although Jiangxin Middle School is a key middle school, the demon spirit saved in the school is not as good as one-thousandth of the day of awakening this time. Without a successful awakening today, it is almost impossible to become a demon spirit master.

Of course, if Lin Feng's martial arts talent is excellent, the school will try to cultivate it for the entrance rate of the college entrance examination, but they know the strength of Lin Feng best, and they practice seven levels.

There are more than 90,000 people in Jiangxin Middle School in the third year, and more than 500 people can reach the seventh stage of physical training in the third year.

This talent for cultivation can be considered excellent, but there is still a gap between it and the genius, unless it is a genius who cultivates 9th dan, otherwise the school will not care about it at all.

But Lin Feng was very calm, with a hint of sarcasm at the corners of his mouth.

If these people knew there was a nightmare in him, would they dare to say this?

I'm afraid I will be mad with jealousy.

"Look, that person refined the butterfly of charm." Suddenly, the crowd made an uproar.

Upon hearing this, Lin Feng and Gao Hai also looked up the light curtain.

In the light curtain, a girl in a blue and white school uniform closed her eyes, her long eyelashes trembling slightly, her fists clenched, her body twitched slightly, her expression looked painful, and her body was undergoing changes over time. Changed, a colorful light emerged, and a pair of colorful wings came out from its back. This pair of colorful wings was extremely gorgeous, flashing a charming halo under the sunlight, fanning slightly, floating the girl's body in mid-air. .

The girl’s innocent and charming face became longer and narrower at this time. A pair of colorful hanging antennae appeared in the middle of her forehead. The original white skin was tinged with faint pink and three purple-red patterns slowly clinging to her neck. And the small half of her face, like a glamorous violet, makes her look even more charming. When her eyes are opened, a pair of pink eyes reveal indescribable charm.

"Is that the Song of Songs? Blue and white school uniforms, such earthy colors are only our school."

"No, she is fusing with flying demon spirits."

"It's more than a flying demon spirit. I ask you to read more books. It is a charm butterfly of the eighth rank. Although its combat effectiveness is not strong, as a rare spirit demon spirit, its special function makes it better than some 9th rank demon spirits. More precious."

"It's more precious than the Ninth-Rank Demon Spirit. This Song of Songs is going to soar into the sky. This talent will definitely get the key training of the school. In the future, it should be no problem to be admitted to the nine elite academies."

"If you work harder, maybe the three hero academies will be fine."

"Isn't she Lin Feng's girlfriend? What demon spirit did Lin Feng refine?"

"Lin Feng's talent is too bad, he failed in refining, and he seems to be injured."

The comments of the teenagers were not covered up, and Lin Feng was by his side at all. But what surprised everyone was that Lin Feng looked at Ya Ge with a calm expression on his face, as if he hadn't heard their discussion.

"Brother Feng, did you see Mei'er? She actually combined the Eighth Stage Charm Butterfly, which is too powerful."

Gao Hai waved his hands and yelled in excitement.

The three of them grew up together. As a playmate, Ya Ge turned into a butterfly, and he was naturally happy for each other.

"It seems that some changes have taken place. The Eighth Stage Charm Butterfly is indeed a good demon spirit."

Lin Feng was also a little surprised. This spirit demon spirit was not a Chinese cabbage. It was extremely rare, even rarer than a thunder-attribute demon spirit.

[Charming Butterfly: beast, butterfly, spirit demon spirit. The growth process is divided into four stages. Eggs, larvae, pupas, and butterflies. The larval stage is very weak, and it is mostly used to emit mental fluctuations to control the survival of other low-level monsters. After the butterflies, they have the strength of the eighth-level monsters. With a pair of colorful wings, it can release hallucinogenic pollen during incitement, and its hammer-shaped tentacles can emit mental attacks, which can make people dizzy and even die. 】

This is the record of the enchanting butterfly in the Encyclopedia of Monsters and Beasts.

Not only is it rare, but the charm of the butterfly is also very beautiful, and after being integrated with others, it exudes unlimited charm.

In the list of the top ten women most want to refine the demon spirit, the enchanting butterfly ranks third, only behind the nine-tailed flame fox and the Medusa demon spirit.

It is one of the demon spirits that many girls dream of.

In his previous life, Lin Feng joined a small team while hunting outside. There is a female demon spiritist in the team, and the refining natal demon spirit is the spirit type demon spirit.

When he hunted monsters in another world, Lin Feng deeply realized its power.

The spirit type demon spirit may not have strong combat power, but it is a good helper to assist in assassination, and that strange mental attack is impossible to guard against.

Many monsters are physically strong and terrifying in combat, but they are afraid of mental attacks.

If it is a small team hunting monsters, the warriors with strong offensive power are responsible for the main attack, the warlocks are responsible for the long-range attack and containment, and the task of the spirit type demon spiritist is to make a mental attack sneak attack at the most critical moment...

It's not just about hunting monsters and beasts, it's the same with people fighting. Think about it when you are suddenly attacked by the spirit at a critical moment, your head is blank...

I shudder when I think about it.

A demon spiritist with such a spirit element is almost a treasure of a small team, and everyone cares about it.

With the existence of such a control demon spiritist, the team's overall harvest has increased by at least three levels.

A small team of twelve people, one person can increase the harvest of the third level, which shows the role of the spirit demon spiritist.

In addition, the spirit demon spirit is the first choice of the legendary professional beast control master.

Although in the early stages of cultivation, they were mainly martial artists who cultivated their bodies, but in the later stages, especially after the demon spirit possessed the body, with the help of the demon beast's talents and abilities, they focused on different developments, and they became professional.

Profession can be divided into: warrior, knight, archer, assassin, hunter, warlock...

According to different attributes, warlocks are divided into: water warlocks, fire warlocks, thunder warlocks and so on.

In addition to these two, there are some special professions. In addition to hard work, talent is more important to become this kind of profession.

Because they are rare and powerful, they have become legendary professions.

Legendary professions include: beast control, healer, summoner, psychic, curse, etc...

In order to become a beast control master, in addition to spiritual power, the more important thing is to refine the spirit type demon spirit, and the eighth-rank charm butterfly is one of the first choice demon spirits for the beast control master.


In the memory, the fusion of Yage this time is supposed to be the 7th-Rank Ice Heron. It seems that his rebirth has caused some changes in the original trajectory.

Lin Feng observed that at Jiangxin Middle School, this time around five thousand students who were 16 years old, who had completed five stages or more, had come, but only less than five hundred people could be demonized, almost all of them were middle and low-level demon spirits. , There are not many people in the seventh rank, there are only five people, and there are only two people in the eighth rank, and one of them is Yage.

And there are none of the Nine-Rank.

The song of Ya floating in mid-air is like a butterfly fairy. At this time, she became the focus of everyone's attention. At the beginning, she was obviously a little uncomfortable, and she was a little at a loss. The colorful wings were slightly incited, and the flying was a little bit swaying, but after a while, Ya Ge was able to control the wings to float and move.

"This little girl is so beautiful!"

"I really envy her, the Eighth-Rank Charm Butterfly is beautiful and powerful. I really envy her!"

"If she wears a skirt, she would be more beautiful..."

Amidst the envy and discussion, Yage carefully controlled her wings to fly to the area where Jiangxin Middle School was located. When she found Lin Feng's figure in the crowd, she fanned her wings and came to Lin Feng and asked condescendingly: "Lin Feng, what demon spirit did you refine?"

I don't know if it is because of the demon spirit possessing the body, Ya Ge's original gentle voice has a hint of indifference and arrogance.

Lin Feng raised his head slightly, looking at the girl who had transformed at this time, his eyes were calm.

In the previous life, the girl refined the seventh-grade demon spirit, and their relationship lasted for less than a year.

This time, the girl refines the eighth rank demon spirit, or is it a rare spirit type demon spirit, how long can it last?

"Meier, your spirit power is so high, you can even merge the eighth rank demon spirit, in the future we..."

The three grew up together, and Gao Hai obviously felt that the atmosphere was a little awkward or even depressing at this time, so he spoke to ease the atmosphere.

But Lin Feng and Ya Ge did not laugh, both of them looked calm and indifferent, and the atmosphere became more solemn.

Lin Feng's expression was calm and indifferent, and he didn't say a word. This made Yage's expression slightly changed. She wanted to continue to ask, but there was no trace of envy and inferiority in the dark pupils, and it was as calm as a pool of autumn water.

"he's changed?"

Ya Ge murmured in her heart, even some dare not look directly at Lin Feng's gaze, she finally landed gently and landed beside Lin Feng, but she was not as affectionate as before. The latest chapter address of the global monster change: the full text of the global monster change address: global monster txt download address: demon mobile phone reading: In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 6 Charming Butterfly), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Global Demon Change", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you stand by! (

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