Global Demon Transformation

Chapter 483: Over-spec meeting

Go to Beijing.

A meeting room.

This is an ultra-standard meeting with more than a hundred people, including five kings and more than fifty kings.

The meeting lasted for an hour, and the atmosphere became more solemn.

Ahead, a giant light screen was playing pictures, and the **** and tragic pictures made many people frowned slightly.

Although they are used to seeing life and death, this tragic picture still makes people feel uncomfortable.

At this time, people all over the country were attracted by the plan to become a king, cheering and screaming for their favorite players, but who would have thought that the battle in the space gate would be so tragic.

The picture kept playing, and at this time a neutral voice came:

"The land of chaos is closed, and the aliens have suffered a lot of losses, so I have been honest for a while. But the loss did not hurt their muscles and bones. Recently, they started to move frequently. Obviously, they did not intend to make the plan to become a king go smoothly. In the past month Within three months, seven satellite cities were attacked by a group of monsters and monsters. Within three months, 71 space gates were forcibly blocked by foreign races and military fortresses were established. Look at the locations of these space gates, marked with red dots."

The light curtain switched screen, and a map of China appeared.

71 space doors are marked with red dots.

The distribution of these red dots seems irregular and scattered, but they uniformly appear in and around the satellite city, which can be said to surround half of the satellite cities in China.

"The last time the integration of Chaos Lands failed caused the aliens to change their tactics, instead of focusing their attacks, but spreading them out. This time they plan to start from the satellite city."

The neutral voice continued.

As soon as these words fell, a female guardian in a gray combat uniform stood up and asked quickly:

"The satellite city does not have a guardian artifact, and its defensive capabilities and combat effectiveness are far inferior to the base city. However, it is precisely because of this that the nearby space gate can be forcibly closed, and there is no need to worry too much about the chain reaction caused by the collapse of the space! Even if the space gate is in the city, the satellite city can be used. The residents of evacuated ahead of time, don’t the aliens know this truth?"

"What if you know! Haven't you seen it yet?"

Someone laughed, but his voice was cold and worried:

"One or several satellite cities can be evacuated in advance, and they can also resist, but now these 71 space gates cover 18 satellite cities. If they attack at the same time, how should the residents evacuate? Where?"

The female guardian opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something, but in the end she fell silent.

Yang Qingtian sat on the chair and looked at the layout plan in the light curtain with a solemn expression.

The alien plan is obvious.

This time the target of the alien is not the base city, but the satellite city.

There are guardian artifacts in the base city, army stationed, and the existence of major guardians and emperors. It is extremely difficult for foreign races to break through.

The satellite city is much easier.

In the past, there was a thermal weapon deterrence. If the satellite city cannot be held, the residents in the city can be moved first, and then a large number of missiles can be used to bombard the space door forcibly.

It is also for this reason that the alien race will not do anything to the satellite city, and can only use means to drive the monster group to attack the city.

But if a large number of satellite cities are attacked at the same time, how many people can come to support it?

Manpower is a big problem.

Secondly, how should residents transfer?

You must know that there are a large number of monsters outside the city looking forward to it, let alone ordinary residents, even high-level warriors and high-level demon spiritists may not have the ability to protect themselves.

Without a large number of troops and strong guards, hundreds of millions of residents at that time could only be reduced to the snacks of monsters.

"The foreign race has thoroughly studied the human mind!"

The five emperors were sitting in front, among them was Hong Tao. At this moment, his expression was calm and he said lightly.

Looking at the overall situation, the fact that the Satellite City was completely breached did not have much impact.

It is nothing more than some resources and demon spirits cannot be obtained.

If it is in peacetime, it will definitely have an impact in the long run, but if it is a wartime, who still has the time and energy to enter the space gate to hunt monsters?

In his opinion, the disappearance of 36 satellite cities is not a bad thing.

To some extent, it is a good thing!

Without a satellite city, then missile bombing can be done without any scruples, a large number of space doors can be closed, and the army can be concentrated and return to the base city.

If the space door is bombed and closed, the alien's loss will be even greater.

Can weaken the power of aliens.

But undoubtedly, this will sacrifice more than 300 million satellite city residents.

With the advent of war, these 300 million residents will not play much of a role, and will even disperse their forces.

Although it is useless, they cannot be allowed to be slaughtered indiscriminately, because this will affect people's sentiment and morale.

If the people's sentiment and morale are lost, there is no need to fight the war.

That is far more serious than the fusion of the chaotic land.

The alien's plan is indeed very clever, which puts them in a dilemma.

"Yeah, the style of the alien race didn't play like this before, it seems that someone is giving pointers!"

An old man said.

His name is Liu Yuan, and like Hong Tao, he is an extraordinary powerhouse.

"Now you don't have to worry about so much. It doesn't make sense to think so much. The most important thing now is the plan to become a king! If the plan is successful, China will have at least 50 more kings within five years, and it will be able to share part of the pressure. "

"The 34 places will be confirmed tonight. In one week, the remaining 34 places will be confirmed. The plan to become king will begin in half a month. Don't make any trouble during this period."

There was a lot of discussion, and they couldn't help it for a while in the face of the alien invasion plan.

"There is another news that Zhou Chengfeng is back and has now returned to Shangjing."

A neutral voice sounded.

Quite a few people showed doubts on their faces, and they obviously didn't know who this person was.

The people who knew it screamed in exclamation.

Zhou Chengfeng, who has the most powerful brain, is only ninth-rank, but his status will not be lower than that of the emperor, or even higher.

"Who is Zhou Chengfeng?"

"Old Zhou is back?"

"How is Elder Zhou's situation?"

"Who is so fierce and rescued Zhou Lao?"

"Those rare demon spirits are to save Zhou Lao? I also said why so many demon spirits were collected."

Zhou Chengfeng's return is definitely great news.

His value is comparable to an army.

"Lao Zhou is okay, Lin Feng's team is going to rescue him."

Facing everyone's doubts, the neutral voice said, without explaining too much.

Hearing Lin Feng's team, the people present were slightly taken aback.

No one thought that Lin Feng's team would rescue Zhou Lao safely, even Hong Tao was a little surprised.

He knew about it, but he didn't expect it to be successful.

You must know that the previous five rescue teams were much more luxurious than the Lin Feng team, but they were almost completely wiped out.

This Lin Feng team has repeatedly exceeded his expectations.

It's a pity that the war is about to come before these geniuses have grown up.

If you give them ten years, I'm afraid even he will pay attention to it.

Hong Tao has a lot of doubts, such as the rescue process, such as whether the old immortal has appeared?

Now it is dead or alive.

"Lin Feng Team!"

Yang Qingtian and Yang Qing's expressions changed slightly when they heard this familiar name. They didn't expect to hear this name on such an occasion.

Not to mention that Lin Feng could already participate in such a task.

A complex emotion arose in the hearts of the two of them.

They can feel the gaze of many people around them, and those gazes are full of scorn and ridicule.

"Ha ha."

Some people even chuckle deliberately.

Yang Qingtian followed the laughter, and the laughter was an old man with white eyebrows, and that was his enemy Xu Ying.

Xu Ying's mouth spreads with a smile, and his eyebrows are raised, which is full of provocation.

Yang Qingtian silently retracted his gaze and ignored it.

"The 34-person list has been confirmed."

At this time, the neutral voice said, but the tone was a little weird.

"What's wrong?"

Someone noticed it and immediately asked.

"Just look at it."

A list appeared in the light curtain.

The top three positions are impressively: Ye Xing, Yun Tianqi, and Lin Feng.

And the votes of the three of them unified more than hundreds of millions of votes, a total of more than 400 million votes.

"how is this possible?"

Someone stood up and asked incredulously.

The plan to become a king has attracted the attention of the world, even the emperor is also very concerned.

Under the king, the emperor can ignore it, no matter how large the number is, it can't cause harm to the emperor, but the king can already threaten the emperor.

With the tacit understanding of the three kings, it is possible to behead the king.

The strength of the three Ye Xings should not be eligible for the quota.

And how high the votes are, it's hard to imagine.

"Just watch the video."

Said the neutral voice.

Soon after watching the video, everyone understood why Lin Feng's votes were exaggerated.

Why are fans so crazy and lose their minds.

At this moment, Yang Qingtian and Yang Qing looked at each other, their eyes were shocked.

"So you closed the space door?"

Yang Qing's eyes were a little dazed, and she muttered to herself.

At the Space Gate in the Land of Chaos, Lin Feng saved his life and shattered all his pride.

At this moment, he felt inferior for it.

In addition to his strength is stronger than Lin Feng at this time, his talent and record have been crushed by Lin Feng.

The child he gave up at the beginning is now dazzling, and the world is watching.


Hong Tao looked at the light curtain and said with a smile.

He is one of the few people who knows that the Land of Chaos is closed by Linfeng Team.

He concealed this news for Lin Feng's team because he knew how dangerous it would be to Lin Feng's team if it were announced.

Next, the Lin Feng team will face various retaliations.

Even the king would be afraid of this kind of revenge, let alone a group of geniuses who have not yet grown up.

Hong Tao thought that Lin Feng's team would announce the news, but he didn't expect it would be so soon.

And it is announced to the world in this way.

This is simply an open declaration of war and provocation against the aliens.

Although they were originally on the Alien Killing List, the rankings on the Killing List are also different.

It is conceivable that the reward offered by the Lin Feng team will be increased several times again, to a level that makes everyone feel tempted.

Is it worth it for three college places?

What if you get three places?

Participating in the plan to become a king does not mean that you can become a king.

Hong Tao couldn't figure out Lin Feng's three people's thoughts.

"Very interesting team."

Liu Yuan said with a smile.

At this moment, he was also interested in Lin Feng's team.

Although this is just a group that doesn't even have a squad for the king, the record they possess can make the guardians feel inferior.

Listening to the emperor's praise of Lin Feng's team, Yang Qingtian and Yang Qing seemed a little restless...

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