Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Give a little treat
By the time I woke up and got ready for work my flatmates were already lively and chatting. Which is strange these people never wake up early.
" Good morning everyone" I gave a warm greeting to everyone but avoiding eye contact with Deb.
" Morning, someone looks prettier than usual today ...any special occasion?Natasha smirked
" It's just some contour and I have a presentation today ."I said while trying to look for my coffee cup .
" Already made one for you,there you go . " Debra said while handing over a cup of hot coffee.
" Thanks . That's all could say .
"Am I missing out on something here ."Artin looked puzzled but rather pissed
" Even if you were missing out on anything it's not like it's any of your business. Lean. I'll be waiting for you downstairs I'm driving you to work. And Just like that Deb said and walked out. I don't like being controlled but to protect our tiny secret I had to comply. I feel like a teenager right now playing a love hide and sick game .
"So the cat and mice are friends now. " Natasha asked In a sarcastic way with one eyebrow raised.
" We in the same house what did you expect" I said as I put my cup on the sink and headed towards the door .
" Your cup please...whose gonna wash it ....
" Deb will deal with it.i said as I walked out . Okay I don't know where that is coming from honestly.
The drive to my work place was quiet and awkward.
"Can we put music atleast" I said as I broke the tense silence .
" I thought we both enjoying the silence.
"As you said 'you thought . Well I'm not .
She connected her phone to the car's Bluetooth and started playing bulletproof by Jamie fine . I felt like crying the lyrics were hitting home. Or maybe she was trying to tell me something through the song .
" How was your first heartbreak " I just blunted out
" The worst hardly slept,just drank myself to sleep. She replied her facing showing no emotions at all .
" Ohh" so the mighty fall hard too . I felt like laughing but I held it in . " When was it" I asked
" Last night ! She rejected me so we made a deal that I'm gonna be her best friend instead . " Deb replied her face expression never changing. I'm beginning to think that she has Alexithymia she's just so impassive sometimes. Atleast we had arrived. As soon as the car Parked . I opened the door and got out .
" Thanks for dropping me off . I said while giving a genuine smile .
" No need to...
I was about to walk away when I remembered..." When you get home wash my cup I left it on the sink ....
" Please ...? " Debra said while looking at me attentively
" Please I said then walked away
Well the big day had arrived Lean's chance to shine. She's prepared, but nerves tangle her fingers.
Well may the meeting begin". " The project director stated.Luis gave his presentation first and honestly things he was saying weren't adding up other presentations were better but his like a vip here .what he says goes .
" Miss lean you up next " I was nervous. I don't have stage fright but this made my stomach Chun ,but in order to prove myself I had to look strong and ready. The presentation was going well until I realized that a few things on it were changed . The last parts weren't adding up.
My codes were stumbling .The room freezes , everyone's eyes on me . Luis 's eyes widen;does he know something. His devilish grin was saying it . He then whispered something in Alley's ear and she looked rather startled but quickly regained her composure . They know something.
The project director's disappointment hangs heavy, I could feel it . My mistake had just jeopardized a crucial deal.
"Umm I'm sorry it looks like the rest of my presentation is missing," lean said with a breaking voice she didn't know what to say next .
"Well this is what happens when you bring an incompetent person to the team . I mean we all saw this coming , she's too relaxed and young and TECH HAVEN is not a place for the strong." Luis said sounding so nonchalant." Excuse are you seriously saying that to me cause you can't be seriously those words to me. And my sixth sense tells me you stole my presentation because you knew I have been working so hard to perfect it. And we all know I'm the next best thing in this company. But you know what's also wrong with tech haven , there's no fairness it's always us the young ones being treated like trash . You take our research,then you use it and give credit to the wrong person"...
" Fuck this place honestly, project director why do you even bother making us plan presentations when you already know who you will still give the title to. Oh lest we forgetting the project director getting some sort of services from Luis huh ."
They all froze . Well I just made that up in my mind but my guess happened to be true . "Well it's true your eyes say it all. No wonder you never do anything on time you focused on your little love affair and putting our careers at risk her , all the years of studying just to come here and be treated like people who never went to school seriously this is shit . " Pfeww I let out a silent sigh as I walked out of the board room. I feel irritated.
A few minutes after I sat down on my working area a co-worker came to my desk ." The HR wants to see you " with that said she left.
Lean knocked a little and made her way inside the sterile office,her heart racing,she already knows what's about to happen .
" Miss lean we appreciate your efforts in this company but we must let you go. I won't allow to tarnish the image of this company. We have been competing and thriving and work hard to get to this point . I won't tolerate it wen you try to step on my hard work. ...
This man is something else. Busy working so hard in someone's company. Putting his blood , sweat and tears to grow someone's legacy that's his gonna be booted out of when the owner decides to hand over everything to his children. Anyway let me just wait to get fired I don't like it when a man wants to show his authority on me.
" I'm sorry sir . I let anger get in the way . I said looking sincere .
" Well your sorry isn't needed . Cause you have just lost your job young lady . He spoke with so much pride in his voice feeling proud .
" Okay sir. I will take my leave now. " I said while removing the company's tag on my shirt .
"Huh? Just like that, you won't plead or beg for your job ... He looked surprised.
He must be sick in the head . Who begging? Me ? Certainly not . Especially a man . I was raised by a single mother I don't settle for shit . Begging ain't my thing .
" Yes just like that I don't have the energy to waste , I would rather use the energy to look for another job . You don't need to give me a reference too. I replied
" You have too much pride . Where are you going to find a job in this era huh.
" Well the Same way I got this one I just lost is the same way I will get another.
" You are really insane. Maybe if you put your pride aside and try to beg me nicely . And give me a little treat I might consider not firing you " . The smugish grin on his face made me hate him ten fold more .
" I don't give treats to products with red flags of STI's written all over them . If there's nothing else I will take my leave. And your secret is safe with me . Just send the money I worked for this month then we good . Goodbye sir . I warmly said while walking away leaving him jaw dropped.
Lean got to her desk and packed all her stuff ,she felt eyes looking at her as if they could see what was inside her soul ,but she didn't care.
When she raised her head she saw Alley looking at her. But suddenly all the love and the feelings she had for her faded in an instant. ( I guess I never loved her she just inspired me to be a better software engineer like her ) Lean said inwardly . She gave one last smile to her former colleagues as she walked out of the company.
I felt my stomach Chun when I thought of what the HR said in his office. These men are sick . These are the things I went through as a child . Men think when you are vulnerable you willing to give in to shit. Well not me . You can't kick a woman when she's down . I headed for bus station. The drive home was rather short today.
"You early today what's up. " I heard Debra asking while standing by the door . I hate when someone feels too comfortable in my private space.
" Well first of all you knock,and secondly I got fired .....
" Well I thought someone had died . That's nothing. So what happened. " She said while making her way to my bed then lying on it looking nonchalant. She doesn't take anything serious.
"Well so today ..... I told her everything I just felt better after getting it off my chest.
She didn't say anything. She just looked at me as if trying to confirm something. Then she stood up and left . No one saw her for the rest of the day. She did not sleep in the flat too . I felt stupid for telling her . Who walks away just like that ....
I was just having a bad day I just listened to music and fell asleep. I was woken up by the alarm . Urgh I felt irritated. I was about to switch my phone off when a landline number started calling.... I hate phone calls .
"Hello is this Lean. "The caller asked
" It's she . How can I be of assistance. I asked feeling rather annoyed.
" I'm calling to tell you that you have been asked to report to work with immediate effect. The new manager ordered. Goodbye. And just like that the call ended
What the hell ? I got my job back how ....