Chapter 2: Chapter 2:"Oh yeah what's that"
I spent the whole day frustrated. My head wasn't thinking straight but then I ain't one to force things with Alley . I mean the girl looks interested but her hard to get game is making me lose interest.I love being noticed but I know a losing game when I see one .
I took a deep breath as I packed my bag ,my shift was finally over. I love working but then there are times I wish I had been born in a well off home ,maybe with an allowance of half a million,urgh but I guess I have to face reality .
The other draining thing I hated was waiting for taxis , I had to wait for minutes and find it full with a lot of talkertive elderly people in it who talk non stop. Atleast today I didn't wait for long the taxi stopped,I also hate this thing of greeting when I get in . Honestly I can't say I don't have manners but I just hate greeting ,but I got no option...
" Hello " thas all I say everytime then everyone replies .
I sat down and looked out the window just thinking of how my life is going to be in the next coming months or years . Especially my love life am only 21 ( don't judge ) just bcz am too young doesn't mean I don't deserve a proper relationship too, and yeah I just have a sharp mind hence I got funding and managed to be a software engineer at a young age. I can't say I'm not lucky when it comes to love ,but personally I'm just a player I love and loved playing with people's hearts .
I don't even know why but I guess that's what happens when a daughter grows up lacking a father's love ,when she has passed tones of abuse , escaped rape twice ,I just looth men at times especially those who look at me with lust in their eyes . Yes I've dated men before but it all didn't feel right.
I've always wanted to be the one in charge . Honestly I was in denial with myself when I eventually noticed that am not straight am different and I was into girls. I've always asked myself how my family will take it ,or the friends and the people around me. At first I prayed about it,I always knew that demonic things follow those who are mostly carrying Godly gifts . It didn't work,I learnt to accept myself and love who I am and who I was becoming.
My family still doesn't know ,but deep down I Know it's not going to be an easy road .I wish they can accept me as I am ,but they will obviously say I'm doing demonic things. The heart wants what it wants but right now what , I want doesn't want me back . I get too comfortable whenever I get in a taxi I sometimes forget my bus stop and have to walk a little distance to get to my apartment.
The taxi finally came to a stop and I got off smelling the cool night breeze . I walked slowly,one thing about me Im not afraid of walking in the dark at night,am not even scared of getting mugged or whatever when you are raised by a single mother you learn how to be tough .
When I got home I found my housemates in the kitchen each one busy on their own stove cooking,I hate cooking I eat leftovers ,or just make instant noodles or eat cereal,but I do buy groceries.
" Girls hie I said with a smile .
" Lean you finally home ,had thought something has happened to," Artin said, she's always worried when it comes to us her 'flatmates'. She's boyish too . Am into studs but she's just too much and I drew a line there ,none of them know am lesbian but I guess Artin is slowly reading me . Sometimes the way she just accidentally touches or come close to me is like she's trying to see or find out something about me or my sexuality cause I've never brought a guy home too .
" Shh please Artin , lean is not a child she can take care of herself, " Natasha said facing Artin with questioning eyes.
" Please tell her I said rolling my eyes
" Yes you an adult we know but we will obviously get worried ,you not our responsibility and we wanna lock the door on time don't put our lives at risk ,it's not like you have any savings to pay for any damages or incidences that may occur if thieves break in because of you " well yahh that's Debra McEvoy a loud mouth always spitting vinegar from that mouth of hers , something tells me she's just a bitter child like me ,this one am gonna take care of her she's a small problem and a toothless dog to me ,as much as how hurting her words are I never show it in her face .
" Why don't you move out then ,get your own apartment and hire security to keep you safe,this ain't your father's mansion ,and just so you know we live in the capital city in the middle of town anything is bound to happen the only thing you should be praying you not getting killed and your body parts being cut off we all know the crime rate in this country . If you not happy take road and make dust we all tenants " I gave her one last look and headed to my room .
This girl loves getting on my nerves,will know the reason someday. I hate the fact that I have to wash my uniform urgh .I refused to use the washing machine,I use my hands. I ate my supper( cereal )and got in bed . And opened the dating site to see how many people had sent messages,I can't say am too beautiful but I Know am a catch .
Well there's this girl I've been talking to she not like the one at the company . I've just been talking to her to pass time and yeah quite she's perfect. I finally gave her my app number and we started talking,I must say I missed the feeling of having someone giving me attention I loved every bit of it .
I even forgot about Alley for a moment . If I can't have her then she's not meant to be mine. So hence I pushed her to the back of my mind, and told myself to enjoy what I was getting from this girl from the dating site.
" You only saying it to make me feel better I said laughing so hard. Honestly am liking this girl Trinity. she's just so easy to get along with .well she called me in the morning and apparently she said my voice is sweet ...
Which is a lie cause my voice is horsey as hell ,and she said a bit of explicit things that's why I was laughing so hard.
From what I see this trinity girl is too fast and if am not careful I might get carried away,I know a thirsty person when I see one and trinity is trying to get into my pants . But am enjoying the show.
The call continued a bit then I ended it eventually and prepared for work it's a Friday and the last day of work . I'm relieved. I got to work on time today and got busy . It was a busy day honestly and the only thing on my mind was the crazy stuff trinity always tells me urgh .
"Lean please can you go and print these documents for me I have something I have to do real quick ,the manager called me ." Thas Lara my work mate and guess what the office next to the printing room is Luis's office .....and everyone can see what goes on in the printing room.
"Ummm I can't ,I'm a bit busy "I said
" I know but it won't take long, please"
" Fine I said
I headed to the printing room,today Luis had the company of 3 other people in his office while facing my direction in the printing room.
" Good afternoon... I said . "Umm has anyone seen Jay anywhere ( printing guy)
" Surprised you even asking" huh this guy has so much attitude
" Sorry I didn't get that .I said looking straight at him
" As you can see his not around " he said
" Ohh well I can already see that his not around,I at least expected an answer as where Jay is. I said trying as hard as I can to remain calm. "Well look for him yourself" Luis said sounding rather annoyed.
" Urgh Luis just tell her where Jay is .... In fact Lean.. jay is at the cafeteria just leave the documents there , I'll make sure the files are sent to Lara afterwards."
"Umm okay thanks Ellen ." I said with a grateful smile .and she did the same. Well she's still one of a few people with kindness around this work place.
I suddenly felt the urge to pee after I left the printing room,so I ran to the toilet,after I was done I headed for the mirror to check my makeup when I was making my way out I suddenly bumped heads with someone but I was a bit taller but somehow we bumped heads funny I know.
"Ouch watch it" I said with my eyes closed
" It wasn't intentional and you also weren't watching where you were going.
I opened my eyes and I couldn't believe it,it was her . Suddenly my throat ran dry I couldn't even say anything.well she has that effect on me but it's slowly fading .
"Quiet huh ? I get that a lot,you look charmed "this Alley girl is full of herself really
" Oh really,on a scale of 10 you are a 4 ,it's just the looks and the sense of dressing thas only good on you but there's something lacking on you that I usually find on other charming girls .
" Oh yeah what's that " she suddenly looked offended ,right I got her where I wanted her to be.
" Erh well I can't actually pin point it. Your fragile heart won't take it especially since you already dating a low budget slay queen ,umm I saw it on Instagram it's no secret " I said as I walked away leaving her standing right there .
I took a long breath I didn't even know I was holding even after all that talking. Honestly she's a 12 over 10 but don't tell her , she's too full of herself.
I must say the rest of the day was great ,....