Give Me Your Hands and Marry Me

Chapter 281 - Death Is the Easiest Thing

Chapter 281 Death Is the Easiest Thing

Ai Wa was dead.

Forensic testing showed that she had been strangled to death.

And the murder weapon was in the hands of Bai Yongwei.

“No, no! I am not the killer!” Bai Yongwei shouted at the prison officers hysterically.

“Mrs. Bai,” one of the captains said, looking at her with a serious look, “only you and she were in there, and you have the weapon that she was strangled with.”

The so-called weapon was one of Bai Yongwei’s sleeves. There was one sleeve missing from her clothes, and now… it was lying in her hand.

“It wasn’t me! I… I don’t know…” Bai Yongwei said, flinging the rag on the floor. “She was already dead when I woke up. I really don’t know what happened.”

The captain frowned and said, “Take her away first. Let’s wait for the forensic doctor to check it out.”

The results soon came out. On the cloth strip that had been used to strangle Ai Wa, they only found the fingerprint of Bai Yongwei, so the police directly convicted her of murdering Ai Wa, and the trial was to begin three days later.

“Young Master.”

Yu Sihan was listening to a few people reporting something. In front of him were pieces of drawings. One of his subordinates walked in and quietly stood aside.

“Do it according to this plan,” Yu Sihan said, casting one of the drawings on the desk, “and I want everything to be the best, and absolutely safe.”

Those men didn’t know whether it was hot or not, but their foreheads were covered with sweat.

“Sure! Of course! …Young Master, you shall be relieved. The materials being used are even better than the ones used for our lab. We promise it will be the most perfect!”

Yu Sihan nodded with satisfaction. He said, “Move now. Start working as soon as possible.”

“Got it!” they answered. Those people wiped away the sweat and left.

The subordinate who entered just now said, “Ai Wa is dead. Bai Yongwei will surely be sentenced to death this time.”

“Interesting! Shen Xinglan will not let her die,” Yu Sihan said, throwing a piece of candy in his mouth. He then asked, “What about A Min?”

The subordinate hesitated for a moment and then said, “It heard that he suddenly fainted this morning and has not woken up yet.”

“Prepare the car,” Yu Sihan said and stood up.

A Miao didn’t yet know what had happened to Bai Yongwei since the news didn’t say anything about her and Shen Xinglan had not had time to tell her. When Yu Sihan arrived, she was with Yaya helping her to practice walking.

“Hanhan! Hanhan!” Yaya saw Yu Sihan when he was still far away from her. Yaya was being lazy, sitting on the ground, and she refused to walk. When she saw Yu Sihan, she just stood up and ran to his side.

A Miao caught Yaya angrily.

“Mama… Mama…” Yaya said, throwing herself in her arms, “Hanhan! Hanhan!”

The smile of Yu Sihan was so charming that even the aunt who just went out to serve the fruit blushed.

“Why are you smiling like that?” A Miao asked grumpily.

Yaya had already fallen toward Yu Sihan. Yu Sihan caught the little lady and said, “There is no other way to choose when seeing those who are good-looking. Isn’t that right, Yaya?”

“Hanhan! Hanhan!” Yaya answered. She held the face of Yu Sihan and loudly gave him a kiss.

A Miao ground her teeth, trying to hold back her anger, but unfortunately, she failed. She said, “Yaya, come back!” She reached out to hold Yaya, however, the little girl refused to leave Yu Sihan while holding his head tightly.

“(ー`’ー) This must not be the child of our family!!”

“Okay. I’ve come here for something important,” Yu Sihan said and sat down with Yaya in his arms.

A Miao’s face turned dark as she said, “I am not interested in your business.”

“Ai Wa is dead. Do you know that?”

A Miao was surprised. She asked, “When?”

“You are not interested in my business, are you?” Yu Sihan said. He put Yaya on his lap and the two started playing games.

A Miao tried to ignore him. Anyway, her daughter was unwilling to let her hold her now. So she said, “Well, I will go and ask Shen Xinglan about it later. Then, is there anything else? If not, then leave quickly.”

“After Ai Wa’s death, A Min suddenly became unconscious,” Yu Sihan said, taking a glance at her. “Do you have any interest to listen now?”


A Miao looked up. It was Shen Xinglan who was striding in from the door.

“What happened? Is that true that Ai Wa is dead?” A Miao asked and greeted him.

Shen Xinglan kissed her and said, “Don’t worry. I will tell you in detail later.”

Then his gaze fell on Yu Sihan, shooting cold daggers at him. He said, “I already knew that you would come.”

“Papa! Papa!” Yaya said as her attention shifted from Yu Sihan to Shen Xinglan. She stretched out her arms, asking for a hug.

Shen Xinglan took her into his arms and then held A Miao, sitting on the sofa opposite Yu Sihan. Shen Xinglan continued to stare at Yu Sihan coldly.

When he received information about Ai Wa’s death, he rushed back. He was afraid that this guy would come before him and tell some nonsense to A Miao. However, he was still late by just one step.

“What the hell is going on?” A Miao asked while she poked Shen Xinglan.

Yaya blinked her big eyes and also poked her dad. Then she heard Dad talking.

“Bai Yongwei strangled Ai Wa to death in the cell last night.”

“Ahhhhhhh!” Yaya screamed. Before A Miao could make any reaction, she heard her daughter scream and saw her holding her little face.

Shen Xinglan looked down at his daughter. Just then, Yaya poked him again.

“What’s up, Yaya?”

“Dad’s talking again, as expected~(≧▽≦)~”

“Papa! Papa!” Yaya said and kissed Shen Xinglan happily.

Yu Sihan looked at them with an expression of disdain in his eyes, questioning what kind of parents they were, who even failed to understand the meaning of their daughter. He said, “She thought that you spoke because she poked you.”

“…Well!” A Miao said with her lips curved in embarrassment. She handed a small piece of apple to Yaya. When she saw that Yaya concentrated on the apple, her glance flitted at Yu Sihan and she said, “He said that after Ai Wa’s death… A Min lost consciousness.”

Shen Xinglan nodded and said, “I know. About Bai Yongwei…”

“If it is not you, then it must be him,” A Miao said without hesitation.

“Of course it is me!” Yu Sihan said and tilted his head, “Your man’s tactics are even crueler than mine. He prefers to torture people slowly.”

A Miao ignored him and held Shen Xinglan’s arms with a bit of worry. She asked, “Bai Yongwei will be sentenced to death, won’t she?”

Yu Sihan interrupted and said, “I’ve told you that your man is quite cruel and prefers to torture them slowly.”

Shen Xinglan glanced at him and held onto A Miao. He said, “I will plead with the judge to sentence her to life imprisonment.”

A Miao knew how much Shen Xinglan hated Bai Yongwei, his enemy who had killed his mother. Such a result was obviously very pleasing to Shen Xinglan.

“You two are really heartless,” Yu Sihan smacked his lips and said, “I just killed Ai Wa, but you two want to lock that person up for a lifetime.”

Shen Xinglan looked at him and suddenly smiled. Shen Xinglan said, “I’ve heard that the owners of the two villas behind us have changed recently.”

“No way!” A Miao said and she felt strange. She thought, “One of the owners was a Best Actor award winner and the other was a violinist who was popular worldwide. Both of them were very rich, so how could they sell their houses without anything happening?”

“I also think it’s improbable,” Shen Xinglan said while touching her head.

The little girl in his arms saw that, so she quickly put her head under his hands, asking her papa to touch her head as well.

“I heard that someone threatened them to sell their villas, and it seems that one of the families did not agree. Now the whole family has gone missing,” Shen Xinglan said, then looked at Yu Sihan. “So do you know where they are?”

A Miao gawked at Yu Sihan and saw cold flashes in his beautiful eyes, even his smile was sinister. Yu Sihan said, “How should I know? I bought the house at a quite high price.”

“You… you bought it?” Something suddenly occurred to A Miao. She asked, “You… Don’t tell me that you want to build an amusement park behind us, ok?”

Yu Sihan looked at her with an expression revealing that she had arrived at the correct answer.

A Miao said with one hand on her chest, “Are you crazy? How can you build an amusement park in such a place?”

“Why not?” said Yu Sihan innocently. “I have completed all the procedures.”

Shen Xinglan stroked A Miao’s back softly. He said, “His reason is that he wants to build an amusement facility in his own home. Since the land around the villa is owned by an individual, no one can interfere with him as long as he does not disturb others.”

“I will go and see if dinner is ready,” A Miao said, with a feeling that she was too stimulated and needed to calm down. So she took Yaya in her arms and left.

After A Miao had gone far away, Shen Xinglan changed his tone. He said, “What secret did Ai Wa know that made you decide to kill her in order to cover it up?”

“People who know too much can never live very long.” Yu Sihan acknowledged without embarrassment or hesitation because he knew that it was impossible to hide the secret from Shen Xinglan. “And besides this, I have another secret to tell you!”

Shen Xinglan compressed his lips and said, “I don’t need it. Even if I don’t know it now, I will find it out later.”

“It is about A Miao’s father.” Yu Sihan smiled. “So are you sure you don’t want to know?”

Shen Xinglan also smiled and said, “Are you trying to tell that A Min’s condition is not natural because he has been controlled by someone else?”

“Well…” Yu Sihan said, shaking his head, “How does the old saying of Country Hua… go? Since the heavens made Zhou Yu, why did they make Zhuge Liang as well.”

“I agree very much with this saying,” Shen Xinglan nodded, “so why don’t you go to hell?”

The smile of Yu Sihan gradually cooled down, and the momentum of his whole being changed again.

“You will scare Yaya,” Shen Xinglan said. With one sentence, the murderous momentum filling the house disappeared instantly.

Yu Sihan touched his nose and said, “Well, then you won.”

“There is nothing strange about A Min’s situation. When I was on the island, I said that there was something wrong with him,” Shen Xinglan said. He then said one more sentence, “Don’t intervene in this matter. I will find a way to get A Min out to have an examination later.”

Yu Sihan shrugged indifferently and said, “In this case, you go and quickly solve the problem. After a few days, when the weather gradually gets warmer and warmer, we can take Yaya out to play!”

Shen Xinglan thought, “Interesting. But it has nothing to do with you.”

Like before, Yu Sihan took the meal as usual before he left. After he left, A Miao went to give Yaya a bath, and she hurriedly ran to the bedroom after Yaya fell asleep.

“What’s wrong?” Shen Xinglan asked and held the little woman, who was rushing over.

A Miao shook his arms and asked, “Hurry up and tell me, how did he do it?”

“What do you want to know?” Shen Xinglan asked. The man blinked and looked at her in a bad manner.

A Miao stared at him and said, “What do you think? How did Ai Wa die!”

Shen Xinglan hugged her and whispered a few words in her ear.

“You rogue!” A Miao shouted and scratched him.

“I will not tell you if you don’t promise me!”

A Miao angrily scratched him a few more times. She said, “Well, tell me.”

“It’s very simple. He arranged everything in advance and then sent people in to kill her and fabricate the scene.”

“Is it that simple?” A Miao asked and felt she suffered a loss.

Shen Xinglan squeezed her nose and reached for her pyjamas to take them off. He said, “Otherwise? Well, let’s get started! You have to suffer tonight…”


A Miao still wanted to resist, but her actions were relentlessly suppressed by her husband.

Soon after, the news reported that Bai Yongwei had murdered someone in prison, and the court also handed down a verdict. She was sentenced to life imprisonment, which would be immediately carried out.

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