Girls und panzer: Carolus rex the emperor of steel

Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Steel Under the Torrential Rain

Let's see… After inviting the commanders and their close associates, I not only satisfied my curiosity about seeing them in person but also had the chance to judge them up close.

Setting aside my feelings of admiration and attraction toward the girls from those schools, I must say that I had to face the most unpredictable ones. One is patient and calm, while the other is so erratic that if you're not observant, you won't know what she's thinking. But from what I remember from the anime, her tactic is hit-and-run, followed by an ambush from another angle.

Erik: Just like in the Winter War.

I muttered aloud while sketching my thoughts on each commander and vice-commander in a notebook.

Sun Tzu once wisely said: "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat." And he continues: "If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle."

Let's see… I already have my evaluations of Darjeeling and Mika. They're the combination of patience and unpredictability. On my side, I have Nonna and Katyusha, whose followers obey Katyusha without question, so I find it hard to believe anything would sway her decisions.

In Katyusha's case, I'd say impulsiveness, whereas my crew embodies patience and discipline.

I examine the map of the area where the girls chose to have the battle. There are some hills, but it's mostly flat terrain.

This makes things difficult for me. There isn't much cover, but as long as there are rocks and hills…

As my notebook fills with precise notes, the summons for the Pravda commanders is quickly fulfilled. The door swings open firmly, and the synchronized echo of footsteps announces their arrival before the small figure of Katyusha makes her entrance. Behind her, Nonna and Klara, ever stoic and disciplined, remain in the background as silent escorts and confidants.

Katyusha, with her usual air of superiority, lifts her chin and crosses her arms, making it clear from the start that she's only here because I directly requested it.

Katyusha: I hope this is something important, Lindsworm! I don't move just because someone asks me to.

Nonna, in her calm and professional tone, interjects before her commander loses patience.

Nonna: Collaboration between allies requires proper communication, Katyusha.

The small commander frowns but seems to accept the explanation, albeit with some reluctance. Klara, for her part, remains silent, simply observing with a neutral expression.

I spread the map over the table, precisely pointing out the elevated areas and possible ambush routes.

Erik: Open terrain limits us, but if we use the hills, grass, and rocks as partial cover, we can compensate for the lack of natural defenses. Katyusha, your usual tactic relies on constant pressure and aggressive advances. But against opponents like Mika or Darjeeling, that approach could become predictable.

Nonna nods calmly, her analytical gaze fixed on the map.

Erik: However, I know you are a great commander, Katyusha, and you won't back down from this. Just like you, I have complete confidence in the robustness of your heavy frontline tanks, as well as the mobility and firepower of the T-34-85s.

Of course, Russian tanks and their well-known "Russian bias."

Katyusha blinks in surprise for a moment, as if she didn't expect me to recognize the strength of her doctrine so convincingly. But almost immediately, she straightens up, and a smug smile forms on her face.

Katyusha: Hmph! Of course, I will. Did you ever doubt me, Lindsworm? Pravda never backs down.

Her tone is proud, but for a brief moment, I notice her eyes fix on my expression—the same look only a commander can recognize in another.

Nonna remains silent as usual, but the slight gleam in her eyes suggests she has noticed the same thing I did. Klara barely shows a subtle smile, as if amused by the scene.

Katyusha may be driven by pride, but even she knows what must and must not be done on a battlefield.

Erik: So, based on what I observed and what I can deduce, it is very likely that Commander Darjeeling will try to keep us occupied at some point to give the Crusaders and Jatkosota the opportunity to ambush us. Therefore, my plan is as follows…

I present the map and explain my strategy using figurines to make it easier to understand, always taking advantage of the Soviet doctrine of "Not one step back."

Katyusha crosses her arms with an arrogant expression, though her eyes gleam with an interest she can't quite hide. As I move the figurines over the map, her gaze follows each movement intently, leaning forward slightly as if trying to anticipate my words.

Nonna remains impassive, arms crossed and brow barely furrowed. Her gaze shifts between the map and my face, evaluating every point of the plan with a concentration only someone with her experience could maintain. Occasionally, she raises a finger to subtly adjust a figurine's position or point out a possible vulnerability.

Klara stays slightly apart, arms behind her back and a faint smile on her lips. Her eyes remain fixed on the map, but her relaxed posture suggests she understood the plan from the beginning.

As I continue, their expressions slowly change. Katyusha presses her lips together in thought, her gaze growing sharper. Nonna gives the slightest nod, her narrowed eyes showing a hidden spark of approval. Klara lets out a small satisfied smile, as if amused by how the pieces fit together.

Finally, we all agree on the plan. We have some juice before heading to our tanks. They don't know it, but I replaced my drink with an energy drink.

Looks like I've become addicted to the very thing that killed me in my past life. But who cares? Haha.

One Week Later

The rain drums gently against the command tent's roof, creating a steady melody that drowns out the distant sounds of engines preparing for battle. The cold, damp air seeps through the tent's openings, enveloping the room in a sense of calm before the storm.

My eyes scan the map stretched across the central table, where the initial positions and possible routes have been reviewed countless times. The metallic figurines representing our tanks reflect the dim lamplight, casting long, distorted shadows.

Around the table, my crew stands firm.

I've mentioned that I recruited former Kuromorimine members, but I also brought in Swedish girls who wanted to join Sensha-dō using tanks from their own country. They are:

Astrid: Driver and gunner of the Strv 103Gudrun: Radio operator and maintenance specialistAnd myself as the commander, while Freya commands the Lago I.

I mention their names because they stood out in training by far, whereas the rest were recruited from our affiliated academy in Germany.

But now is not the time for introductions. We have something to handle. First, let's go over our current tank lineup.

Carolus Rex (Sweden) - In Use:

Strv m/38, Lago I, Sav m/43, and Strv 103

Pravda (USSR) - In Use:

IS-2, KV-2, KV-1, T-34-85, BT-5, ISU-152, and T-70

The majority of the Swedish tanks, except for some Strv m/38s, will come with me—at least half of them. I'll also take the BT-5s, ISU-152, and T-70.

The T-34-85s, IS-2s (Nonna and Katyusha's), KV-1s, KV-2s, and the other half of the Strv m/38s will hold the front line to prevent flanking. The Strv m/38s will be used for scouting or escorting.

We all climb into our respective tanks and start the engines. The rain is heavy, significantly darkening the path ahead.

I activate the communicator.

Erik: Танки, вперёд! (Tanks, forward!)

Klara, Nonna, and Katyusha widen their eyes, surprised that I spoke Russian. In their minds, their opinion of me begins to improve.

Meanwhile, on the side of St. Gloriana and Jatkosota.

Darjeeling observed the map with her characteristic calmness while sipping her tea. With an elegant gesture, she pointed to a spot on the terrain.

Darjeeling: "Our Churchills and Matildas will take position here. The rain gives us a defensive advantage: reduced visibility and wet ground will slow down any frontal assault attempts from Pravda. Their impetuosity will make them attack head-on without hesitation, and while they are occupied, our real maneuver will be in motion."

Mika, with her enigmatic expression, slowly nodded while spinning her kepi between her hands.

Mika: "The Crusaders and my team will advance through this alternate route." —She pointed her finger at the map, marking a side path—. "If everything goes well, we'll reach Pravda's flank before they can react."

Darjeeling smiled serenely.

Darjeeling: "And if Carolus Rex tries to support from the rear, they'll be trapped between our forces and Pravda's. They will have no room to maneuver."

Mika closed her eyes and let out a small chuckle.

Mika: "A three-act trap. I like it."

Both commanders exchanged a look of mutual understanding before turning their attention back to the map, ensuring every piece was in place.

The battlefield had flooded areas due to the ongoing rain, so heavy tanks moved slowly while medium tanks followed them. The ground sank beneath the treads, and the engine sounds were muffled by the rain.

Carolus Rex took advantage of this, moving around Pravda's flanks and advancing to take position as the excellent snipers they were with their tanks. Due to the path they chose, the ground didn't sink much, and since their tanks were lighter than those at the vanguard, they moved faster. For the same reason, their engines made less noise.

The Matildas and the Churchill of St. Gloriana positioned themselves in a bottleneck between two hills, taking advantage of the fact that Pravda's tanks couldn't climb much due to their weight. However, since Carolus Rex was a newly established school, there wasn't much information about Swedish doctrine. They didn't consider that those two hills would be what led them to their defeat.

The Crusaders advanced quickly along with Jatkosota's tanks. Rosehip rushed to flank Pravda while Jatkosota followed at a slower pace. Mika deduced that the Swedes had a doctrine similar to theirs, so she preferred to use the Crusaders as bait or cannon fodder to test the situation.

Gunfire began to echo in the environment—the front lines of Pravda and St. Gloriana had clashed, and they started exchanging fire.

The reckless T-34-85s that advanced too far fell under St. Gloriana's fire, with white flags emerging from their tanks. Meanwhile, the IS-2s angled themselves and fired back at St. Gloriana's tanks.

Katyusha: "Ah, damn it! How is it possible that just a few tanks stopped us?!"

Nonna: "It's part of the plan, Katyusha-sama. We have to act as a wall for now."

Katyusha: "That frustrates me!"

Klara: "Просто нужно набраться терпения." ("We just need to have patience.")

Nonna: "Нам просто нужно верить, что Каролус Рекс выполнит свою часть.." ("We just need to have faith that Carolus Rex will do their part.")

Katyusha: "Speak Spanish, damn it!!"

Nonna and Klara just laughed.

Meanwhile, on the Crusader and Jatkosota's side, Rosehip continued her course and crossed a certain point. However, Jatkosota suddenly noticed several gun barrels sticking out from behind some bushes, and on a higher hill, they saw a blurry figure—a tank with its gun attached to the hull.

But it was too late, as several of those guns began firing, knocking out some Crusaders and Jatkosota's tanks.

Rosehip: "AAAHHH, warn me first!!!"

Shots chased after Rosehip while the BT-42 dodged several projectiles and fired back, taking out the BT-5s and Sav m/43s.

A T-70 lay in wait on another side for Rosehip's Crusader, firing and breaking the tracks of the last standing Crusader. However, the Crusader fired back, destroying the T-70. Then, a Lago I approached from another direction and knocked out that last Crusader.

A significant number of Strv m/38s had already been taken out by Mika's BT-42, but then an ISU-152 entered the scene, firing at the BT-42's tracks, immobilizing it. The BT-42 turned its turret and defeated the ISU-152, but a shot from above took them out.

It was the Strv 103, which focused on finishing off those who had been immobilized. Since the Strv m/38s lacked powerful guns, Erik had ordered them to focus on disabling enemy vehicles so Astrid could have an easier shot.

After the Crusaders and Jatkosota were eliminated, the rest of the team advanced to execute the next part of the plan.

Darjeeling maintained her serene expression, but her gaze sharpened slightly upon receiving the reports. She placed her teacup on the saucer with precision and returned her attention to the map.

Pravda wasn't advancing with their usual recklessness. Their offensive, which was typically aggressive and direct, now showed a more methodical structure. Furthermore, Carolus Rex was not in the rear as she had expected.

With a gentle motion, she tapped the table with her fingertips, deep in thought.

Darjeeling: "Curious…"

She did not show concern, but in her mind, the pieces of the battle began to rearrange. Something had changed in Pravda's operations, and the absence of Carolus Rex in their expected position meant their initial plan could be compromised.

Taking a sip of her tea, she pondered for a moment.

Darjeeling: "It seems we have underestimated their coordination. How interesting."

However, there was no panic in her tone—only an elegant acceptance of the challenge ahead. With a smooth gesture, she lifted her gaze towards her subordinates and issued a new order with her usual tranquility.

Meanwhile, shots bounced off the armor of a Matilda III, drawing the attention of the girls, who turned their turrets to fire at the new attackers. Pravda then began to advance.

Darjeeling looked up from her map upon hearing the impact against one of her Matilda IIIs. The metallic echo of the ricochet resonated, followed almost immediately by the turrets of her tanks rotating to find the attacker.

Orange Pekoe nervously observed as the Matilda III took the hit and the turrets turned in response. From her position, she could see that the situation was escalating faster than expected.

Pravda's tanks advanced lightly towards the enemy, resembling a Roman shield wall charging against ancient Celts.

But then, the Strv 103 and a Lago I approached from behind, taking advantage of the distraction caused by the Strv m/38s and Sav m/43s harassing from the flanks, while Pravda advanced from the front.

It was only then that Darjeeling and her crews realized too late—they were surrounded.

After a final exchange of fire, the last three tanks of St. Gloriana were taken out. White flags rose from their tanks, signaling the end of the battle.

Darjeeling sighed before taking the radio.

Darjeeling: "St. Gloriana... is out of combat."

With the battle over, Erik offered umbrellas to Darjeeling and her crews and volunteered to tow their tanks to a safe location.

Darjeeling took the umbrella with a slight nod, opening it gracefully.

Darjeeling: A gesture worthy of a gentleman —commented Darjeeling, watching the rain slide off the fabric of the umbrella—. I accept your offer. It's inconvenient to leave the tanks in these conditions.

Assam looked at St. Gloriana's damaged armored vehicles with a calm yet analytical expression.

Assam: It was a well-fought battle —she said in a neutral tone—. But I must admit that your team's strategy took us by surprise.

Orange Pekoe remained silent, though she nodded gently while holding her umbrella.

Meanwhile, over the radio, Mika's response came through in her usual calm and carefree tone.

Mika: We appreciate the gesture. I suppose there's no point in letting the rain rust our beloved machines. —She said while walking, still playing her kantele—.

In the background, Mikko's voice could be heard complaining about how heavy it was to walk in the rain with wet clothes, while Mika let out a soft laugh.

With both academies accepting the help, I gave the order for some of our tanks to begin towing the damaged vehicles to a gathering point. The maintenance teams would take care of the rest.

I glanced at Darjeeling once more. Though her expression was serene, I could see the reflective gleam in her eyes. She had lost, but she was already analyzing the battle in her mind, trying to understand every key moment.

Darjeeling: Perhaps next time we should face each other over a cup of tea instead of shells —she finally said with her usual elegance.

I smiled slightly.

Erik: I wouldn't underestimate the intensity of a tea battle with you, Darjeeling.

She let out a small laugh, and with that, the battle officially came to an end.

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