Giant Robot Reincarnation?!

?-1. Catspaw

“You’ve read the report?

“Mmhmm! Very interesting, gao~n!”

“‘Interesting’ isn’t the word I’d choose to describe it. It’s a loose end.”

“Oh my! You’re talking like a proper government thug now, gao~n!”

“I’m just doing my job.”

“Hahaha, how silly. If you thugs hadn’t picked apart my research projects for spare parts in the first place, we wouldn’t be having this problem, gao~n?”

“Could you stop talking like that? It’s very annoying.”

“Oh! I’m sorry, gao~n! Is it annoying you, gao~n?”

“Now you’re just doing it on purpose!”

“Figured that out, gao~n? You’re pretty bright for a government dog, gao~n.”

*sigh* “Look, let’s return to the main point. One of your experiments is on the loose. We need to contain it.”

“Why? Seems like she’s doing okay. What’s the harm in having another one running around, gao~n?”

“You know damn well what the harm is. She knows too much.”

“There’s that thug talk again, gao~n!”

“Look. We’re not going to hurt her. We’re just going to bring her here. You figure out what she knows and if it’s a liability, okay?”

“I don’t have any reason to co-operate with you, gao~n!”

“The other option is to terminate her.”

“Oooooh, how scary, gao~n! Fine, bring her to me.”

“We’ve already dispatched a ship.”

“Hmph… I wish it were under better circumstances, but it’ll be nice to see one of my kids again, gao~n.”

“The Politburo would appreciate it if you took this matter seriously.”

“And I’d appreciate it if those stuffy bureaucrats would mind their own business, gao~n! That goes for you too, government dog!”

“I’m just doing my job.”

“Fine! Go do your job out of my sight! I have to prepare a reception for my prodigal daughter, gao~n!”

“Very well. I will take my leave.”

“Fufufufufufufu! Now, it’s been a while, hasn’t it, gao~n? You have a new name now and everything. I’m looking forward to seeing you again, Sveta!”

Just a quick side scene for your reading pleasure. As Gandalf might say, riddles in the dark. Full chapter will follow later today.

Please forgive ???'s silly speech. She's really quite charming once you get to know her, gao~n!

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