Ghost in the City: Cyberpunk Gamer SI

Chapter 148

I left the club after hanging out for a while. Afterlife was neat, but I had spent my social batteries. Instead I decided to focus on what I wanted to do next, having used the time at the bar to figure it out. Getting home, I wandered over to my workbench inside my room and plopped down into the chair.

I wanted to level my Tech ability more.

Between my work on the armor for Section 9, and the tools I had made I made a big advancement, but I still wanted more.

So I plopped down the bag of supplies I had bought on my way home, and went to work.

CAD first.

Connecting my personal link into the laptop, I was able to do a lot of work without even touching the keyboard or mouse now, just letting my mental netrunning work on what I needed, as my hands parted out parts for what I was going to do.

I had a lot of money so I was going to basically burn a lot of it for experience.

The parts I had bought were everything I would need to make rudimentary drones.

Design Wizard, A.I. Whisperer and Robotics Wizard all synergized extremely well with what I was doing.

On the laptops screen a very simple drone was coming together. I still wanted Tachikoma. I couldn’t really cosplay the major without them!

So I was going to start. Even if a lot of the work would be wasted when I leveled up my tech, I could still start iterating on the design, start working on the AI. Of course at first it wouldn’t be an AI. I couldn’t possibly make something with AGI levels of awareness on what little processing power I had.

No, first it would all just be algorithms. A few learning scripts, to develop walking patterns, and things that my good little boys and girls would need.

But like all children, they would use the first steps of these algorithms to iterate from themselves.

But first, I needed a drone to start the process.

I basically was going to make something as similar to a full size Tachikoma that I could, just much smaller. Two feet or so across, maybe a foot tall at the head bulb. I likely wouldn’t add the back compartment in yet. That would simplify it for the first iteration.

I just needed to make the drone, and then start filling in the details with programming.

The CAD program took up my attention, once I parsed out the parts I needed I focused fully on that.

My 3d printer would be getting a lot of work tonight.

I kept tinkering away at it, the legs were a lot of work on their own, they had to be capable of the range of motion needed, plus needed enough power to actually actuate. Power sources thankfully weren’t too bad, although with the battery systems I could buy off the shelf, I would have some battery life concerns especially once I started running smarter and smarter systems to control the drone.

But for now it was a night of slowly building the internals of the drone, through the CAD program one piece at a time.


*100 Engineering XP Gained.*

*Engineering skill level up!*

*1 Perk Point Gained.*

I blinked at the alert that came as I was working on the internal musculature of the drone. Multiple limbs meant, I either needed the electric motors to spread their strength, or have one for each limb.

I stepped back from the design to stretch, even and let my brain cool down. Working for hours on this design was definitely a lot of work, and I was only getting through because of my Perks.

My actual engineering skill was only just capable of keeping up with the exacting details of what I was working on.

Sure most people could kludge together a drone out of parts with a bit of effort, but I needed something capable of some pretty extreme performance.

It had four articulating legs, which had wheels, so I had to draw power for the drones to drive. They had to be able to jump. I wanted to work on a wall climbing function for their legs. Something to let them stick, or grab onto walls and climb vertically. I still wanted to do a stealth function, but I was leaving that out for a later design. I simply didn’t know enough about Optical Camo to get it to work.

Anyways, it was hard!

So to get another perk? Well that was something truly useful.

I once again skipped the grenade focused perks, because I still had no idea why Engineering was so focused on explosives, instead I scrolled through the perk list to where I went into the design focused perks.

Last time I had picked Design Wizard, vastly improving the quality of my designs.

I ran down the list skipping more than a few before I found the one that caught my eye.

Robotics Engineering: The robotic form is as familiar to you as your own.

Since my main desire was to make Tachikoma it seemed to be the best choice.

The moment I picked it I knew I had made the right choice.

I already had Robotics Wizard from Crafting, which was all about putting a robot together. Now I had the opposite, a synergy immediately began and I gasped as I realized how many tiny things could be done to enhance a robotic form.

I went from someone that could put a robot together, to someone who could design something that was more than just a robot.

It honestly made me think of Battle Bots. That show on TV that was so popular in my last life. Before I would have been one of the gen 1 bots. The ones that half the time caused their own downfall or something.

Now I was fully aware I could make a bot that would have crushed the entire competition. It was that much of a difference. Understanding the nuances of physics on the robotic form.

How easy it would be for their body to exert the forces I would need.

I looked at my own chrome arm for a moment and realized how… inadequate it was. How badly they had restrained the power the arm could exert, to make it easier to quickly replace in a desperate situation.

I shook it off, although it did create that burning desire to make myself better again. The desire for more chrome. To grow stronger.

I shook it off. Tachikoma first.

I went back to the CAD design I had made so far, and started reworking large sections of it. I didn’t need for each limb to have their own motor, I could use a muscle structure instead to make a single much more powerful motor supply the power.

Instead of each limb being fully robotic, I would just add synthetic muscles instead! It took up less room, which meant I could make the battery bigger! Fixing one of the supply issues!



As much as I wanted to really focus down and get the Tachikoma done, I still had other things distractions in my life, but that was okay. It was a good thing. Staying cooped up all day wasn’t good for you!

That is why I was waiting on the corner around Arasaka tower for Hiromi to meet me for lunch.

She had called and wanted to vent about her classes.

So I was hanging out besides a 25/7 with food already waiting in the passenger seat for Hiromi to get out of class.

I was only pecking at my own meal while I waited so we could eat together.

Which is of course when I jerked up at the sight of someone I had only seen from afar.

“David Martinez.”

The boy was walking over to the grassy section across the street and looked like he was both eating his lunch, and to my amusement set up a backpack next to him and started selling XBD’s.

The first boy that walked up to him to buy was handed a compact tablet and after a few moments the boy poked away and then handed it back. David nodded, seemed to confirm payment, and handed out one of the condom wrappers to the kid.

I grabbed the food, and stepped out of the Quadra, heading across the street when I got a chance.

I really really wanted to see this for myself.

“Selling BD’s?” I asked as I sauntered over, catching David's attention. The poor kid was half a second into biting into an XXL burrito and he gave it a look of yearning before turning to me.

“That’s right. Best BD’s in the city. None of that Scav scop. Mox work, and some really preem work that you can’t get anywhere else.” He offered as he once more reached into the bag and pulled out the tablet and handed it to me.

I was practically snickering at the situation, and there was no way I could end it here. I set the food down on the bench beside him and grabbed the tablet.

“First tab is all normal BD’s good stuff still. Inner Universe is one of our top sellers, It’ll make you think you can fly.” He said and I nearly ruptured something as I kept myself from laughing at such a corpo sounding sales pitch.

David was a riot!

“I’ve seen it. The Parkour is a little kludged at times, but the music is amazing.”

“What? No way! Inner Universe was perfect! The parkour, the death defying jumps!” He nearly jumped off the bench as he spoke. “The Ghost is preem stuff. Nothing else compares really.” He offered and I felt myself smile happily.

See! They got my name right!

“Well it’s preem that you like them. How’s working with Hiromi? She isn’t too bad is she?” I asked, changing the subject as I handed the tablet back.

“You know Hiromi?” He shot back surprised, and maybe a little suspicious.

“Yeah, she’s one of my best chooms. I’m actually here waiting for her. Saw you selling BD’s and wanted to come see.”

“Ah well, she’s great. Sure.” He said in a way that left me with the opposite feeling.

“Ah, she’s a bit too much?”

He just gave me a look and didn’t say anything.

“That’s fair. I hope she wasn’t too mean to you. She can get a little hyper focused. I’ll talk to her, make sure she is nicer to you and Nox.”

“You know Nox too?”

“Yeah? We are… Sorta chooms? I’m Motoko.”

David’s eyes instantly widened and I realized if he knew Nox, it was likely that he knew who I was.

“You’re the Ghost!” He said breathlessly.

“That’s my Netrunner name, and I guess Hiromi used it for the marketing of the BD’s too.”

“Holy shit! You’re nova! I’ve watched The Only Thing They Fear like a million times.” He blurted out, and I just winced.

“Ah, probably shouldn’t watch that one too much. I was totally agro in it. I just wanted to test out the song and stuff.”

“No way! It was the best. Especially the end, with the Cut-o-Matic!”

“Heh. Chainswords do hold a special place in my heart.”

“Yeah! You were like. Raaagh! And the Scavs were like Eeeee!”

I burst into laughter at the noises David was making. They had kinda sounded like that when I had the Chainsword.

Of course my laughter was interrupted a moment later by a Hiromi missile as I was slammed into.

“Motoko!” Hiromi called out suddenly as she instantly wrapped her arm around mine. “Did you wait for ‘me’ long?” She asked, emphasizing her sentence weirdly as she looked at David.

“Not super long, and I got distracted by David here. He did a good job trying to sell me the BD’s.”

“Which he doesn’t need to do, because Motoko gets any of the BD’s she wants for free. Obviously.” Hiromi said, continuing to look at David who was looking more and more nervous.

Don’t worry David! I’ll talk you up to Hiromi! Make you look good to your boss!

“It’s okay Hiromi, he didn’t know at first, but he did a great job. I was actually tempted to buy some of the BD’s even if they aren’t my thing! He’s a good salesman.” I offered throwing a wink to David over Hiromi’s head although for some reason he just kept looking even more nervous.

Ah, Hiromi, you are holding on pretty tight there. I reached over and patted her head, distracting her, enough to get free and then settling onto the bench.

“Don’t forget your lunch Hiromi.” I said lifting the bag and shaking it. “Why don’t we hang out with David while we eat? I interrupted his lunch as well.” I said as I settled onto the bench next to him and then pulled open the bag of food on my other side, so Hiromi could get access to it as well, although she didn’t seem to want to sit down for a moment before eventually settling in.

“We should go eat somewhere else, let David get back to work.” She almost hissed out the last bit, but I just laughed at her.

“It’s lunch time Hiromi, let him eat. Besides I want to hear about how he’s found working under you. I mean, since he is working for you, he is basically part of Section 9. Obliquely.”

“No. No he isn’t.” Hiromi said, but she was finally starting to eat.

Poor Hiromi must be Hangry.

“So David. Have you been making good eddies? Any problems? Anyone bothering you or anything?” I asked, and the boy once more stopped burrito halfway to his mouth.

Which… On one hand, I’m sorry for interrupting his meal, but it was an XXL.

Realizing this I reached over and grabbed one of the cartons of noodles I had planned on eating myself and handed it over.

“Here, have this instead.” I offered smiling, and he looked surprised for a moment before flashing me a boyish smile and taking the food.

“Hey, thanks.”

“No problem.” I offered, and he quickly started eating, which gave me time to look to Hiromi.

“So classes have been rough today?”

“Ugh! It’s those brats in class! No one believes that I’ve managed a major Op for my father! They just scoffed at me!”

“Well you did, and it’s probably on your record right? So no need to worry about what they think. They are your peers, not your bosses right?”

Hiromi just grumbled a bit but nodded accepting my words as she stuffed some Lo Mein in her mouth.

“Wait, you did an Op?” David asked, and Hiromi actually smirked looking oh so superior for a moment as she sat up straight.

“That’s right! My father hired our group Section 9, and we not only recovered the data that he wanted, but we brought home so much loot.”

“I’m still super excited to play with the Minotaur.” I whispered with a sigh. It was so fun! You just put on the head set, click in the control shard, and suddenly you were a massive walker ready to stomp on anyone in your way!

It was like all my dreams come true!

Of course it wasn’t my real body, so it was only a fun diversion. Someday I’d end up in a Dai-Oni, or something and then I would be the stompy bot!

“Really Motoko, what are we even going to do with that thing? It’s almost too heavy to move even in Ichi’s truck.”

“I don’t know, but I’m sure it will come in handy someday!”

“Ugh. I’ll have to figure out something.” She mumbled something after that I didn’t catch as David interrupted.

“Whoa. That’s so preem. You guys are like total edgerunners!”

“Nah.” I instantly denied, scrunching my nose at the thought. “Edgerunners are idiots who just want to die. Trust me David, you might some day decide to do Merc work, but remember something super important okay? Going home to the ones you love after a gig, is the only way to plan things out. If your end goal ends with you dead, then you failed step one.”

He didn’t look like he quite understood, but I shrugged. I would do my best to guide the gonk away from leaping off the edge, but some people were just dedicated to killing themselves.

“Did you make a BD of this gig? The one that you did for Arasaka.”

“No.” I shook my head. “I thought about it, but some gigs you are dealing with things that are too dangerous. The less people that know about that gig the better. So no BD.”

“Aw. I wanted to see it from your perspective.” Hiromi muttered and I just laughed at her.

“I didn’t say I didn’t scroll the BD. Just that I don’t plan on handing it to Judy. But maybe we can get it properly adjusted some time.”

Hiromi flashed me a smile and I went back to eating. In the end, I hung out with Hiromi and David until they had to go back to class, but I think my task to raise Hiromi’s estimation of David had worked, at least she had gotten real close to him on the way back to Arasaka tower. So they must have talked about something.


I had a complete blueprint of the first draft of the Tachikoma.

It definitely wasn’t perfect, but after realizing the supply and price of some parts would be… Difficult. I downgraded a lot.

This was a testbed.

But the CAD design was done.

Tachikoma Mk.0.1.

My system liked it when I completed a design, and I had gotten a nice Engineering, and Technical Ability alert as I finished.

Now it was time to put one together.

The 3d printer went to work. Piece by piece, but that takes time so I didn’t want to just sit in front of the desk staring at it. Instead I switched to another grind.

“What are you doing?”

“Practice!” I chirped to Jun. He was sitting on the couch watching some TV show he liked, while I was practicing my Athletics.

Mostly I was just tumbling, Back Handsprings across the living room until I stopped at a wall, and then turning and doing it again.


“Alright… Just don’t break anything.” He rumbled but went back to his show after a bit.

“I won’t!” I said, as I completed a circuit. It was kinda intense flipping around so much, but since it was a newish exercise. I had done something like this before after all, but I hadn’t really grinded it like this much, but the alerts were coming in.

Mostly Athletics, although I did get a body alert on my tenth circuit, so that was nice!

I finally took a break, flopping down onto the ground to catch my breath as I felt my chest heave.

“Finally done?”

“For now!” I offered waving my wrist at Jun weakly.

“What are you practicing anyways?”

“Acrobatics! It’s useful!”

“I suppose with those ankles of yours it would be.”

“It’s just useful in general! Never know when you might need to leap into cover or something. Plus it’s good exercise in general!” I said, looking over to Jun and boring my eyes into him as I finished.

He of course swiftly turned away and continued snacking as he watched TV.

“You really need to exercise more Jun.”

“I’m already strong.”

“Only some of you! Chrome doesn’t count! You will get all flabby if you keep relying on it.”

“I’ll just chrome out the flab. We got plenty of eddies, between Fujimura-Sama giving me more for gigs, the cheaper apartment, you no longer needing an allowance.”

I grumbled at the last one. I had only needed a little money from Jun! Then I made my own! He was probably talking about old Motoko for the most part.

“You really shouldn’t joke about that Jun. You need a lot more time before you can chrome up any more.” I said quietly, more seriously.

This time he just grumbled at me. I snorted at him, finally standing up and walking over to sit on the couch beside him. Without hesitation I reached into the bag of snacks he was munching.

“So what are we watching any-ACK!” I choked as I threw the food into my mouth, instantly the taste registered and I spit it right back out.

“Motoko!” Jun yelped but I was too busy rushing to the bathroom.

Jun was snacking on Shwabshwab! It was ants! I had put ants in my mouth!

Hacking and spitting to remove as much as possible.

“W-why!? Why do they taste like ketchup!” I moaned as I rushed back out to get something to drink to wash the taste out with.

“I like the Ketchup flavored ones! Motoko! You are cleaning this up!” Jun yelled, pointing at the spray of spit and red colored ketchup flavored ants sprayed across the living room table.

“I’m dying!” I moaned desperately, popping one of Jun’s Ni-Cola just to wash the taste out, which didn’t really help as I was just replacing it with the horrid taste of cough medicine.

“Die after you clean it up!” He demanded grumbling at me.

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