Genshin Impact: The Thing About the Sword God of Tivat

Chapter 10

Chapter 10:

“Uh uh… knights are negligent sometimes…

Amber scratched his head embarrassedly and said in surprise: “By the way, Captain, what kind of weapon was that just now, why have I never seen it before?

“This is a lightsaber, I got it unintentionally.” Yi Yu casually excused an explanation.

Sooner or later your arsenal will be exposed, and today is the beginning.

“Captain, why do you always have so many adventures?” Amber’s expression was very melancholy. Those who knew Yi Yu knew that he often had some strange props and weapons.

Yi Yu thought about it and said silently:

“Maybe because of his handsome looks.”

Chapter 19 “Little Sword” for Ying (3/5, ask for flowers!)

“Okay, don’t worry about this, this should be what we are looking for.” Yi Yu reminded the two of them, looking at the dark stone not far ahead.

“It seems… it’s a crystal formed by the power of the dragon?” Paimon turned around the stone and came to such a conclusion.

“You know all this?” Amber put his hands on his waist and said suspiciously, “Little guy, you seem to know a lot.”

“It’s just… just Paimon’s first reaction.” Paimon looked a little embarrassed.

Yi Yu didn’t say anything, but said to Ying: “Destroy it, and then we go to the next temple.”

“Why me?” Ying was stunned and asked Yi Yu suspiciously. .

“Because you are the Lord…”

Yi Yu was about to subconsciously say the word ‘protagonist’, when the words came to his lips, he quickly changed his words: “Because you are a foreigner, there may be different effects,

“Okay.” Ying responded, then raised the sword in his hand and attacked the stone.

The stone shattered, and the dim atmosphere of the temple also eased in an instant.

“Finally, there is a little bit of sacred meaning.” Amber looked around and sighed with emotion.

“Okay, Amber, you report this to Qin first, and I’ll take her to the next temple.” Yi Yu planned the next wave of actions without saying a word.

As a detective knight of the Knights, Amber would naturally obey Yi Yu’s arrangement.

The three parted at the entrance of the West Wind Eagle’s temple.

“Let’s go too.” Yi Yu walked towards the next temple with Ying and Paimon.

Along the way, Yi Yu has been teaching Ying some information about the world.

“I don’t know what weapon you used to use.”

“It’s just that, in this world, a handy weapon will make you stronger.”

Ying nodded and said helplessly: “But weapons are not so easy to get.”

The weapon that I used to fight with the **** has been completely sealed…

“I’m ready for you.” Yi Yu smiled slightly, then waved from the air, and a unique long knife appeared in his hand.

“What kind of weapon is this?” Ying looked at the long knife and always felt that it was very different from the weapons used by the Mond people before.

“This weapon is called the ‘Tai Dao’, and it is a special weapon that I specially made.” Yi Yu stroked the knife and said with nostalgia: “Zeng

I used it to kill ‘zombies’. ”

“‘Zombie’!” Paimon looked shocked, then said, “Then is this some kind of artifact?”

“Neither… not the zombie you think.”

Yi Yu smiled, Gran’s Forest is just a low-level map in Arad.

Although the zombies in the past had beaten themselves to autism, but in the end, it’s not a terrible strange…

“Give it to you.” Yi Yu handed the sword to Ying.

Ying quickly waved her hand and said, “Why is this so embarrassing.o…”

However, Yi Yu said with a smile: “As the saying goes, the sword is given to the beautiful woman, and the wine is matched with the hero.”

“If you feel embarrassed, buy me a drink next time.”

Looking at such a gentle Yi Yu, Ying’s heart was extremely warm, but she didn’t hold back any more and took over this weapon.

Yi Yu looked at her expectantly until she grasped the handle of the tachi. …

Nothing happened.

“It feels much sharper than the previous iron sword.” Ying obviously likes this sword.

And Yi Yu’s heart is much richer…

In fact, there was one thing he didn’t tell Ying.

Whether it was the lightsaber before or the tachi this time, he had tried to get Koto to use it.

The result… without exception, every time Qin just took hold of the hilt, she was repelled.

Qin once asked him where this weapon came from, but Yi Yu always prevaricates that he got it by accident…

But numerous trials have proven that…

The people of Tivat cannot use Arad weapons!

And this time Ying was also a test, I didn’t expect that she could actually use it.



“Does this sword have a name?” Ying took the sword back and asked curiously.

In fact, this is exactly the level 20 purple outfit that Yi Yu used in dnf before – “Ka Kun’s Little Sword”. . . .

Yi Yu thought about it for a long time and said, “You can just call it… Xiao Tai Dao.”

“What a cute name.” Paimon coaxed again.

Ying said seriously: “This is a gift you gave me, and I will remember it.”

Yi Yu smiled slightly, indicating that she should not take it to heart.

This wave is not a loss, the protagonist’s favor continues to add points!

“However, I don’t know why, I seem to have seen the style of this knife somewhere, and finally I can only give up: “It’s been too long…”

“Maybe it’s my delusion,”

However, this statement surprised Yi Yu.

Could it be that the brother and sister Sora and Ying have really visited many worlds.

“Ying tilted her head and thought for a long time, but she didn’t think of an answer.

Like… the real Arad continent?

He has no answer, maybe everything is only when he faces the emptiness,

to reveal the answer…

(Is there any brother crooked master…).

Chapter 20 No one in this world can cross the sea better than you!

“By the way, help me keep this weapon a secret.” Yi Yu seemed to have thought of something, and asked Ying mysteriously.

Ying knew that Yi Yu was also a person with many secrets, so she nodded honestly.

That’s all, Yi Yu explained to Ying again: “In addition to the weapon factor, there are also holy relics that will determine your combat power.”

“Holy relic?” Ying was stunned, apparently hearing this for the first time.

“That’s a prop blessed by the gods, you will definitely get some in the future.” Yi Yu thought about it and gave her such an explanation.

“Then… What about your sacred relic, Head Yi?” Paimon interjected at this time and asked such a question.

Ying also looked at Yi Yu with a curious expression.

The deputy head of the dignified knights, there is such a magical thing after all, right?

“emmm…” Yi Yu said casually: “I’m different from others, I don’t need this kind of thing.”

“Only by mastering the power of the elements will they be recognized by the holy relic.”

“The owners of the eyes of God are called ‘Yuanshen’.”

Ying nodded understandingly.

“But Captain Yi is still too strong even if he doesn’t have the holy relic.” Paimon sighed on the side.

Yi Yu secretly laughed inwardly.

Am I going to tell you that what my brother is wearing is called ‘equipment’?

That’s right, what Yi Yu is wearing is the dnf35 inheritance set, the “Holy Life Goddess Set”!

Fortunately, these obsolete equipments were pressed into the bottom of the box at the beginning, otherwise there would be no happiness today…

Unlike weapons, the effect of wearing equipment is the same as in the dnf world, and it will not be displayed in appearance.

So no one could tell that Yi Yu was wearing these things.

It is estimated that Yingmei can still wear this kind of equipment, but Yi Yu is not planning to tell her yet.

While speaking, Yi Yu saw the Temple of the Wolf of the North Wind not far away, and also saw Kaia dozing off with a leaf in his mouth.

“Kia is being lazy again!” Paimon, like a messenger of justice, complained to Kaia.

“Hey, isn’t this waiting for you…”

Kaia showed a harmless smile and continued: “I have already felt the magic power left by the wind demon dragon inside.”

“Let’s go, although the “Guardian of the Four Winds” has become history, the ancient wind will not dissipate…”

After Kaia finished speaking, she looked at Yi Yu and asked, “How is it, what’s going on with the West Wind Eagle?”

“There is only one dragon crystal, nothing else is different.” Yi Yu briefly described the situation, and then took the lead and walked towards the temple.

Looking at Yi Yu’s back, Kaia beckoned to Ying and Paimon, and said with a smile, “Follow up and appreciate the heroic appearance of our deputy head.”

Yi Yu, who was in front of him, stumbled and almost fell to the ground…

This temple is also full of Qiuqiu and some slimes, Ying is still like before, using the power of the wind element, trying to adapt to the battle inside.

“What a powerful knife.” Paimon looked very elated as he watched Ying slaughter the Quartet there.

And Kai Zi, who was planning to show off his skills, looked at this picture and retracted his saber, and asked curiously, “Traveler, what kind of weapon are you?”

Ying glanced at Yi Yu, then said, “It’s my hometown’s weapon.”

This detail was naturally seen by the careful Kaia, but he didn’t say anything, just sighed: “It’s really a sharp knife.”

“By the way, traveler, you don’t have the eyes of God, how do you use the power of elements?”

Listening to Kaia’s questions one by one, Yi Yu was also filled with emotion.

This guy is worthy of being a good expert in spying on intelligence, and unconsciously he is here to tell Yingmei’s words.

However, he also understands the plot and knows that Kaia has no bad intentions, but he did not stop him.

“Just… after resonating with the statue, you can use it.” Ying thought for a while and gave such a vague answer.

Mainly because she doesn’t understand the principle.

“It’s a very mysterious phenomenon.” Paimon said in a very ‘sophisticated’ tone with his arms crossed.

On the way forward, he soon encountered a very wide river, and the rapids looked impassable even for swimming.

Seeing this scene, Yi Yu jokingly said to Kaiya next to him: “True Monarch Ningbing Crossing the Sea, it’s time for you to act.”

“I said Captain Yi, where did you get these strange nicknames?” Kaia’s face was full of helplessness, reluctantly.

He walked to the river, raised his west wind sword, and shouted:

“Freeze it!”

The river in front of them immediately formed a solid ice, and it was obviously possible to pass.

“It’s really yours, True Monarch Ningbing Crossing the Sea!”

“Although I don’t like nicknames very much, it’s better than the ‘guoba’ you gave my righteous brother.”

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