Genshin Impact: Teyvat Travel Guide

Chapter 53 The Concept of Galaxy

The second time this week to visit him was Weilaika's time-limited visit.

On the last day of the week, Willie suddenly remembered the second report that he had not yet sent to his mentor, but one thing that was so similar to the last time was that it was another gray night.

The sun in Teyvat has just set below the horizon, and the world is still stained with a little gray light.

The stars have not yet fully emerged from behind the world. Weilai wants to observe the most complete stars, but it is a bit early at this moment.

So, before planning to observe the stars, she planned to take the opportunity to write off the second part of the observation report, so she packed her bags and went to the Academy of Knowledge Sect, but...

"Senior Wei Lai is looking for Alhaysen?" The junior student who was asked looked a little surprised, but also had an indescribable resentment. "Damn, I'm so envious. What do you like about him, Senior?"

"It's not 'fancy'." She emphasized seriously, "It's 'care'."

take care of?

The junior student didn't know what he was thinking about, but he suddenly became broad-minded and even breathed smoothly. He said happily: "Elhaysen, he should go home... After all, that guy has to go back every week. If I don’t find him in the academy, can I go to his house and look for him?”

Willie nodded, "I understand, thank you."

"Wait! Um..." The junior suddenly stopped her, muttered for a long time, and asked: "Um, senior, my name is Danny, can you... exchange contact information? If you want to do it again in the future, If you want to find Alhaysen, I can help you keep an eye on it..."

Immediately, the teeth of the people nearby who were secretly poking and paying attention were about to be broken.

——Hey Danny, let’s all be our senior’s dogs, why did you sneak away!

Unexpectedly, Willie said without any hesitation: "No, let's say goodbye."

Danny said "Oh" slightly disappointed.

After Wei Lai left, the students with good connections around him rolled up their sleeves and said in a pretentious manner: "You little boy——"

"Wait, I just want to get closer to my senior sister. What's wrong with me!"

However, Willie, who had already left, knew nothing about these commotions.


Wei Lai's mentor is occasionally reliable.

For example, the instructor told her the address of Elhaysen's home.

"Weilai, this is the residence address of Alhaysen and his grandmother. You must remember to go there often on my behalf -" Because he was worried, the instructor also specially added an accent to the word "on my behalf".

After taking a look at the current sky, Wei Lai thought to himself: Fortunately, it is not the time when the stars are at their most prosperous, and there is still time to complete the observation report.

On the way to Elhaysen's house, she was almost halfway through when she was suddenly approached by a vendor.

"Miss, from the look of you, are you going to visit a friend?" he said, "Would you like to buy some fruit here?"

Wei Lai's mind suddenly recalled some of the ways her mentor taught her how to get along with others——

[Weilai, if you want to visit someone’s home in the future, and the other person is an elder, you must remember to bring some gifts! 】

She was only carrying a wrapped simple homemade astronomical telescope and nothing else, so she was silent for a moment, walked over and asked, "Do you have any recommendations?"

For a moment, the vendor's pupils shrank and he was so shocked that he was speechless.

But soon, the smell of money came to my face. Looking at the young lady's dress, she must be from a rich family...

So he quickly regained his composure and introduced his goods enthusiastically.

"How about this? Apples produced in Mondstadt, exclusively for Morningside Winery's winemaking! They are of high quality, with juicy pulp and extremely delicious! And this... Ivy melons produced exclusively from Inazuma, absolutely delicious!"

Wei Lai didn't understand what he said at all.

So she had no choice but to follow the vendor's words, remained silent for a moment, and said, "Wrap it up for me."

"Okay! The boss is awesome!" He responded, but before he could take action, the cry of the baby next to him suddenly sounded.

Only then did Weilai notice that there was a baby under the fruit stall.

Her slightly curly pink short hair was raised cutely, and the vendor picked her up and said, "Don't cry, Dolly. We will close the stall and go home soon."

Willie didn't pay much attention to this episode until she stood at the door of Alhaysen's house carrying imported fruits that were said to be from other countries, and he asked calmly: "How much did you spend?"

The little siren who doesn't often buy things by himself said innocently: "Originally it cost 20,050 molas, but the boss said it didn't matter and I just gave him a round number, so I only spent 20,000 molas."

Elhaysen: "..."

A mere five apples and four melons cost twenty thousand molas.

For a moment, he didn't know what expression to make.

Willie: "What's wrong?"

The boy, who was still childish, thought about his words and said, "I have never seen you like this...a person more gullible than the four-year-old son of Mr. Hassan's family next door to me."

After being mocked rudely, Willie said: "I came to visit you with good intentions, but you don't have to be so harsh."

Elhaysen gave her an unclear look: "I'm just telling the truth. It's your fault that you can't accept it."

"And... a visit?" He was quite rude, "Isn't it for your research report?"

Since you don't really mean it, why force yourself to do this?

By chance, his grandmother also came out of the house at this time and asked: "Elhaysen, who is the visitor?"

As soon as he opened the door, he was really surprised by Wei Lai's appearance for a while, and then he finally found his voice: "Who are you?"

Willie said "Ah", as if she had just reacted to being ridiculed again, but to the elders who didn't understand her, she only said: "Hello, I am Willie Galton, Minglun Paigell" Master Dun’s disciple.”

The old woman suddenly became enthusiastic, "Are you a disciple of Gelton? Come in, come in, we are about to have dinner, do you want to come with us? After the meal, there will be biscuits made with my exclusive secret recipe, do you want to come with us? Have a taste?"

Gelton, the tutor's surname.

When she was picked up by her mentor, she was given this last name by her mentor.

Wei Lai hesitated for a moment and refused: "Forget it, I..."

"Don't be shy." The old woman still had that kind smile, "I'm also very happy that Elhaysen can make new friends."

Two hours later.

So, how did things come to this?

Willie looked at the equally expressionless Elhaysen with an expressionless face. The two unwilling people unexpectedly showed false cooperation in front of their elders.

Finally, she sighed: "Give me the book...what don't you understand?"

Elhaysen was silent for a moment.

He took out a book from the Myungron sect that looked familiar to Siren.

Wei Lai: "Do you still read books from the Ming Lun School?"

Elhaysen said: "Actually, I only came into contact with it when I went to various academies to attend lectures. Because the Myungron school's research mainly focuses on the stars and divination, which is very different from what I studied, so I looked for relevant books. , see if we can get an answer.”

But obviously, such mysterious and mysterious things as "the established destiny" and "the revelation of the starry sky" are relatively difficult to understand for the rational Elhaysen.

Obviously, even though Alhaysen's words were not pleasing to the eye, his attitude towards knowledge made Willie appreciate him a bit, so she said generously: "Show me, and I'll tell you."

After reading the doubts he marked, Wei Lai didn't move for a long time.

Elhaysen asked: "What, you don't know how?"

Willie was silent for a moment, "That's not true. Anyway... do you know what a 'galaxy' is?"

Galaxy, a concept that Teyvat does not have.

Wei Lai comes from the interstellar era on the technological side, and has been influenced by interstellar materialism. Even the mysterious universe, the trajectory of stars, and the beautiful and unpredictable nebulae and wormholes... these have all been influenced by interstellar people. Use adequate technology to research and explain.

Although the Myungron sect's stuff seemed mysterious, Wei Lai really wasted a lot of effort when she first came into contact with it. However, after unexpectedly discovering that the rules of people's observation of the starry sky were the same as those in the interstellar era, she began to combine the scientific knowledge in her mind. Interpretation of Myungron school books.

However, the scientific knowledge about astronomy in the interstellar era involves many concepts that are unknown to the Teyvat people, and she is not sure whether Elhaysen can understand her explanation.

Sure enough, Elhaysen asked: "What is a galaxy?"

"Galaxies, also known as universe islands, refer to operating systems composed of a huge number of star systems and interstellar dust. Galaxies are the basic units that make up the universe." Wei Lai said.

Elhaysen was silent again.

"The universe?" he asked, "Why have I not seen the concept you mentioned in the books related to the Ming Lun Sect?"

Ah, yes, the universe is also a special concept.

Wei Lai said perfunctorily: "In short, you just need to know that these are the concepts that the Ming Lun Sect explains in depth about the stars and rivers outside the sky."

After racking his brains to use words that he could understand as much as possible, Willie finally finished explaining the question he had tirelessly asked, then glanced out the window, stood up quickly, and said: "The night is already very deep, I'm going to observe the stars, goodbye. .”

Miss Siren left a little embarrassed.

Elhaysen looked at the two pages of notes in his hand, and the thought flashed in his eyes.

I haven't heard of it because...he hasn't read more in-depth related knowledge?

--small theater--

Note: A correction: Elhaysen’s words were not harsh occasionally, but all the time.

He is sensible enough and studious enough. I think it would be a good choice to be a research partner.

Although talking to him is very annoying, at least discussing academic issues with him is more pleasant than listening to him unilaterally damaging others.

In addition, he has a very good grandmother, and the after-dinner biscuits are delicious, but it is really tasteless for him not to like them.

Recorded by: Willie Gelton.

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