Genshin Impact: Liyue opens an Internet cafe, and the identities of the seven gods are exposed

Chapter 75

Chapter 81

The second form of [Gongzi] became extremely strong, with continuous spurts and thunder, and the two of them were miserable.

I finally managed to get through with the only leftover food.

As a result, after [Gongzi] did not touch the heart of God in the Immortal Ancestor Law Transformation, he actually opened the third form in anger!

The angry rich man cursed.

“What’s in your head?”

“In the plot, it’s clear that we came in later than you! Why would you blame us for this!? ”

The original version of [Gongzi] not only had a high attack, but also a thick amount of health.

Plus various range attacks, flag attacks.

When the attack mode is not clear, even a master can easily overturn.

After playing the second form, the two were already completely bloodied.

The rich have one seven or seven left.

But every time he rushed up and didn’t return a few mouthfuls of blood, he would be sent flying again.

The amount of blood that came back up was gone.

Gongzi did not die in both roles.

But it’s all bloody.

Hearing the rich man’s complaints, Gongzi rarely understood himself in the game.

“Maybe I feel humiliated and want to get back the field.”

“But it’s also possible to deliberately find a reason to fight, after all, it’s not easy to find an opponent who can give me full strength.”

About fifteen minutes later, the two were unsurprisingly kicked out of plot mode 627.

Died in the third form of [Gongzi].

However, the good news is that the two also know some of Gongzi’s skills and attack methods.

Finally, after the two died four times and figured out all the attack patterns of [Gongzi], they finally successfully cleared the level in about an hour and a half.

The next main plot is also similar to what the two expected.

After Gongzi was defeated, he summoned a hundred taboo baskets, and then relied on the power given by the Ice Empress to unlock the Demon God Seal.

However, there was one thing that the two did not expect.

As the two came to the Jade Pavilion, they witnessed the true body of the Demon God unsealed

The scene where the emperor expected by the two to appear, with supreme power, suppressed Orcel again, did not appear.

Instead, Liyue Seven Stars took the initiative to stand up and lead this Thousand Rock Army to fight with the immortals against the [Vortex Demon God] Orcel!

And decided to keep Orcel out of Liyue Port!

After Liuyun’s transformation by borrowing the wind true monarch, the [Final Machine] actually repelled Orcel briefly, and it screamed again and again!

Subsequently, the fools somehow opened three portals above the Jade Pavilion and began to send a steady stream of troops, intending to destroy the final machine.

While resisting the attack from the [Fools], the rich man lamented the depth of Liyue’s heritage, and (bhfi) constantly recorded this valuable information.

“New end-of-life machine? A heavy weapon with a fierce attack with immortal power? ”

“After Liuyun borrowed the hand of the Wind True Monarch, can it actually cause damage to the Demon God?”

“But fortunately, if you want to urge such a powerful weapon, it seems that you can only use immortal power to urge.”

“This also means that Liyue cannot be popularized on a large scale within the Thousand Rock Army.”

“It’s okay, it’s okay.”

However, as the number of fools grows, the two find themselves hurt a little inadequately.

Grandma Ping’s ethereal voice sounded in the ears of the two.

“Kids, you’re going to be out of nowhere, aren’t you?”

“Here, take this.”

The next moment, when the two attacked again, the original two-digit and occasional three-digit damage figures of the two instantly expanded to four figures!

Thousands of injuries poured out of the foolish soldiers.

The two felt an inexplicable force in their bodies.

“This voice… It’s Grandma Ping! ”

Little Paimon reminded the two just right.

“Wow! It’s Grandma Ping’s shockwave, it’s so strong! ”

“Grandma Ping?”

After thinking for a moment, the rich man remembered the immortal who possessed the magical fairy pot.

“So, her immortal power can greatly increase the attack and destructive power of others?”

Gan Yu: “The blood of the unicorn, protect you from adultery!” ”

Another immortal force flowed into the two of them, and the vigorous power created an indestructible shield on the surface of the two people.

The rich secretly wrote it down.

“Seven-star secretary Gan Yu, half-unicorn bloodline immortal, the function of immortal power is [protection]?”

“Yasha’s name, named [Light], this is my Senli!” ”

Gongzi, who was dodging the lightning hammer, was about to retreat, but with the immortal power injection of the fish, this step directly made Gongzi withdraw from a distance of nearly ten meters!

The rich also perceive that the burden of the body is almost nothing at this moment.

“Devil Descent Great Saint Ray, is the immortal power to improve flexibility and speed?”

The rich man keeps jotting down information, but his psychology has gained the joy of “information” from the beginning.

Gradually became less happy.

Because in the immersive mode, he can directly see that the immortals are still fighting. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And their strength is much higher than the strength shown by the protagonist now!

It seems that giving the protagonist immortal power does not affect them much.

You know, in the plot, even if the protagonist confronts Gongzi head-on, he is a slightly superior existence!

And Gongzi, but a military attaché who can sit in the position of executive officer by force alone!

Doesn’t this mean that the strength of this group of immortals, if placed in the executive of the fools, ranks at least above the top half?

What makes the rich even more uneasy is that the immortal power of this group of immortals can also be simply and rudely injected into others, helping others greatly improve their combat power!

But after the tension, the rich man calmed down again.

The immortals are certainly strong, but among the fools.

The strength of [Captain] and [Maiden] is equally strong and terrifying!

What’s more, they still have a [Harlequin] whose combat power is comparable to that of a god in full strength!

If Liyue is in front of her strength, it can only be said that it can give Zhidong a headache.

If there is a war, the victory rate of Solstice is not low.


With the disappearance of the portal, the Fools finally stopped appearing.

After the three final machines were charged, the three golden attacks turned into a huge torrent of energy and gushed out!

“Whoosh!! ~~”

The demon god Orcel was too large to dodge at all because of the huge size of his body, and could only hard connect.

Under this blow, one of Orcel’s heads fell down.

But with that, even more crazy revenge followed!


Several of Orcel’s heads roared into the sky, and a hill-like ball of water was arched by it.

The next moment, the water ball turned into a sharp arrow, fell from the sky, and fell on the Jade Pavilion.

“Be careful!”

Every water arrow fell, and the jade pavilion that was smashed was shaky.

In the end, Condensing Light could no longer continue to cast spells and maintain the platform extended by the Jade Pavilion.

And the final machine was completely destroyed as a result.

“It’s too bad, there is no final chance, just relying on our words, I’m afraid there is no way to continue to stop Orcel’s footsteps.”

Liuyun took advantage of the wind Zhenjun and said with chagrin.

She really didn’t expect that Orcel, who had just gotten rid of the seal, had such a powerful power.

“However, if we don’t fight back, Orcel’s attack will go directly to Liyue Port.” Gan Yu said worriedly.

Everyone was suddenly silent.

Enter, can’t enter.

Withdraw? And you can’t return.

How does this fight?

Can you only watch Ossel destroy Liyue Port and then go away?

“The emperor should come out at this time to finish, but unfortunately, it seems that they still failed the test in the end.”

The rich man guessed.

Then, the next moment…

The gaze fell between everyone, his expression was resolute, and he seemed to be a little reluctant.

“I…. There is also a scheme. “。

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