Genshin Impact: I Became The Son Of Greater Lord Rukkhadevata

Chapter 48: Chapter 48: Across The Continent

The blue epidemic continued to spread relentlessly, giving the impression that it would soon engulf the entire continent.



Aether and his newly found traveling companion arrived at the city gates.

"Dainsleif, is everyone's skin in Teyvat supposed to be blue? Or is this just a Mondstadt thing?"

"…I don't know either. The last time I visited, everyone in Mondstadt had normal skin. How did they all turn blue?"

A few days later, two new wanted posters were added to the city gate.



Yu, now entirely blue, was feeding Alice. This blue infectee licked his hand affectionately, clearly delighted that her teacher now matched her color. Yu couldn't help but think she had looked just as cute in pink.

Meanwhile, Rhinedottir still hadn't developed a cure. Yu felt too embarrassed to show his face in public anymore—he looked like a character straight out of a fantasy epic. Fortunately, since everyone else was in the same situation, it wasn't a huge deal. The real problem was the merchant caravans—whenever they ventured to other regions, they were immediately mistaken for monsters. For now, though, nothing too serious had happened. After all, the epidemic had already swept through all of Teyvat.

Just because Yu didn't go out didn't mean others couldn't come looking for him. Case in point—Zhong Xiaochun had just barged in, with Xiao trailing behind her. Don't ask how Xiao got involved—he had simply been around when they pulled her down from the beam where she had been tied up…

Looking around at the sea of blue infectee childrens in the city, Xiaochun realized that here were even worse than back home. Over there, Ganyu had already been too scared to revert to her human form. But here… Anyone unaware of the situation might mistake this place for a monster stronghold.

"Yu… bro, you've turned blue too."

A strange symbol resembling four checkmarks twisted together appeared on Yu's forehead.

"Get to the point."

"My dad and mom keep beating me at home. Can I stay with you for a few days?"

Xiaochun felt triumphant. This was her chance to avoid the relentless double beatings from her old-fashioned parents, hang out with a handsome guy, and have Xiao around as well. Sure, she had turned blue, but so had everyone else, so maybe they could bond over that.

After a brief moment of thought, Yu nodded.

"Fine. Just don't cause any trouble—I've got enough headaches as it is."

Hearing this, Xiaochun perked up. If Yu was in trouble, this was her moment to shine.

"Bro Yu, tell me what's bothering you. I'm great at solving problems."

"Keep an eye on Alice."


At the Sumeru paint factory, business had never been better. They didn't even need to try anymore—fate had generously provided them with endless demand.

As Xiaochun and Alice wandered around, they soon found themselves near the factory. Xiaochun recalled that Yu had explicitly designated this area as off-limits for Alice.

"Sis, I really don't think we should be here…"

"Oh, so you're trying to distract me so you can sneak off and mess around, huh?"

"Sis! How did you know what I was thinking?"

Of course, Xiaochun wasn't going to reveal how she had escaped Xiao's watchful eye countless times when she was younger—experience was a great teacher.

"Xiaochun sis, can you take me outside to play? I'll tell you one of the secrets of Headmaster."


Mondstadt – Assassin Headquarters

Yu could never have imagined that the small organization he had casually nurtured would now have branches all over Teyvat, each training a new generation of recruits.

Anqi sat at the head of the long table, with other members lined up on either side—all of them a blue infectee. Two young assassins entered the room, each escorting a stranger.

"Where are you from?" Anqi asked in a dialect unfamiliar to outsiders.

"Dainsleif, what are they saying?" Aether whispered.

"I have no idea."

"They don't seem to recognize us. What did you do to get us on a wanted poster?"

"I think a certain blue-skinned noble was annoyed by our appearance."


Jueyun Karst

A large blue bird was in the middle of a heated discussion with a brown bird and two deer. However, their conversation was repeatedly interrupted by bursts of laughter.

As for why there were two deer present, well… You'd have to ask Yu why they were overly excited.

"You lot are unbelievable!"

The blue bird soared into the air and dove toward the others, only to miss its mark every time.

"Cloud Retainer, how's that blue Sunsettia you ate? Tasty?" Another bird quipped. As for how the Sunsetia turned blue—well, maybe it had something to do with a certain blue infectee relieving themselves under the tree…

"You fools! I told you to find a solution, not stand around laughing!"

At that moment, Mountain Shaper emerged from the ground and asked, "So, have you come up with a solution?"

The gathered immortals fell into an awkward silence.



"Don't touch me!" Ei exclaimed, using her lightning-fast reflexes to distance herself from Yu.

"Ei! You dont want me anymore?"

"Go find Yae Miko. She's fluffy and cuddly—you'll like that."


Advanced Chapters!

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