Chapter 680: Fourth [Bonus]
Sylas composed himself for a moment before he began to speak. But rather than words coming from his mouth, the echoes of Ancient Ithkuil latched onto the Aether in the atmosphere and began to form one Rune after another.
The change was shocking even to Sylas, so much so that he suddenly stopped. It was only when he saw that Nosphaleen was in a daze that he realized he might have ruined that, and he quickly continued.
Because of Insight, Sylas' comprehension of the Mesmeryx Serpentes Race was extraordinarily deep, so much so that he was easily the equivalent of a professor who had completed several graduate degrees in the field.
All of that knowledge, though, was locked away deep within him and there was no easy way to share it with Nosphaleen.
If he just spoke of it normally, he didn't believe that this sort of last-minute preparation would have any sort of helpfulness at all.
However, when he translated it to Ancient Ithkuil and began to speak out, it was like the entire world had changed.
Nosphaleen's blood stirred and her beautiful blue eyes became a much brighter shade, one that could match a night's sky. And then it began to gain another mass of swirling colors… delicate pinks, gorgeous purples… they all swirled around until her pupils directly slit.
Her Mesmeryx Beast Totem activated on its own, a pair of identical eyes appearing on her back. They were far weaker than Sylas' own Beast Totem, but Sylas could still clearly feel that Nosphaleen would likely render most F-Grade Serpentes useless with her presence as well.
As Nosphaleen fell into a deeper trance, Sylas began to speak faster.
He wasn't used to speaking in another language, and was relying heavily on <Madness Control> to change his cadence and inflections properly. But as he did so, he got more used to the process and the words flowed more smoothly.
As a result, the Ancient Ithkuil symbols that formed became sharper and brighter, and Sylas could feel that Nosphaleen was sinking into a further state of enlightenment.
Nosphaleen's Mesmeryx Totem, which had been at Common Mastery, suddenly leapt up, stabilizing itself at Bronze Mastery.
Sylas' eyes narrowed. He knew that Nosphaleen's Mesmeryx Totem didn't come from her Bloodline, but rather her Comprehension.
Much like everything else in this world, Comprehensions caused changes to the body directly. This was why without a special body, it was impossible to have more than one.
In this case, Nosphaleen's Comprehension had begun to subtly influence changes in her Race, which allowed her to become part Serpentes.
Sylas had thought of increasing Nosphaleen's Comprehension in the past, thinking that this might allow her to be more easily recognized as a Serpentes and thus capable of becoming one of his contracted beasts without the help of the cancer Gene…
But he had no idea how to do that, maybe because Insight was still too low a level to help him in doing that.
What he didn't expect was to suddenly run into a chance here.
Nosphaleen's Comprehension broke into Silver Mastery.
Realizing that this was an opportunity he didn't want to miss, Sylas began to focus, his words delving more deeply into the mysteries of the special Race.
At some point, Sylas expected that he would run out of things to say… but he had severely underestimated his Legendary Path Profession.
Sylas realized then that he spent far too much time waiting for Insight to trigger on its own, and not enough time actively trying to get it to trigger.
He understood even more about the Mesmeryx than he could ever imagine, but it wasn't just a random assortment of facts. He understood the very essence of the Race.
His Insight Path Talent didn't just give him a list of things he should know. It allowed him to intimately understand the Serpentes that was under his charge.
And because of that, Sylas was able to pick out the words of Ancient Ithkuil perfectly, tweaking them and carefully selecting the ones that gave the exact meaning he wanted.
The Mesmeryx was a Race of Serpentes known for their beauty. Their scales varied in colors from light pinks to light blues and everything in between, forming a gradient across their bodies that mesmerized the masses.
Their Charisma was especially strong, and because of that, they were rarely seen in the world. It was said often that even if a Mesmeryx appeared high in the skies, they would feel so one with the world that it would feel as though a mirage was passing by, almost like a mural painted into the laws of the world.
Their beauty wasn't artificial… it was functional, a very part of their being and existence…
Nosphaleen's Comprehension broke into Gold Mastery.
The momentum of the breakthroughs was so strong that something Sylas wasn't expecting was happening right before his eyes.
Could she really reach Legendary Mastery in a single bound?
If he had a Serpentes Comprehension… just how fast would he be able to upgrade it?
The delicate scales on Nosphaleen's cheek grew in number and resplendency, a tail had begun to grow out from her skirt, shifting it out of position, and most shockingly of all…
A pair of wings had begun to grow from her back, once again ruining her clothing.
All Nosphaleen wore was a seal skin skirt and a band formed of a similar material across her chest. But with the changes to her body, it was impossible for these two fabrics to cover much of anything.
However, Sylas was far too focused on the final push. For some reason, he felt that if they lost this chance, it would be harder to get Nosphaleen to slip into this state of daze again.
Luckily… it seemed that he had thought far too much.
Nosphaleen's Comprehension broke into Legendary Mastery.
An aura of pink, blue, and violet rotated around her, her hair dancing in the wind as she looked off blankly into the distance.
That was when Sylas could feel that the change had crossed a threshold. Without hesitation, he made Nosphaleen his fourth contract.