Gate: War of Two Worlds Part 1

V12 – Chapter 151 History Lesson


--- Fort Minick, Lounge room ---

February 16th, 2026(1)



Princess Pina walks into the lounge room. She has been here before. The Americans have what's called a projector like when she saw the Hobbit(5). There are other smaller televisions for games, dartboards, and other types of recreational activities.

Her commanding officer Major Sharpe has invited her and her Knights to a movie day.

She never imagined having to take orders from what is basically a peasant in Imperial terms, even though she does not see him or any of the Other Worlders as such. Being a Princess anyone below the Royal Family and the highest of Nobles would have to listen and obey her without question. It has been a rough transition knowing that her title is almost meaningless here.

Today is June 6th in their calendar and from what she understands it has a historical war meaning. He said that they will be watching two World War Two movies.

While not all of her Knights are excited for a history lesson, she is. Sense Sharpe informed her about brutal wars in Earth history she has been wanting to learn more(1). Sharpe said that World War Two had sixty million who died, their largest war ever. She has been struggling to understand that number because it is so high.

The Empire has a population of about sixty to one hundred million subjects of the common races. An extra ten to fifteen million of the more civilized races of the Dark Races. No one knows how many barbarian Dark Races like Trolls, Kurashs, Goblins, and others there are. In just one of their recent wars is almost the entire population of the Empire.

She sees many of her Rose Knights come in and start to interact with Vanguard-7. She sees some other Rangers in here like First Lieutenant Charles Johnson. Noriko is here with Tenchi and to her surprise this Dark Race batgirl here.

The soldiers are wearing their standard casual uniforms. She has found it interesting that American soldiers always wear some kind of uniform and wonder if it is like that for their civilians. Most of her Knights are wearing the standard robs that Noblewoman wears, excluding Beefeater and Shandy.

Beefeater seems to be more comfortable wearing American clothing which makes sense to her. She has never fully fit in with the other Noblewoman in Sadera, acting more masculine than feminine.

Shandy was a surprise for her but she has seen her spending more time with Sarah at the command center. She seems to be becoming the Rose Knights Logistics handler, keeping them up to date with current events.

She sees Hamilton quickly walk past everyone and heads to the little kitchen area. Following her is Suissesse, both being close friends. Suissesse isn't the most social one and in a group like this, she seems to want to stick by Hamilton’s side.

As she looks around, she is happy that both her Knights and the Americans are getting along. While there is still a difference between them, they can now work together, especially if they were enemies once.

Before she heads over him to Noriko she stops and looks at Bozes. Bozes rushes up to Johnson and then gives him a big hug.

"I am so happy that you got your promotion and command," Bozes said in a happy tone.

"Thank you," Johnson said, in a confused tone.

Bozes then lets go of him and then slaps him across the face. "And that's for fighting the Flame Dragon. You and everyone else could have died."

She sees everyone start to laugh at Johnson getting slapped.

"It wasn't my fault," Johnson said. "We just fought a few Draconian who were trying to stop the evacuation. The Major there was the one who faced the dragon."

Bozes looks over to Sharpe. "So, I should slap you for putting him in that much danger."

Sharpe looks at her surprised. He points to himself. "Me?"

Rory raises her hand and stops everyone from arguing. She then looks directly at Bozes and points. "You have to wait in line."

"Wait… there is a line?"  Sharpe asked confused.

She crosses her arm and laughs. She has never seen a stranger group of people in her life but is glad everyone can be this friendly.

"Be careful Bozes," Beefeater said in a sarcastic tone. "Remember last time you did something like that(2)."

Bozes then scratches her head. "Oh yeah…"

She laughs and then notices Noriko. She is glad that she was invited to come. She is shameful about what happened, the Haryo Tribe trying to take Tenchi away. She vows not to allow Tenchi to be taken back to her brother, Zorzal. If that happens, she is scared that Zorzal will either neglect him as her father Molt did to his children or Zorzal turns him into a rapist, spoilt brat.

She walks over to Noriko. "Hi, Noriko."

Noriko turns around and looks at her. "Hi, Pina." She then looks down at Tenchi. "Say hello to your auntie." She grabs his arm and waves at her.

She smiles and looks down at Tenchi. "Hello. You are so cute"

"Wait until he gets older," Randy said as he walks by. "When he becomes a teen, he will start burping and smelling like a man."

"You say that like it is a good thing Sergeant Major," Alicia comments.

"No, he won't," Noriko said. "He is going to stay cute forever."

"Can I?" She asked.

Noriko nods and hands him to her.

She holds him as he starts to fuss. "Shh, it is ok…. This is harder than it looks."

"Hi Noriko," Selina said as she rushed over and give Noriko a hug. "I am sorry for what happened. I promised I would have been there and shot them, but I wasn't."

"It is ok Selina," Noriko said with a smile, happy to be around people who care. "Tyuule brought her back from Italica. It will never happen again."

She holds Tenchi and looks at him, trying to play with his hand. But he starts to get fussy and starts to cry. "I think he wants his mommy." She then hands him back to his mother.

She knows Selina and Noriko are friends, so she lets them be. She sees Selina pull on Noriko's arm to a seat.

She hears Hamilton's voice and looks over.

"Your highness," Hamilton said. "Here some water."

She smiles and takes one of the two cups, the other is for her American boyfriend Andrew Steele. "Thank you. You are free to serve your man."

Hamilton smiles. "Thank your Princess." She then walks away to Andrew.

As she sees her Knights talking to the Rangers. She then sees Sharpe and walks over to him. "Hello Major." As he turns around to address her, she can see that there is a lot on his mind. She has heard the battle against the Flame Dragon and Giselle, but the mission was successful.

She holds out her hand and smiles. "Congratulations on beating the Flame Dragon."

Sharpe looks at her hand and takes it, shaking it. "Thank you. It was intense but I am just glad that we all got back alive."

"I still can't believe it," She said. "People have tried to kill that beast. It is a legendary creature. No one has ever been able to kill such a creature, but you people did it in moments. Your capabilities continue to amaze me."

Sharpe smiles and places his hand on her shoulder. "Let me explain something Pina. Yes, we have all these fancy weapons but always remember, it's the people on the ground that matters. The reason why won was that we were prepared. Why we weren't expecting a fight, we knew it was a chance, so he made plans just in case. So, when I needed help, the military was ready."

"I think I understand," She said. "The more you are prepared, the easier it is to deal with the unexpected?"

Sharpe smiles and nods. "Correct. Now grab some pizza and take a seat."

She nods and walks away. Before she gets to the kitchen area, Hamilton comes back with a plate.

"Here you go Princess," Hamilton said. "I got you what they call Pizza. It is a slice!"

She looks at the plat and sees two slices on it. She sees all these different toppings on it. It is one of the strangest kinds of food she has ever seen. "That doesn't look that appetizing."

"That's what I said but Andrew said it is tasty," Hamilton said. "So please take it."

She takes the plate and looks at her. Hamilton is her personal servant; it has been like that since they were kids. "Hamilton, I told you to relax. I can get a plate myself."

"I am sorry Princess, but it is my place," Hamilton said and lightly bows. "If you need anything just command."

"Then I command you to relax," She said.

Seeing Hamilton go sit down by Andrew she sees an open seat beside Bozes. She sits down by her friend and then sees Sharpe walk upfront.

"Hello everyone," Sharpe said. "Today is June 6th. During World War Two today was the largest invasion in human history. Probably in both worlds. This started the liberation of Western Europe and brought an end to one of the evilest ideologies in Human history."

"However, I feel like showing this movie first will provide much-needed context to understand how desperate the early days of this war were. It will show how we got into the war. The first film will be Midway(3) and the second will be the main feature, Saving Private Ryan(4)."

Bozes leans over to her as the movie begins. "I wonder if this will be like that Hobbit movie."

"It is supposed to be historical," She replies.

"By whom standards," Bozes said with a chuckle. "I would consider the Hobbit and the War of the Ring-."

"It was called Lord of the Ring," Margarita corrects.

"Close enough," Bozes responds. "To me, both those films would be historical to us."

She chuckles, understanding that point of view. "By the way, are you going out with Johnson?"

"Ahh… yeah," Bozes said, shyly. "We have been going out for a while."

"Since Legrath?" She asked. "I saw you in that room in Italica while watching the movie."

"Yeah," Bozes said. "Well we were keeping it quiet, but I guess I blew that. I was impressed by his leadership skills when we went off to hunt Herm. We talked and well… yeah."

She pokes Bozes in the arm. "Just don't beat him to death."

She looks at the movie. Randy is the one who reads the writing so the Knights can understand what is being said. The writing gave the context that Earth was at war and things looked desperate. The United States and the Empire of Japan are on the verge of war. It was a little unsettling hearing the word Empire in their context.

Then her eyes widened at the first major scene of the film. It is a massive gray ship with a flattop. Randy says that the ship is called the USS Enterprise.

It is the largest ship she has ever seen. She hears Bozes and Margarita mumble about its sizes. It reminds her of the Empire’s Dragon Carriers in the Imperial Navy and wonders if it has a similar function.

So far, she has been impressed by the engineering feat the Other Worlders have accomplished. Besides the rocket launch, everything else has been small like their tanks and planes. Seeing this ship clearly shows her how far they are ahead in engineering on their world. Then she remembers this is a historical movie from eighty years ago.




As Sharpe sits there, he looks around. He can see the Rose Knights frozen as they look at the screen. He looks over to Rory and Lelei and both of them look amazed.

Lelei leans over to him. "Are your ships really that big?"

He smirks. "No. They are bigger now. The next time we go to Earth, I will see if I can show you the Ford-class Aircraft Carrier. Now watch."

Lelei looks at him, trying to picture the sizes of modern ships. She looks back at the screen and starts to take notes.

He reaches over and grabs her notepad. "Not this time."

"But… bu-," Lelei mumbles as she watches her notepad be taken.

He found her reaction humorous. "Lelei. Sometimes it is better to just enjoy things. You can research these films anytime you want later. But right now, have fun and enjoy the experience." He then moves his arm around her to make her feel more comfortable.

The scene is where the Japanese air forces attacked Pearl Harbor. The flames of ships being blown up and the brave American sailors trying to repeal the air attack.

He can see the reaction from many of the Knights and Rangers. He can tell the Knights are amazed by the size of the ships in the film but also the amount of destruction. While World War Two was long ago, this is the first taste for them to see what modern war might look like on a global scale, how each side are playing a form of chest across thousands of kilometers.

He also sees many of the Rangers have this look of awe and shock. While they are from Earth, it is easy to forget history, especially from eighty years ago. You might know of events but seeing them is different. It is one of the reasons why he watches these movies all the time, to help keep perspective. For them, its relearning their past.

As the movie continues, they see the failed Marshalls–Gilberts raid. The raid showed how weak the American position was in the Pacific Theater, setting the tone for the film. He then sees the excitement in everyone's eyes as they watch the Doolittle Raid.  While it was only a small bombing raid on Tokyo, it was a massive moral victory.

Rory, who is sitting next to Lelei leans in her onto talk to him. "Why did they attack with such a little force? Seems like a waste and high risk for little reward."

He looks at her. "To basically say ‘screw you to Japan’. It was meant to show that we weren't out of the fight and to boost morale."

"It seemed risky," Lelei said. "I wouldn't have thought you people would have been so reckless. Impressive."

“Have you been paying attention Lelei?” Rory asked. “He doses that on a daily basis. They done it many times.”

"When the need arrives, you either meet it or you don't. There is a reason they’re called the Greatest Generation," He said. "Hopefully, we never have to experience that again."

After everyone sees the USS Lexington destroyed and USS Yorktown badly damage at the Battle of the Coral Sea. This showed that the US Navy only had the USS Enterprise and USS Hornet in the Pacific Theater going up against the Japanese Fleet at the Battle of Midway. With a miracle, the Yorktown was fixed and sailed with the Enterprise in a three vs. four fight.

Everyone sees the intense air battle as the American dive bombers dive into the heavy enemy fire as they drop their bombs on the enemy aircraft carriers. How less than a dozen aircraft intentionally diving right into the rain of anti-air fire.

As the bombs rain down, taking out three Japanese carriers. He hears everyone cheering with the massive victory.

Seeing the air squadron comes back to the Enterprise and everyone sees how few of them returned. What impressed everyone was how many of the pilots were willing to go back out there to get the last carrier, knowing there was a high chance they would not make it back.

The film ends with the main pilot Lieutenant Commander Richard Halsey Best swoops in and destroys the final ship.

Once the movie ends Selina rushes away and turns the lights on. She always wants to be the helpful one.

He gets up and heads up front to address everyone. "What do you guys think?" He asked.

"I didn't realize how bad the situation was," Alicia responds.

"There is a lot you can learn from history," Randy replies. "You should read a book sometime."

"Assuming she knows how to," Andrew comments. Hamilton then points her figure at him, warning him to be nice.

Alicia turns around and smirks. "Next time you decide to pick a fight, make sure you get permission."

He hears some Rangers and Knights laugh at that. "Calm down everyone. World War Three hasn't started yet."

"Do you people really have ships that big?" Shandy asked.

"Forget that," Nikolasha said. "Are wars really fought like that on Earth?"

"Wars like that are not common," He answers. "Most are small scale regional conflicts."

"How true was all that?" Bozes asked. "I don't want to sound disrespectful but that is a lot of bravery. It looks like you’re hyping up your side."

Grey leans forward and looks at Bozes. "Most war stories are based on some truth. I have seen war propaganda all my life."

"I believe it," Jalin said. "The story was surprisingly balanced for your people's perspective. You mostly didn't demonize the enemy like."

"IT is funny how history repeats itself," Pina said. "Both times an Empire attacked and then suffered the same fate."

"Don't jinx us," Frost said. "Say that after we beat the Empire."

“What dose jinx mean?” Beefeater asked.

He smirks as they explain what jinx mean; glad the history lesson has taken an intended effect. "Alright, the next film will show more of the ground aspect. Midway took place in the Pacific, the other side of the world. Saving Private Ryan takes place in Europe.

"Unlike the last one where it was more of a historic story, the characters in this one are not real. All the events, the style of fighting, and the most important part, the invasion is all real. That is what I want you to take from this one." He said.

He looks at his little girl. "Selina, mind playing the movie?"

Selina smiles and gets up. She rushes to the projector and presses play.

He goes sit back down in his seat.




Pina watches as Selina sits back down next to Noriko. She finds it strange that Selina, a princess but doesn't act like it. It makes her wonder what if she grew up being more of a child then royalty, having to obey ancient customs than living.

She looks up and sees this old man looking at a white cross. She has seen crosses before, usually used to punish people but never in this context.

The next thing she sees is these soldiers in this strange-looking boat. It is quite strange going from watching massive warships to these little ones.

When the screen fades out and she sees hundreds if not thousands of these little boats full of soldiers is when she realizes what is happening. This was the invasion Sharpe was talking about.

She assumed it was some land invasion like how the Empire attacked Earth, just without a Gate.

Seeing an explosion happen all around those little boats, seeing soldiers being blown up before getting to their destination frightens her. It is this long beach with these big gray bunkers built into the cliff.

She sees this small boat drops the ramp and watch as the soldiers try to run out. To her shock, they all died in seconds. She sees more and more soldiers start to storm out of their boats as they try to get to the beach, many being cut down by machinegun fire.

She watches the main character Captain John H. Miller swim to the beach and look around. Soldiers taking cover at what little cover there is, others being chewed up by machinegun fire from these massive bunkers, others huddle up crying as they try to live.

It is natural for women to cry, being more in touch with their emotions than men. Seeing that one man crying, scared out of his mind hit the situation home for her.

"We know nothing of war…" Bozes mumbles.

She looks to her friend and looks back at the screen as the soldiers start to rally together and charge up the beach. She tries to see how the Empire could do it and comes up with nothing.

Since seeing that play of the Rose Knights fighting in glorious battles all she wanted to be is a warrior. She wanted to fight on the frontlines slaying beasts and bringing honor to the Empire. She knew that war was bloody and people died, Grey told them all war stories, but they never really explain the gravity of the situation.

After meeting Sharpe, she has learned how naive it was to see war as only a game to win status points. He mentioned all the deaths his world had in the past one hundred years, two world wars, and something called a Cold War. She always wondered if the Cold War was like the Arctic War, fought in a cold environment.

However, she fully sees what he meant. All these soldiers desperately trying to get up the cliff, easily being brought down. She struggles to imagine being killed by someone she cannot even see.

Many of her Knights questioned why they do not value glory as the Empire does. The honorable battle, face to face fighting, the warrior code. It is all meaningless in this style of war.

That does not mean she thinks less of the soldiers she sees. As they break through the enemy defenses and start overwhelming the enemy defenders. It takes a special kind of bravery to do something they are doing and the act itself is honorable.

"Your correct," She mumbles back. "We saw it as a game, but this is no game. No wonder the gods brought them here."




Hamilton sits in her seat, holding onto Andrew's arm. The intensity of the opening battle terrified her. The randomness of the fighting, not able to see where the enemy is not something she is used to. She is used to always seeing her opponent.

Right now, she sees the Rangers moving through this town while it is raining. She does find it interesting that the Other Worlders fight in any kind of weather. If it rained that hard most likely the Empire and their opponent would wait until the battlefield was dry.

"That guy right there," Andrew said as he pointed. "He always was my favorite."

She looks that at the man and remembers him from the beach scene. He was using what is called a sniper rifle. "Is it because he does what you do?"

"Yes," Andrew responded. "When I was a kid, I loved how he chanted religious talk and killed people. Since then, I have always wanted to be a sniper."

"Ok…" She mumbles.

She watches that sniper shoot the enemy sniper, that is in the tower on the head.

When all the soldiers walk into the house and start to rest, she jumps when the wall falls, and a bunch of enemy soldiers stand there. She grabs Andrew's arm again, scared that everyone is going to die.

She lets out a small squeal as suddenly, all the enemy soldiers die.

Andrew leans in. "It is ok. Everyone is dead."

She takes a deep breath realizing that everything is fine, feeling embarrassed.

"I am sorry," She said softly. "I have never been the bravest of Knights. I'm not really a good Knight nor the best."

"Come on," Andrew said. "I have seen you fight many times."

"And I always need help," she replies. "I am a servant, not a fighter."

"We talked about this, you are more than just a servant," Andrew said. "See those soldiers on the screen. Some were teachers, farmers, normal people."

"But I am a servant," Hamilton said and takes a breath. "Let me get you some water." As she gets up, Andrew grabs her arm, so she doesn't get up.

"My family was low Nobles from Daduale," She said. "My father needed to gain favor with Emperor Molt, Pina's father. My duty is to serve Pina until the end and then you."

"Well," Andrew said. "Glad to know I am in second. But you are not just a servant." He grabs her hand and holds it. "You know what, I don't mind you being the strongest. I was not the strongest growing up. And I am still not even now. Hell, Alicia can kick my butt."

"Kind of embarrassing that a girl can beat you up," She said, giggling.

"You’re welcome to try," Andrew mumbles.




Sharpe takes a deep breath as he watches the final battle of the film. He personally hates this part. He watches as the Rangers and Airborne soldiers hold the bridge, barely holding the line as the German forces swarm their position.

He gets a flashback to his first mission in the 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta or known as Delta Force.

The mission was a disaster right when they did a high-altitude military parachuting or HALO jump into North Korea. The mission was to prevent the Chinese Special Forces from murdering the country leader and installing a new puppet regime. It was a joint mission with South Korea however they were delayed.

He was a First Lieutenant at the time, freshly out of Delta Operator Training Course. Everyone was taking fire and the XO was killed. His commanding officer, Major Jordan Foster was shot twice in the chest. In his final moments, he handed Sharpe his M1911 Colt and gave him the command.

Just like in the film, the Americans fighting the Germans he took what remained of the platoon and held the line. To either allow enough time for their objective to flee, until the South Koreans Black Berets arrived or until they were all wiped out.

He feels his handshake until Sarah places her hand on his.

"Shh. It is ok." Sarah whispers.

He looks at Sarah's hand and glances at her. Seeing her smile for some reason makes him feel better.

He looks back at the screen and sees the defending heroes get pushed back across the bridge and trying to blow up the bridge.

Just like with the Flame Dragon, help arrives, and good defeats evil.







(1) In this story holidays are loose dates. The chapter is more to represent the holiday rather than an official month or day in the story. I consider June 6th to be an important day in Western history because it started liberating Western Europe from NAZI Germany, forcing Fascism into the pages of history where it belongs. This chapter meant to remind everyone of the struggles of the past so we can build off their struggle and sacrifice to build a better future. If we forget the past, then there is no future. Thank you.

(2)Chapter 49

(3)Chapter 22

(4)Midway 2019

(5)Saving Private Ryan 1998








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