Gate: War of Two Worlds Part 1

V12 – Chapter 148 Battle at Mount Tube


--- Schwarz Forest, Roldom Valley, Mount Tube ---

February 9th, 2026


Sharpe sees these Draconians flying all around in the chamber. His Rangers were able to take out two of them while they were still bottled in that ceiling hole. They are in light armor and using swords or spears.

He looks around and sees one of them flies past Frost, just missing him with his spear. Frost takes his shotgun and fires, taking out one of the wings.

He looks over and sees Alicia being Alicia.

"Let's light them up!" Alicia yells and opens fire towards the ceiling.

Tuka is running towards a wall. He sees her jump and starts to run on the wall for a little bit. It reminded him of those Japanese swordsmanship movies. She is using the compound bow that he got her for. She fires her arrows as quickly as she can trying to pick them off.

He looks to Lelei and sees a Draconian going after him. "Alicia, protect Lelei while she breaks the door."

"Sir!" Alicia said, confirming that she heard his order. She starts running to Lelei's position.

Alicia runs past Andrew as he covers her. She holds up her M4A1 rifle and fires a burst to her left but misses. She rushes past a small patch of old swords and grabs one.

Alicia sees a Draconian land by Lelei. Lelei uses her magic to create a shield.

"Hey, you Blue Horn fuck. Leave her alone!" Alicia yells.

The Draconian looks towards her and swings his blade. Alicia drops and slides past the Draconian. She gets up and swings the sword she picked up slicing the Draconian.

The Draconian spins around and wipes its tail at Alicia, knocking her on the ground. She quickly gets up and uses the sword she picked up and blocks the counterattack. She uses his momentum and Ranger training to spin him over her.

Alicia then gets up and sees the Draconian back on his feet charging at her. But he suddenly stops because she has her rifle at him. "Sucker." She flips it from single to automatic and unloads a clip into the Draconian.

"Thank you, Specialist Alicia," Lelei said.

"You’re all good, kid. Just call me Alicia. and just hurry up." Alicia said and then looks back to the fight. "Anyone else want a piece of me?!"

He sees Alicia protecting Lelei and smirks. That is one less thing he has to worry about.

"Frost, Andrew, Tuka form up," He orders over the radio. Right now, they are scattered throughout the chamber. A soldier can only look in one direction and sooner or later one of these Draconian get a lucky shot from behind. "Fall back to Lelei."

All of them move to Lelei and start to cover her. Being all formed up and with the wall to their backs they now can focus their attention on the same direction.

He sees two more fall from getting shot. The one that Frost shot before is running towards them, but he takes him out with a headshot.

He then hears a small explosion from behind. He turns around and sees smoke coming from the door.

"I did it Major," Lelei said. "I am sorry it took so long. It was surprisingly tough."

"All good," He said. "Yao get your people out of her." He then looks to Tuka and Frost. "I want you two back to the exit. Create a defense line until the civilian's retreat."

He sees them do that, escorting the first batch of Yao’s people. However, he sees her standing there with her wooden bow. She is trying to talk to her people but seems to have frozen up.

He sees this Draconian spotting her and preparing to swoop down with his spear.

He gets up and rushes to Yao. "Cover me!"

Before the Draconian swoops down and slices Yao in half, he tackles her and lets that Draconian fly past. He then rolls onto his back and points his rifle up aiming for that Draconian and shoots him down.

He sits up and looks to Lelei. He sees her fire an energy bolt at one of the Draconian. "Lelei! Widen energy field. Light it up!"

Lelei looks at him and nods. She looks up at the chamber and waves her hand over the blue orb on top of her staff. She lifts her staff, and it glows brightly.

This mix of blue and white light appears all around the chamber, stunning all the Draconian in this place.

He rallies up his Rangers and then starts to pick them off while they are staying still.

Once the battle seems to be over, he looks over to Yao. "You need to get your head in the game."

Yao stands up and brushes her arms. "I am sorry. I am just not used to this type of fighting. I am a hunter, not a warrior. And it is just, Giselle betrayed us."

"And she will win if you don't get your head in the game," He replies. "We can figure out Giselle's plan later. The first thing we do is get out of here."

He then looks at everyone else. "Everyone keeps moving out before more show up."

He then hears his radio go off but there is a lot of static. On his HUD he can tell it was from Vanguard-5. He tries to contact them, but he gets nothing.

He looks at Alicia. "Alicia, Vanguard-5 tried contacting us. See if you can-."

Suddenly everything starts to shake as they hear this loud crashing sound. He sees rubble coming down from the ceiling.

Then his worst fears come to life, he hears this loud roar. He looks to the hole in the ceiling and hears this flapping sound. He sees this big dragon flap down and then covers.

It looks like the Flame Dragon he fought before but much smaller. The skin on its back is green.

"Fan out!" He yells as the dragon lets out a fire breath.




Rory swings her Halberd and blocks Giselle Scythe. Once she blocks it, she moves down below and swings her weapon up, slashing Giselle.

But Giselle grabs Rory’s hair and tosses her away.

Flying away she brings her Halberd blade down to slow her speed. One it stops she spins around the poll and then stands on top of it.

In front of her, she sees Giselle flying towards her at full speed. She jumps backward, grabbing her handle, and then spins her Halberd until it blocks Giselle Scythe.

"What are you doing here Giselle? Are you here doing Hardy’s dirty work again?" She asks.

"Why don't you call me your sister?" Giselle asks as she pushes down on Rory. "We are family, after all, we are Apostles."

"You say that, but you have never beaten me in battle," She replies. "So, you planned all this just to lure me out?"

"Partly," Giselle said.

She then pushes Giselle back and cartwheels backward to gain some distance. Once gained she takes her Halberd and charges forward. "I will not go back to her!"

"Yes, you will," Giselle said and she laughs.

Both collide and attack each other. Their weapons clash against each other as each other block and attack, trying to overpower the other.

She and Hardy have fought many times over the past six hundred years, but in the past four hundred it became personal. Luckily, Giselle has never been the best of fighters compared to many Apostles like Rory.

Giselle flinches and gives ground.

Seeing this she takes advantage of the situation. She deflects Giselle’s Scythe and then swings her blade at Giselle.

Giselle dodges and moves around. Her tail comes around to hit Rory.

She sees this and tosses up her Halberd. She jumps and grabs Giselle's tail. She then jumps up and over Giselle and lands in front of her now. She pulls out her SIG M17 that Sharpe gave her. She fires at point-blank at Giselle's head. She knows it will not kill her, but it will do damage, blind her temporarily.

"Ahh!" Giselle covers her face and backs away.

She smirks seeing this and puts away her sidearm. She charges forward and when she gets close, she tosses her Halberd to Giselle right to distract her. She then dodges her tail defense attack and rolls to Giselle's side.

She takes her wing and jumps onto her back. She can hear Giselle complaining as she tries to figure out what is going on, but she just ignores her. She moves around and swings herself down back to the ground, brings Giselle down with her.

Once she lands, she grabs the handle of her Halberd and spins it around above her. She then swings it blocking Giselle's tail attack and moving over to the right. She gets close and slashes Giselle.

Giselle lets out a painful moan and moves back.

She takes the opening and moves in. She hits Giselle with the bottom part of her Halberd and drops down. She swings her weapon at her feet and moves over to the right. She then pulls her weapon, so Giselle falls to the ground.

She walks over spinning her Halberd. She then rams the point at the bottom of her Halberd right into Giselle.

Giselle lays there breathing heavily. She then starts to laugh. "What was that?"

She smirks hearing the question. "Something I learned from Jacky Chan movies."

Months ago, she watched the Rush Hour trilogy with Sharpe and everyone else. She loved all three of those movies. Besides the fact they were funny, she was more impressed by how Jacky Chan fought. How he moves and deflects and uses his opponent’s attack against them. She had so impressed her, and Sharpe started doing some training together, to help integrate that fighting style into hers. Sharpe was stationed in Japan and picked up a few Martial Arts techniques.

"Who?" Giselle asked as she looks up, her eyesight recovering.

"Never mind," She replies. "Now tell me what is going on here? You never do anything without Hardy telling you what to do."

Giselle just laughs. "You already know. I knew you wouldn't go into the mountain, but you would be alone out here."

"And yet I beat you. Like always," She replies. "After all this time I would assume you would have learned how to fight." She noticed what she said got under Giselle skin, angrily her.

She takes out her Halberd from Giselle’s back and prepares to cut her head off. As she gets ready, she feels a sudden pain on her right arm, like it is on fire.

She looks to her arm and sees all these burn marks on it. It is not turning black, but she can tell that Sharpe is fighting a Dragon. "No…"

She then feels Giselle’s tail hit her, forcing her to fly away. She hits a large boulder and falls down. Her body feels hot and tired.

She slowly gets up and grabs her Halberd. She then sees Giselle walking towards her laughing.

"Did you really think I did all this work just so I could go one-vs-one against you?" Giselle said as she laughs. "This isn't just me obeying my goddess. I have been commanded to bring you to her, but I also am testing these people. This has been planned out well."

"That is stupid," She replies as she stands up. She can feel her arm healing but for healing slower than she would like. "Both you and Hardy should already know how powerful they are."

"This test isn't a test of strength. But that does not matter," Giselle replies. "You have gotten to close too these people. It reminds me of a time when you got close to the Empire. And how did that go?"

She starts to get angry and stands up tall. "You sent a dragon into the mountain?"

"One of them," Giselle replies. "One of her three babies. I am going, to be honest, momma dragon was not pleased by them blowing off her arm. Everyone is going to win. Your new friends will burn to death and you go to my goddess"

"No!" She yells and bursts forward ready to strike her. She can see the fear in Giselle as she tries to counter but then she feels a sharp pain in her side.

It hurt her enough to where Giselle can counter her. Once she passes Giselle, her Scythe slashes across her, cutting her deep.




Sharpe moves through the air after just missing a tail attack from the green dragon. He suddenly hits the wall and falls.

"Major!" Alicia yells and slides to his side and helps him up.

He slowly gets up and looks out into the battle. He sees Frost and Andrew firing their weapons. Lelei fires a freeze spell that deflected the dragon fire breath before hitting the Dark Elves as they flee.

He looks over to Alicia. "Enjoy that?"

"You prick," Alicia said. "Being a smartass at a timing light this? Wait, are we that much trouble?"

He takes a deep breath and looks around the battle again. He has noticed he becomes more of a smartass the more he is danger. "Just another day."

He then looks to his chest. He knows he felt something hit him but sees no blood. Something is not adding up but doesn't have time to think about it.

"What is the plan?" Alicia asks as she stands up.

He stands up and pays attention closely. "Movie night."

"What?" Alicia asked in disbelief.

"You're kidding me? Right?" Tuka asks as she rushes up. "I think the hit confused his brain."

"No," He said. "I know what we are watching when we get back. Jurassic Park."

Seeing the Dragon flying made him think about the Jurassic Park movie. While he knows there were no Dragons in that film but seeing a beast like that reminded him of that movie. And just like that he came up with a plan.

While the Chamber is big enough for the baby dragon to fly, it is still limited where it can go. The dragon has no real maneuverability here making it an easier target. Rifle fire has no real effect against its armor, but he has Lelei and he has been helping her on a new spell that should kill it.

He reaches into his vest and pulls out a flare.

Alicia sees the flare and looks up at him. "You're kidding?"

He looks at her. "This is what I do." He said in a determined tone.

"Alicia. Get Andrew and Frost to lay suppressive fire. Tell Lelei she has my permission to bring in the heavy artillery." He then looks to Tuka. "Tuka, I want you and Yao and attack its wings. Find some rob and get it attached to its wings. Try and tear them apart and get him low. Leave the rest to me."

He watches them rush to do their duties. He follows behind, putting away his rifle knowing it is worthless in this fight. He is convinced they can bring this dragon down; all they need is time.

He admits he wishes Rory is by his side right now. Her abilities and personality always made him feel more comfortable doing stupid tactics like this, but this is his job, and he knows what he has to do, regardless of what he feels.

He sees his Rangers open fire, acting more of a distraction than being effective. He wants them to keep the Dragon focused on three different points.

He stops and turns around and sees many of the Dark Elves standing there watching. They must think they are crazy fighting a legendary beast, especially after they failed. What is annoying him is that they are not running, everything he is doing is so they can escape. "Get out of here!"

He turns around and rushes back into the battle.

As planned, he sees both Tuka and Yao getting ready to fire their arrows. Now they just need it to stop moving.

He looks at the green dragon. He activates the flare and raises is up so everyone and everything can see him.

In the research Sarah gave him, Dragons have sharp eyesight. They hunt by heat so the flare should attract it.

"Hold fire," He orders over the radio.

The gunfire from his Rangers stops and they head towards Lelei to support her.

He looks up at the dragon seeing that it has taken notices "Take the shot."

"We can't," Tuka replies over the radio. "It is too out of range for the Dragon. It will blow the arrows away."

Hearing that he runs forward. He heads to the side of the chamber wall and jumps on some boulders. His plans are to get the dragon to turn its back to the Elves. He scales over the boulders so he can get close to the dragon, being a bigger target.

As he rushes up the rocks, he takes out his Colt M1911 .45 pistol. He switches out the standard bullets to explosive rounds. A type of ammo he carries around to deal with Apostles. He then fires a few rounds, and they explode when they make contact with the dragon.

As he fires another shot, he stops, and his eyes widen. "OK, bad idea."

The dragon lets out a fire breath right where Sharpe is at.

Seeing that he jumps down, sliding down the boulders. He feels the intense heat coming from the fire breath and expects to be burned. He lands hard on the ground and rolls around. He rolls to lessen the impact and then gets up.

Something to his left attracts him. He sees this shiny sword. He reaches out and grabs it when he gets close.

He gets back on his two feet and looks up. "Hey, you scaly piece of shit! Over here!" He then holds up the flare.

The green dragon looks at him and widens its mouth.

He sees that the beast is about to breathe fire, but he sees an arrow go through its left-wing. Another arrow goes through its right-wing.

The dragon lets out a painful scream as it starts to try to fly away.

He sees both Tuka and Yao standing there holding their own robe. They will not be alone as his Rangers and many of the Dark Elves are helping them pull on the dragon.

"Lelei, take the shot!" He says over the radio.

He sees this glow from Lelei. She stands there after finishing her energy projectile. It seems like she chooses one giant projectile than multiple ones.

He knows this spell, a hypersonic projectile spell. Lelei learned that the US has been researching and developing weapons based on hypersonic technologies, the next stage of a supersonic, speed so she made a spell based on that. He has been helping her refine it is she can use it in battle(1).

He watches this energy projectile hit the dragon right in the back. With its incredible speed it breaks through the dragon’s armor and goes right through its body.

The dragon lets out a desperate screech as it falls to the ground.

He gets up and grabs that sword. He walks over to the dragon, hearing it breathing still. In the background he hears everyone celebrating their victory. It must be an amazing sight, killing a legendary beast.

While it is not the big Flame Dragon, killing a small one is still a major victory.

Once he gets to the dragon, he places his boot on the dragon’s noise. He looks at the eye which in return is looking at him.

"We could have found a way to coexist, but you bided on the wrong horse," He said.

He hears this sound from the dragon-like it is trying to talk with him. He cannot understand what the dragon is trying to say. Wondering if the dragon begging for its life or giving some veg threat. He then wonders if these creatures can even talk like people.

As he starts a mental debate on whether he should kill the dragon or let it live he hears the Dragon let out a growling roar. It sounds negative and then he hears the Dragon chuckle. While he did not know what was said the chuckle was enough to know what the dragon is implying, a threat.

He takes this strange looking sword and rams it into the dragon eye. The dragon takes one more breath and then dies.

He pulls out the sword and walks over to everyone.

To his surprise Tuka tackles him and hugs him.

 "We did it!" Tuka said.

"You people actually killed a Flame Dragon?" Yao said, shocked. "I don't believe it."

He pats Tuka on the head and looks to Lelei. "Good shot."

"Oh, she is totally old enough to drink now," Alicia said in a cheeky tone. "When we get back to base, I am getting her hammered."

"What do hammers have to do with alcohol?" Lelei asked, confused.

He hears his Rangers laugh at what Lelei said, letting off some stress. He admits he found that funny too.

He takes a deep breath. "Let's go before another one shows up. Frost and Yao, take point."

He sees everyone moving through the tunnel they came from. He sees his Rangers acting as crowd control, keeping the Dark Elves organized so no one gets lost.

As they move through the cave network, he holds back so he can meet up with Lelei.

"Hello Major," Lelei said with a smile. "Thank you for all the help in our training."

"That's all you," He replies and holds out his fist. Lelei responds and both fist bump. He learned a long time ago that Lelei responds better and learns faster if she gets constant praise, so he tries to compliment her as much as possible.

Lelei smiles with pride as they run. "I can't believe my magic was able to pierce through the armor. Legend says the Flame Dragon scales are resistant against most magic. I guess I prove that wrong."

He smiles hearing that, being happy that she is impressed with herself. "my mentor Harper always said that every obstacle has a solution around it. You just have to figure it out. He always said you first must believe that there is a solution."

"Great words Major," Lelei said. “That is the entry to magic. People cannot just go to the Magic Academy; you are either born with the ability or not. At least with Humans. Some Humans can learn magic but not everyone can. Sages usually find out if you can learn magic around Selina age. It becomes harder to learn when you get older, Sages prioritized young adults to be admitted to the Academy. The Sages say because you are young the mind is more open to learn which means the possibilities are endless when it comes to magic. As I told you, the more you know the stronger your magic is.”

"That explains the big head then," He comments with a smirk.

She smirks back knowing that he is joking, just making fun of how smart she is.

As they move through the cave he suddenly stops. To his right is another tunnel leading somewhere else.

Lelei stops and points her staff towards the new tunnel. She lights up the orb to add extra light. "Do you think more of Giselle Draconian is down here?"

He takes a closer look down the tunnel. Something is bothering him, and he does not understand why. It is not some instinct or experience that's guiding him, it is just a feeling. He can hear Andrew telling everyone to stop because he stopped. "No Lelei."

Lelei looks at him confused. "I don't understand."

Alicia rushes up. "What is going on? Contact?"

He ignores her for a moment as he figures out why he stopped. "No."

"What? Did you lose it already?" Alicia asks.

He gets on his radio. "Frost get down here."

"Sir what is going on?" Alicia askes in a confused tone.

"Rory is in trouble," He replies.

"How do you know?" Lelei asks. "Did you get a signal from her?"

"No," He replies. "Just a feeling."

Frost rushes up to him. "Sir, reporting."

He grabs his M4A1 and hands it to him. "Hand me your M590."

"I don't understand sir," Frost asks as he takes his rifle.

"Give me the shotgun, Ranger," He said again.

He then takes Frost shotgun and ammunition and gears up. "Everyone takes the Dark Elves back to the vehicles and then waits for Randy’s team. Tell Bailey to get up here. Andrew you are in command. Complete the mission."

He sees his three Rangers salute and head out, escorting the elves. "Tuka go with him and make sure there are no more surprises."

Tuka nods and leaves. He can tell she did not want to but knows not to question his orders. He has noticed she has been trying hard to regain the team's trust after what happened with his daughter Selina(2).

He starts to leave but notices Lelei was going to come with him. He places his hand on her shoulder and looks at her in the eye. "No. I need someone I can trust to go with them. If you are with them then I don't have to think about it."

He then looks at the sword he grabbed. Something does not feel right about it like it doesn't belong to him. He realizes that he has had to use these ancient weapons more and more in this war. He decides that he should learn how to use these weapons but today is not a day for a learning curve.

He tosses that sword to Lelei. "Also take that."

Lelei looks at him not thrilled by him going alone. "You don't want it?"

"I am not a swordsman," He replies. "I am better using what I know. Besides, I have a few new tricks up my sleeves."

"You always do," She said. She then nods and rushes away with the rest of the group.

He looks back to the tunnel, feeling more and more confident that Rory is in trouble. He doesn't know how or why but he can't shake the feeling that she is. He starts running as fast as he can.




Rory is lifted by Giselle and then tossed like a rag towel.

She rolls around a few times and then stops herself with her Halberd. She pulls herself up, holding tightly on her weapon.

She looks at her arm which is black. She feels burns on her back and her leg feels like it has been scrapped as she feels from a high place. Those are the damages she gained from Sharpe's fight with one of Giselle's dragons.

Giselle has been able to capitalize on it. She has cut many of her joints and her achilleas’ tendon to dramatically reduce her movements.

She nearly falls over but leans against her Halberd for support. It has been a while since she felt more damage from Sharpe. She wonders if he was successful in fighting off the dragon or if he was vaporized by the dragon fire breath. If it was the latter that means her regeneration abilities were not able to keep up with the amount of damage he was taking.

She coughs up some blood and looks up after seeing a shadow. She sees Giselle standing there with this annoying smirk.

She starts to move away but Scythe goes through her leg. She feels the blade cut through her leg and suddenly she is not able to move it anymore. Her other tendon has been cut.

She lets out a loud scream of pain.

"This has been fun Rory, but it seems you have doomed yourself," Giselle said as she laughs. "You put up a decent fight, but this was easier than I expected. Which is sad, I really wanted to see if these people were worth my time, but I guess not."

She forces herself to turn around so she can look at Giselle directly. "You're such a whore Giselle."

"What!?" Giselle asked, annoyed by her statement.

"All you ever do is do the bidding of Hardy," She said as she coughs up some blood. Her body feels exhausted, unable to move her arms and legs. She can feel her body regenerating, but it is going far slower than she is used to.

"What I mean is all you ever do is whatever Hardy asked," She said as she coughs again. "You never do anything to make things better. You never do anything for yourself or others. Just Hardy."

"That is what we do Rory," Giselle said as she pulls her Scythe out of Rory's leg. "After all of your mistakes I would think you would have learned that lesson before."

"I have," Rory replies as she takes a breath. "And that is why you are a wiped Minotaur. You will be an Apostle that will be forgotten in the pages of history."

"And you think you will be? You will get your wish." Giselle asked. "You're the Apostle that birthed the Empire. That fled and went into isolation for centuries. You angered your own god and worse of all, you allied with people from another world without even a fight. You will be remembered as a traitor."

"And yet it has been the best time of my life," She replies and starts to cry. Unlike before where she cried from pain and sadness, this time she is crying from joy. "I have met some of the most incredible people in my life. All the adventures, all of the stories, the bonding."

She thinks back when they first met. Fighting the Empire in the Elies Forest, going to Sadera. All the parties she had with Vanguard-7. Going to Earth and meeting the President, celebrating their holidays, all the movie nights and best of all, the sexual harassment she gives Jackson Sharpe at every chance she gets. And most of all, the food.

"For the first time in a long, long time I feel like I finally found a place that I belong to. People who love me, respect me because of me." She said. "I experience things, I have seen things and everything I learned. Everything is so much bigger than I ever could have imagined but I feel like I made a difference in it."

"I have no idea what you are saying anymore," Giselle states and lifts her Scythe. "You have always been all high and mighty, but this is crazy talk. Do you really trust everything with these people? That you sold out your god for?"

She laughs and looks at her. She has wondered what Emroy thinks of her recent choices, siding with the Americans. He has not taken action so whatever his feelings are he must not be angry enough to stop her. "Of course not. I just have faith in them. That Falmart future is with them. That they will do more in saving this world then we Apostles ever could."

"They are mortals, Rory" Giselle states. "They can't do anything right without our guidance."

"That is because you only follow people because you have no choice," She replies. "That is a problem with us Apostles, we never really have a choice. People follow us because they must, and we follow our gods because we must. I have faith in them because they are mortals."

She then smiles happily. "But have you ever followed someone because you wanted to? I mean because you really wanted to. Because you believed in him? I have. Someone with all their flaws but always goes above and beyond. I followed because I wanted to because I believed and because it felt right. Because you love everything about him." She then looks directly at Giselle. "And you will never experience that Giselle."

Giselle looks at her confused and then laughs. "What a load of rubbish." She swings her Scythe down at Rory.

She looks and thinks about her adventures with Sharpe and everyone else. She has no regrets.

She then blinks her eyes as she notices something tackles Giselle. "What the fuck?"

She looks over and sees Giselle and Sharpe rolling around in the dirt. She cracks a smile and then coughs up blood. "What a loveable idiot."




Sharpe stops rolling and lands on his knee. He moves up, holding his fists together and swings with all his might into who he assumes is Giselle's head.

Without hesitation he then grabs Giselle's arm and twists it and spins her around and onto the floor.

He moves around and blocks her tail with his arm, and he grabs it. However, the tail proved to be too strong, and he gets flipped around.

He rolls on the ground again but recovers quickly, getting onto his knee.

"You goddamn mortals," Giselle said as she stands up. She begins to laugh as she looks at him. "I am going to…?" Then she notices these two needles hit her. "What are these?"

As she is talking, he pulled out an M-26 taser, the military-grade of the X26 model taser gun. Without hesitation he pulled the trigger.

He sees Giselle screaming in pain as fifty thousand volts, back by 3.6 milliamps of electricity flows through her body. The amount of energy that hit her brought her to her knees as she screams in pain.

After dealing with Jasis he talked to DARPA for some ideas on how to fight Apostles. While Apostles are immortal, they still feel pain like any living thing. It was a theory of theirs that a taser might be effective against such an opponent.

"What is the deepest pit of hell was that?" Giselle asked angrily. She slowly looks up at him.

He stands up looking directly at her. Normally he would respond with a smartass comment but after seeing what she did to Rory, he is too pissed to try. He pulls the M-26 trigger again releasing another wave of electricity into her.

Giselle screams again from the shock. But she is able to use her tail and hits Sharpe's hand, knocking the weapon away.

He backs away and sees Giselle charging at him angrily. Apostles are faster than Humans and they hit harder. He has learned that from his fights with Taylin.

When Giselle gets close, he grabs her arm and uses her momentum against her throwing her around. When he was stationed in Japan during his years fighting in Southeast Asia, he learned Jujutsu and learned to use his opponent’s attacks against them.

However, he realizes her claw-like hands dug into his arm. He flies around and lands on his back. He feels the drop of blood that is dripping from his hand. Not as much as he would expect but enough to concern him.

"You brat," Giselle said. "Learn your place mortal!"

He grabs her next punch and moves his legs around her. He spins her around and rolls on top of her. He holds onto her arm as tightly as he can, trying to keep her from moving.

Giselle then uses her Apostle strength and tosses him away.

He goes about thirty feet and rolls on the ground. He starts to breathe heavily, feeling tired. He gets up and swings his M590A1 shotgun full of slug rounds. As Giselle flies towards him, he fires a round at her. The slug hits Giselle in the right-wing making her lose balance. She stops close to him and starts running.

Giselle swings her Scythe and destroys his shotgun. After destroying his weapon, she swings her tail at him, knocking him over.

He falls on the ground. He then reaches for his pistol knowing his explosive rounds are effective against Apostles. He then feels Giselle step on his chest and pushes hard. He lets out a painful groan.

"So, you are the one who has corrupted my sister Rory?" Giselle asks as she is analyzing him. "She has such a bad taste in men. But I do have to admit you put up a decent fight for a mortal."

He lays there trying to get her foot off him. The more he tries the harder she pushes down. She starts laughing believing that she won.

On the NW(3), he sees his HUD. Andrew's feed appears so he can see what he sees. He did not do this, which means Sarah must have switched his network for him.

What he sees is Andrew laying in a ditch. The weapon he has is the M107 semi-automatic sniper system. It is an anti-material weapon that uses a .50 caliber BMG cartridge, one of the most powerful snipers ever produced.

"Andrew take the shot!" He yells over his radio.

He sees this confused look on Giselle's face, probably thinking that he has gone mad. She does not understand that he has a radio that allows him to talk to his team a distance.

The next thing he sees is Giselle exploding into two as the .50 caliber round hits her.

He breathes heavily and pushes her foot off himself. He slowly gets up and places his hand on his cheek. He then looks at his hand and notices his own blood but to his surprise he does not feel anything. "What the hell is going on? What did Rory do… Rory!"

The second he remembers Rory he gets up and runs as fast as he can to Rory’s position.






(1) Chapter 137

(2) Chapter 116

(3) NETT Warrior network









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