Gate: War of Two Worlds Part 1

V12 – Chapter 146 Schwarz Tribe

“Today Lieutenant General Duncan of the US Space Force reported to Senate Armed Services Committee of the latest update of the Gate Defection Satellite or GDS.

The GDS is designed to detect the unique radiation signature that comes off the Philadelphia Gate. This type of radiation has never been detected before and to this day puzzle scientists around the world. One of the most confusing things that are puzzling scientists is that this new type of radiation is not lethal.

The latest theory is that this radiation allows Humans and equipment to travel back and forth between worlds, acting as a stabilizing force for the Gate.

The GDS is designed to detect this type of radiation if it ever appears on Earth again. Assuming another Gate ever appears someone where on Earth, this will give NATO and other allied forces a early warning system to mobilize and counter the invading force.

Currently there is a debate on how the new NATO Homeworld Defense Initiative should work and who should be involved.

NATO was created in 1949 as a military alliance to counter the Communist threat of Western Europe. Once the Cold War ended the question raised what need was there for the alliance. After spending the past thirty years conducting regional stability efforts and counter terrorist operations, there is a debate to retool the organization to Earth defense forces just in case the Empire or a different hostile alien threat appears.

However, the NATO Homeworld Defense Initiative is still a proposal and being debated in the US Senate and NATO Parliamentary Assembly.

While the GDS is primarily funded by the United States, it will be jointly commanded by NATO strategic forces to maximize security.” - Jessica Moore from SCNR News


--- Schwarz Forest, Roldom Valley ---

February 9th, 2026


Major Sharpe walks up to the village elder named Jeuo. To his left is Lelei and to his right is Yao.

All around him are his three Vanguard teams. Johnson Vanguard-2 team setting up a defensive perimeter. Vanguard-5 and Vanguard-7 are going to help the Dark Elf civilians into the 2nd Armored transport platoon.

He has Rory going around with the teams, just to make sure no one tries anything funny. Tuka on top of a JLTV keeping her ears out, acting as an early warning.

"We were beginning to wonder what happened to your raid party," Jeuo said.

Yao gets down on one knee. "I am sorry Elder. We failed and were arrested. But I was able to find help." She then looks over to Sharpe. "You need to kneel." She mumbles.

Lelei chuckles. "That will never happen."

He glances at Lelei and then Yao. His look tells her that he won't kneel. He looks back at the village elder. He has a rule about kneeling. Free men don't kneel to anyone. While he believes in traditions, ones that degrade the free spirit he will not accept. Kneeling means you accept that someone is above you, better than you, that you are unequal and that runs against everything he believes in.

The only expectation he started to consider is when a man kneels to his love, an idea he never put thought behind until recently.

Yao stands up, sweating a little. "I apologize, Elder. This is Major Sharpe of the Alnus Tribe."

Hearing that he looks to Yao. "Alnus Tribe?"

Yao looks at him. "Are you people not from Alnus?"

"They are from a nation called the United States of America," Lelei said. "It is one of many countries in their world called Earth. They are the ones leading the war effort against the Empire."

"Countries?" Elder Jeuo asked, confused by the term.

He looks back to Jeuo, surprised that he doesn't know the term. He has heard Pina mention it before. Based on what Yao said her people are more culturally and economically isolated. That probably explains why the Elbe Fiefdom has a direct path into the Roldom Valley.

"It is a term that is widely used in their world," Lelei replies. "A country is a land full of cities and tribes that are unified under one centralized government."

"So a Kingdom or another Empire?" Jueo asked. "The Elves once had a centralized kingdom and that fell. Humans have one now. All proven to be sick from madness because of power. Why should we trust you when I can't trust the kingdoms of my world?"

He sees Lelei about to respond. He holds out his arm, so she doesn't. He notices Yao getting worried, thinking her village elder is ruining their chance for salvation. He looks back at the Dark Elf and chuckles. "I know some Libertarians who would love you."

"Libertarians?" Jeuo asked.

"People who agree with what you said. Centralized government is bad," He replies. "Now look, I am not here to go through a civic lesson. We are a powerful nation just like the Empire, but we are here, and they are not."

"These are my orders," He continues. "We are here to help evacuate your people to Alnus until the situation with the Flame Dragon is resolved. So that your people are not starving. Yao here said you were in need and we have the capacity to help. If you are not interested that is fine, I am authorized to open trade relations to help support the food crisis."

"So, we have a choice?" Jeuo asked, mentally debating on the offer.

"Yup," He replies. "However, if the Flame Dragon attacks again, we will not be providing protection if you choose to stay."

"We heard stories that your weapons are as powerful as the gods," Jeuo said. "Are the stories untrue or are you afraid of the legendary monster?"

"Neither," He replies. "We have the power to kill the damn beast, but we are not stupid to pick an unnecessary fight. Power doesn't mean right."

Jeuo stands there and thinks. He then nods and smiles. "I see. Power and wisdom. I accept your offer to relocate."

Hearing Jeuo says wisdom makes him smirk. He glances over to Lelei and sees her roll her eyes at the wisdom part. He chuckles and looks back at Jeuo. "Roger that. Your people have five hours to pack what you need and then we are out of here. Yao said there are about a hundred and fifty of your people here."

"Speaking of that, my Lord I notice many of the men are missing?" Yao said.

He looks at Yao, not liking what she said.

"You are correct," Jeuo said. "Forty of our remaining warriors went up to Mount Tube to fight the Flame Dragon."

He looks to Jeuo with a confused look. "You are kidding me? Why would you people do something stupid like that? We have rockets and I don't want to tango with that beast. You have bows and arrows and you're going to war?"

"Work on your diplomacy Major," Sarah said over the NW(1) network. She is back at Fort Minick overseeing the operational logistics. She uses the radio and camera built into the helmet to see what everyone else is seeing and gathers data to help the mission.

The Roldom Valley is deep in the northern tip of the Tube Mountains. Being surrounded by mountains from the north, east, and south, they have been able to keep themselves isolated because of the geology. That same geology has been a major communication obstacle for US forces. It's one of the reasons why the exploration of this region has been a low priority. Once you went into this valley you were cut off.

That is no longer the case. While the valley is still isolated, the US Air Force deployed an old MQ-9 Reaper to help establish stable communication with Fort Talas and Fort Minick. That is the only way Sarah can communicate with him.

He shrugs off what she said to focus on the matter at hand.

"They were suddenly passionate to retake their lands," Jeuo said. "Reason seems to have escaped them and they ignored my advice, that the goddess Hardy will save us. You see Major Sharpe; my people have already suffered so much, and we wish for things to go back to normal."

"I understand the feeling but…" He stops himself, thinking about how he can be more diplomatic. He also doesn't see the point in the debate as nothing can come from it. "Ok. Go around and tell your people to pack up. Yao, go find Rory and Tuka and go help. Lelei, with me."

He then walks away and heads to his command vehicles. He orders both Johnson and Bailey to meet him there to discuss the new situation.

"So, I take it you caught all that, Sarah?" He asks as he walks. As he passes some of his Rangers as they start to help out the villager's pack.

"Yes," Sarah said. "I don't think he knows what the definition of wisdom is."

"I agree," Lelei said.

He glances over to Lelei. "Traitor."

He then looks forward as he heads to his JLTV. "Isn't it just me or does shit like this keep happening? The minute we come is when a quarter of the villagers went off on some revenge quest. Strange."

"That did cross my mind," Sarah replies. "But if the roles were reversed you would be off doing the same thing. I never have known you to be a man who lays back while the home is burning."

He thinks about that. "True. Alright pull up any information there is about the Flame Dragon and this region."

"Roger that," Sarah said.

When he gets to his vehicle, he sees First Lieutenant Charles Johnson of Vanguard-2 and Captain Bailey Robinson of Vanguard-5.

"Hey Major," Johnson said.

"Congratulations Major," Bailey said with a chuckle.

"On what?" He asks.

"You know," Bailey said. "You and a certain Captain finally… partying if you get my drift?"

He gives Bailey his death glare which Bailey ignores him. He then looks over to Lelei.

"I think Captain Bailey is saying that you and Sarah are officially now a mating couple," Lelei said.

He nods his head and takes a slight breath. He can hear a small chuckle over the radio from Sarah or one of her staff. "Thank you Lelei, for the insight. Let's stay focused."

"No seriously sir," Johnson said. "We didn't get a chance back at base but a lot of us are happy for you."

"Thank you and noted," He replies, wishing people to stay focused. "We are on a mission right now. You are all welcome to humiliate me back at base."

He takes a deep breath and looks at both of them, seeing that he is being a dick when they were trying to be nice. "Thank you."

"More things change, the more things stay the same," Bailey said as he chuckles. "Roger that Major."

He thinks back to when he told Sarah that he loves her(2). The idea was to tell only the Girls and let things slowly develop. They are at war after all and need to keep focus.

However, the Girls had different plans. They all texted everyone they knew the news as they told them. He knows he should have expected Tuka, Selina, and especially Rory to do something like that. Lelei, on the other hand, had shocked him. Apparently, relationships are more open in her old Nomad tribe than in western culture.

"Now the business at hand," He said. "I just learned about forty Elf males are MIA. The village elder said they went to that mountain to hunt the Flame Dragon."

When he said Flame Dragon, he can see this frozen reaction on their face.

"That bastard is here?" Bailey asked.

"I don't like the idea of fighting it," Johnson said. "We barely survived the last time(3)."

He thinks back on that fight. They were not prepared to fight a dragon and we're just reacting. He remembers jumping out of the JLTV with a stinger, but his attack failed. Rory and Lelei’s help saved him and distracted the dragon long enough for a Javelin missile to blow off one of its arms.

It has been a long time but that is how he met the Girls and started this journey. He feels strange like everything comes full circle somehow.

"Standing orders is not to engage the Flame Dragon," Bailey said. "If we come in contact, we disengage and report to Fort Talas."

"That is assuming it is here," Lelei said. "Please correct me but didn't your people say the Flame Dragon flew far away? "

"Truth is…. we have no idea Lelei," Johnson replies.

"That was more of an assumption because we haven't seen it since the first contact," Bailey explains. "It doesn't make sense that the Flame Dragon has been here the whole time."

As they talk, he looks to Mount Tube. Bailey is correct, the odds are low that the beast is here. "The odds are low. Yao did say their land was destroyed around the time we fought it. They just have never been able to recover. Still, something is telling him that something is strange here."

"Sir," Bailey said. "Our mission is just to evacuate these people. Not to go to war."

He looks back at Bailey. "I know. This was my idea. But we are missing a quarter of them."

He then looks to his HUB. "Sarah, pull out the latest survey here."

Once Sarah does that, she passes the map to Bailey and Johnson. "It only has been a few days so they should be in this area. Taking a quick peek shouldn't be a problem if we stay low."

"I am going to take Vanguard-7 to the base of the Mountain and take a look around," He said. "If there is anything we need to know, then this is the time."

"Ok," Johnson said. "What if you do run into something?"

He looks to Johnson and then to Bailey. "Get a man with a Stinger ready. Just in case. Keep the evacuation going. I am extending the operation by two hours."

"So, we will be here for seven hours?" Johnson asked.

"Correct," He replies. "We will be back by then at the latest. With or without that hunting party. Sarah, contact Talas Command and update them on the situation."

"Roger," Sarah said.

"Any questions?" He asked.

"No sir," Johnson said.

"I got one," Bailey said. "If you die can I have your condo?"

"No but you can have the mortgage on it," He replies.



--- Roma Highway, secret tunnel network ---

February 9th, 2026


Tyuule moves through the tight tunnel network. The size of the tunnel has prevented her from using her Bunny speed to catch up with the Haryo Tribe agents. However, she caught their scent and knows she is getting close.

She wonders what happened back in Alnus. For a moment she thought she was going to die by that brainwashed Czech soldier. She thought he was a lost cause until the American officers told her they have the technology to cut inside people and cure them without killing them, which means they can cut out brain slugs without killing the victim.

She was hoping to stop them at the warehouse but just in case she couldn't she arranged for Myuute to be there. She knows they are close, being police partners, and saw that she cared for him. As the Americans say, if the shit hit the fan, she wanted Myuute to be her plan B. Thank god she arrived when she did because Miloslav was about to blow her and himself up.

She didn't wait to see what happened next, knowing time was limited. The Haryo agents have both Tenchi and Herm. Herm is one of Zorzal right hand generals and losing him would be a major blow to NATO. Tenchi being the son of Zorzal would also be a massive blow.

To her shock, she is more worried by Zorzal's bastard son Tenchi. For three years Zorzal murdered her people, enslaved her, and beaten and raped her endlessly. She thought the boy wouldn't even cross her mind but seeing him around all the time showed her that he doesn't have to be like his father. Seeing Noriko take care of him and watching Tenchi act like any other child. She started to see that evil can spawn anywhere but that doesn't mean it has to be passed down.

As she runs, she can tell that these tunnels were made quickly. Most likely by dwarves as they are the only ones who can create tunnels this quickly. What is bothering her is how they built a tunnel-like this so quickly. So far, she has seen dripping water and small puddles meaning the Roma river close by.

She suddenly stops as she sees a fork in the tunnel. This site confuses her, wondering how there can be multiple directions inside this tunnel.

"Lieutenant General Stanford," She said. "I have a fork in the tunnel."

"What?" Stanford said furiously. "Standby Tyuule."

As she waits, she starts to sniff the stale air. She gets a scent from both directions and tries to figure out which scent is whose.

"Our recon helicopter still is tracking them going to Italica," Stanford said. "Continue heading north and engage."

"No," She replies and then sniffs again. "I am getting their scent from both directions. They had to split up."

She looks at both directions and thinks carefully. "They definitely splitted up. I have Herm and that pig bastard’s scent. They went east towards the mountains. Tenchi is heading to Italica."

As she said that she thinks about why they separated. There is a Haryo network in Italica and she assumed they would want to go there for safety. And if Herm knew that Tenchi is Zorzal's firstborn son he would never allow him out of his sight. 

Not because of some fatherly instinct but more to present Tenchi as a reward or gift. As a cheap way to gain favor by Zorzal’s side even though he is a horrible general.

"Alright," Stanford said. There is a lot of static because she is underground. "Follow the new path and capture General Herm. I am also directing a chinook of reinforcements. Get him alive, if you can't, kill him."

She looks down the new tunnel and takes a breath. "What about Tenchi? The Haryo Tribe went out of their way to grab Tenchi and Herm, which means they must have a plan for the boy. We can't-."

"Tyuule," Standford states over the radio. "I gave you an order. Herm is the primary priority."

"What? I can't believe it!" She yells. "I am going to Italica-."

"Tyuule!" Stanford yells. "We trusted you with your plan on dealing with the situation but now I need you to trust us. I have the situation in Italica under control. I will not allow the boy to be taken by those bastards. He is an American citizen and you of all people should know the lengths we will go for our people. We do not leave our people behind."

Hearing that she thinks back to when she was rescued from Zorzal(4). It was Delilah's idea but US Rangers went out of their way to save her at the cost of one of theirs. She saw the battle in the royal district as the Rangers devastated the Empire just to save five of their people.

She takes a deep breath and thinks about that. "Sooner or later I have to."

"What?" Stanford asks.

"I said I'm going after Herm," She replies. "You better be right about this."



--- Italica ---

February 9th, 2026


Mamina is sitting on the roof. "Are you sure this is the place? That is a barbershop?'

She is an orange hair Warrior Bunny, the most skilled fighter out of Countess Myui maids. When her kingdom fell to the Empire she was enslaved for a short period but was able to escape. This noblewoman thought she could tame her and she learned the hard way that would never happen. She worked her way to Italica and Myui father Colt Formal granted her freedom if she became a maid assassin.

There are three other maids, all of them are assassins like her. Meia is a short hair Catgirl who has been helping NATO hunt down moles within Alnus or Italica. Persia is a purple Catgirl. Aurea is the red hair Medusa

"That is what they said," Aurea said over the radio. "Meia said she found clues that lead to here."

"Rights right!" Meia said over the radio.

Mamina looks over to their direction. She is amazed that they can talk at this distance even though they are scattered around other rooftops.

"Aren't these speaking devices amazing?" Persia said with an exciting tone.

"Don't break them," She said. "They seem expensive."

"But think about it," Aurea said. "The mighty and powerful Americans asked us for help. Saying they need our skillset during this crisis."

What Aurea said is true. She was shocked that the Americans asked for help on this one. Myui was more than thrilled to accept as she wants to stay in good favor with Alnus. She is happy to help the Americans after everything they have done for Italica. And for her she still feels guilty for allowing the Wood Elves to kidnap the savior of Italica’s daughter under her watch and she sees this as a way to redeem herself.

"Let's just remember we finally found those rats in our city," She said. "This time we end this."

"Right!" Meia said in a cheerful tone.

"We just need to wait until the trap is set," Persia said.

She glances over to Persia's location and smirks. "In the meantime, should we talk about your crush on that one American man? What was his name again?" She said in a teasing tone.

"Marvin Scott, I think," Aurea answers.

"I didn't know this!" Meia said.

"Because you've been in Alus," She replies. "Persia here has a crush on him for a while."

"At least I have gotten that far Mamina," Persia said with an evil chuckle.

She glares toward Persia's direction. Before she can respond her radio crackles on.

"This is Lieutenant General Stanford."

She blinks, not expecting that he would be the one speaking. His speaking shows the gravity of the situation and how seriously they are taking this operation.

"Our helo has tracked them back to Italica," Stanford said. "We learned that they split up some time ago. Primary target General Herm is no longer in play however they have children as hostages. One of them is an American baby. Their safety is a top priority."

"Ok General. We have this under control." She said and looked over to the other three maid assassins. "Let's do this!"




Jaruki climbs up the latter heading into the secret room of the building. It was a long journey to get to Italica but it seems like he and Borqual got away.

Around him are Haryos and three other natives of Italica. The three are former slaves that had been brainwashed. The Haryo Tribe prefers to brainwash slaves because they are forgettable and move around a lot. If a slave goes missing no one ever questions it.

"Where should we put the brats?" Borqual asked.

"Over there for now," Koclo said, the head Haryo in Italica. He then looks to Borqual. "Who is this?"

"This is Zorzal's bastard son," Borqual said. "He impregnated one of his Other Worlder slaves before being rescued long ago."

Jaruki sets down his pack. "Hargus said he is a top priority and that Bouro would want him for your research."

"I see," Koclo said. "I will make the preparations. Wait, why didn't Hargus take him then?"

"He doesn't want the Emperor to know he has a son yet," Borqual said. "We had Herm with us. If he knew he would tell Zorzal."

"I see," Koclo said. "Settle down and relax. You are safe here."

He looks around and sees everyone rounding up the kids into the other room. He is surprised by the setup of this outpost. During the rebuilding of Italica after the attack they must have used that time to sneak into here, using the rebuilding process to make this hidden home.

He takes a deep breath, glad that their mission was a massive success. "Do you have any Wane root?"

As he said that he hears a burst from the ceiling and someone landing behind him. He turns around and sees this orange Warrior Bunny. The sight of seeing a Warrior Bunny in full battle uniform standing there terrifies him.

"Hello boys," The Bunny said. "Thank you for the information, however you are not welcome."

He hears another smash and looks up, seeing this purple Catgirl standing there. She releases her sharp claws and licks her lips. He looks around and sees two more appear from the ceiling. He sees that they are surrounded like animals in a pin waiting to be slaughtered. He realizes that this was a trap all alone and wonders how they found this place.




Mamina tightens the grip of her blade. "Let's get the ladies. Don't kill the kids."

She takes her blade and slashes at the Dark Elf. He falls back holding his chest.

She looks up and sees Persia jump up spinning in the air and lands behind the strange looking pigman. Persia then uses her claws and slashes at the beast.

The Human that was with the Dark Elf pulls out his sword and slashes at Persia, but Persia jumps away. Cat-people have amazing instincts and are able to react far better than most races. Before Persia could counterattack, one of the other slaves attacked her. The man who she first attacks starts charging at her while she is distracted.

She bursts from her position and flies towards that man. She passes him and he falls into two pieces. As she lands, she sees Persia jump on that slave and slices his face.

"No, you don't!" Meia yells.

One of the slaves was trying to escape but Meia lands between him and the door. She pulls out daggers and tears the slave apart.

Seeing that she chuckles. These people think they are clever but when a real fight comes, they panic. She looks over and sees the last slave. He is by another door. Behind that door is where all those kids are. Stanford said avoid killing the kid's sense they have a cure. She knows that will make things harder to fight if they can't kill. "Stop there!"

The Haryo slave opens the door and five kids of different ages and races pour out and charge.

"I got this!" Aurea said as she landed between the kids and the other maids.

Her snakehead hair becomes alive. Each snakehead looks at one of the kids and uses their hypnosis ability. Each kid stops once they look at the snakes and stand there as they are affected by Aurea’s trance.

"Aww," Aurea said. "They're so cute when they are not trying to kill us."

There are two types of Medusa. One is the humanoid one like Aurea where they have snakes as hair. The other is more of a beast than humanoid. The top part is humanoid with snake features while the lower part is the snake.

The humanoid type like Aurea can use the multiple snakeheads on their head and hypnotize their victims, temporarily controlling them. The beast form is far stronger than the Humanoid version. They are so powerful that if any male looks at her, they turn into stone.

"Great job Aurea!" She said. She sees that the kids are all falling under her control and no longer a threat. "I will take care of him."

She sees the slave freaking out and starts looking for a way out. She charges towards him, letting out a Warrior Bunny war cry. She rams her blade into the Haryo slave and kills him.

She watches as the slave dies and then she pulls out her sword from the man's corpse. "This was fun."

She then gets on the radio. "Lieutenant General Stanford, we have secured the Haryo base. Few prisoners and we have the kids. Alive."

"Roger that," Stanford said. "The baby?"

She looks around and sees Meia rush into that room where the kids came from. She walks out holding a baby Human boy.

"Aww he is cute," Meia said.

She looks at Meia and smiles. With her ears she was able to overhearing their conversation about Tenchi and who his father is. No wonder the American General was so concerned about this baby, being the son of Emperor Zorzal. She has no idea how they ended up with his kid but all she cares about is that mission accomplished, and they removed these rats from their city.

"We have the boy, General," She replies. "You can come in whenever."

"Roger that,' Stanford said. "Great job ladies, the United States thanks you for your service."



--- Dumas Mountains/Roma River ---

February 9th, 2026


Tyuule has both Herm and that Haryo’s scent. The scent is strong and she knows she is close.

She hoped that everything went well in Italica but right now she knows she has to focus on her mission. She knows she can't let Herm escape.

She is no longer in the secret tunnel but outside. She assumes this was how the Haryo agents in Alnus and Italica were getting their orders and supplies. She is impressed by how well the layout of the underground network is and glad it is gone.

This is one of many tactics the Haryo Tribe used against her.

Her eyes detect two people up ahead. Her nose confirms that it is the pig and Herm.

She takes a deep breath and pushes herself to catch up, going as fast as she can. She remembers that she once would go faster, being a fine and fit warrior. Taking almost four years off from training has taken its toll. However, she is still faster than them.

"Herm!" She yells and rushes past them. She jumps and lands, blocking their escape.

She looks directly at them as they stand there, trying to figure out what to do. "Look. This ends one way or another. They know where you are."

She sees the Haryo pull something out of his bag. She charges forward seeing that they won't surrender.

The Haryo tosses this purple orb at her. She knows what it is, only seeing it once before. A darkness orb. Once affected by it, it brings out your deepest fears.

She just goes through the orb and slashes the Haryo in the chest. She moves past them and lands, spinning around and then stops, facing them.

"Ahh!" The Haryo said. "How did you not-?"

"Fall into the darkness, fear?" She replies in a determined tone. "I lived in that fear for three years. Do you think a little gas will have an effect on me? Think again."

She then pushes forward and slashes at the Haryo, cutting his head off the body.

She spins her blade around as she gets into her fighting stance. She then looks to Herm.

Herm is backing away slowly, scared out of his mind. "Don't kill me. Please!"

"I won't," She replies. "They want you alive and I don't think they will be pleased with this."

She walks over but then an arrow lands at her feet, just missing. Then three other arrows come out of nowhere. She barely dodges them and takes cover.

From her cover she looks out and sees five Imperial soldiers come out of cover. She can hear more hiding farther back, most likely the archers. "Damn. This was more planned out than I expected."

She looks around and can see and hear more of them. She should have expected something like this. Herm is a high ranking general and a close friend of Zorzal. There would be a large welcome party.

Herm stands there with a cocky smirk on his face. "Dear Tyuule. It looks like you're outnumbered and alone. No one is here to save you this time. I think Zorzal will be pleased to have you back. Get her."

She sees five more soldiers appear and charge at her. When one soldier gets close, she comes out of her cover and slashes the soldier down. She then blocks someone else's sword and jumps back, looking for some space.

Once she lands, she looks around for Herm. He sees him, father, back as he heads into the forest. She sees another arrow coming and she dodges it, going for another soldier. She slides down and slices his leg off.

As the man falls and screams in pain, she gets up and looks around. She sees about a dozen swordsmen and about eight archers forming up.

Imperial soldiers normally form up in lines, complementing their shields and numbers into a marching force. It is harder to pick off soldiers if they are together in a melee battle. The Other Worlders weapon makes that tactic suicidal. She can see how much the Army has changed. They are scattered so they can't get cut down by bullets as easily. The archers are in cover behind trees or boulders, just like what the Other Worlder soldiers do.

As she prepares for her defense, she feels the air changing. Her ears pick up noise, so she looks up. She sees one of the American CH-47 Chinook, one of their big helicopters that carry soldiers.

As the Chinook flies over and starts to hover. She watches it descend, impressed by the sight. She looks around and sees all the soldiers looking at it, amazed by such a machine.

She sees the archers firing arrows at it, but they bounce off the armor. She sees the back ramp start to open up.

"This is Captain Ryder Watson of the Australian 1st Commando Regiment," Ryder said. "We got your back, your highness."

She grabs her radio. "I am not a Queen and watch out, They are everywhere and all over the place."

"Just calling it as I see it, highness," Ryder said.

She looks around and sees some of the swordsmen getting into a position to fight the new threat. She charges forward and cuts another Imperial soldier down.

When the Chinook lands she sees ten Australians rush out and begin to engage the enemy.

She rushes up and cuts down another swordsman. She looks out and sees the Australians fanning out and starting to pick off the archers in the back.

"Hello Captain," She said. "Thank you for coming."

"Just following orders," Ryder said. "Where is the General?"

She points her blade into the forest. "He went that way and got a good lead. I cannot smell him with all this blood around and that gas from your 'helocopter' isn't helping. Plus, I can't hear much."

"Point?" Ryder asked.

"My point is I think we lost them," She replies. "I wasn't expecting a small army here and this was too organized. There is no way the General is undefeated, so we probably only face a quarter of his protection. That is assuming they are still on the surface."

"What are you saying?" Stanford asks suddenly over the radio.

Hearing him catches her off guard. "I am sorry General, but I think we lost them. We can go after and hope I get a scent, but I know we will be running into ambushes. This was too organized to just be a raid."

"I hate to agree but I do," Stanford said. "We kept getting raids on the Roma Highway(5) but we don't know where they keep coming from. Thermal can't pick them up."

She looks back at the direction she came and remembers the tunnels. While they were dug by the Haryo Tribe she could tell Dwarves helped. She can't think of another race that could dig such a complex tunnel network this quickly.

"General, they must be in a tunnel network," She replies.

"General," Ryder said. "Permission to head out and search."

"Granted," Stanford said. "I have the 10th Mountain and Italian force inbound. Sweep the forest."

She can hear in his voice that he is not happy at the loss of Herm. She can understand why it is a massive blow to the NATO war effort.

She looks down and notices the Haryo still alive but passed out. She can hear the light breaths from the pig. "General. We do have a Haryo prisoner with his darkness orb. I think you will want to ask him some questions.

There is a short delay in his response. "Good. Tyuule, bring him in."

"I can do that General," She replies. She notices the Haryo starting to move so she stomps on him. "What about Tenchi?"

"Italica agents have secured the package and Vanguard-3 is inbound to pick him up," Stanford said. "They did well. Secure the package."

She takes a breath, happy that they were able to save him. She is still surprised that she cares that much for Zorzal's son but is happy that she does care. While Herm did escape, she does feel a new purpose again, a feeling she hasn't felt for four years.







(1) Nett Warrior

(2) Chapter 138

(3) Chapter 8

(4) Chapter 45 & 46

(5) Chapter 122









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