Gate: War of Two Worlds Part 1

V11 – Chapter 129

"Today at the United Nations, US Ambassador Michael Powell and the Chinese Ambassador got into a heated argument today as both blame each other for the recent events in Central Asia. Chines forces continue their expansion into northern Afghanistan and Tajikistan."

"China has been scrutinized by the United States and the rest of the International Community for spreading the Chinese Coronavirus in early 2020. Reports say that the Chinese government knew about the virus as early as late 2019 and did not inform the International Community, all reports which the Chinese government denies.

Relations broke down after reports by the Chinese government accused the United States Army of spreading the virus within China. In retaliation, they rejected medical shipments to the western world which spark worldwide outrage.”

"China invaded its eastern neighbors after the outbreak to stimulate its economy. The massive industry pulls out of China pushed the Chinese economy depression. The government said their goal in their occupied countries is to extract the much-needed resources and to force its One-Belt-One-Road project through the region."

"However, the Chinese Ambassador accused the United States of monopolizing the single most important scientific discovery in Human history to themselves and imperialistic vassals. China called on the United Nations Secretary-General to push the area around the Gate to be given to UN control so all nations on Earth could benefit."

"As expected, the United States, the United Kingdom, and France in the Security Council rejected the proposal. Ambassador Michael Powell threatens that the US will withdraw from the United Nations if such a proposal is passed and remove any current nation who is part of the NATO Expedition Force if they support it."

"China then again accused the US of imperialistic acts while the US is calling out China imperialist acts in the world.

"With the recent victory in the Elies region and conquering of Fortress Legrath, China and Russia believe that the defensive war is over, and a more International presence should be the main focus. That the US must choose if this war is for the protection of Earth or to enrich themselves and their friends."

"After that meeting, US Ambassador Michael Powell and thirty-five other ambassadors walked out of the UN General Assembly ending the debate." – SCNR News




--- Alnus Community, Apex Liberty Bar ---

January 8th, 2026


Tyuule walks into the back of the kitchen. She walks over to the dishwashing area. Above she can hear hammering and other mechanical equipment as the Army Engineers continue to fix the building.

She put the dishes into the bucket and wipe her hands on her diner apron to dry them off. She takes an annoyed breath, and she looks down at the dirty dishes.

Four years ago, she was once a queen of a Kingdom and now she is washing dishes just to make ends meet. If it were not for Delilah, she has no idea what things would be like.

She thinks back and remembers the times going around her homeland. There were no large palaces and mighty construction problems that other races enjoy making. Just the hundreds of green hills across the meadows. The many small streams that pass by from the Mountains Range of Ice and Snow. The tall grasses towering to the waist of a fully grown Bunny.

The true beauty of that she remembers is seeing all her people dens. Thousands of mothers wondering around with thousands of more children playing around. With over ninety percent of the population female, it was up to the mothers to protect their homeland.

War has always been a custom her Warrior Bunnies had to deal with. A land where the almost the population were fertile females, that attracts all sort of trouble. Her lands have been invaded many times, mostly mercenaries trying to get take her people as their own. However, they always met the same fate as every other invading force, death.

However, the Empire was another beast of its own. The Empire has always wanted her land, for one reason or another. They tried to take it in the past, but they were always half-hearted attempts. Being an Empire means you always have your eyes elsewhere.

Then Prince Zorzal and his army came. He is no military genius, but he had the numbers to back up his lack of strategy. Sometimes she wished that Zorzal wanted her land for something more important than just wanting more female slaves. Like more farmland or securing a key strategic location, anything more than the true reason. He just wanted her people to just become his personal sex slaves.

She later learned that many past generals turn down the offer to conquer her land. Many of there were excellent and intelligent leaders within the Imperial Army, all thinking it was pointless or a distraction campaign. That her land was a good buffer zone from threats from the northeast.

Zorzal was too stupid to listen to their advice. He always thinks he is braver and stronger than he is. But he was the one who brought her down to her knees, defeated by him, him out of all people!

If she were defeated by one of their great Generals like Toshia or Isikol it would have been easier to accept the defeat, but it had to be him. She did not know it at the time but some of her own commanders and royal servants were corrupted by the Haryo Tribe. They planted the seeds of her defeat and now her people have been bought and sold across the Empire, scattered to nothing.

Hearing her name, she looks over and sees Delilah standing there, waving at her to get her attention.

"Your Highness, hello?" Delilah asked. "We have customers."

She looks to Delilah, one of her few loyal Bunnies that remain. It is strange that she was her queen but now she takes orders from her at this bar.

"I know," She said. "I will get back to work."

Delilah looks at her and sees the frustration in her queen's eyes. "Thinking back home again?"

She nods her head in agreement. Since being rescued from Zorzal by these Americans, she has been staying with Delilah, when she is not with that American Officer Bailey.

"Yes," She responds and looks down. "I find it funny. Damn Humans came, attacked, raped us, beaten us, sold us off like cheap cattle. But in the end, it was Humans who saved me. The world is funny like that."

She thinks back to that day, what the Americans call 'Raid on Sadera'(1). She remembers the city was attacked and during the chaos, Delilah appeared and tried to free her. For a split moment she thought she was going to be free but then Zorzal his Royal Guards surrounded them.

It looked hopeless but then Captain Bailey Rangers blew the wall apart. They easily defeated the guards with their more advance weapons. At the time she feared those guards, being some of the best warriors the Empire had and yet they fell so easily. As they were fleeing to their extraction point for their flying machines to pick them up, she discovered that one of their men fell from a Volraden attack, being torn apart.

"Funny it is," Delilah says with a smirk and does a V symbol with her figures. "I know it is hard. I still think about everyone I once knew. There are a few of us here and in Italica, but one day we will find our people."

She nods in agreement. "One day."

She then walks over to the counter and grabs the plates of food. "By the way, Delilah, how are you two doing? I still find it strange that you have stayed with someone this long when not mating."

Delilah walks over and grabs the customer's plats. "Were doing fine and there's plenty of mating." She said as she elbows her. "It is still strange at times, but I am enjoying their version of relationships. A lot of free chocolate." She says with a chuckle.

She rolls her eyes and starts walking. Delilah is referencing that guys get their girlfriends gifts when trying to get in trouble, so Delilah makes sure Bailey does something to get in trouble.

She heads out into the lounge and sees the place all knew. Soldiers and citizens of Alnus alike eating and drinking this afternoon. She sees her table and sees her customers. Captain Sarah, Noriko, and her son Tenchi.

As she walks over, she looks at the boy, Zorzal son. The boy Tenchi has his father's red eyes and the same blond hair color. The idea that Zorzal has offspring makes her blood boil, knowing what his father has done to hundreds of his victims.

She then looks to Noriko and remembers the first day she arrived at the Royal Palace. During the five months, she was Zorzal sex slave, she cried, called out, and was weak. Zorzal loved how exotic she was and the fact that she never understood why what was happening to her was normal in this world. And he enjoyed every minute, unlike her. Zorzal has always feared that he never could match up to his father and she has learned that this is how he makes himself feel important. A sign of a weak-minded man.

However, she never conceded anything to Zorzal. To the end she always reminded defiant, never allowing herself to be broken.

As she watches Noriko playing with her son. She must admit to herself that she never could look past that if she had Zorzal child. She has been watching the two for a long time, always thinking it was a curse to have Zorzal child. But she can see in Noriko's eyes that she does not seem to care about that fact. The child is hers and not Zorzals. She did not need to hear that; she can see it in her actions. She always thought Noriko was just another weak Human girl, but the truth is, it is the other way around. Able to look past a child's father and embrace it, she can see that she could not summer the strength to do that.

She sets down the plats. "Sorry for the wait."

"It is ok," Sarah responded. "We have some entertainment."

She looks back to Tenchi. "How is the little one?"

Noriko looks over and smiles at her. "Growing. Full of energy and still cute."

"Wait until he becomes a teenager," Sarah said. "That cuteness just turns into a garbage disposal."

"You kidding? He is always hungry now," Noriko said.

They giggle at that. She stands there not fully understanding the reference. She has heard that it had something to do with a sink that eats food in the drain. "Anyway, are you two still looking for help?"

Noriko looks to her. "Yes. We are going around and telling the other parents about the school idea. With mix results."

"Yeah," Sarah adds. "You think parents would jump at the idea but nope. To bust helping at shops or farming or whatever."

"You can't expect people to change for you," She said. "The problem with you people is you think the world changes at your will. Because you are so powerful, you don't always see others' perspectives."

She sees both look at her and then at each other and giggle. She is baffled by the reaction. "What?"

"Nothing," Sarah said. "I think you should be a teacher. To balance out our ego."

"Whatever," She responds. "I am not really a children Bunny. Anyway, with your new promotion, wouldn't you be too busy to do this school thing?"

"That has crossed my mind," Sarah responded. "That's why I going to hire some help. To help me and cover me while I am gone."

"What is why I am here," Noriko said as she eats a French fry. "Now I can finally start paying back Sharpe for his kindness. But I don't understand why he wants it in a check. Like whom uses check nowadays. I actually had to look it up on what he was talking about."

Sarah places her hand on her noised, annoyed by what Noriko said. "God damnit Sharpe…"

She looks at her. "What is it?"

Sarah takes a bit form her sandwich annoyed and looks to Noriko. "Look dear, the reason why Sharpe wants you to repay him in checks is because he intends to take the check, put it in a bottle rocket. But C4 in it and then shoot it in the sky and blow it up. He never intended to cash it."

She looks to Noriko and sees this confused look on her face. She herself is also confused by what Sarah said. "And this is the man Rory, and the other girls follow? Are all your men this stupid?"

Sarah chuckles. "Yup. But life is never boring though."

She shakes her head. "I will never understand you, Humans." As she starts to walk away, she stops and looks back at them. "You said you were looking for help?"

Sarah looks at her. "Yes? Are you offering?"

"Of course not," She responded. "But Myuute was in here a few days ago getting drunk. She was upset that she discriminated against this Batwoman and nearly arrested her for no reason. I overheard it and was just thinking, maybe ask her so she stays out of trouble."

Sarah thinks about that. "I recall. Randy team saved her from bandits awhile back. I guess I could see if she is qualified."

She shrugs her shoulders. "I just don't like seeing people come in here upset. Now I have to get back to work." She then walks away.



--- Trading town of Populis, between Italica and Rondel, Appia Highway, Prance Palace Tavern ---

January 9th, 2026


Milhay Anem is in his Tavern, preparing some drinks for his guests.

He sees his daughter nine-year-old Vaminra Minra walk up. As a tradition, she has her mother's last name since all children receive their mother's sir name since they are the ones who give birth to them.

"Hello father," Vaminra said as she sets some plats down. "Jagiths Party is back from their quests."

Jagiths Party, Karther Adventure group. They are his favorite and most hated customers. When they have money they pay very well, as most Adventures do. They are not knowing to be good at budgeting their money. On top of that, he is certain that one of his party members, Harthdru Falith is attracted to his daughter.

"Vaminra," He said. "Take these meals to the whores upstairs."

"Yes father," She said in a cheerful smile.

He watches her take a tray full of food upstairs. He usually hires whores, so they are not on the streets. Both men and women of any race. But mostly women. He tries to treat his employees well, wanting to maintain a good reputation. Plus, he does not enjoy seeing the women living in the cold and alone. At least under his roof, they can be safe.

Lessons he learned from his once General, Krysist. Regardless of station, we are all citizens of the Empire.

It was his wife's idea to start a brothel to help runaways and outcasts. She always had the brains in the family, helping him start up this tavern. He glances up to where they carved their names into the ceiling, remembering how much he misses her.

He then looks to Karther Jagith, the party leader. "You are back sooner than expected."

Karther points to a table and his party walks over to it. He then walks over and sits down at one of the bar booths. "Drink please."

That is not good. Every time he comes up to the bar booth is when a quest did not go as well as he wanted. "That bad?" He said as he passes him a mug.

Karther takes the mug and drinks half of it. "It wasn't bad. It just didn't pay well. Plus, the Empire prevented us from finishing the quest."

"Let me guess," He said. "They hijack the supplies for the war effort?"

Karther nods his head.

He remembers having to do that in the east. Cut off and surrounded, when you have a chance to take supplies, you take it. He is not proud of every act he did during his time in the Army but that's life.

"I am sorry my friend," Karther said. "It is just not profitable up here right now. It is not like the good days."

"You could join the Army," He said as he cleans a mug. "They always could use leaders like you."

Karther points to him and smirk. "You, always trying to get me killed."

He thinks about their trouble. An Adventure usually stays in one town, if there is a steady stream of work. But when that work disappears, they usually leave to a new Post in some other town.

That is the best-case scenario, sometimes Adventures take matters in their own hands. A long time ago before this war started, there was a scandal in Elbe Fiefdom. There was a long period of lack of quests because the Fiefdom was very stable and safe.

Not happy about this, some Adventures parties formed agreements with bandits and mercenaries. They would attack small villages, farms, and travelers so they would place a quest. Then those parties would go out and ‘deal’ with those bandits. Then they go back to collect the reward and be ‘heroes’.

When it came out about the scam, King Duran banished the Guild from his lands. The Guild was going to take Elbe Fiefdom to the Imperial Court for breaking Guild law but then the war happened. While only a few Adventures were part of the scam, it only takes one to ruin it for everyone.

“I would never,” He respond. “If I was going to kill you I would do it myself my friend.”

Karther chuckles and takes a drink. “Any word of the delegation while we were gone?”

“This messenger came by and said they will be here in two days,” Her said.

Karther looks at him confused. “Why so long? Rondel isn’t the far. I was afraid that we might have missed them, but we needed the money.”

He just shrugs and grabs another mug to clean. “No idea. They probably went around the Arrun Labyrinth. Rumors said something strange is happening there.”

“Arrun. There just ruins. IK don’t care if people say their curse.” Karther said.

He looks around to make sure there are no new customers around. He then looks back down at his friend. “Maybe. It always seems like something is happening there. But then it ends up being nothing. Still, you still planning on going to Italica then?”

After what happen in Elbe Fiefdom, Count Colt Formal of Italica wanted to kick the Guild out of the city to. He was able to suspend operations, feeling like it was only bringing crime into the city. Again, the war started so he was not able to ban the Guild presence. The move was controversial at the time want many were happy that the Guild was brought back after Colt died on the other side of the Gate.

But then the city became poor because of the war. When that large army of bandits attacked the city, Countess Myui did not have the funds to pay the Guild Administration so the closed the Post, thinking that the city was going to burn at the time.

That is normal in this world, cities being raided and destroyed by armies. That is why so many Adventurers are loyal to the Empire, with all their faults, they prevent cities from burning. That is why me enlisted, after his hometown in the east was raided and burned.

No one would have batted an eye if Italica burned by bandits. It would have been a tragedy but that is all. But then everyone heard what happened, the city was saved and then occupied by these Other Worlders.

He glances over to the wanted posters by the Empire. The Empire wants to head of the man who intervened in the siege and saved it. There are many versions of the story, but it left a negative mark on the Guild reputation. Some believe that is how the Guild has been losing all its posts around Alnus. Italica has encouraged the City-States of Valtris, Deabis, Atler, and more have kicked out the Guild because of that event.

That is a lot of revenue suddenly gone from the Rondel headquarters. Seeing that the war will not end anytime soon, they mut be trying to reestablish themselves back into the region and make amendments. That is how Karther explained it.

He always though running a tavern and brothel was complicated, but this sounds ridiculous to him. Politics, he hated it while he was in the Army and it sounds worse in the Guild.

“I don’t see any other option besides doing east,” Karther said. “I refuse to go west, and I don’t want to deal with the Ticaret Conglomerate.”

He smirks hearing that. “Is it because you ran away from there or because you own one of the families a lot of debt still?”

Karther glares at him. “Shut it.”

He just chuckles, loving to harass him. “Still, it is not like you to go into war zones like that.”

“As I said, don’t see a lot of options,” Karther answers. “Besides, I am a S rank so that does come with some responsibilities and benefits. If the Guild delegation can work out some type of agreement with the Other Worlders, I would like to be the first one in. I still hear that Naiktai Post is still open.”

“Interesting,” He said. “That is probably because of all the mountains and forests in that area. Never know what is hiding in them.”

“All this would be easier if the war wasn’t going on,” Karther said. “The damn Other Worlders are really making a mess of things. Wars are supposed to be fought at the borders, not in the heart lands. But that’s life I guess.”

Karther then gets up. “Thanks for the drink my friend but I am going to go back to my party.”

“I will send a messenger boy to you if the delegation arrives,” He said. “Are you planning to see Sallis tonight? She misses you.”

Karther starts laughing. “Does she miss me or my pocket.”

“Has to be you because you have nothing in your pocket. Or pants in general.” He said with a chuckle. He sees his Adventure friend give him a threatening point but smirk. He then walks off to join his party.



--- Italica, Romeo Highway---

January 9th, 2026


As Princess Pina sits in the back of Vanguard-3 JLTV, she looks out the window and thinks.

While she enjoys the benefits of these Other Worlders machines, like getting around faster and not having to worry about the horse, she misses the manner of traveling.

Going slow as she rides on the path to her destination. She can take everything around her in, seeing the beauty of this world and feel part of it.

Sitting in the vehicle as she watches everything quickly goes by, she feels a bit of detachment from the world.

"Everything ok Princess?" Captain Johnson asked, talking from the front seat. He is the team leader.

"Yes Captain," She said. "Just trying to enjoy the view."

"I understand," Johnson replies. "You have a beautiful world. But it shocks me how similar things are to Earth. The trees, flowers, the mountains."

"Earth sounds nice," She responds. "Do you miss it?"

"Hard to say honestly," Johnson said. "Do I miss being home, yes. But it is still strange fighting on another planet."

"Why is that?" Hamilton asked.

"Well," Johnson said. "A war like this would only be in our entertainment. We never could imagine something like this happening. We knew one day we are fighting on other worlds, but we assumed that would happen in three to five hundred years from now. Not in our lifetime."

She looks to Hamilton and they shrug at what he said. She does miss the beauty of Sadera, she grew up there and now wonders what is happening there under her brother's rule. Are they afraid or do they support the war?

She then thinks about her other brother Diabo. They were always somewhat close. He was the only real sibling she ever truly had. She wonders if he is helping Zorzal or if he is dead already.

The thing is many of them would lose wealth and power if the Empire loses the war so they might support her brother, even if they do not like him. During the first time she supported a peace treaty, she thought that she was trying to protect the citizens of her people, but it was trying to protect the status quo with the nobility.

It took seeing Major Sharpe throwing the peace treaty away to see what it was like to protect your own people. Then again after seeing new newly discovered brother, General Krysist when he gave his life in trying to end the war to protect the people from the Other Worlders and the Empire nobility.

She sniffs as she gets a little upset ass, he thinks about how she never got a chance to get to know her oldest brother(2). He was given the shortest hand she can think of and yet was still loyal, to the principles, not the crown. It is a legacy she decided to continue(3).

"Are you ok your highness?" Panache Fure Kalgi asked.

She looks over and sees Panache and Balalaika sitting behind her. "Yes, I am fine." She said as she wipes some tears from her eyes.

"We can turn around. Colt is dead after all and you telling her why won't bring him back," Panache said.

"Why are you always so mean?" Hamilton asked.

"I am not mean," Panache counters. "I am just saying what it is."

"She just misses home," Balalaika points out as she combs her hair.

She looks at Panache. "I miss home to but if we go back, Zorzal will cut our heads off. Well, let's hope that is all he would do."

Panache crosses her arms and glances away. "I know. I just miss the bathhouses and the tea parties. I miss walking through the hallways and seeing the spring roses cover the plaza."

She can see the missing of home in all their eyes. She cannot blame them. Sometimes she wonders if it would have been better if she ordered them back to the capital(4) and she did everything herself. But Zorzal probably would have executed them out of spit or sent to the dungeon to be tortured.

"Princess, mind if I ask you something?" Johnson asked.

She looks at him, surprises how talkative he is to her. So far in Alnus, NATO personal and the citizens of Alnus mainly ignore her Knights. While no one gives them trouble, there still some tensions. "Yeah."

Johnson looks back and directly looks at her. "How do you put up with the Major?"

She looks at him confused. "Put up?"

"I mean no disrespect. I served under him during the Elies Forest Campaign(5) in searching for our lost man," Johnson said. "Tough as nails and brave as hell. Never seen anyone charge through Cavalry before. But hard as hell to approach. I think Batman smiled more."

"Well," She said as she thinks about his question. "To start with I don't know who the Batman is. I was under the impression you had no Bat-people on your world. To answer your question, it has not been easy. For a long time, it has been like hitting my head against a stone wall. Sometimes I must give myself a pit talk before I go talk to him, but I think we worked out how to communicate with each other."

She then hears everyone laugh at that. They are not laughing at her but all because they all experienced it themselves. "As I said, it hasn't been easy but worth it. I think he feels the same way."

"I understand," Johnson said. "Glade you two figured it out. Always been all serious one in the meetings and on the field. Going, to be honest, I was shocked that he keeps you butch around after everything."

"And what is that supposed to mean?" Balalaika asked.

Johnson looks back at them all. "It means, regardless of our differences. If he trusts you all, then if you ever need it, the 75th Rangers will have your six."

She thinks about what he said. Her assumption is true about Sharpe. He developed a reputation within his ranks, even though he is not a General he has a lot of respect from his people.

She looks back over to Hamilton and sees her holding one of those advance screens they call a table. She brought it with her and been looking at it while on the way to Itálica. "Hamilton, what are you looking at? I am shocked Andrew allowed you to bring that table along. I hear they are expensive and fragile."

Hamilton looks over at her and smiles. "I think Andrew called it a tablet, not a table. But Panache taught me how to sweet talk a man."

Panache pops through the gap between the seats. "Yup." She said with much pride. "I showed her how to puff up her chest. How to properly blink her eyes and gaze into a man's eyes. And speak with the sweetest of tone and then you have him by the balls. They will agree to anything you want. If he loves yeah, works every time."

"And that worked?" She asked, surprised by that. Panache has always been a higher-class woman, but she also knows many of the arts of love. Back during the early days of the Rose academy, she was passionate and open with herself and the other knight recruits. She has always been known to be a player within the ranks, but she has mellowed out as she has gotten older, a little.

"Yes," Panache said with a smirk.

"And if they don't love you?" Hamilton asked.

"Then it works about fifty to eighty percent of the time," Panache said and winks.

Before she could say anything, she hears the two Rangers up a front comment on the topic.

"Captain… It's true… It is a conspiracy." The driver Frost said.

Johnson chuckles. "I have been married for six years Frost. I would know if my wife… did… any of... that…" He then thinks for a moment. "Oh shit. Now that I think about it, I have been had."

"Hey!" Panache yells. "I don't know about your world but here it is rude to listen in to a woman's conversation without permission."

They remain quiet, not wanting to get in more trouble. Hearing that, she looks to her three Knights and then all giggles.

"Anyway, what are you looking at Hamilton?" She asked.

"Andrew has been introducing me to all of these picture stories he calls manga," Hamilton said. She then shows Pina what she is looking at.

She grabs it and looks at the screen. She is shocked by what she sees. "The drawings are impressive."

"Yeah," Hamilton said. "I thought so too. As Panache said, I sweet-talked him into letting me borrow it so I can read some of the stories. I have to admit, they have crazy imaginations on their worlds."

As she looks at the list of all the stories there are, she sees this folder called Black Box. She presses it and a password pops up. "What is this?"

"The black box?" Hamilton said. "I don't know. He said I shouldn't look inside it."

"Which means we must at some point," She said. "What is all this called?"

Hamilton takes the tablet back. "He called it Otaku, but he said that's one of many different subjects. I have no idea what it means."

"Hmm, Interesting," She said. "I like to read some when you are done."





(1)Chapter 44-46

(2)Chapter 121

(3)Chapter 94

(4)Chapter 60

(5)Chapter 34




Co-Creative Support: Tomrichman





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