Gate of Immortality

Chapter 66: Re-visiting Blood Moon Hall

Yang Shi and Mo Yi went on a walk around the Mo Family estate. It was over thirty acres. After strolling for a while, Mo Yi led Yang Shi to his special room. The room was luxurious, Embedded with golds and gems.

" Brother Mo, I need some rest." Yang Shi said to Mo Yi.

" Ah, Yes. I am also dead tired by yesterday's battle. See ta latter." after Mo Yi left, Yang Shi sat in a meditative position on the bed. He opened the pill vial and ate all the True Energy pill.

*BOOM* The spiritual energy gushed inside his Dantian. Yang Shi opened his eyes, saw the sun was setting. " Finally, Broken through the Third Realm." Yang Shi breathed out the turbid air.

The Mo family estate was very big. At least a few hundred members are in this estate. Experts are common as clouds here. Yang Shi thought, " The Mo family is a branch of the original Mo Clan. If this the power of the Mo Family, Then How powerful the main clan would be?"

Yang Shi took around and went to the streets. Then he entered in an old alley. He saw a small tea store there.

" Customer, How I can help you?" a middle aged man asked. Yang Shi showed him a silver badge. The man's eye squinted as he pointed Yang Shi a direction. There was a dark door inside the tea store.

Yang Shi went inside and followed the underground stairs. He saw a giant underground hall. He casually entered.

" Damn, Did you really fought with old man Green Bamboo? Ghost Steps, Tell us the truth!" The main hall of Blood Moon Hall is vastly different than the Misty Tower City branch. Lots of people are eating and drinking, chatting loudly. Yang Shi felt its not an assassination organization, This is just a regular inn.

But Yang Shi could feel, each of these persons has a dreadful aura. They are like sleeping demons. Once awaken, They will carry slaughter.

" Yea, I fought with green Bamboo after so many years. Heaven Protection Guild has become a bit stronger, Ya know. But some new arrogant fools are prancing around, Saying Blood Moon Hall has declined." The middle aged man raged.

" Che, It seems another battle is inevitable. Tch, I heard a Young genius of Soaring Star Supreme Kingdom had joined their guild?" One Young man in green clothes asked in curiosity.

" Yes, I heard that too. He completed a dozen of missions in a row, Killing bandits and robbers. He earned himself the tag of Dragon Sword." Another Person said.

" Bruh, I will see him later. Arrogant bastard, Hmph." The green robed Young man snickered.

Yang Shi heard all and shook his head, As he couldn't understand.

" Brat, Are you new here?" a black robed person asked Yang Shi.

" Yes, I am new here. I just came here to take some missions." Yang Shi said. " By the way, What is Heaven Protection Guild?" Yang Shi asked the person.

" Eh? You don't know?" The person asked Yang Shi with surprise.

" Come here, Brat, This uncle will tell you." The middle aged man, who was talking about his battle with green bamboo, yelled at Yang Shi.

" Damn, Here Ghost Steps has begun his bullshit again." The black clothed person massaged his glabella.

" Hanxiang, Shut the fuck up. I am here to guide new peoples. So don't meddle in my business." Ghost Steps barked back.

" Ok. So, Where was I? Yes, Heaven Protection Guild and Blood Moon Hall are basically born opponents. Their work is to protect. Our is to kill." Ghost Steps said.

" So basically, We are evil and They are righteous?" Yang Shi said with a smile.

" What is righteous? What is evil? It all depends on men's hearts. We are just traveler of different paths." Ghost Steps sighed lightly.

" So, When I meet a Heaven Protection member, I have to kill them?" Yang Shi asked.

" They are not our enemy. To be honest, We have a strange relationship. There can be only bitter enmity or life lasting friendship with them." Ghost Step sighed.

" Why?" Yang Shi became curious.

" In ancient times, Both Blood Moon Hall and Heaven Protection Guild used to be one power. But then, they chose to be separate, going their own path. Remember, kid, When You meet one of their members, Don't ambush that person. You both have to agree for a battle." The Ghost step said.

" I will." Yang Shi nodded.


Moon has risen. It was another evening in the Hundred Flower Pavilion.

" He left... Just like that." A beautiful girl lamented.

" It seems my official life as a prostitute has begun, And my first customer was him." That girl smirked in despair.

" All men are the same. They tell you some sweet words, use your body, then leave." An old voice said.

" Aren't you happy? You have made me sell my body." Ruxue screamed at the old woman. The old woman was the same person Who was in charge of training Ruxue.

" Selling your body? This place gives you the food, clothing, and all the luxury you want. All you need to do is show your talent, and you will reach a height where even rich nobles can't afford you." That old woman said.

" They are still prostitutes. Just their price is higher." Ruxue snorted.

" You truly want to know whats the meaning of selling body? I was kidnapped from my clan, sold to an auction. The guys of the auction, those who bought me, all of them raped me. When I couldn't satisfy their thirst, they sold me again. I have forgotten how many times I was sold? How many times I was bought?, How many times I have to face the bestiality of men? Do you understand what it feels like?" That old woman shouted coldly.

" I..." Ruxue never expected that this cold, Old hag would have such a tragic past.

" But this place is different from others. The more your potential, the more resources you will get. There might be a day when you can marry a prince or a duke of a kingdom. You don't have to remain in this filthy place. If you have power, You will able to change Your fate. Think carefully. You have the potential to become the fourth princes of Hundred Flower Pavilion." She left, saying these words.

" Didn't you said, you will be with me forever? Didn't you said, You will help me to get my revenge? You also said that you will take me away from this place. Why? Are all are just lies?" Ruxue looked at the moon as she thought about last night.

" Forget him, Ruxue. He will never come back." Ruxue walked out of her room. How could she forget Yang Shi, Who was her first customer...or Perhaps last?


" Patriarch Mei, I did my part of the deal. Where is she?" A voice asked.

" Bai Xuan, We are still searching for her. She couldn't have escaped any far." Patriarch of Mei clan said.

" Damn, Do you took me as a fool? You don't have any information about Bai Ruxue. You can't even find out about a girl?" Bai Xuan raged.

" Hmph. Bai Xuan, Don't be cocky. We said we are finding her. Do you think we don't know? You want to steal her Yin and achieve a breakthrough? You even betrayed your clan." Patriarch of Mei clan snorted.

" So What? I am the Town magistrate of Leaping Carp Town. My backers are the royal court. Do you think you can do anything to me? And for your information, It's not me who wants Bai Ruxue's body." Bai Xuan berated.

" You better find her. Otherwise, Hehe, I don't even need to lift a finger, and your Mei clan will be *Poof*" Bai Xuan coldly laughed as he left.

" Damn." Mei Clan's patriarch clenched his fist.


*Target' Name - Bai Xuan. The Town magistrate of Leaping Carp Gate.*

" Hmm? But, Didn't Ruxue said that all Bai clan members got killed?" A young man in a jet black robe and a demonic mask thought. He moved like a specter as he went to the direction of Leaping Carp Gate.

" Interesting." He muttered.

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