Chapter 30: Danaerys Interlude
Danaerys had become mistress of Astapor and therefore, controlled the production of valuable Unsullied. Currently she had 15,000 Unsullied, 10,000 freed slave militia, and 100 Dothraki to her name in addition to 3 young Dragons.
It was not enough to seize Westeros, not by far. It might be enough to seize Yunkai and Mereen though. Unfortunately she was now locked in a war with the General Hobaq zo Hobaq of New Ghis. The man had proclaimed himself Ghiscari Emperor and immediately subjugated Mereen and Yunkai. His legions received troops and tribute from as far away as Tolos and Elyria and he was determined to carve out a New Ghiscari Empire in Slaver's bay.
Accordingly he now had Astapor and Daenerys set in his sights.
Currently Daenerys was receiving petitioners. The next one was a rather large man, bald and wearing silks. She saw recognition flash in Ser Barristan's face.
"Greetings your Grace, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Varys and I served your Royal Father. . ." began the man with a small smile.