Gantz: live or die

Chapter 7: Phase three and relationship

Own apartment, night.

I covered myself with the sheets and closed my eyes. I smiled. Phase three begins!

"Good night ..." I really am sleepy.But in no way will I sleep!.

"Good nigth ..." (Kishimoto). I can feel the bed move slightly. I open my eyes slightly, I see that she has turned around, her back to me.

It is not good, she is too nervous, and her emotional state has been very agitated. But simply my desires are uncontrollable, I want to put every inch of my cock inside you !!Hear that sweet voice moan my name all night !!! Take it easy!!!. You're going to ruin the moment, propose sex now, it's too much for her in one night. Just think about it, she'll think you don't understand her. That you've only been looking for his body, which is true but must be hiddendeeply!! However, doing nothing is stupid !!.I am a healthy straight man!

I wait a few minutes, and start snoring. Yes, my movement is to sleep. No! correctly, I'm pretending to be asleep!.

"Kurono ...?" (Kishimoto). I feel the bed move again, she is surely watching me.

"haa ... huuu ... haa". I do not answer, I must remain 'asleep'. A few moments later, I feel the sheets move again. I spy again, indeed, is turning his back on me, again. IS NOW!

I move on the bed, and I put my arm around her, I support part of my arm is one of her tits .. This is kishimoto's chest? Damn, it's smooth and so meaty. My nose is on her hair. Why do girls always have such a fragrant scent? I just can't resist. Sleeping 'hugging' her I reluctantly accept!

"Ku-kurono ...?!" (Kishimoto). This time, I hear his voice tremble slightly. She became aware of the situation.

"haa ... huuu ... haa" This time, I'm not going to do anything else, if I continue my cock will get hard and I won't be able to control myself, a lot has happened in just one night. Kishimoto tried to pull me away a few times, but I was 'asleep' until the night faded our consciousness at some point. Phase three is too early to do, incomplete!.

Alarm sound

No, I don't like hearing that sound. But damn! It is already a new day. I open my pentañas slowly and observe a sleeping kishimoto, she is facing me. Uff .. I want to put my dick on her lips. Patience. I got out of bed and got dressed. It is time to go to school. High school again ?! Of course not! I won't go today. I go to the kitchen, open the drawer that Kurono uses to store the money. There is still enough to survive the rest of the month alone, but now there is one more person. I will have to do something! I keep everything in the money in my wallet. I start making coffee for breakfast as I think about restructuring my plan.

The gallant phase three has made me think. What do I want? Do I just want sex or do I want love? I really want love? Of course not! I want sex! Intense, hard, sweaty and dirty sex! However, Kishimoto is not that type of person. I could do it once if I try. But do I want that? No, I must make kishimoto mine. Corrupt it with my cock slowly. Make it my personal semen hole!. Yes, I and she must have a relationship!. I must be her 'boyfriend' and educate her to become my 'busty pet'! The door opens and draws me out of my thoughts.

"Good morning ... Kurono, I must go to my house, I want to know what happened" (Kishimoto). Apparently he has already woken up. Today I must do it, new Phase three begins!.

"Umm ... I understand, I will accompany you" I reply. Ah ... how annoying! I must be a good guy.

We left the apartment and took a taxi to his house and watched from the corner. We wait behind a pole for half an hour until we finally see a car that stopped. The door opens and two girls and an older woman come out. The kishimoto family.

"They came back .... "(Kishimoto). She murmurs. Knowing it, and seeing it is very different, there are two kishimotos.

"Kurono, what am I? What am I? I am not even a person ... I have no home, no parents ..." She became emotional. Well she found out than is a clone. But does it matter? It matters to me?! Hell no!.

"Ridiculous, you said that your whole life has been dedicated to your mother, it is like starting a new life" I replied. I told the truth. Telling lies won't help.

"And what do you know? You are not a copy !!" (Kishimoto). She was mad at me, I was wrong!. What I do?! Damn, I must risk everything! I Maked a quick decision.

"No, and neither are you !!" Suddenly I stand next to her and kiss her, I put my tongue in her mouth. Damn, his mouth was born to do these dirty things. Since I risk everything I will do it until the end !!!.

"Did you have a horrible life ?! Then just live a new one ... BE MY GIRLFRIEND! THERE IS NO WAY THAN THE GIRL I LIKE TO ME TO BE A COPY, YOU ARE MY ORIGINAL!" I answer, for her to forget the past, she must get something new, and I will make it with me! Girlfriend?!! Of course not!! Just my dick hole !. I have a dark heart.

We look at each other. Her eyes widened, she opened her mouth slightly. Ah! Stunned ?! Busty responds! This is not a time for silence! She just hugged me suddenly, put her head on my chest.

"Kurono ... you are so warm, so good to me. Feeling like this, nothing else matters to me anymore!" (Kishimoto). Oh god yeah! I'll make you my fucking bitch!. While two people hugged each other on the street, one person had fallen in love with each other and another had bad thoughts.


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