Gantz: live or die

Chapter 23: Your mother and murders

"You messed with us, the Zoku, now we'll kill you bastard ... !!!" (Blonde fat). The obese guy looks at me excitedly, pleased to have met me. His friends smile at us in the same way.

"Why don't you do your karate tricks now, huh ?!" The gray haired gang member grabs his gun and points it at me in anger, he is damn angry, very angry, he wants to kill me.

Except for the leader, the three remaining gang members point their weapons at us. Kishimoto is behind me, she is nervous. I am in front of her, protecting her.

"haha ... let me tell you ... you are ... my kind of girl, pretty face ... nice body, do what we say and we'll just hit your boyfriend" (Tetsuo). The boss spoke trying to coerce my cute girlfriend.

"Yes, do what we say and get naked, you busty !!!" The other blond yelled, he is eating kishimoto with his eyes.

At night, in the middle of a residential area. I was in front of these people, if you have these unimportant pieces of trash you can call them people, listening to their unpleasant words, insulting me. However, I don't waste time with garbage, I'm going to kick their ass! kill them! And look for the aliens to finish this bird hunt at once!

Before kishimoto said anything, I stepped forward near them, and made a sign with my hand. Make no mistake, it's not a ninja move or anything like that, it's just my raised middle finger.

"YOUR MOTHER" I say that.

I look at them with a firm gaze and then I make a ridiculous smile with my lips closed. The expressions of the ass faces began to change to a more angry, furious and full of anger. At this moment I literally see how the veins are marked on everyone's forehead. Although I have kishimoto behind my back, I don't care if I am no longer chivalrous, sooner or later she will discover my true self. At least I can truly be me when I protect her. No matter the type of woman, you will never look bad when you protect her.

"How the hell do you dare? Shoot him! To hell with this stupid !!!" (Tetsuo). The gang leader said angrily, lowered the gantz rifle resting on his shoulder and shot me.

"Damn karateka !! When you die then I'll fuck your girlfriend !!!" (Blonde fat). He shot me with an X pistol, insanely he shoots me to kill.

The other two shot me with X rifles, they are gantz weapons more powerful than X pistols. However, Why didn't I grab them? For me in this mission it is not necessary, anyway the X pistols can kill the target. Wearing something bigger is not of significant importance.

"No! Kurono, run away quickly! .... Quick, what are you doing? ... KURONO, RUN AWAY !!!" (Kishimoto) I finally heard Kishimoto scream in panic.

At one point, the semi-dark place was illuminated by the lights of the gunshots, like fireworks waiting for the moment to explode, splitting me into pieces of flesh.

As I contemplated this scene, I just kept smiling. Do you think I let them get closer and did nothing while they walked towards us? Idiot, I've already prepared my jutsu. In reaction my torso deformed, my arms parted in an unnatural way, then, I explode in white smoke. Contemplate my Substitution Jutsu!

Poof! A garbage can wrapped in a trail of smoke appears in my position.

The place and the vision of what I see changes. I am two houses behind kishimoto on the same sidewalk of the street, I watch the metal basket shatter, miraculously replacing me. Food residue splattered all over the people, including kishimoto.

Oh crap! I didn't really plan that! Well, heck it's over ... I'll take care of the ass faces first!

I hurried while they were distracted, I jumped to the roof of the nearest house, and covered myself, hiding. Simultaneously I start doing another jutsu and stalking them.

"What?! ... How? ... What's going on ...?" (Tetsuo). He said surprised.

"Where did that bastard go ?! He disappeared !!!" (Blonde fat). He angry yell. They talk and I watch them from the ceiling.

Naive, how could you understand the greatness of my jutsu?!

"HAA! ... HAA!" Kishimoto raised her gun at them and shot one of them, the skinny blonde. I gather chakra in my feet, and walk across the rooftops.

Paff! His X gun fired, it lit up, however everything continued as before, the gang member remains unharmed. With those fucking suits it sucks to kill them, luckily I already made a plan! The plan, attack !.

My girlfriend looks angry, she also has some tears accumulated in her eyes, but she does not look sorry for shooting.

"You shot me, do you want me to kill you ?! Screw you, bitch !!!" The blond gang member said crazily.

When that garbage called bitch to my girlfriend, I jump from the roof and I fall behind him.

"FUCK OFF !!!" I kicked him with all my strength in the back without mercy, he flew quickly and crashed against the roof of a house. With a suit on or not, get lost !!!

"Got you! Finish him!" (Tetsuo) The leader and the other trash and they shot me.

"I'm not going to let them kill you like that! ... I'll do it for you! I'll do it for you! ... Come on, Kurono fight!" (Kishimoto). She screamed and shot them one more time.

Right now, I have to fight ... it's not showing off skills or something like that, what you really have to do is hurt the other person, it's just that.

I did another jump to dodge and kicked the fat blonde in the face. When I hit the ground, I ducked and did a backward spinning kick, hitting the gang leader's legs. I make seals with my hands. The other gray-haired guy shoots me again, but I cut him off. 'Shinobi battle techniques part two, genjutsu'. The latter lost consciousness and passed out in an illusion.

The fight ended there, and I started putting each of them into a genjutsu, they did what they could but they were no longer a group of four 'people', so I was able to put each one into a genjutsu.

"Hahh ... Hahh ... Kurono are they dead ...?" (Kishimoto) She says while breathing hard. She is standing next to me. We are watching the four people lying on the ground.

"No, they are in an illusion ... could you say in a dream, are you okay ..?" I explain and ask wanting to console her. Ignoring this bad place, I stood in front of her, I brought my face close to hers and I kiss her on the lips.

Yes, I kiss her to change her mood and something else. Besides, she's very pretty, hell, she is!

"I'm fine ... Mmm~... Nnnng !!!" (Kishimoto) She half answered me when I interrupted her, her tongue and mine entwined, we kiss each other. I hug her, put my arms behind her, move my hands and then press her waist with my fingers. This is also part of my plan, haha.

Damn, what a hottie! The taste of her saliva, her mouth, her lips is unmatched! She will be a magnificent woman but I will make her my fucking bitch before that!!!.

"Mmm~.... Mmmmmmm~!!!" I kiss her more passionately for a few minutes until she broke away, her face is beautiful, she smiles to me.

"Kurono, we must hurry, we won't have time" (Kishimoto) She said that, she tries to change the subject, I think she doesn't want me to see her dirty.

"Okay, let's go" I reply. She climbed on me again and together we went to the lair of the tanaka aliens.

In the same residential area, an instant after Kishimoto and Kurono left, a shadow came down from the roof. Walking down the street at night, looking at the garbage lying on it, surprisingly another Kurono appears.

"Without a doubt my original self is cruel, kissing her to get the poison bottle out of the backpack without her noticing and throwing it at me, what a bastard" I, a clone, speak to myself as I remove the cap from the poison bottle. Once open I cover my nose with my arm.

"An intelligent man learns from his mistakes, a wise man gives them usefulness" I say smiling, I drop a drop from the bottle into the gang leader's open mouth.

This was also part of the plan, the poison was never for the aliens, my original self thought of bringing this poison in case I faced a person with the gantz suit, this was to kill him! We are not a mother of the church, if someone wants to kill me they have to prepare to be coldly murdered! It's that simple.

I start to whistle, relaxing myself. I open the mouths of every person on the floor and drop deadly poison into them. Standing to the side, I watch them. Three of the gang members started spewing purple foam from their mouths repulsively,shaking themselves on the floor until their eyes widened with their pupilless blank eyes and they die.

"Aaahhhh! ... Cought ... Cought ... Argggg!" (Tetsuo) The gang leader woke up, his gaze is so naive, he's looking at me. His forehead is full of sweat, his face began to take on an expression of despair and pain.

"Uff .. what a remedy, the ideal would have been to finish without anyone waking up, the poison must have been introduced later in your mouth" I comment, with my hands in my pockets.

"Arggg ... please .... I have a son and a wife ..." (Tetsuo) He pleads with me, and looks at my face.

"What are you talking about? You wanted to kill me and fuck my girl. Then I have nothing to do, die! Die! Die! ... die several times, you son of a bitch !!!" I answer him without scruples and look at him firmly, I give him a wicked smile.

"You bastard! ... Idiot! .... Go to hell !!!! ... Cought ... Cought ... Argggg!" (Tetsuo) The leader angrily insults me in response, coughs and is the last one in to die.

"It is the end of my task. Original, you really are a ruthless man" I say closing my eyes and dissipate myself in water.

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