Gantz: live or die

Chapter 18: (POV) Kato - Part 1

I, Masaru Kato, have a younger brother named Ayumu. Our parents died in a traffic accident, since then we have lived with our mother's sister. Life with her is difficult and frustrating, but I'm with Ayumu, and that makes me happy. Soon I will get a raise in my job and we will move to a better department just for us.

"Finally someone else" (Masashi). I hear someone speak behind me and I turn around.

"What's going on?" I wonder

"I remember seeing your friends being taken away before us, but there is no one else here" (Masashi). He said and looked around. We are in a kind of playground for children. I can see a big toy car, chalk drawing on the floor, and some houses around it. In front of us is an old and run down house. It is quite large.

I've just been transported from the room.

"Hey, someone else is coming" (Masashi) He pointed to the side. We both look, we soon notice who he is or rather who they are. It is the pair of Yakuzas, they appeared sitting together in the middle of the patio.

"It's them" I say.

"Are these guys? Geez ..." (Masashi)

The two are still in a state of confusion. They are muttering things. I have to make sure Ayumu never does drugs or anything like that. I have to try harder.

"DAMN IT, I WANT A DRINK!!. CIGARETTES AND A SLUT !!!" (Hatanaka). The yakuza screamed loudly.

"I TOLD YOU TO SHUT UP !! HATANAKA !!!" His partner rummages under his jacket and pulls out a gun. Is that a firearm? He, Does he's going to shoot him? No. I can't let him do that.

As he tries to get the safety off the gun. I take a step to get closer to them, I'm going to get the gun from him.

"What are you doing? You should leave them ..." (Masashi). I hear from behind the voice of the school teacher.

"That's not the right thing to do ... even if they are like that" I say and walk towards them. I reach out my hand to grab his gun.

"NOO! ... WHAT ARE YOU DOING ?!" The yakuza seemed to notice me and yelled. We struggled, I hold his hands and manage to take the pistol from him. I did it!

Clack! A sound rings in my ears.

The sliding door of the house in front of us opened. I see a robot leave the house. The grinding sounds of machinery ring out with every step he takes.

"Yuzo-kun ...?" He shows a smile. His face is quite round, he wears a green T-shirt with a vertical yellow stripe and blue pants. Around him there are several small birds.

"We found it! Haha This is so easy ... it looks pretty weak" (Masashi). The teacher spoke and raised his gun, he's right beside us.. And the alien is in front of us.

"Stop! Don't do it!" I say quickly trying to stop him, but he already shot.

"Kantaro ..." The alien spoke, tried to move, but after a moment it swelled up in an instant and exploded throwing pieces of metal and purple blood on the floor.

Not! Curse! He looked very friendly. Why should we fight that? !!!

"" Kueh "" The little birds began to screech.

"It's over now, now we'll go back. We put on this ugly suit for nothing" (Masashi) He spoke sinfully and smiled. He held his gun like he was playing games and having fun.

"You!" This guy just killed and doesn't feel a thing? How much do you think a life is worth?

"Damn birds, shut up !!!" The yakuza that I snatched the weapon from got up from the ground and ran towards the birds. He began to quickly step on all of them in anger until only one remained. When his foot was about to crush him, a loud scream is heard.

"YUZOOOOOOOOOO-KUUUUUUNNNNN !!!" A blur appeared suddenly, I couldn't see it until he stopped in front of the little bird. He's another alien Tanaka.

Wait ... is there another?. I think while I look at him.

He looks the same as the first. However, he has clenched teeth and his thick eyebrows are curved downward, his face looks very different. He is mad.

"Ah! What the fuck? You damn bastard scared me ... Gaahh" The yakuza complained and threw a punch at the alien's face. But the alien interrupted him, hugged him and several beams of light formed in his mouth.

It all happened suddenly, a white light formed in his mouth. At the same time a thunderous noise rings in the air, roaring in my eardrums. I plug my ears as I watch the yakuza's head explode into bloody pieces of bone and flesh. The sound stopped and the yakuza's body fell to the ground, dead.

"What?" I mumble in shock.

Did that person die? How? What the hell is this?.

"There's another one! I'll do it, leave him to me" (Masashi) He teacher spoke and shot him with his gun. But the alien flew upward, dodging him. In a blur he rises to the top of the house.

Paff! The shot smashes the front door.

"KANTAROOOOOO !!!" The alien yells more loudly from above.

I look at him.

"Yuzo-Kun" "Kantaro" "Are you all ready?" "Kantaro" "Let's go together" Massive machine grinds are heard. I lowered my eyes and I can see inside the house as many of these robots begin to descend a ladder. One. ..Two ... Three .... Six of them at the same time. They all go out to the playground looking us angry and ready to fight.

Then I come to understand that they form a group and we are in their lair.

"It can't be ..." I say incredulous.

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