Gantz: live or die

Chapter 16: Reveal and Blue hannya

"So, let me clarify, the earth is made up of seven continents " I touch the keys of my laptop and from a projector by my side, an image of the planet earth is shown.

"71% of it is made up of water and 29% of land mass." I say and look at Konan close to me. She does not stop looking at the representation of the projector, by the way she's already dressed.

"Where we find us?" (Konan) She asked. I change the image of the projector for one of a political map of the world.

"The continents are called Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe and Oceania. We are here." I point with a black circle on the map, surrounding Japan.

My ninja 'girlfriend' asked me for an explanation, and now we're on it. Standing side by side.

"How come we are here?" She asked again, she is a something angry. Her foot stomped on mine hard.

"Gaahh... Can we get along? You are too violent." I say holding the pain. Seriously, I am tired of the blows, especially the ones that hurt. Whore, you really enjoyed of my dick!

"No way! I hate you! I have already found out what kind of person you are!" (Konan). She said belittling me. And she looks me to down . As if she's right and I'm the wicked one. Oh, it's true. I'm the wicked guy.

"Yes, I am scumbag. I am evil because I fight for what I love? I prefer fight for what I want and do not regret myselft later. And thinking than I could have done something else" I respond. I'm evil because I have a good reason. I want sex!. Cof... Cof... I say, I love her.

"Yahiko is much better than you" (Konan). She complained and turned her head to the side.


"Yahiko? Yes, he is better than me and I will can never be like him. I don't do good, it's not my thing. Do you know what I really am? Scumbag. That's who I am Konan and I will not change to make others happy" I speak louder and stand in front of her.

"What are you doing?!...don't try anything or I'll crucify you!"(Konan). White papers come out of her taking shurikens shapes, surrounding me.

"10...9...8... What, what do I do? You said you wanted to know how we are here, so I'm going to show you...4" I look her in the eye and do a countdown.

"I don't understand"(Konan). She doesn't know, she doesn't understand what I do.

" LET ME TELL YOU, I AM KEI KURONO, I JUST WANT TO BE ME AND NO, ANYONE ELSE! ... 0" I speak and with the tip of my foot I touch the foot of 'my girlfriend'. A bright light began to illuminate the whole room and we disappeared.

Konan's Room, Naruto World

6:15 a.m.

We are both back in her room and we look at each other in silence.

"I wanted you to know who I am and where I come from., I'm not from this world, Konan" I say slowly. Although I explained many things, I could see that she was still sceptical. No one could accept it so easily, so I had to show it! One action shows more than a thousand words! am i cool now?!!!

"I can't believe it..." (Konan). She said and she is in shock.

"Life on another planet exists, what I told you before is true. It's as real as you and me." I declare seriously and smile slightly because she is puzzled. Konan, do you really let down your guard so easily? I couldn't do anything before because she was always cautious with me. But it's different now, and I'll attack with everything I have! Because I'm a real man! Fuck!.

I grab her with my arms and hug her. I can feel her with my touch, smell the scent of her body. For a moment, I bring my lips to her ear and whisper.

"Hate me or Love me, both are in my favor. If you love me, I'll be in your heart. If you hate me, I'll be in your mind and you will can never forget me, you will not can ignore me and I'll have a chance..." In a low voice I say the words of love deeper that I was can say.

"Kurono... what are you doing?!... Let go of me" (Konan). Her face turned as red in as a tomato and tries to let go. Maybe you're remembering last night's events?. So the 'blue nee-san' can do that ashamed expression too, ha?.

I must insist more, more 'love'.

"I do not ask your forgiveness for being bad, I love you Konan. I wanted to tell you how I am and reveal my identity to you because you must know, because you are the girl that I like..." I speak sweetly in her ear.

"Why are you behaving this way? You're so irritating and now you're talking to me like this..." (Konan) She spoke shyly and stops moving.

Fuck, as she is, it's a whirlwind of emotions! Stop Kurono, don't rush things! do it slowly with calm.

"Why not, Konan?" I let her out of my embrace and look her amber eyes. She looked back at me and regained her complexion back. She took a step back, rejecting me.

"I have someone who I love" She gave me her reason. She turns her back to me and moves her hand over her face, I can't see her, maybe, she wipes away some tears. I walk behind her.

Umm...Yahiko,huh? In the original story, although they didn't relate, they surely expressed their feelings for each other, he is the person she likes. Will this make me give up? Just because she likes another guy is a valid reason to lose her? I wouldn't accept something like that in a thousand years! I will fight for her! I HAVE ALREADY DECIDED MAKE HER, MINE! MY BITCH!!!.

Even if the woman I want is married, I kei kurono, damn it, I'll give up!.

"I am a scumbag and none of that matters to me. I'll make the decision for you" I whisper to her andI remove the distance between us. I take her hand from behind. I put my head over her shoulder and also hold her other arm. I catch her.

"Kurono... Don't hold me... Get away!"(Konan). She resists me and she is struggling to get out of my grip.

"You know?, you look really pretty when you're angry" I say in her ear while we are 'hugging'. Seriously, I like to force her. Ironically, In the same place I forced her the first time, a white glow happened and we vanished with it.


Room No. 28, Hamacho Hotel Tokyo

12:45 pm.

She managed to break free from my grip and hit her elbow on my stomach. However it was too late, I already got what I wanted. We were back at the hotel.

"Guuh ... you are also violent" I say as I grab my stomach with my arms for lack of air. Damn, her hit is heavy!

"Kurono, you brought me back! ...Again forcing me!" (Konan). She talks and looked at me more angry than before. Damn, she looks sexy!.

To her didn't like be brought back like that. She wants retaliate.

"Stop right there! You really understand, right? If I die you can never return to your world, whether you want to or not, I am the 'only' means of return" I say and raise my hand in front of me as a warning sign. I refuse to take more hits, origami girl!

"Despicable ... Take me back, Now! "(Konan). She ordered me and grabs the clothes from my chest tightly. I can see how a blue hannya demon face forms slowly behind her, she has two sharp horns coming out of her temples , and a pair of black bulging eyes that observe me threateningly. A hideous aura comes out of it.

What the hell is this? Is this what happens when you make a girl too angry? There's no way!. Genjutsu? Or maybe because she's an anime girl. I'm scared.

"Calm down, konan ... I will need a time of 10 days before traveling again, I promise I'll take you back" I say quickly excusing myself and exchange glances with her.

"What you say, is it true?" (Konan). She looks at me too menacingly, she doesn't seem to trust my words now.

"Absolutely! I swear on my god! My parents! On my beautiful girlfriend konan!" I affirm as vigorously as I can. You don't believe that I need 10 days, everything is a lie to spend time with her. But how can she know?

"Who is your girlfriend!" (Konan). Her face deformed completely of the beautiful girl that she is and she started hitting me with her fists furious.

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWW ..... !!" I screamed in pain and more pain. Faking love, it's painful. At some point later, I lost consciousness.

After my torture, I spoke to her. I told her my idea, that we take advantage of the materials that this city has to offer to help the village. I guess it will be my job to protect her dreams. I also bought food and showed her what a laptop and internet is. Apparently in the Naruto World, the internet does not exist yet, or is only in its infancy. After all, it will be a dozen years before the story begins. She concentrated, and began to make plans, to get some things, she seemed determined to help not only the village. I told her that I had business to do and that I would come back tomorrow, she just threw me out of there.

Now I'm in a taxi to my apartment. My backpack is next to me.I find myself lying tired in my seat, looking at the ceiling.

"Tonight Gantz will give a new mission... Aliens Tanakas" I murmur completely serious, thinking about it. Some time later i close my eyes, sleeping. I had one last thought.


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