Gan Yu is my secretary for the production of Yuanshen at the beginning

Chapter 20

As it is called.

Some rejoice, others worry.

Just when the girls in Mi Chu's studio were still all immersed in the joy of success.

After insomnia for a whole night, Chen Bin, who was just like wilting, had just returned to the company with a yawn, and the entire department was called to the conference room with him.

"Okay, everyone is here, let's have a meeting."

In the brightly lit conference room, Chen Rongshan, the chief director of the game department, sat in the first place and looked around.

On the left and right are the executives and leaders of each operation group.

The atmosphere of the scene seemed a little oppressive, like the tranquility before the storm.

Seeing that everyone had come together, Chen Rongshan coughed lightly and spoke in a low voice.

"Call everyone over early in the morning, I'm sure you all know what happened."

Seeing that many people's faces showed hesitant looks, Chen Rongshan, who frowned, knocked on the table.

"I'll just say it bluntly, our department's defeat on "Heart of the Devil" this time, the above on this.... Very dissatisfied.

It was as if a big drum was beating in his ears, and Chen Bin, who was sitting in the corner of the conference room, gurgled in his heart.

His face was obviously panicked, because he was the main person in charge of this project!

Glancing at Chen Bin, Chen Rongshan, who was sitting in the first place, sighed.

"Over the years, the slander of our penguins on the Internet, the above actually knows... And there were ideas that wanted to change.

Speaking of this, his tone suddenly paused.

"But it was clear that we had failed, and we had failed to the point of being trampled under the game of a small workshop."

"The game "Heart of the Demon King" is the test given above, but it turns out that the original route is not as good as copying... Ahem, borrowing. Finally

saying what was in his heart, Chen Rongshan took a sip of tea unhurriedly, and then spoke.

"We have the biggest platform and the most traffic, so there's no need to risk losing money to create an original game, so..."

he paused and said without haste.

But the executives in the room all pricked up their ears, and they knew the point!

"For the sake of word of mouth, the above hopes that we can directly acquire this studio."

"If their behind-the-scenes boss still doesn't agree, then let the personnel department contact their employees privately, give the best treatment in the market, and poach one by one."

"After all, everyone knows the truth of the of a thousand miles and the collapse of the anthill."

Hearing the chief director's words, everyone's eyes lit up in the conference room.

Although the method of digging the foot of the wall is a bit insidious, it is tried!

After all, in the face of banknote ability, few people can resist the temptation.

None of them knew how many independent studios had been dismantled that could become a hidden threat.

It seems that like a meteor, the rice flickering that has been bright for a few days for a short time will also be difficult to escape the clutches of the devil.


"Everything has to be prepared with both hands, and if Mi Fuyu's boss strongly disagrees with investment or acquisition, then..."

"Genshin is a good learner, isn't it?"

"You know what I mean?"


Time passes quickly.

Before I knew it, another day had passed.

At sunset, near the end of work, Luo Li was packing his briefcase and preparing to go back.

But when he saw a serious Noelle, he hurried over with his notebook in his hand.

"Boss, just now, another official person from TapTap contacted us, saying that Genshin has been nominated for the best domestic game of the year and wants to invite you to attend their game exhibition."

Hearing Noelle's somewhat excited voice, Luo Li, who was stunned for a moment, began to recall the memories of his previous life.

He found that the taptap in this world is not limited to mobile games, but has become better and better after successful transformation, and has become a pivotal game event in China.

Although the gold content is still much worse than international awards such as TGA, the influence is also very large.

Luo Li did not expect that with the scale of taptap, they would actually take the initiative to find the door so quickly.

If the wine is not afraid of the depth of the alley, the gold will always shine.

"Yes, agree to their invitation, I happen to be on a business trip next week."

For this kind of thing that can expand the influence of the studio, Luo Li of course couldn't ask for it, and nodded and agreed without thinking much.

Glancing at the time on his watch, he glanced at Noelle with a smile, "It's almost time, our studio is slowly getting better, and we don't have to work overtime in the future."

"Go and tell everyone to stop what they are doing and get ready to leave work."

After a few more words to his little secretary, Luo Li just closed the door of the office and passed by the recording studio.

I heard the voice of a girl full of vitality from behind the closed gate.

"Sonai Fischer, the queen daughter of the judgment, the ruler of the dark embers!"

Luo Li, who stiffened slightly at the corner of his mouth, stopped, secretly pushed open the door, and peeked inside.

I saw that in the room that had been arranged in advance, a blonde girl with an eye patch and a purple silk tights was crossing her waist and raising her face.

"Looking at Mond, the little garden in my territory, is really pleasant."

The girl's name is Fischer, and from time to time she will suddenly have a bad illness, and she suddenly gets second in the middle of work.

Because in her previous life, as a four-star god of war, she will enter the card pool with Xiangling and Barbara in the next version.

So Luo Licai temporarily gave her a dubbing task and let her play freely.

This is the boss's second-year performance, and she is no longer afraid that someone will laugh at her, so Fischer no longer converges.

"Hmph, coming? My old enemy, the evil dragon Taslaq~"

Let the thousand-year struggle draw a rest today!"

"Great Illusion Senluo Wanxiang Crazy Eye Breaking the Eye of Sin!"

She shouted excitedly while unbuttoning her blindfold, revealing her golden left eye with beautiful pupils.

"Let this dark holy flame turn Ru into ashes!"

Looking at the second middle school girl enjoying it, Luo Li, who felt a little tired on her toes, silently closed the door.

Don't dare to bother anymore, afraid.


"See you tomorrow, everyone."

After walking out the door of the studio and waving goodbye to the girls.

Luo Li, who took a deep breath, just wanted to take a taxi back, but felt the mobile phone in his pocket vibrate slightly, and the ringtone also rang.

"I don't know?"

Looking at the lit screen, the large list of unfamiliar numbers without notes, Luo Li frowned slightly.

In the end, I chose to connect.

"Hello? I'm Luo Li, may I ask you? "

Hello Mr. Luo, I am Ye Yuan, the general head of Penguin's personnel department."

On the other end of the phone, came a slightly low middle-aged male voice.

"Goose Factory?"

Luo Li thought of the penguin operation of these two worlds, and his brows unconsciously wrinkled, "Then what are you looking for me for?" "

Well..." "

Naruto doesn't say secret words, then I'll get straight to the point."

"Mr. Luo, are you interested in joining Penguin Games and becoming a colleague with us?"

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