Game’s Dogma

Chapter 353: Reward (6)

Drako Yau could no longer catch up with the twist of events. Before he could comprehend what was going on, a pillar of flames burst from where the tiny hammer sank.

Master Bak yawned, unfazed by the frightening scene; he had gotten used to it after witnessing it countless times. He waved his arm, and the pillar lunged towards them like a living being. Drako Yau tensed up, ready to flee anytime.

The pillar of flames landed precisely on the large rock and shrouded it completely. Drako Yau couldn’t feel a wave of heat as he had anticipated despite having such a terrifying fiery pillar right before him. Speaking of temperature, the plaza was of a comfortable room temperature, unlike the scorching tunnel that led to it.

Drako Yau swept all unnecessary thoughts from his mind and focused his attention on the pillar. The wooden rod was an heirloom the old geezer passed down to him, so he hoped nothing terrible would happen to it.

“Kid, stop looking. Sit down and rest. This will take a while.”

Drako Yau glanced at Master Bak to find him attentively staring at the pillar of flames. Using his enhanced vision, Drako Yau focused on the pillar as well. He caught glimpses of occasional golden flashes, like lightning in a firestorm. He remained standing with Master Bak, and their staring session lasted for another six hours.

The pillar of flames continued to spurt from the lava without stopping. After six hours, the golden glow within the pillar was glowing with extreme brilliance, fully charged to the brim. Master Bak’s frivolous personality was nowhere to be seen, replaced by a serious expression.

“Kid, lend me your thing.”

Master Bak waved his hand, and an item shot out from Drako Yau’s armour. Annoyed as he may be, Drako Yau could do nothing but watch his Cryoflame Jade plop into the pillar.

Although the Cryoflame Jade had expended all its powers down in the Abyss of Durin, he still wore it all the time because it saved his life. Having it robbed from him in such a way was far from expected. He had little faith that the ornamental jade could survive the blazing flames, so his unfriendly glare became more apparent.

“Kid, don’t stare at me like that. You’ll thank me later,” said Master Bak without even sparing him a glance.

Master Bak locked his eyes onto the pillar of flames; the golden glow flashed prominently in the pillar. He lifted his arm from behind, pointed it to the front and formed a mudra, firing a golden beam into the pillar.

The mudra seemed to induce some sort of chemical reaction in the flame pillar. The raging flames all turned rigid, their source from the lava instantly cut off. The flames then coagulated into a ball and levitated in the air. The eerie sight didn’t last long, though.

Master Bak waved his hand, and the sphere vanished, revealing the items concealed within it. A golden beam shot towards him; he was expecting it the entire time. With a casual grab, he held onto the tiny golden hammer.

Meanwhile, Drako Yau’s attention landed on neither Master Bak nor the hammer. Instead, the two items that were still levitating caught his eye.

A radiance took over the plaza. The central figures were two levitating weapons, one ruby red and the other icy blue. The former was a crystal-clear spear that resembled a huge, refined ruby. A dragon pattern led from one end of the shaft to the other, its jaws reaching the collar that connected to the blade protracting from the dragon’s mouth. Even the blade displayed the texture of a gemstone.

On the other hand, the blue weapon was a short spear, at least from the looks of it. Lengthed around two and a half feet (seventy-six centimetres), the spear was even shorter than most swords by a little. Its appearance was identical to its ruby twin, with their only differences being their length and colour. If the longer spear was made of ruby, then this one was made of sapphire.

Together, they formed a pair of twin dragons of ice and fire. Drako Yau would agree without hesitation that the two spears were not only weapons but also artwork. 

Seeing Drako Yau intoxicated by his creations, Master Bak finally showed a satisfied look. The young kid’s emotionless, not even showing this great master the proper respect. Now you finally get it.

“Don’t just stare at them. They’re yours.”

The two levitating spears quivered in the air and whizzed towards Drako Yau at their creator’s command. Drako Yau dropped his jaws as the spears dissolved into his forearms, forming two dragon brands on the inner side of his forearms. The red dragon, the lengthier one of the twins, resided on his right, while the shorter blue dragon hid on his left. They weren’t noticeable even when he performed daily activities, especially when hidden beneath his armour.

Startled, Drako Yau asked, “Where did they go?”

The moment he willed for their presence, two spears materialised in his hands respectively. The ruby spear almost dropped from his grasp due to its sheer weight. It was a familiar sensation that resembled the embryonic weapon which he wielded with much effort not too long ago. However, the current spear was much more refined, and he could hold it without much difficulty. On the other hand, the sapphire spear weighed like a feather and had a cool sensation to it. If he didn’t see the spear in his hand, he would think that he wasn’t holding a thing—it felt just like the wooden rod.

Dammit, I never realised the wooden rod’s characteristics even though I’ve been using it for years! Drako Yau thought. The warm and cool sensation in his respective hands created a stark contrast that felt somewhat weird.

“Hehe, kiddo, you surprised? Of course I’m not going to create embryonic weapons using ordinary materials. The one I gave to Yeung Tin Hun was crafted from Celestial Wood Core. Celestial trees are incredibly precious and only produce one core every fifty years. I spent a lot of effort gathering the core back then, you know? Celestial trees thrive in polar regions with extremely low temperatures, so it’s suitable for creating water elemental weapons. Your teacher was a water elemental cultivator back then.

“As for your embryonic weapon, I chose something more local: an unidentified meteorite from nowhere. It isn’t particularly special apart from its toughness, but because it landed here… Oops, almost slipped my tongue there. Anyways, the meteor went through certain changes due to friction during its fall, so it’s very compatible with fire. It’s ideal for crafting fire elemental weapons.”

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