Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch23- Training

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After several intense sparring rounds, Horyu called for a break. "Take a moment to rest," he said, his tone softer. "You both did well. Hinata, your aggression is improving, but don't lose your focus. Hanabi, try to read your opponent more. Don't just rely on brute force."

[Teach Hinata basic taijutsu maneuvers.

Help her develop a unique fighting style that suits her abilities.

Train together in at least three sparring sessions.

Assist her in winning all the matches in the ongoing Taijutsu Tournament.

Rewards: 500 exp, Enhanced Chakra Control Scroll, 1000 Ryo, and the title 'The Patient Mentor'.


Confidence Builder: Successfully boost Hinata’s confidence during training (Reward: 100 exp, 200 Ryo).

The Hyuga's Pride: Help Hinata master a Hyuga Clan-specific technique (Reward: 200 exp, Secret Hyuga Scrolls).

Hinata’s Triumph: Strategize and guide Hinata to victory in her next match (Reward: 200 exp, Byakugan Enhancement Potion, 300 Ryo).]

Horyu checked the quest log in his mind, carefully planning his next steps. 'Confidence Builder' and 'The Hyuga's Pride' were the subquests he needed to focus on first. Hinata's growing confidence was evident, but she needed a final push. And for 'The Hyuga's Pride', he already had several Hyuga Clan techniques in mind that would not only help Hinata but also complete the requirement to teach her basic taijutsu maneuvers. Sparring with her after each training session would also fulfill the 'three-day' quest requirement. The last part of the plan was ensuring Hinata's victory in all her remaining matches.

Horyu turned to Hinata, his expression serious. "We're going to intensify your training," he said. "You've made progress, but there's more to be done."

Hinata nodded, determination in her eyes. "I'm ready, Horyu."

"First, we focus on your confidence," Horyu began. "Your abilities are there, you just need to trust in them. We'll start with a series of sparring sessions. I want you to go all out, no holding back."

Hinata took a deep breath, steeling herself. "Understood."

As they sparred, Horyu pushed Hinata to her limits. He noticed her becoming more assertive with each round, her strikes more confident and forceful. "Good, Hinata! That's it! Show me the strength of the Hyuga Clan!"

Hinata's movements became more fluid, her Byakugan guiding her with precision. The improvement was clear, and Horyu could almost see the 'Confidence Builder' quest nearing completion.

After the sparring session, Hinata was panting but exhilarated. "I... I can feel the difference, Horyu. I'm not as hesitant as before."

[System Message: Confidence Builder - Completed!]

Now, for 'The Hyuga's Pride'," Horyu thought, 'I'll teach her technique from the Hyuga Clan. 'Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms'. It was a powerful technique that requires precision and control.'

But how could he suddenly bring it out like that? If the Hyuga clan knew an Uchiha knew their deepest secret techniques, they would kill Horyu, no matter the consequences. He had to be smart about this. He could mention the form and let Hinata fill the gaps.

Horyu turned to Hinata, his expression contemplative. "Hinata, I've seen a technique used by your clan," he began, treading carefully. "It's a series of rapid strikes targeting chakra points. I believe it's called... the Eight Trigrams something. Do you know it?"

Hinata's eyes widened in surprise. "You mean the Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms? But... that's a secret technique of our clan."

Horyu nodded, feigning ignorance. "I've only seen it from a distance. It looked powerful. I was thinking, maybe you could try something similar? Use your Byakugan to target chakra points rapidly in succession."

Hinata seemed hesitant. "But that technique requires precise chakra control and... well, I've never actually learned it."

Horyu gave her a challenging look. "Maybe it's time you did. You have the Byakugan and the talent. Why not develop your own version of it?"

Hinata bit her lip, considering. "I... I could try. But it would be difficult to create something like that from scratch."

Horyu crossed his arms, a smirk playing on his lips. "I've seen your progress, Hinata. You're more than capable. Think of it as... a creative exercise. Use the basic principle and adapt it to your style."

Hinata nodded slowly, determination building in her eyes. "Alright. I'll give it a try."

For the next few hours, Horyu watched as Hinata experimented with various combinations of strikes and movements. He offered occasional guidance, careful not to reveal too much of his knowledge about the Hyuga techniques.

As the sun began to set, Hinata's form started taking shape. Her version of the technique was less refined than the original, but it had a unique flair that suited her growing confidence and agility.

[System Message: The Hyuga's Pride - Progressing...]

Horyu couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in Hinata's determination. She was breaking the boundaries of her clan's traditions, forging her own path.

Returning to his house after the intense training session with Hinata and Hanabi, Horyu's mind was still buzzing with the day's events. The satisfaction of seeing Hinata's progress and the unexpected awakening of her Byakugan's ancestral powers left him feeling a mix of pride and curiosity. However, there was no time to dwell on these thoughts; his own training awaited.

Entering his modest training space, Horyu set his mind on the tasks ahead. "Time to level up my skills," he muttered to himself, his tone laced with determination. He began with the 'Blade Dancer' skill, unsheathing a katana he had acquired from a dungeon.

As he practiced his swordplay, Horyu's movements were fluid yet precise, each strike and parry executed with a focus that only intensified as the session progressed. "Blade Dancer, huh? Let's see how far I can push this," he said, slicing through the air with the katana.

His practice was relentless, a testament to his drive to become stronger. Sweat dripped down his forehead, but he barely noticed, so engrossed was he in the rhythm of his sword strikes.

After an hour of intense training, the system chimed in his mind:

[System Message: Blade Dancer (Unspecified Level) → Blade Dancer (Level 1)]

Horyu paused, panting slightly. "Level one? Not enough. Need to go further," he said, resuming his training with even more vigor. His determination to shed the 'Talentless Uchiha' title fueled his every move.

Next, he switched to the 'Genjutsu Resistance' skill. Horyu knew the importance of this skill, especially considering the mental and illusionary battles that were common in the shinobi world. "Let's see how resistant I can become," he mused, focusing his chakra and mind to ward off imaginary genjutsu attacks.

He visualized various genjutsu scenarios, using his knowledge from the Naruto series, and practiced countering them mentally. His concentration was absolute, every ounce of his being focused on strengthening his mental defenses.

After what felt like hours, the system's message rang in his mind:

[System Message: Genjutsu Resistance (Level 3) → Genjutsu Resistance (Level 4)]

Breathing heavily, Horyu allowed himself a small smile. "Good, making progress."

He then turned his attention to the 'Lightning Reflex' skill. "Speed and reaction time. Crucial against stronger opponents," he said, setting up a series of traps and projectiles in his training area to simulate a real battle environment.

Horyu moved through the course with agility, dodging and reacting to the traps with increasing speed. His body moved almost instinctively, honing his reflexes to a razor's edge.

[System Message: Lightning Reflex (Level 1) → Lightning Reflex (Level 2)]

"Not enough," Horyu grumbled, resetting the course for another round. His body was tiring, but his resolve was unyielding.


My lovely readers! My Original Novel is being published in another site! You can find it by googling its name, "Gunslinger System in a World of Sword and Magic" I need support in my Original Novel please! Even if you don't want to read it just yet or ever(please read.It is good) add it to your library. I will publish another chapter(Harry Potter and Horyu chapter) for every 1000 collection in my original novel. Please support me! Thank you.


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