Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch17- Taijutsu Bout

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As the day drew to a close, Horyu pondered his next steps. 'The Taijutsu Tournament is next. Time to show them that brains aren’t my only asset.'

As the theoretical classes ended, they were all ushered outside for the practical class. The much-anticipated Taijutsu Tournament was about to start, and Horyu's first opponent was Kiba, just as the System had listed. Horyu wasn't surprised; he had long realized the system was almost omniscient, a fact that he found both intriguing and slightly unnerving.

Walking onto the training ground, Horyu observed Kiba, who was boasting loudly about his skills to anyone who would listen. Kiba's canine companion, Akamaru, was at his side, barking and jumping around energetically. 'Kiba and his four-legged shadow,' Horyu thought with a smirk. 'This should be interesting.'

As the match was announced, Horyu and Kiba faced each other. Kiba, with his usual brashness, was already taunting. "Hope you're ready to eat dirt, Uchiha. Me and Akamaru won't go easy on you just because you're talentless."

Horyu simply raised an eyebrow, his expression unreadable. Inside, he was already calculating his strategy. 'Let him underestimate me. It'll make his defeat all the more satisfying.'

Standing across from Kiba, Horyu's mind was a whirlwind of strategy. He knew Kiba's abilities intimately, not just from observing him at the academy, but from the encyclopedic knowledge of the Naruto series that had come with his reincarnation. In his mind, he held every detail about Kiba's fighting style, strengths, and weaknesses.

Kiba, with a level of 5, was undeniably stronger than Horyu, who was at level 3. However, what Horyu lacked in brute strength, he made up for in intelligence, agility, and most importantly, his unique skills and cunning mind. He intended to use every advantage he had.

The match began, and Kiba immediately launched into an aggressive assault, with Akamaru at his side. Horyu, remembering Kiba's reliance on straightforward, powerful attacks, stayed light on his feet, using his agility to dodge. Each move Kiba made, Horyu had anticipated; he could almost predict them before they happened.

Kiba, growing frustrated at Horyu's evasive maneuvers, called for Akamaru's transformation, initiating the Beast Human Clone technique. Horyu's eyes narrowed – this was where the real challenge began. Now he had to face not one, but two Kibas, both equally aggressive and powerful.

Using his Shadow Walker skill, Horyu began moving with enhanced stealth, becoming blurred as if his form was rippling. His movements were calculated, designed not to engage directly but to wear Kiba down, to frustrate and confuse him. Each of Kiba's attacks missed Horyu despite how accurate they seemed.

"Come out and fight, coward!" Kiba roared, swinging wildly.

This unexpected display of a technique unknown in Konoha took everyone by surprise, especially Sasuke, whose eyes flickered with a mix of envy and hatred as he watched Horyu's performance. Horyu, well aware of the eyes on him, relished the opportunity to demonstrate his capabilities beyond what anyone had expected.

Kiba, now visibly frustrated, increased the intensity of his attacks. But Horyu, leveraging his agility and the Shadow Walker skill, remained a step ahead, dodging with a grace that belied his level. His moves were a dance of shadows, making it almost impossible for Kiba and Akamaru to land a hit.

Despite his apparent advantage in strength and agility, Kiba was struggling to adapt to Horyu's unexpected tactics. Horyu, meanwhile, was conserving his energy, waiting for the opportune moment to strike. He remembered from the Naruto series that Kiba's attacks, while powerful, often left him open to counter-attacks if he missed.

As Kiba lunged forward in another attack, Horyu saw his opening. With precise timing, he sidestepped, allowing Kiba to overshoot his target. Then, using his enhanced reflexes from the Lightning Reflex skill, Horyu quickly closed the distance, landing a series of swift, calculated strikes.

Kiba, caught off guard, stumbled backward, trying to regain his footing. Horyu didn’t let up, pressing his advantage with a combination of taijutsu moves he had been refining since he realized his physical weakness. Each strike was aimed not to overpower Kiba but to outmaneuver him, to use his own momentum against him.

The crowd, initially skeptical, now watched in awe as the supposed 'talentless Uchiha' displayed a level of skill and strategy that defied their expectations. Even the instructors, including Iruka, observed with keen interest, noting Horyu's remarkable improvement.

Horyu's eyes gleamed with a mix of excitement and determination as he prepared to end the match. 'It is time to end this,' he thought, his mind racing with tactics. He observed Kiba, who was now panting heavily, his movements slower from exhaustion. Horyu had worn him down strategically, and now it was time for the final act.

Kiba, driven by frustration, lunged forward with a desperate attack. Horyu, anticipating this, nimbly sidestepped, letting Kiba's momentum carry him forward. In a swift motion reminiscent of a practiced shinobi, Horyu spun on his heel and struck Kiba's back with a precise kick, sending him stumbling forward.

Kiba turned, anger flaring in his eyes, and charged again, Akamaru barking fiercely at his side. Horyu remained calm, his mind clear. He knew that Kiba's predictable pattern of attack was his biggest weakness.

As Kiba neared, Horyu feinted to the left, causing Kiba to instinctively shift his guard. In that split second, Horyu shifted direction, ducking low and sweeping Kiba's legs from under him. Kiba crashed to the ground, and Horyu quickly pinned him, demonstrating a level of combat skill that left the onlookers in shock.

Horyu, poised above Kiba, his fist reared back, seemed poised to deliver the final, crushing blow. The crowd held its breath, the tension palpable. Kiba, defeated and vulnerable, braced for impact. But then, in a display of control and precision that spoke volumes of his character, Horyu's fist halted mere inches from Kiba's face.

"Stop!" Iruka's voice cut through the tense air, but Horyu had already shown his restraint. His fist, suspended in the air, was not a sign of weakness but a calculated feint, a message more than an attack. Slowly, he pulled back, a slight, knowing smile playing on his lips. This was more than a victory in a match; it was a triumph over the scorn and ridicule he had endured, particularly from Kiba.

Kiba, lying on the ground, looked up at Horyu, his expression a mix of shock, confusion, anger and hate. For a moment, there was silence, a collective breath held by all who witnessed this unexpected turn of events.

Iruka approached them, a serious look on his face, but there was a hint of admiration in his eyes. "The winner is Uchiha Horyu," he announced, his voice echoing through the training grounds.

The crowd erupted in a mixture of cheers and murmurs. This wasn't just a simple win in a Taijutsu match; it was a statement. Horyu Uchiha, the boy they had labeled 'talentless', had just defeated one of the more formidable opponents in their class, and he had done it with skill and strategy that belied his young age.


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