Chapter 462
“You know that once this gets out it will change everything.” The prince said after he sent the message to his father to prepare for an important discussion as soon as they return. “And news of it will get out now that all talented nobles will be delving all the dungeons their families can arrange.”
“That is not up to me.” Ajax said. “I am fine keeping quiet about this.”
“I know you are already planning ways to get your family to delve as their level increases.” the prince said. “The advantage of their level being so low is that they have plenty of time and space to progress and they can delve as they grow, do you think nobody will notice what you did once the news breaks.”
Ajax’s parents were now lower level than he was. More than that Judy, Alana, Tom and Kate were lower level than Lexi so all of them had more than enough floors to safely reach the same point as Ajax as long as they leveled at a consistent rate.
“Your Highness.” one of the squad members called out. “We’re approaching the border.”
While passing the border mattered very little for any of them it was in fact very important for the two slaves Ajax had picked up. As soon as they crossed that border for the first time in their lives they would no longer be slaves, and Ajax wanted to ensure that he turned the moment into a memory they would one day look upon with fondness, even if their initial reaction was to reject it.
“Get us to the border checkpoint on our side before we stop.” the prince called back.
“You do know that you can’t just go off into the Wild Lands now that you are a Duke.” Lexi asked, it was one of the things she was actually worried about.
“You don’t need to worry about that, I know.” Ajax responded with a warm teasing smile. “There are a few things I want to make sure we are at least starting on implementing before I leave. And starting everything could take a year, maybe two.”
“Speaking of your plans,” the prince said as he focused back on Ajax. “ Is there anything you need from the royal family to help you with in the near future?”“There are a few things.” Ajax nodded. “The first and biggest is that I would need to dip into your permanent potion supplies.”
“How much do you need?” the prince asked, already wincing at the cost.
“No need to look that hurt.” Ajax chuckled. “I can now afford to pay for them without it hurting too much. I will need eighty eight points worth, and most of them will need to be potions that can raise stats past 400 and even 450.”
Ajax’s current total stats was 3569, with one more level that would grow to 3591, and the last time he had consumed potions his total stats were 2711. The number of stats he was growing was less than the amount he increased the first time he ever used the potions but because of his much higher stats these would no doubt cost a lot more.
“That can be arranged,” the prince nodded. “What else?”
“I will need some help gathering skilled craftsmen in my duchy.” Ajax answered honestly. “They don’t need to be the best, just good and willing to take on more than one apprentice. All this without bankrupting my own family by cutting taxes to nothing.”
Stolen story; please report.
“That will be up to my father and brother to arrange for you.” the prince said with a solemn nod. “I can handle the potions but everything else is up to them.”
“Why are we in such a dire need of craftsmen?” Lexi asked.
“Because kids need motivation to study.” Ajax answered. “Establishing a required amount of schooling everyone needs to attend will mean nothing if they aren’t motivated to learn. By having the use their results in school to select their apprentices it will motivate them to actually learn what we try to teach them.”
“I hope you realize the amount of oversight establishing something like this requires.” Xavier said with a serious look on his face. “Some nobles do something similar by having their children study together as a way to motivate them to learn. The competition causes an odd social dynamic between them that can lead to the development and use of skills you don’t want them to have. [Cheating] and [Sabotage] being top amongst them.”
“It can also lead to the development of some that are more useful.” Lexi spoke from experience. Her own [Hidden Emotions] and [Social Mask] were just two of the examples that children could gain in such environments that she was a part of. “But you will want to ensure they aren’t used on each other.”
“Not to mention that teaching your commoners like this is not sustainable.” Anna pointed out. “Even if everything works out as you expect most of the people who succeed will move away to work for other nobles because of how saturated the positions will be in your own duchies and how much they will pay them.”
Anna knew that Ajax wasn’t looking to tie people down with binding contracts to attend the schools he hoped to create. This was also one thing Ajax hadn’t thought about. With the impending population increase it was highly likely that he would be able to hold on to the best and brightest of his students, but most near the top and middle of the pack would leave his lands, after all why stay to be a medium fish in a big pond when you can leave to be the biggest fish in a smaller pond.
“I encourage you to do it.” the prince said with an honest smile.
There was no reason to ponder why the royal family would be in favor of such a program. If it worked it was something they would be able to copy, more than that most of the newly developed citizens would end up working in service of the crown.
Much in the same way that the royal family benefited from the creation of the Healing Union by Luna they would do the same from Ajax’s school system. It’s true that they would not be able to gather the interest of the highest talents since noble houses would invest heavily in individuals but they would happily scoop up plenty of those who weren’t particularly talented but put in the effort to learn for a chance at a better life.
Ajax in fact did have a plan in how he would convince his commoners to stay, it revolved around the idea of improving the lands of his duchy so much that leaving to stay in another duchy would not be desired even if it came with a large increase in social standing.
The discussion didn’t have time to move much further as the carriage stopped, they had returned to Gryndor. Ajax and Lexi quickly stepped out of the carriage and looked for the two slaves.
“Master.” Both slaves greeted Ajax in unison as he approached, drawing curious looks from the soldiers present. It pushed Ajax’s social skills not to cringe at the form of address.
“Snake, Monkey.” Ajax greeted them. “I have a task for you.”
“What can we do?” Snake asked.
Both of the slaves looked much healthier now that they had had plenty to eat for an entire week. They were still what Ajax would call dangerously thin but their cheeks didn’t look sunken in and more and their muscles were starting to fill in to match their rigorous training.
“I want you to choose new names for yourselves.” Ajax said. “Slavery is outlawed in Gryndor, as of now you are free, Snake and Monkey are what your Master named you. I want you to pick something for yourself.”
Both slaves froze in fear at his words. “Are y-you abandoning us?” Snake’s shaky tone broke Lexi’s heart.
“No.” Ajax was gentle when he responded. “You are both welcome to remain with me and come work for me and my family. But that is a decision you must make on your own, even if you choose to work as retainers of House Hearthbound you will have more freedom than you ever did in the Empire.”
“I don’t want to be free.” Snake said. “I want to work for Master.”
Where Snake reacted to the new world she was experiencing with denial, Monkey instead saw a way to adapt. “ I am now Jari, and I choose to pledge my service to House Hearthbound.” As he said this he didn’t fall to his knees in the way his old masters had forced him to, he instead went down to one knee and kept his head high with his eyes fixed on Ajax.
Ajax was grateful for Jari’s adaptability, it gave him a way to show Snake what he wanted without denying her further.
“I accept your service Jari.” Ajax said with a nod.
Snake took a moment to process what just happened. Her eyes flickered between Jari and Ajax before she took a knee as well. “As of today I choose the name Nashara, and I too pledge my service to House Hearthbound.”
“I accept your service Nashara.” Ajax nodded to her as well.
Ajax knew that this wouldn’t be enough to change their attitudes towards themselves, but it was a start. “You will now accompany me back to my duchy.”
As he moved to return to the carriage Ajax discreetly accepted a small item the prince slipped into his hand. It was a two week journey back to the capital and during this time he would need to find the perfect moment to propose to Lexi.