Gamer Reborn

Chapter 371

As the group approached the dungeon they started running into a fair number of different types of monsters. They were all fairly weak for the most part around the low fifties but every now and then a stronger one around level seventy would show up.

“Why are there so many of them?” Ajax asked, confused, no kingdom should have a section filled with monsters of this level just out in the open.

“It’s because of the level jump between floors.” the prince answered.

“We have a dungeon with a twenty level jump but I never saw anything like this there.” Ajax said as he thought back to that dungeon, he had to admit that the entire area around it was rather deserted.

“That’s because it is more centrally located.” the prince said. “The monsters are routinely cleared out as punishments given out by the Adventure society. There is no reason for Deepwood to clear out the monsters in this area, in fact it’s better for them if they don’t.”

“I doubt these monsters would slow down any invasion force.” Ajax said. “We are cutting through them with no problem and there are so few of us.”

“They aren't a deterrent for invasion, it's for runaways.” Benedict chimed in. “Our border with the empire is mostly open plains, and runaway slaves are an issue. In a forest like this just leaving the monsters alone will be a strong enough deterrent for anyone under level fifty.”

Despite his disdain for their methods Ajax had to agree that it was a smart move. Why waste resources to deal with something that not only isn’t a problem but is actually a benefit.

“The quicker we get through these dungeons the better.” Lexi said darkly.

Arriving at the dungeon arch Ajax saw that it very much resembled the dungeon from back in Gryndor. There were no people setting up small stands in the surrounding area, simply a small guard outpost that was there to register anyone entering and send out an emergency signal should there be a dungeon break.

“There are eleven of you.” The ranger leader of their new protection detail said as they poured out of the carriages next to the dungeon. “The agreement is access for ten.”

“I will be staying outside.” Aranor said simply.

“What do you think you are doing?” one of the guards on duty at the dungeon said as he saw the group head towards the arch. His glare filled with disgust as he looked towards the humans and Darkclaw.

The man was quickly pulled aside and silenced by his partner who covered his mouth while lowering his head to the elf. “Are you suicidal? She’s a queensguard, just record and report anything else is going to be handled way above us.” With his Perception Ajax had no issues hearing the rushed whispers, but he paid them no mind as they all stepped inside the arch.

The first floor they entered was a massive cornfield that surrounded a large fortress town. It didn’t take long for them to find the first arch that was guarded by an oversized raccoon. The beast didn’t even stand a chance as Harold decapitated it with a swift swing of his sword as it tried to jump him.

“Earth, Water and Darkness.” Ajax said as he touched the arch. “No light at all so I’m thinking some type of cave themed floor.

“Let's look for another one.” the prince said. “A flooded cave is one of the few things I am not certain I can protect you from.”

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There was no argument there as nobody wanted to risk drowning and they moved on to the next arch, one defended by a small pack of coyotes that quickly followed the raccoon’s fate.

“Plant, Life, Water, Earth.” Ajax said as he touched the arch. “Some light as well, this should be a swamp or a forest or field with a river going through it.”

There were no objections to this theme so the team entered and found themselves in a swamp. “Be on the lookout for mud golems, there was quite a bit of Life mana.” Ajax warned them as he took in his surroundings.

Everyone nodded as Lexi, Anna, Benedict, Xavier and Ajax started their hunt for a miniboss.


Aranor P.O.V.

It would only be two or three hours before the low leveled nobles would return, this dungeon would be one of the quickest the team would boost since there would only be five total floors including the quickly passed first floor and the final one that the prince would clear by himself. Even then Ajax was the only one who needed to kill a miniboss on the second floor and that would speed everything up even more.

“Spread out and search the surrounding areas.” Lioriel Shadowstrider commanded, I didn’t know the girl all that well but I remember fighting her father on multiple occasions. Their House had always produced skilled rangers and while she wasn’t yet at the same level as me she was still young.

Half of the elite guard force she was commanding headed into the forest to check. It was clear to me at a glance as they split themselves into teams of two that this guard force was thrown together last minute. They were all competent but they didn’t have the fluidity that came from working together for a long time, they had likely been selected for their strength and the fact that they had no issues with humans.

“What is going on?” the smarter of the two dungeon guards asked me after he got nowhere with Lioriel following his partner’s insulting questioning of the queen’s decision to allow non-elves into the dungeon.

“The ambassador in the Republic almost caused a war when they used a skill on a human child during a feast.” My answer was calculated to share specific information that was not sensitive and would only build goodwill. “The head of their House was quick in asking for access to Deepwoods dungeon for the slight.”

“Why are there so many humans then, and why only one beastkin and no dwarves?” the guard asked.

“The House in question came from Gryndor not the Republic.” I responded. “They sold a few spots to Sylvanthal and the Republic but most of them went to their own kingdom.”

“That’s enough.” Lioriel said as she approached and sent the guard back to his post. “Those were some misleading answers.”

“Everything I said was true.” I said.

“You also left out that the child in question was the head of the House, let alone his… unique situation.” she said as joined me in watching the arch.

“Just assuring the political importance of our short trip here is reported.” I contine.

“It is also undermining the royal family's credibility.” her tone now accusing.

“Hardly,” I waive my hand. “ The mistake will simply be one more thing reinforcing the reason why the king stepped down from the throne and let his daughter take over as it was his decision to send that ambassador.”

I could tell that while she didn’t much like my reasoning she accepted it. After a minute of silence she moved on the next point, one I knew would be coming. “Is everything they’re saying about the human true?”

“I don’t know what rumors have made it all the way here.” I say nothing and preempt any further questioning on this topic. “Nor would it be my place to share any information on this topic. All I will say is that he is still a child, by noble standards anyway, and that he won the tournament.”

“What about his views on elves?” She moved on accepting my answer.

“He has no issues with elves as far as I could tell over the weeks we traveled together.” This was a point His Majesty had asked me to make sure was made perfectly clear. “A bad encounter here so early in his development is the biggest risk.”

Our conversation was cut short as a group of twelve elves exited the dungeon, two of them were above level one hundred.

“Identify yourselves.” Lioriel said as her hand snapped to her bow.

What followed was a tense half an as Lioriel verified that the people who exited were who they claimed to be, the youngsters among them were Academy students from the fourth year and the two veterans were guards of a ducal house whose scion was part of the class.

I also tuned out the ten minutes Lioriel spent chastising the guards for not informing her that there was already a boost happening.

“There is nothing in the surrounding areas.” At that moment the teams that surveyed the surrounding returned, their words putting the two veterans on guard.

“Is something going on?” the senior of the two veterans asked. “And may I ask why you have a spell ready?” The second question was addressed to me.

“That’s Aranor Starfury.” the second veteran said, recognising me, his words putting the first veteran on a hair trigger.

It was at that moment that the four humans I was expecting stepped out of the arch. I wasted no time releasing the spell and creating a protective wind wall around them. My actions were well timed as one of the students was quick to fire an arrow as he saw humans exit the dungeon.

“You are to stand down!” Lioriel shouted as she notched an arrow of her own.

I quickly made my way over to the four while silently cursing. Why is it that anything that can go wrong always does.

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