Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Chapter 58: The Customs of the Dothraki

"Don't worry, Lord Viserys, I'll take care of it!" Helbo assured him.

"Yes, be careful on the road," Viserys replied, waving as he fiddled with the black dragonbone ring on his hand.

Viserys had tasked Helbo with ensuring that the bards performing at the celebration would not be disturbed—a precaution based on past incidents. However, Viserys didn't entirely rely on Helbo; someone from House Zalyne would be the main enforcer to guarantee everything went smoothly. Helbo, despite being somewhat of a weak-willed opportunist, had not caused any trouble and there was no need to make an enemy out of him for now.

Viserys glanced again at the ring on his finger. He had to admit, the black dragonbone matched his aesthetic perfectly and looked quite imposing. Though the ring only provided a small benefit of 0.01 assignable points per day, he still valued it. After all, ten days would yield 0.1 points.

'I should get a dragonbone necklace, dragonbone belt, dragonbone bracelet, and maybe even a dragonbone anklet,' he mused. 'Looks like I'll need a jewelry box.'


As the saying goes, good news never travels far, but bad news travels a thousand miles. The news that Bloodbeard's men had been defeated by a little girl quickly spread throughout the sellsword community, eliciting public ridicule and mockery from various mercenary groups. They deemed such a sellsword unworthy of existence.

"Haha, when we get back, we'll definitely tell the captain about this. He'll be so happy!" laughed a mercenary from the Windblown, known as Meris the "Pretty Meris." Despite her moniker, Meris was anything but beautiful; her nose looked torn apart, and her face was a mosaic of scars, evidence of a hard life.

Her tall frame and golden hair were her only redeeming features. She was accompanied by a man with gray hair, half a head shorter than her, trailing her every step.

"What! This thing costs twenty gold dragons?" Meris exclaimed, wincing at the price of the palm-sized soap in her hand. After some hesitation, she decided to buy it.

The Golden Company, one of the most formidable mercenary groups with over 8,000 cavalry, also caught wind of the news.

"This one's a Targaryen, too. Should we ask him if he wants to join?" inquired a sellsword with flaxen hair and strikingly green eyes. They had heard some rumors about Viserys before arriving in Braavos. From a martial perspective, he seemed competent, and considering their first captain, Igor, the recruiter was intrigued.

"Isn't there a swordsmanship competition? We'll see about that. Besides, he's only 15, right? He's too young," another member remarked.

Meanwhile, in the Cattery, a man with blue hair and under 30 years old, Daario, the vice-captain of the Stormcrows, heard the news while applying his makeup. Daario, who in the original plot had been seduced by the Mother of Dragons' beauty and turned traitor, found the situation amusing but not serious.

"I heard that the Beggar King's sister is very beautiful. Are you not interested?" one of his subordinates asked.

"Don't the Targaryens favor brother-sister marriages? Maybe the Beggar King keeps his sister very close!" Daario mused, a slight smile playing on his lips. If he had the chance, he wouldn't mind seeing how beautiful the Princess of a fallen royalty was. If she was truly stunning, it wouldn't be too late to consider taking her.

The big celebration started the next day, but many people flocked to the Titan of Braavos the night before to secure a good spot. They slept directly on the banks of the waterway, using blankets or pieces of cloth, creating a spectacular sight from the air.

The rich, however, were in a much better situation. They had beds to sleep in, hot food to eat, and servants to set up tents for them. Some of the Dothraki enjoyed the open-air environment, taking advantage of the night to engage in their customary practices. Perched in a tree, Viserys' Seagull observed the 'live broadcast,' marveling at the Dothraki's creativity and the difficulty of their moves.

Dany, sleeping in the carriage and chatting with Kyla, wondered why Viserys had suddenly decided to set up his tent.

As dawn broke, everyone donned elaborate masks. These masks covered only the upper half of the face, leaving the mouth and nose exposed. The poor wore simple, crudely painted masks, while the rich flaunted masks made from a wider choice of materials, adorned with bright, expensive paints, feathers, and even gold and silver. Overnight, the lords of Braavos lost their dignity and decency in the revelry.

Viserys, his sister, and Kyla began packing early to better conceal their identities. Dany and Viserys wore hats to hide their silver hair. Dany chose a silver mask, while Viserys opted for an unusually ugly black leather mask attached to his hat, which looked very uncomfortable. When asked why, Viserys had only one explanation: "It was black."

Their carriage was parked on a high vantage point, offering a splendid view. In the early morning, ships from the Sealord's palace had already appeared, clearing the waterway of boats. The rising sun cast a golden hue on the water, while the clear blue sky seemed to invite the gods to join in the celebration with the mortals.

Everyone eagerly awaited the arrival of the Sealord's yacht. Suddenly, a long horn sounded in the distance. The crowd craned their necks, their excitement palpable. As the horn grew louder, a yacht adorned with smiling faces from bow to stern came into view, bathed in a radiant light.

"Oh~The Sealord—The Sealord—" the people's shouts nearly drowned out the horn.

As the boat drew closer, the figure standing on the bow became increasingly visible. Draped in a blue silk cloak that shimmered like water, he held a two-foot-long Dragonbone Scepter topped with a large diamond, the source of the boat's glow. Sealord Ferrego smiled and waved to the cheering crowds on either side of the waterway. Behind him stood six imposing guards, their chain mail glinting under their clothes, ready to protect him from any threat.

Following the Sealord's boat were several flower boats, brimming with blossoms. People on board continuously threw petals into the water, the throwers themselves scantily clad and strikingly attractive. Their fair skin glistened in the sunlight, eliciting roars from some of the more spirited onlookers.

Dany noticed her brother Viserys watching with particular interest. Following his gaze, she saw several pairs of leaping rabbits. "Finally!" Viserys muttered. In the distance, two ships brimming with guards escorted the official ship, protecting something precious: a shining Valyrian steel sword and a green dragon egg.

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