Game Creator Multiversal (Marvel/DC)

Chapter 85: Refugees

After meeting with the X-men and Kate they had decided to work alongside me, the details being shared from Jean who was supporting me heavily. What she had seen was horrific and exposed everything that was happening around the world. They had gone back to the school, collecting the children before bringing them back here. Meanwhile the Uzumaki clan was currently collecting all of the scientific equipment and medical equipment from the school's underground using their Fuinjutsu Storage bags.

Things were moving rapidly and it was hard for me to keep up with it all... This didn't mean I could slack however. My work had barely begun and I was already swamped with things to do. For starters, I had two Norse 'Gods' to speak to. 

Cassian followed behind me as the raucous laughter of the thunder god burgeoned forth from a sitting room. My leather boots tapped on marble floors as I swung the door wide open, looking at the cacophony of chaos. Beer was flung across the room, Loki sitting behind a transformed sceptre now made into umbrella whilst Mito clanked steins with Thor.

"PAH-HAHAHAHAHA! Midgard is truly great!" Thor pulled out a flask and dripped some of its contents into his stein and Mito's too, the pair utterly fucking drunk whilst sharing battle stories. Loki was reading a book, his eyes flashing upwards, looking at me with relief beyond words.

"Bismardi, or whatever it is called sounds BONKERS as well ttebayo!?" Her drink slushed against her mouth as she took copious gulps of the ancient Asgardian mead. 

"Freya! How gracious of you to finally emerge from your business! If we can discuss, civil, matters in a room without drunkards?" Loki's tone was emphatic, his eyes sharing his dread of staying in this room for any longer. Seeing him squirm somewhat soothed the light demand in his words.

Smiling with mild hilarity at seeing this display of wanton enjoyment I nodded, turning sideways and gesturing back out of the doorway I had just seen fit to appear from. "Of course, let us talk about things somewhere more quiet." No words were spoken to us from Thor or Mito as the two drunks dropped onto the couches and spoke loudly about one of the thunder god's war stories. 

Meanwhile, Loki slipped through the door and walked past my Spartan guard, the ancient god of trickery scoffing at the gaze he felt pressed into his back. I followed the Norse god, my concept empowerment flexing like a live snake as it detected a tangible representation of Nordic/Germanic religions. In my current state, I felt like I could probably handle Thor in direct combat... Though I wasn't an Asgardian. 

"Let us skip pleasantries. We are here to understand why my father and Heimdal have been discussing your 'company's' connection to Asgard, or more aptly, your connection to Asgard." He continued to walk as Cassian opened a side door, guiding us both within before closing the door and taking up vigil outside. 

A slight curve of my lips made his eyes narrow, his green magic flickering a touch as he ported over to a small bookshelf, his fingers dusting the edges of several books. "What are you hiding, witch?"

The title made me a touch more amused with his way of interrogation.

"Have you heard of Freya?" The name seemed to wash over him ineffective. He twisted his smile in a way that promised that he was confused over the mention of such a name. This was extremely odd to me.

He faded and re-emerged on luscious red couch sitting in the middle of the room. Dim light illuminated the room, painting various potted plants and book shelves in shadow as his golden outfit defied this physical nullification of clarity. "What, or who, is this Freya you speak about... Other than it being your name?"

I blinked for several moments before moving over to the book shelf, pulling out the Eda. Pages were flicked through with a speed that looked as if I were skimming it, though I wasn't. Finally my search stopped and pointed out by my hand was a single line:

' "Sessrúmnir is the name of the hall that stands in Fólkvangr, and there Freyja rules over the seating. Half of the slain she chooses each day, and half Odin takes. " ' - Grímnismál

"Spoken of in Human belief of you Asgardians is the one known as Freyja, or more commonly in modern times she is known as, Freya."

"Whether this be some manifestation of your mother, Frigga, who is to say... But despite this possibility I have been blessed by a goddess named Freya, connected to your pantheon."

Loki dropped his playful use of magic and demeanor, he was looking at me as if I were a possible threat, or an unknown entity that could leap at him within the span of seconds. I continued onwards.

"I gain power from being close to beings of Norse Mythology, Asgardians... Namely you and your brother being here strengthens me in ways that even I do not fully comprehend as of yet. And, more poignantly, more importantly, I can feel the presence of Asgard in the universe and even further, that of Valhalla... In a way."

He simply stared at me as I spoke to him candidly of my powers, the truthfulness most likely shocking him into silence. Weariness faded then grew once more, his emotions, most likely, ebbing and flowing like a river as he decided if he should entertain my explanation or simply discard it and move on. 

"Thi- Hmmm... There is no deception I can detect within you. Vexing. Perhaps you are one of us? No, that is too easy of an explanation and doesn't explain why I can sense you being of the Álfar." He sounded stumped.

"Odin would know more... Mother will most likely need to be considered also... Are you able to come to Asgard with us?" The offer was surprising to me as Loki seemed much more weary at first meeting. His personality seemed as if it would grate with everyone else's around it, yet he was inviting me to the home of his pantheon so openly. I felt there must be some trick... Yet that part could not be said aloud.

"I am busy saving those that I have introduced power to. My mission to rescue those who lack the power to defend themselves from a governmental figure... In some ways I am sure you could relate to them in the way that Odin seems to run things in Asgard?"

Loki turned stone faced, his eyes slowly, ever so slowly, reaching down to meet the ground before him as I felt thoughts of his wander within his expression. 

"In future, perhaps I can visit Asgard. But as of now, I have a war to win and people to save." This he responded to, his form glistening as he emerged behind me, at the door, opening it whilst speaking out in a lonely tone.

"I hope you help them. I truly hope you can. We shall stay here until you wish to venture to Asgard... If you would be so kind as to house us in the interim...?" I nodded and walked over to him, placing my hand upon his shoulder, looking deeply into his brightly lit green eyes.

"You are welcome to stay as guests for as long as you wish. Ask for what you wish and know that, to me, you are as family due to my connection to Asgard and Valhalla. Loki, God of Trickery and Magic." I tapped his shoulder more before knocking the door, Cassian opening up, noticing my gaze and nodding instantly.

Both men walked down the hall, Cassian guiding him back as I was left contemplating the ease with which that conversation had gone. Whether it was my rune of trickery or simply my approach of honesty, I couldn't say which one was more effective... All I knew was that he was hurting in a way that was unknown to me and that pain, this day, swayed his mind.

As was the theme of today, before thoughts could linger and percolate, I was interrupted by the blaring of alarms. 

With speed of infernal nature I appeared in the front garden, Spider Man standing before me with a dishevelled May... Peter had fled his friendly neighbourhood and sought refuge with me, trusting me to protect him and the last family member he had in this world. The trust was heart-warming for me as he barely knew me, yet placed trust in me to do the right thing and not capitulate to the Government.

"F-freya! Sorry for intruding, but-" I cut him off as I walked forwards and simply gave him a friendly hug, the teen panicking as he wasn't used to girls as much as he would like to portray the opposite. It was broken rather quickly however as I offered a hand to May who was still dizzy from their escape.

"No need for apologies. All that matters is you are safe and the Government didn't get you both." Peter was rather shocked at being cut off, but also at seeing my face for the first time... He blushed a touch, typical of a teen boy. 

"Ah, well, I couldn't think of anyone else to go to... Plus Ned said something about the force coming to Earth or something. So I figured that the lady that made a game about it before that happened would be the best to go to for answers." His logic was impeccable, I couldn't fault it.

"Are there any more refugees coming?"

He nodded grimly.

"Yeah! There were thousands of people fleeing the city by car or underground means. On the way we stopped for breaks and heard people were planning to come here as well. Something about a speech you made?"

"Indeed, I made a speech. Well, both of you should go talk to Hope over there. She will get you setup... It looks like we'll be housing quite a few refugees..."

The two were approached by Hope who had been snooping in with her advanced hearing, the once teen, turned woman, dragging them away towards the Uchiha compound where they were soon intercepted by Uzumaki.

Looking past the front gate, in the sky, I watched as the Iron Man flew straight at the gate. Tony stark was coming to me for help it seemed... And beyond that, he had someone who I had deflected meeting with what seemed like ages ago. 

"Fury..." An ACDC track played over my system, the sound track for Tony's ringtone for me. In this moment it seemed as if I was the cross roads for all of the major players in the game... My movements affecting the bigger tapestry.

I tapped the answer button, a single voice calling out.

"I've got your order of fries, a cheeseburger and one grumpy ass master spy? Check your order please..." I instantly broke down in laughter as the defences of my compound allowed him through with my permission, the Star Destroyer above hanging in waiting as they awaited for my confirmation of status; something I waited on doing.


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