Chapter 82: Emergency Actions
Suddenly I awoke to the sounds of thousands of people crying out. People being dragged from their homes by the United States military, private factions and groups collecting force sensitives from around the world, experimenting on them... Ancient species becoming active as some members of their species became entuned to the force.
Atlantis stirred deep beneath the ocean as hundreds of different members stirred the newfound connection to the force that I had acquired. A mystical den of Cultivators on the main land of China began moving, their new Iron Fist agleam with the power of the force.
More than anything the aliens on the Earth were the most dangerous as the sons of Superman radiated such a warmth that it was akin to a miniature sun... Just from sensing their connection to the force... An onyx haired woman with a red gem placed in the middle of her forehead running from the demons of her past, the force sparking within her like a campfire that had just been sparked.
Time condensed and I found myself concentrating on my surroundings. Susan and Artoria were asleep nearby, hugging eachother as they lay opposite to me in bed. My room was darkened with very little lighting to speak of except for a faint lamplight on my bedside table.
'I need to move... The government...' Flashes of senators being killed and congressmen and women bleeding out on the governmental floor came to me as my thoughts coalesced. 'Shisui and Naori!'
Instantly I grabbed my phone and began calling them, my super speed ensuring I was dressed and outside of my bedroom within moments. The call went through, the pounding of feet on pavement evident from my side.
"Freya, we could do nothing to stop the slaughter. This force seemed to just walk in and kill every leader of this nation."
"Force?" My voice was more shaky than It should have been but it was apt for how I was feeling... Things had turned to shit within moments of me going unconscious.
The sound of something being cut and then choking followed on the other end before a feminine voice pierced through the speaker, the voice of Naori. "It must be the same force that targeted you Freya-san. Shisui and I will meet you back at the clan mansions. In the-" The phone call cut out as I instinctively forced myself to see them through precognition.
They were just blasted by some form of rocket and were substituting away, their pace fevered and expertly trained. It was little solace, but their skills were up to the highest standards for Uchiha.
Grimacing in chagrin at the situation that was left upon my shoulders I stepped out of my apartment and quickly appeared in the gardens between the HQ and the Uchiha Clan. The air was cold, crisp in the late afternoon air. Leaves of trees swayed in the light breeze whilst flowers blossomed and spread their pollen. All of this was ignored by me however as I witnessed Freya, Hope and half a dozen Uzumaki reforging the barrier anew, the Fuinjutsu combining with traditional Wicker magic to enforce a spiritual and physical barrier that would require greater power outputs that even Xavier was able to produce.
I tuned in with my psychic powers and connected to the satellites above Earth... Finding all of them currently pointed towards my compound as numerous more were vaguely pointed around the New York region.
'Whoever is pulling this off has significant power in the world.'
Facial recognition processes began on everyone they could spy on with their devices, my powers interfering with the completion of said checks.
'Nope, if you want to play this game, then why don't I?' One of my eyes shuddered as my psychic power lanced up into the atmosphere, completely sparking the entire satellite network at once... Fireballs took to low orbit as hundreds were incinerated in mechanical faults, all, at, once.
The instant the network was down I sighed in relief as their nuclear option was off the table for now. Modern nuclear weapons heavily lean on GPS tracking and star tracking for targeting, but GPS comes from Satellites and those had just been wiped out. Lowering my psychic presence down into my surroundings then stretched it horizontally, feeling for the mutants from Xavier's school.
They were residing within their school still, the emergency protocol triggered to turn it into a fortress. My mind connected with Kate, the naturally occurring vergence, the teen standing opposite me in a dark space which presented our connection through the force.
"F-freya? You're awake!" She beamed a smile at me as she stepped forwards. It seemed me being there to cast away the dark side had changed her opinion of me.
"Yes, I am awake... How are you, how is the school?" She blinked a few times and pursed her lips somewhat in thought.
"They are okay, the teachers are struggling without the professor. I-It's odd, i can feel their frustrations and confusion when i look at them. My friends think it's because the school is in lockdown... But I think they just don't know what to do."
I felt the urge to exhale but covered it up by frowning. "Hmm, I should step in." Kate widened her eyes and nodded emphatically.
"Xavier did tell the school to search for you if we were to get into trouble he couldn't manage." My confusion grew. We hardly knew each other and I had only visited once, yet he said such a thing...? Unlikely. Reaching out with the force I felt towards Kate, seeing if she was speaking the truth, which, after several moments of scanning, i found that she was.
Retracting my power I blinked slowly and nodded deeply. "Kate, tell Storm, Logan, Jean and Cyclops to come meet me at Yggdrasil Interactive Head Quarters. You must come with them, we will speak further when that occurs, in the meantime I will be sending some of my forces to protect the students and grounds." The connection shuddered as Kate looked over her shoulder.
"Okay! I'll let them know! Sorry, gotta go, Mrs Ororo is shaking my shoulders." Her mental form crumpled into nothingness as the darkness consumed the entire space and I was sent back into my own mind.
Moments after slipping back into reality I felt a thick coagulation of energy slither across me and past me, draping itself over the entire area. Spherical in shape it covered the sky, land below and the very buildings themselves. Hope and Freya collapsed backwards whilst the Uzumaki clan members wiped their brows, sweat dripping from their hands as a faintly shimmering power glimmered in the distance. We were safe now from physical and metaphysical attacks, up to a certain level.
[Points: 6,125,281,627]
Ceiling Fan- (5P down from 10P)
Advil Tablets (2P down from 4P)
Halo Spartans (50,000,000P down from 100,000,000P)
Stargate (100,000,000P down from 800,000,000P)
Experience Card -Sub skill-(2,000,000P down from 10,000,000P)
The One Ring (100,000,000,000P down from 500,000,000,000P)
---BATTLEPASS, Journeyman Level---
* Own Two Fate-Style Servants * : 1 Experience Card [COMPLETED]
*Create Five more games* : 5,000,000,000 Points [COMPLETED]
* Level Up 20 Times* : 200 Billion USD [COMPLETED]
* Upgrade The 'HUB' into a Reality Engine* : 1 Godly Item
* Topple the Kabal of Corrupt Organisations* : 200 Skill points
*Lose Your Virginity* : A good time, Blessing Upgrade [COMPLETED]
*Merge the Uchiha and Uzumaki Bloodlines* : Sage Mode Unlock, Mangekyo Evolution [COMPLETED]
* Have 1 Billion people play your game* : 10,000,000,000 Points, Augma from SAO [COMPLETED]
* Purposefully Master a Power, Ability, Energy Type or Super Power by yourself* : High-Servant combining any historical figure's mysteries
*Learn a Complete Magic System from Someone* : Psycho-Magical Energy Evolution [COMPLETED]
My system interrupted the moment for me as all of the Uchiha immediately crumpled to their knees within my scope of vision, their eyes changing pattern... Into Mangekyo Sharingans. Seconds passed before they all stepped onto their feet and began exhibiting some slight changes.
Itachi emerged next to me, my eyes staring into his and my entire mind reeling as it resisted the pull of Genjutsu. His Mangekyo was turning on and off in quick succession as he struggled to control it in the few moments after its' inception. Another Uchiha member teleported through space to emerge in the fountain, vomit propelling from her mouth as she was shunted once again through space.
Many more powers began to fire off, from black fire to intangibility, illusory swords, detection nullification, Black lightning storms, Speed beyond reaction and many more that were unknowable as of this current stage. But what was even more concerning for me was the unlocking of sage mode in the Uzumaki clan, the very world itself feeding them Chakra. Those who had just helped in the creation of the protective shield recharged immediately from this 'evolution'.
Nothing emerged for me as of yet, but that was most likely for the best considering how many powers I had already... That being said, I needed a way to practice all of my abilities, skills and powers whilst freeing me up to focus on the important aspects of my life.
Looking at the daily specials I purchased: Halo Spartans, A Stargate and the Experience Card.
[Points: 5,975,281,627]
Unlike other summon purchases the Halo Spartans came up with a character creation screen in which I could assign points to certain attributes of theirs. I had five characters to create and multiple sections to choose from.
|Character Creation Screen
Welcome to the Character Creation Interface:Assign points to customize your summoned warrior.
Character Name: [Enter Name] Available Points: [1000]
Attributes (Distribute Points - Minimum: 100, Maximum: 500 per attribute)
[1] Strength: [ 0 ] (Physical power, melee combat, lifting capacity)[2] Agility: [ 0 ] (Speed, reflexes, dodging ability)[3] Endurance: [ 0 ] (Health, stamina, pain tolerance)[4] Intelligence: [ 0 ] (Tactical thinking, problem-solving, hacking, magic control)[5] Perception: [ 0 ] (Situational awareness, accuracy, sensory abilities)[6] Charisma: [ 0 ] (Leadership, persuasion, intimidation, morale boosting)
Special Abilities (Choose 1-3 unique skills based on assigned attributes.)
[Ability 1]: [Choose]
[Ability 2]: [Choose]
[Ability 3]: [Choose]
The first one I made was the leader. My intention for the Spartans to be my body guards and the personal guard of my compound, the Uchiha's effort better suited to other pursuits in future. This leader would be the charismatic glue that kept the Spartans together and also ensured that they received the attention that I may not always be able to give.
Character Name: [Selene 'Iron Hand'] Available Points: [0]
Attributes (Distribute Points - Minimum: 100, Maximum: 500 per attribute)
[1] Strength: [ 100 ] (Physical power, melee combat, lifting capacity)
[2] Agility: [ 100 ] (Speed, reflexes, dodging ability)
[3] Endurance: [ 100 ] (Health, stamina, pain tolerance)
[4] Intelligence: [ 200 ] (Tactical thinking, problem-solving, hacking, magic control)
[5] Perception: [ 200 ] (Situational awareness, accuracy, sensory abilities)
[6] Charisma: [ 300 ] (Leadership, persuasion, intimidation, morale boosting)
Special Abilities (Choose 1-3 unique skills based on assigned attributes.)
[Ability 1]: Strategist
[Ability 2]: Commander
[Ability 3]: Keen Insight
The next figure was meant to be the weapons specialist of the group, having more physical ability and weaponry understanding. He would be the one to lead the charge in combat and be the one who was the first line of defence.
Character Name: [Garrick Kane 'Bulwark'] Available Points: [0]
Attributes (Distribute Points - Minimum: 100, Maximum: 500 per attribute)
[1] Strength: [ 200 ] (Physical power, melee combat, lifting capacity)
[2] Agility: [ 200 ] (Speed, reflexes, dodging ability)
[3] Endurance: [ 200 ] (Health, stamina, pain tolerance)
[4] Intelligence: [ 200 ] (Tactical thinking, problem-solving, hacking, magic control)
[5] Perception: [ 100 ] (Situational awareness, accuracy, sensory abilities)
[6] Charisma: [ 100 ] (Leadership, persuasion, intimidation, morale boosting)
Special Abilities (Choose 1-3 unique skills based on assigned attributes.)
[Ability 1]: Weapon Specialist
[Ability 2]: Problem Solver
[Ability 3]: The Tank
Third one was going to be the sniper and tactical oversight of the group. She would be a shadow that could only be seen in a void, the one that wouldn't be seen unless she wanted them to.
Character Name: [Lyria Vale 'The Void'] Available Points: [0]
Attributes (Distribute Points - Minimum: 100, Maximum: 500 per attribute)
[1] Strength: [ 100 ] (Physical power, melee combat, lifting capacity)
[2] Agility: [ 250 ] (Speed, reflexes, dodging ability)
[3] Endurance: [ 200 ] (Health, stamina, pain tolerance)
[4] Intelligence: [ 100 ] (Tactical thinking, problem-solving, hacking, magic control)
[5] Perception: [ 250 ] (Situational awareness, accuracy, sensory abilities)
[6] Charisma: [ 100 ] (Leadership, persuasion, intimidation, morale boosting)
Special Abilities (Choose 1-3 unique skills based on assigned attributes.)
[Ability 1]: Sniper Specialist
[Ability 2]: Overwatch
[Ability 3]: The Cavalry
The next was going to be the hacking guy, the one who was a wizard with technology and could alter any gear they got their hands on. He would be the one to provide security monitoring for the entire compound.
Character Name: [Orion 'Cipher'] Available Points: [0]
Attributes (Distribute Points - Minimum: 100, Maximum: 500 per attribute)
[1] Strength: [ 100 ] (Physical power, melee combat, lifting capacity)
[2] Agility: [ 100 ] (Speed, reflexes, dodging ability)
[3] Endurance: [ 100 ] (Health, stamina, pain tolerance)
[4] Intelligence: [ 400 ] (Tactical thinking, problem-solving, hacking, magic control)
[5] Perception: [ 200 ] (Situational awareness, accuracy, sensory abilities)
[6] Charisma: [ 100 ] (Leadership, persuasion, intimidation, morale boosting)
Special Abilities (Choose 1-3 unique skills based on assigned attributes.)
[Ability 1]: Hacker
[Ability 2]: Technical Guru
[Ability 3]: The Eyes
Finally there was the communication specialist which would ensure that a battlefield was informed properly and would be the intermediary for any issues between my forces and the Spartans in future.
Character Name: [Cassian Nova 'Signal'] Available Points: [0]
Attributes (Distribute Points - Minimum: 100, Maximum: 500 per attribute)
[1] Strength: [ 100 ] (Physical power, melee combat, lifting capacity)
[2] Agility: [ 100 ] (Speed, reflexes, dodging ability)
[3] Endurance: [ 100 ] (Health, stamina, pain tolerance)
[4] Intelligence: [ 300 ] (Tactical thinking, problem-solving, hacking, magic control)
[5] Perception: [ 200 ] (Situational awareness, accuracy, sensory abilities)
[6] Charisma: [ 200 ] (Leadership, persuasion, intimidation, morale boosting)
Special Abilities (Choose 1-3 unique skills based on assigned attributes.)
[Ability 1]: Communication Expert
[Ability 2]: Wire Tapper
[Ability 3]: Consultant
These were all of the characters for the Spartans I could make, their stats and roles being submitted into the system as they were then spat out before me in golden light, revealing much quicker to me than previous summons that I had witnessed and done.
Selene was a 8 foot tall female spartan, her hair a dark brown mixed with bright blonde. Her eyes were bright green, matching with the beautifully smooth facial features she possessed and the honey-like complexion which she held.
Beside her was Garrick, a man with roman features and an imperial expression that mixed with his Mediterranean complexion and bronzed skin. His jaw was rigidly set, as if he were a statue made man.
Stepping out from the golden light Lyria hoisted a large sniper over her shoulder, her features demure in contrast to her lethal looking gaze. Irises of bright vibrant blue stared back at me amidst the light crimson bangs that dangled just above her eyes.
Orion and Cassian looked to be twins, made the same way. Their faces were reminiscent of busts used to depict Augustus Caesar, their curling brown hair framing the trained if regal facial features they held.
All of them stared at me for a time, their armour a dull grey-silver. Their armours lacked substance most likely due to the fact that they had yet to fully establish their identities. Selene stepped forwards during my considerations, her helm sitting on her belt.
"Boss, your orders?"
The tone of Selene was much more robotic than I thought it would be, but I simple answered, finding the lack of back chat appealing at the current moment.
"Protect the HQ. You know who are your allies and not yes?" She nodded and equipped her helmet, the rest of the Spartan unit following her action.
"Indeed. We'll secure the perimeter, Signal will stay with you boss, in case you need to give us orders." With that the rest of the Spartans headed off to the headquarters, Cassian moving up next to me with his immense height, looking over at Hope and the rest as the back of his armour began to murmur voices out in spouts.
Breathing out I ignored them for a moment and used the Experience card on a sub-skill of my main skills... The target of it being my control over chakra types. The information was limited, but it helped me understand the essences of nature on a deeper level than before. I left the Star Gate for another time as I had one more thing to purchase... The Shadow Clone Jutsu.
{Store- Powers- Techniques
Fireball Jutsu- 100,000P
Rock Wall Jutsu- 100,000P
Water Spurt Jutsu- 100,000P
Summoning Ritual- 120,000P
Demonic Summoning- 140,000P
Cursing Technique- 150,000P
Iron Spear Jutsu- 150,000P
Chidori Jutsu-150,000P
Tree Growth Jutsu- 150,000P
Geiser Jutsu- 160,000P
Volcano Jutsu- 200,000P
Storm Jutsu-200,000P
Sound Jutsus- 450,000P
Fire Jutsus- 400,000P
Water Jutsus- 400,000P
Earth Jutsus- 400,000P
Wood Jutsus- 450,000P
Lightning Jutsus- 420,000P
Mist Jutsus- 450,000P
Metal Jutsus- 420,000P
Shadow Clone Jutsu- 2,000,000P }
[Points: 5,973,281,627]
After purchasing the Jutsu I wanted, I immediately split off some clones of myself. The energy to do so was immense, but with my recent evolution into a new species I had gained a large amount of chakra reserves.
As far as I could estimate, my reserves would last 24 hours with ten clones... Meaning that I was effectively multiplying my learning rate by a factor of ten. I set half of them to work on learning Jutsus and making new ones whilst the other half began spending time with the magic grimoires, gleaning information for my future digestion.
With all of my learning now taken care of I had something that I wished to put off until I could hide that I had it... Now, I had no choice as I was severely outnumbered by the American military.
"This will ensure that we can survive. I think I will need to find somewhere in the world where force sensitives and mutants can live..." I opened my hand and vicariously my system storage space, casting the grey mass into the sky above my compound, its' turbolasers and other systems thrumming in energy as they were awakened for the first time in reality.
'Securing safety is the first step, then I can refocus my efforts on the games.' A star destroyer emerged fully as all weapon systems came online, Cassian beside me looking up with some form of awe...
All i had wanted to do was make games, and yet I was scooped up into the machinations of scum...
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