Galaxy Returns To Be A Dad

Chapter 44

Chapter 44

It is said that “Lin Shen sees a deer”, Lin Shen may not necessarily see a deer, it is more likely that Lin Shen sees a snake.

No, Konoha rustled and seemed to get closer and closer.

The black cat Bobo’s ears stood up, and his eyes flickered.

Suddenly, three coquettish flower snakes jumped out of the forest, with their mouths wide open, showing their fangs, they could not help but bite at the little guy!

In nature, the weak and strong eat, snakes also bully the weak and fear the hard, pick up “soft persimmons” and attack the weakest ones first.

Yu Yue’s face was as sinking as water, he had been prepared for a long time, and immediately picked up the little guy with one hand and turned his body; with one hand pointing like a knife, it was shot by lightning!

At the same time, the black cat jumped up!

Snapped! Snapped!

Yu Yue smashed two snake heads with a palm, the snake body fell on the ground, twisted for a while, and then stopped moving, like two twine ropes.

The black cat grabbed the third snake and bit it off, then drank blood and ate meat on the spot.

The little guy was held in a circle by Yu Yue with one hand, and he didn’t know that he was so dangerous just now, and he still thought it was funny, he laughed.

Yu Yue glanced at the black cat who was eating snakes, nodded and said, “These snakes are very poisonous. If you eat them, it will be cheaper for you.”

This virgin forest seems to be reckless, easy to hide, but it is also easy to leave clues.

Yu Yue’s five senses are so keen, there have long been traces of human activities here.

There are deep and shallow footprints in the grass, many and messy, obviously not left by one person, there are men and women, and there are actually more women than men.

Yu Yue feels that this is a suspicious point.

Moreover, he judged that it was not a person who kidnapped Jiang Rou, but a gang.

Originally he guessed that Wei Teng was going to retaliate against himself, but now he is a little confused.

Of course, these are not important, and we will talk to Jiang Rou first.

So he took the little guy and the black cat Bobo and walked in the direction of the footprints.

I don’t know how long it took, a clearing appeared behind the forest, and a bamboo building stood above the clearing.

This bamboo building is not small. It is different from the small stilted building in the impression of ordinary people. It covers a large area of ​​three and a half floors. There are ear towers connected to the southeast, northwest and four sides. It is not a villa, but a castle.

This is simply a wonderful place to hide dirt, a secret base for crime and chaos.

To build such a magnificent bamboo castle in the mountains where there is no shop in front of the village, who can believe it if there is no tricks?

The black cat Bobo jumped onto Yu Yue’s shoulder and whispered, “Meow…meow…”

Yu Yue understands what it means. It says it smells popularity and it is in the bamboo house.

Yu Yue nodded, put the bag down, took out a back shirt, and fastened the little guy on his back.

He knows that this place must be extremely dangerous, but no matter where the little guy is, it is not safe. The safest place in the world is by his side.

Ready, Yu Yue let the black cat Bobo go around and sneak in. He and the little guy walked to the front door.

As they approached the bamboo building, some people were lying in the jungle somewhere outside and observing the bamboo building. One of the men put down his sight glasses and said to the woman beside him: “Boss, someone has entered. Bamboo House.”

The woman asked: “Who?”

“I don’t know, it doesn’t look like someone from that organization, but he suddenly appeared in such a place with a child on his back and a black cat. It always feels suspicious.”

“Let me see.”

The woman took the telescope and looked in the direction of the bamboo building.

The six people here are all Chinese, one woman and five men.

The five men are well-equipped, wearing camouflage uniforms suitable for jungle combat, with helmets on their heads, leather boots on their feet, binoculars, walkie-talkies, and unified rifles.

Only the woman is dressed in white, with delicate eyebrows, a tall nose, thin, rosy and small lips, and her skin is creamy. She has a bright wrist and snow, as if she is a person who has come out of the painting. She should have been sitting in a landscape pavilion and drinking. A cup of tea, I don’t want to but lurks in this reckless jungle.

After the woman saw it, her eyebrows frowned: “It’s really strange. According to the informant, there is no such person in the organization, but how could he get here?”

A dark-skinned man next to him guessed: “Is it the connector? Or is it the delivery? I just said he was carrying a child…”

The woman shook her head: “I don’t think it is.”

“Boss, what do you do now?”

“Let’s watch the changes. I hope he won’t affect our actions…”

But he said, Yu Yue walked into the main entrance of the bamboo building with the little guy on his back.

There is a lot of space here, piled up with some debris.

Suddenly, he heard a sudden movement from above, and moved away quickly without thinking about it.

The next moment, I saw a bamboo pole stuck in the place where he just stood.

One end of the bamboo pole is sharpened very sharply. If it can’t escape, the human body will be penetrated.

The bamboo pole was thrown down from the top of the stairs. When Yu Yue took refuge, he avoided the blind spot.

Then, he heard a call for help from upstairs. It was a girl’s voice, and it seemed that there was more than one girl.


A few loud beatings followed, and a man cursed fiercely: “Shut up, whoever calls Laozi will throw her to feed the snake!”

Yu Yue understands it and speaks Chinese.

At this moment, a sturdy man rushed down the stairs, holding a sharpened bamboo pole in his hand as a javelin, intending to throw it!

He is very confident in his own hand. In this jungle, his bamboo spear has hunted and killed many birds and beasts.

However, this time, he didn’t even have a mobile phone with his bamboo spear, and he fell to the ground.

When he fell, his eyes were huge, and it seemed that he couldn’t believe that a person could have such a fast speed.

Just for a moment, Yu Yue had already moved from the opposite side to his side, cut off with a knife, and even the bison had fainted.

After getting rid of the guy in charge of the vigilance, Yu Yue said to the little guy: “Youyou, let’s go up and take a look.”

The little guy nodded behind him.

Yu Yue strolled upstairs and saw a bunch of girls sitting in the corner, all of them disheveled, with their hands tied behind their backs. When they saw him, they screamed like a group of exploded sparrows, desperately moving back. .

Next to them, a bearded man with a sharp knife in his hand shouted fiercely: “Don’t make a noise, shut up Laozi!”

At this time, the little guy yelled: “Auntie…”

Yu Yue also found Jiang Rou among the girls.

At this time, Jiang Rou was very embarrassed, his face was dirty, his hair was messed up, and there were blood stains on the corners of his mouth, looking very pitiful.

And when Jiang Rou saw clearly that the person was Yu Yue, her eyes were full of shock, then she shook her head frantically, and exclaimed: “What are you doing? You go, go quickly…”

Bearded wanted her to shut up, but he heard the sound of applause.

Bang bang ……

Then, a smart wheelchair drove out of the room.

It was Wei Teng who was sitting in the wheelchair.

After he stopped, he stared at Yu Yue, clapped and laughed: “I didn’t expect that you really came. Teacher Jiang is so charming!”

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