Future Mecha God of War

Chapter 124 Liu Yimian’s Life Goal

Although Mu Chen roughly talked about the power of the God of War mecha, Mu Chen did not explain it clearly. Secondly, what he heard was false and what he saw was true. How could what he heard from others be as reliable as what he had seen with his own eyes?

So after seeing the Aurora God of War flying by, Liu Yimian no longer bothered to discuss the next step with his teammates, and directly led everyone to follow.

Fortunately, the Aurora God of War was not too fast. Although they lagged a little behind, they could barely keep up.

At this time, the Aurora God of War was flying at an altitude of about 200 meters. He was flying through the sky with more than thirty disaster-level mechas. On the ground below them, there were endless enhanced and general-level mechas as far as the eye could see. First.

Under the leadership of elite-level mechas, these mechas lined up neatly, like a torrent of steel, constantly advancing at a constant speed.

These mechas don't look powerful individually, but when they come together, they burst out with an indomitable momentum, as if whatever is in front of them will be crushed mercilessly by them.

Liu Yimian was also shocked by this momentum after he got close. He did not dare to fly above these military mechas, so he could only choose to stay aside and follow them silently.

At the same time, he also found that many participating players had made the same choice as him, and were sporadically following the large army. He didn't know whether they wanted to watch the excitement, or were preparing to pick up some soup and drink it. .

However, the mechas used by these participating players are obviously not at the same level as those of the Ares team. They are basically enhanced-level, and there are even many common-level mechas. There are only a dozen elite-level mechas that can fly in the air.

In comparison, the four disaster-level mechas of the Ares team are a bit too conspicuous, but Liu Yimian doesn't care. Players can't hurt each other during the game anyway, so let them be envious and jealous!

Fu Cheng, who flew all the way, actually noticed the existence of these players, but this was originally one of his purposes, so he did not stop these players from following.

These players are all immortal beings. If they really encounter any difficult bones, they can completely push these cannon fodder to the front through missions. This can effectively reduce the losses of the troops. Why not?

In fact, it was Fu Cheng's first time to lead a team to attack, and he had little experience, so he subconsciously brought all the help he could bring.

In previous wars with the Horned Demons, those responsible for battlefield command were usually Fu Cheng's disaster-level mechas, such as Colonel Watson.

In addition to sitting in the center and commanding remotely, Fu Cheng's mission was to deter each other from the God of War mechas on the Horned Demon's side and prevent each other from intervening on the battlefield.

In fact, it is rare to see Ares-level mechas on the conventional battlefield. The main reason for this phenomenon is that Ares-level mechas are too destructive. When ordinary mechas face Ares-level mechas, they will only be slaughtered. A large number of people were massacred, and large areas were massacred.

But this kind of massacre is two-sided. You can kill my people, and I can kill yours. In order to avoid the unnecessary sacrifice of ordinary mechas, the Ares-level mechas usually only regard the opponent's mechas of the same level as opponents, and Will not attack ordinary enemies.

This is also the origin of the saying "The opponent of the God of War can only be the God of War".

But it depends on the situation. Now that Fu Cheng's Aurora God of War is the only God of War mecha on the planet Camon, he has no constraints at all. Of course, he will not be pedantic and abide by this so-called tacit understanding.

So the players at the scene are blessed. They will witness with their own eyes a killing feast led by a God of War mecha with full firepower.

If they can keep up with the speed of the Aurora God of War...

Three minutes later, the Aurora God of War, who had crossed the torrent of steel on the ground, stopped, separated half of the disaster-level mecha behind him, and merged into the mecha warriors below.

And he started to accelerate with other disaster-level mechas. They flew towards the direction of the Horned Demon Clan's base at a speed of about Mach 5.

Those participating players who were following behind also wanted to follow and watch the excitement. Unfortunately, their mechas were really not very powerful. The fastest elite mecha could only reach Mach 3. They could only watch that cool machine. The Aurora God of War is getting further and further away.

In the end, only the four mechas of the God of War team followed.

Flying out of the federal-occupied area, crossing the northern advance base, and passing through the 3,000-kilometer contested area between the federal and horned demon tribes.

Fifty minutes later, a horned demon base covering dozens of square kilometers with a large defensive field fully activated appeared in front of Fu Cheng and the others.

Following the Aurora God of War, the members of the God of War team who had already loaded the battlefield map of Camon Star also recognized it at this time. This is the Horned Demon Clan base numbered 03, and it is also the base of the Horned Demon Clan closest to the federal controlled area.

Its function is similar to that of the Federation's northern advance base. It is the bridgehead of the attack and the first line of defense. It also protects the mines of the Horned Demon Tribe within hundreds of kilometers around it.

At this time, alarms were blaring in the base, and dozens of super particle cannons, light cannons, and laser cannons were raised one after another and began to fire at the dozen federal mechas.

At a glance, it seemed as if the sky was filled with enemy artillery fire.

The Aurora God of War flying at the front didn't even move his hands, and a silver light shield covering an area of ​​one square kilometer instantly appeared in front of him.

The artillery fire fired from the Horned Demon Clan's base hit the light shield and only caused ripples, completely unable to threaten the mecha behind it.

At the same time, a huge blade with a length of more than ten kilometers appeared directly above the Horned Demon base and slashed it down without stopping.

The light blue defensive force field surrounding the base did not play any blocking role at all. As the sword was slashed, there was no sound at all, and a huge knife mark that was more than ten kilometers long and tens of meters deep appeared on the Horned Demon. In the clan’s base.

From a distance, it seemed that the entire base was cut in half by this sword.

Just when Liu Yimian and other bystanders were still shocked by the power of this sword, they suddenly discovered that the Aurora God of War's attack was not over yet.

The huge light blade condensed with energy did not dissipate with this attack. Under Fu Cheng's control, it was raised again, the blade flipped over, and it swept away at the Horned Demon Clan's base.

In an instant, all the buildings in the entire Horned Demon base were broken into two pieces, and the sound of raging artillery fire suddenly stopped as if the pause button had been pressed.

"It turns out, this is the God of War mecha!" Liu Yimian felt that his breathing was about to stop. He was very lucky that he followed him, otherwise no matter what Mu Chen said, he would never have imagined that the God of War mecha would be so powerful. to this extent.

A well-equipped and well-guarded base was solved with just two swords.

I must become a mecha warrior who can pilot a Ares-level mecha!

At this moment, Liu Yimian felt that he had finally found the goal of his life, a goal worth fighting for his whole life.

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