Future Mecha God of War

Chapter 118 Muchen, die!

After flying out of the base, Mu Chen kept adjusting the speed of the Death Mecha, and at the same time he kept trying other functions of the Mecha.

He is now rushing to put it on the market. Even if he switched to an entry-level mecha before, he would have to debug it at the training ground for at least half an hour, not to mention that the complexity of this Reaper is at least a hundred times that of the entry-level mecha.

Through the mecha's sensing system, he has located Fu Cheng's location, which is 1,800 kilometers away from the Blue Moon Base and less than 200 kilometers north of the Federation's Northern Forward Base.

It would take him less than five minutes to reach this distance by flying at full speed.

But if he wants to completely control this Death mecha in this short period of time, even if he is always in a state of liberation, it is impossible for him to do it.

Therefore, we can only play it by ear.

In addition to having stronger attacks, faster speed, and thicker armor, this Death mecha has an extra set of things called a "controllable floating phase particle generator" compared to the disaster-level mecha.

Those are 64 things the size of an adult's fist, which can be controlled individually through the intelligent system. When you leave them alone, they will continue to rotate around the mecha along a fixed trajectory, creating a flame-like effect, which looks quite dazzling.

According to the information Mu Chen obtained from the intelligent system, these little things are the core of the entire mecha's combat, and they are inseparable from both offense and defense.

The intelligent system also considerately provides users with three sets of fixed usage plans, two for attack and one for defense. However, Mu Chen has no idea of ​​the specific effects.

Soon, he flew over the northern base, and through the mecha's imaging system, he could clearly see the battle scene ahead.

A mecha shrouded in silver-white flames was being besieged by two mechas, one black and one red.

Mu Chen originally wanted to be content, but when the black mecha attacked the silver-white mecha, a strong energy wave suddenly erupted from behind, and then a black light beam with a diameter of about one meter shot straight at him. come over.

He forgot that what he was driving now was not an invisible An Shura, but a God of War mecha. He actually wanted to float in the air and watch the fun. He was really overthinking it.

The attack came so fast that Mu Chen had no time to dodge. He turned over the Death Scythe in his hand and blocked it directly in front of his chest with the light blade formed by the plasma beam.

In 0.1 seconds, the light blade shattered. Mu Chen only had time to control the Death mecha and turn his body slightly. The beam of light broke through the mecha's plasma shield, and then melted directly into the cockpit on the mecha's chest. A large hole that runs from front to back.

The Death Mecha fell directly from the air and landed on the top of a sand dune hundreds of meters high. The heavy body made a huge hole in the sand dune.

Muchen, die!

Well, it is impossible to pawn, even in this life, but Gou is really Gou.

Just when the beam of light shattered the energy shield of the Death Mecha, Mu Chen completely shut down the Mecha's engine, retaining only the energy supply needed for the Mecha's recovery system, and thus successfully silenced the enemy under his nose. .

If it was a mecha driven by an ordinary mecha warrior, a large hole with a diameter of 1 meter was shot out of the cockpit, and it would definitely be dead.

But Mu Chen is different. Remote control is so capricious!

Seeing the slowly rising repair progress, he let go of his last trace of worry.

"Haha, Fu Cheng, is this the helper you found? This time you are destined to die in our hands. No one can save you, but you will not be alone. Soon, the federal dogs on the entire Camon Star will... Including your third fleet, they will all accompany you." The black mecha laughed wildly.

Are these horned demons all academic masters, who can speak both Federation dialects so fluently?

Muchen felt very ashamed. He had failed in foreign language when he was in school before time travel.

"Krislin, it turns out that this is what you beasts have in mind. They are just two titled knights. Do you really think you can defeat me? Aurora Torrent!"

As Fu Cheng shouted loudly, the phase particle generators around him suddenly arranged into a mysterious pattern, and then countless blazing white light blades suddenly appeared out of thin air and swept towards the two enemy mechas.

Not to be outdone, the two mechas raised two huge light shields, one red and one black, to block the attack of the light blade. After a second, the black light shield was broken, and the explosion of the light blade came to an end. It still didn't break the red light shield, but only forced the two horned demon mechas to retreat about two thousand meters.

"I'll go, is Lao Fu so strong?" Mu Chen, who was waiting on the sand dunes for the mecha to be repaired, saw this scene and suddenly felt that his three views had been subverted.

He felt that the black mecha's shot just now was powerful enough. The triple defense of the Death Mecha could provide a total defense value of less than 30 million, but it was broken by it in one blow.

But now he is just glad that what he just faced was not Fu Cheng's move, otherwise he might not even have a chance to survive, and he would be torn into pieces directly, and no recovery system would be able to work at that time.

However, through the move of the horned demon named Krislin just now, coupled with Fu Cheng's "Aurora Torrent", he now basically understands the fighting method of the God of War mecha.

It seems that the information provided by the intelligent system is not wrong. The "controllable floating phase particle generator" is indeed the core of the mecha's offense and defense. Although he has only now truly understood the correct way to open this thing, it is not too late. .

But why are the technologies used on the Horned Demon's mecha and the Earth Federation's mecha so similar?

Well, this question is not important. The key now is how to truly exert the combat power of the Ares-level mecha.

The working principle of the "controllable floating phase particle generator" is not complicated. It just combines the energy emitted by those floating particle generators in a specific way and then fires it out.

There are a total of sixty-four generators on the Death Mecha. When used, there are strict requirements for the amount of energy stimulated by each generator, the sequence, and the combination method.

This thing is very delicate. As long as there is a slight mistake when using it, the energy will not be able to complete the combination. It can be said that the difference is a thousand miles away.

In addition, the energy produced by a single particle generator only lasts for a very short time, so the combination must be completed quickly enough.

Of course, even if there is no energy problem, as long as you want to hit the enemy, you can't be slow.

So, overall, the use of this thing is still very complicated.

But for Muchen, as long as there is a clear direction, these are not problems.

So while he continued to watch the battle between the three Ares-class mechas, he began to carefully study the usage plans of the three sets of phase particle generators provided in the intelligent system.

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