Chapter 4: Ch4_first fragment, Jacob part 3_ sorrowful star
The rain never stopped, neither did the thunder
Inside the Old village a little kid was having the hardest Days of his life
Pain , terrible pain
He felt like his body was being demolished
It was hot , too hot
it was too hard to breathe, he felt like he was drowning , he wanted to give up, but couldn't
His body was tattered, he felt his blood running through his vines like molting lava destroying everything, leaving nothing but destruction through its wake, and his wounds open again, making blood cover his bandages
he lost count how many times this happened , he didn't know how many days based , it felt like a few seconds, it felt like eternity
The blood stopped flowing out
As if the molten lava hardened
He felt cold , too cold
He felt the shards left by the destruction of his body being reconstructed together making something tougher, with more resistance and harder to destroy ,leaving the question will it be enough to withstand the flowing lava next time , or will it crumble like the last few hundreds of times
It didn't matter much , because of the pattern, he knew what was coming for him right now , and he didn't like it one bit.
He lost his consciousness
He dreamt of the vast sky , the bale moon , the bright stars gazing at him , full of compassion and camaraderie,he felt like one of them , no he was actually one of them ,
Of course he was certain about it , after all this happened too many times to not notice the pattern
Then a sorrowful star fell to earth
It was its turn to tell it's tale
The star fused with him he felt him self becoming Star , foreign memories flooded his being drowning every other memory he had
He felt emotions that was not his , erasing his emotions in the process
He felt himself becoming solid and compressed until he turned into a black hole
And the black hole swallowed itself,and relieved it's Life
It was a terrible Life, hated and chased , being called with terrible names
They said i killed my family
They said i will bring doom to them
They wanted my life because of their fear
I didn't do anything, im innocent
How he could not be , a 7 years old can't be a criminal can he
He didn't remember hurting anyone,or anything
So why are they chasing him
It was the storm, they all witnessed it , the storm destroyed a few houses, how come I'm the one to blame , how is this my fault?
They said I'm jinks, they chased me through the village to the woods
I felt fear , their hunting dogs barking never left my ears, they're coming closer i need to hide
i still can see the fire on their sticks
My body hurts, i cannot run any more,
i should find a place to hide quickly or they will kill me , And hide i did
They followed , I saw them passing by the tree I'm hiding in
I kept shaking from the cold and the fear , and they passed and i finally let out my breath
Tears streaming like rivers, i began to feel tired and sleep, I closed my eyes , the Cold can be too comforting sometimes
After an unknown amount of time the kids eyes opened wide ,he let out a shirling scream
He was dragged from the hole
Ad The hunting dog bit him and dragged him out of his hole
Being bitten and dragged by his face the boy screamed, and to his horror he saw relief of the faces of the people
"This maleficent creature was finally captured " they said as they were tearing with joy
How can a kid be more naive, he thought of them as his family once , he always strived for their warmth, but kids are mint to be innocent, they are mint to be naive
The dogs kept tearing his flesh
The villagers finally took a hold of themselves and pulled the dogs
The pain, the agony, the fear,all vanished away
The kid lost the ability to cry
The kid lost the ability to scream
The kid learned about hate , and it ran deep
inside his body deep to the bones
Something inside him broke
He cried no more,he screamed no more
He was dragged by the hair all the way to the village
The kid felt connection to something hazy and hard to grab and he tapped into it , and tried all he can to take hold it. But he kept falling
They arrived at the village, they tied the kid to a cross
The sky changed colors as they sat the kid on fire
The fire burned deep, but his hatred burned deeper
The clouds gathered and rumpled like the roaring of angry gods
The kid finally knew what he was tapping into , that hazy feeling, it was his soul,And He was burning it
He looked at the villagers with mirth
And smiled, at least he tried to
as the fire charred his body , destroyed half of his face,he smiled only for his cheeks to fall down
Looking at the villagers with a soul hunting grin he looked at the sky and screamed one last time
The rumpless echoed, and doom arrived
Lightning fell like rain
The village was raised to ruins
The Cross shattered and a charred corpse fell down
With the last glimmer of life he looked at the once cruel village , and hateful home
for the first time in his short life he felt happy
As he roamed with his eyes unable to move
His happiness dimmed , he saw shadows moving around the village
He thought by burning his soul he could do it , but alas, some bastards got away
It seems that his soul wasn't vast enough, and wasn't enough of a Price, how regrettable
His vision dimmed , his body crumbled
And the wind blew the innocent's aches around the cruel world .
A hunting reminder of a bure sole got extinguished by the cruelty of the world
But alas, nobody collected its aches, and nobody remembered the better taste of the Ash filled rain drops
The Star howled in sorrow , it trembled remembering the pain, but who can hear the cry of a dead star , who can feel the pain through time , and who would be swooned by its brilliance
Nolan saw it all , nolan felt it all , he lived through its life after all
He knew its pain , its sorrows ,and felt its glee in its final moment
And he shed a tear as a silent promise to a lone star in a distant sky , a promise to be remembered
He sighted and closed his eyes getting ready for the pain to come
And it came back crushing him
He opened his tired eyes
It was hot , too hot ,it was too hard to breathe, he felt like drowning , he wanted to give up, but couldn't