Full-time Mage: Start by getting the White Tiger Pendant

Chapter 295 Water Curtain Strangling Net

In the white mist, the Thunder Dream Beast of the Night walked lightly, and shadowy ghosts passed through the gap between several soldiers.

Due to the blindness of the shadow, even the Japanese officer didn't notice it for a while, and scratched his head in a daze, thinking it was an illusion.

Lu Jun entered the sea battle city, immediately took control of Xingzi, read the star map, and the mind detection layered and scanned in all directions, covering a radius of several kilometers, and countless silhouettes of siren mages appeared in the 3D map in his heart.

Soon, he found the team members. Among them, Mu Ningxue was in the most dangerous situation not far from here. A mage with two middle-level peaks was fighting alone with a leader-level Blue Valley Violent Beast!

He recalled his performance at the third level of the middle class at that time, assisting Professor Yuan and barely killing the sub-commander.

Lu Jun can only say that he was too small back then, so he should challenge alone to win.

Cough cough cough, although he was far from reaching the peak of the middle class during the Yangtze River experience, this group of young people in the national government is really outrageous one by one.

Afterwards, Lu Jun hesitated for a while and left it to Mo Fan who came later.

He took a step forward and went to save the big troops first.

Soon, he saw from afar the green monsters coming from all over the mountains and besieging one of the buildings.

This is the sawtooth green monster, a servant-level sea monster, covered with green scales and bumps, with a sawtooth-like mouth, and a frog-like lower body structure, amphibious on land and sea, with extraordinary jumping ability.

As the most multiplied group in the coastal waters of Japan, they have always played the role of cannon fodder for small soldiers, but the cannon fodder is also a servant-level monster, and the number is so large that anyone would be terrified.

The entrance of the building is shining with all kinds of magical light, which is the support of the national team members.

Fortunately, the terrain is narrow, so it is not possible to face too many enemies in one breath, ten people rotate, barely.

Lu Jun made a decisive move. This time using water magic, this occasion is perfect.

The next moment, dark blue rays of light surged all over him, one picture after another unfolded, blue waves rippling, and a constellation of water took shape.

Water-based high-level magic [Water Blossom Sky]!

The first-level effect specializes in guardianship, but under the influence of the tide and withering talents, and after being distorted by the control of the water domain, drastic changes have taken place.

In fact, in the original book, Mo Fan also started from mastering the fire element, and various self-created magics emerged one after another, and Lu Jun is naturally not weaker than the other party.

I saw a huge hole in the sky collapsed, and the long dark blue water poured into it, turning into thousands of threads and cutting down, while the thick white mist around it surged and quickly condensed into fine silk threads.

If you look closely at these lines, you can see that they are all high-pressure water flows, and the flow speed is extremely turbulent.

Lu Jun's eyes flashed with spiritual brilliance, and his hands suddenly closed together.

In an instant, the sky and the ground were covered with criss-crossing pitch-black silk threads, densely packed, or chopped, or swept, or entangled, and so on, killing hundreds of servant-level sawtooth green monsters into countless pieces.

In an instant, the world in front of him turned red, and countless flowers of blood splattered everywhere.

Immediately afterwards, the faint blue dots of stars rose in the sky, and the milk swallows returned to their nests and poured into the white tiger pendant.

Hundreds of servant-level remnants, combined with the complete spirit that burst out, there are seven or eight servant spirits.

Lu Jun is satisfied. The white tiger pendant has not been purchased for a long time after leaving the ancient capital. Right now, there are only three synthetic warrior spirits, two commander-level remnant souls (two ghost ministers), and one complete commander-level spirit (red monster) .

All together, it feels like it can light up nearly 200 fourth-level stars, which is infinitely close to advancing to advanced fourth-level magic.

After that, he had a thought, like plucking a string, within a few kilometers around, a large number of black silk threads were pulled and rotated rapidly.

A series of straight, slender high-pressure water guns cut through, not only the servant class was chopped into fine pieces, but the warrior class was also fragile, without any difference, even those solid buildings cast by earth magic were also cut into pieces.


Buildings collapsed one after another, with extremely smooth cross-sections, as did the huge warlords, the sea-monsters, whose limbs and bones were divided into many parts, collapsing like building blocks, and blood and flesh scattered all over the ground.

Lu Jun's killing was so fierce that all the nearby Japanese mages backed away in horror when they saw it, not daring to approach it.

Drip in front, what kind of work is it, and why is it so powerful.

The general in charge of this block raised his binoculars and stared at Lu Jun seriously.

Ai Jiangtu and the others who were hiding inside the building at the rest point were shocked, and they were splashed with blood when they stood at the door, and they smelled of blood and salted fish.

But they shook their heads and said excitedly: It's Captain Lu Jun, he's finally here, thank God.

Seeing Lu Jun's terrifying strength, Li Kai, Mu Tingying, Zhou Xun and others who were struggling to support and complained suddenly dared not speak and cheered happily.

In a short period of time, Lu Jun became red-eyed and slaughtered a whole group of people.

Thousands of slave-level monsters, the total number of complete spirits synthesized is [seventy pieces], and the number of warrior-level spirits rises to [five pieces]. There is no way to kill a hundred warriors to synthesize one spirit.

Only one of the commanding level was not killed.

The monsters became very smart when their strength reached the commanding level. Several big monsters shrouded in the range of the water net, after being cut by the withered water net, there were dense scars on the body surface, and they retreated in shock.

You must know that it is just a group attack of human high-level magic, and part of the power falls on their commanding defense scales to break the defense. If the human beings deal with it seriously, they will be doomed.

Lu Jun was powerless to chase and kill the leader monsters who dived into the deep sea again. This group of sea monsters had too much cannon fodder, and they sent them off one after another.

In terms of his killing efficiency, it is not as good as turning to staring at a large number of servants to kill. The combined effect of thousands of servants is no less than that of a commanding remnant.

In a moment, the street turned into Shura's purgatory, the ground was red, and the painting style changed from that of other guardian streets.

Any demons that step in unintentionally are instantly turned into pieces of meat, like the warning infrared lasers in the extreme game, cutting everything.

The self-created magic harvesting ability of this trick is extraordinary. It is derived from the water bloom and sky curtain, so it is called [Water Curtain Strangling Internet Cafe].

Lu Jun muttered to himself, the sky net was restored, and everything was destroyed under the cover.

He has mastered the high-pressure water gun for a long time, but the lethality is just that. He didn't have this kind of power until he got the [Withering] talent.

Gradually, none of the Krakens on the Japanese Sea Battle City dared to approach.

On the top of the building, Lu Jun stood tall, wearing a black gold coat, and he had the domineering aura of a man guarding a street.

At this moment, the sea tide actually retreated, because Lu Jun's monster retreated first, looking down from a high altitude, the first blank area appeared in the vast black tide, it looked like he had pushed back the entire sea monster army by himself.

All the Japanese mages who looked over could not recover for a long time.

After a long silence, someone finally answered the general's words: He is the captain of the Huaxia government, and he is a Chinese!

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