Full-time mage: My wife Ning Xue, inherits the Water Dragon King

Chapter 60 Breakthrough, high-level water system!

In a quiet small room, Lin Zixuan had previously said that he was going to make a breakthrough. Mu Ningxue was very happy. In order not to disturb the former's breakthrough, she applied for another apartment dormitory with Pearl Academy to live in.

It should be noted that Lin Zixuan's three magic spells are already capped at the third level of the intermediate level. Even if he didn't say it explicitly, Mu Ningxue knew that this was already the threshold for reaching the top. When he broke through to the high level, he would naturally have to break through. That hurdle.

The leap from the intermediate level to the high level is a big breakthrough. It can be said that before the high level, everyone is actually a novice. Only when you have the power to control and change your own magic rules can you truly begin to understand the true meaning of magic.

In that small dark room, there was a little light flooding in. Lin Zixuan was sitting cross-legged on the bed. A faint blue light shone around his body, vaguely bringing an extremely cool feeling.

Within the spiritual world.

Villette didn't say much as he observed all this. He just watched quietly like a god. At the same time, threads of water gradually began to surround him, but a majestic force was unraveling it. seal up.

"The power is starting to come back again. Although it's not much, it's enough."

Villette murmured to himself, and then silently watched Lin Zixuan's breakthrough figure.

Lin Zixuan's spiritual consciousness is in the spiritual world, and in front of him is the vast water nebula.

However, the light inside was extremely dazzling, as if it was violently churning back and forth like a vast ocean!

The energy has been filled up, and is even ready to be released, and is about to break through the barrier.

With Yanqiao’s accumulated blessings over time, as well as the Pearl of Source Water and my own cultivation and consolidation.

In this current state, it is simply a piece of cake to break through to a high level.

"Break it!" Lin Zixuan suddenly roared, and at the same time, all the power gathered at a certain point, forming a sharp thorn.

Following a straight trajectory, it quickly attacked, and its target was the crumbling water nebula that needed to be transformed, and it needed his help.

Buzz buzz.

Under the continuous impact, even the water nebula couldn't handle it with ease at that time. It began to shake one after another, with cracks all over the place. The majestic magic energy continued to overflow, and even the expanded territory was much more visible to the naked eye!

Finally, after exerting all his strength, Lin Zixuan gritted his teeth and fought hard to break through. Finally, at this moment, the barrier of the water nebula suddenly shattered!

Wow! ! !

The dazzling, eye-catching water-type brilliance shines in this spiritual world, dyeing the spiritual sea into that blue.

As for the Summoning System and the Chaos System, two nebulae that were not very bright to begin with, they were suddenly overshadowed and became the spiritual world dominated by the Water System!

shhhhhh! ! !

At the same time, after breaking through to the high level, Lin Zixuan's mental power has already stayed in the third realm for a long time. As a result, it is close to the limit. With the addition of Tide Refining, breaking through to the fourth realm is just around the corner!

But with so much profit, it is impossible to break through to the high level of the water system without any cost. The mental shock that comes back is like the sharp thorns gathering in the sky. It is a heavy rain, and then it gradually falls, and the forest Xuan has a splitting headache!

The consciousness returned to the original body. Visible to the naked eye, Lin Zixuan's originally rosy face suddenly turned pale, and his mind was a little confused, as if he would faint in the next second, but fortunately he recovered immediately.

"Hmph, fortunately, the Summoning System, Chaos System, and Tidal God Refining have boosted my mental strength. This level of impact can only cause me pain for a moment."

Just take it slow.

Afterwards, after spending some effort to adjust his state, Lin Zixuan looked at his spiritual world with a happy face.

The water galaxy is as vast as a vast ocean, occupying most of the rivers and mountains, with 343 stars reverberating in it, all as docile as sheep.

"Same as the primary and intermediate levels, with my special characteristics, these high-level 343 stars also do not require my control and can release high-level magic immediately!"

Lin Zixuan smiled slightly. Thanks to the suppression of Gu Long's power, these stars did not dare to make mistakes and could only follow the trajectory and complete the formation of magic.

In other words, just after breaking through to the high level, Lin Zixuan has been able to release the high-level "Water Bloom Sky Curtain" of the water system, and has control over the high-level characteristics.

In fact, Lin Zixuan had already figured out the ropes when he first awakened to magic. Thanks to his natural talent, he is now even more comfortable in operating it!

If you can play well, it's a matter of fact. The leap from mid-level to high-level is simply a huge transformation in strength! Suddenly, Lin Zixuan felt that she had become several times more powerful.

But in Pearl Academy, the students in both the Green Campus and the Main Campus were obviously not on the same level as him, and he really had nowhere to vent!

"Perhaps, I can find a private hunting place?" Lin Zixuan thought in his mind, thinking it would be pretty good. After all, if there is a crisis in this city, those private hunters will definitely be able to grasp the information immediately.

And Lin Zixuan has already chosen his target. Anyway, he still has a lot of time to stay in the Magic City, but now, he has to go to the Oriental Pearl Mage Tower first, and it’s time for high-level awakening. .


Walking out of the room and breathing in the fresh air, Lin Zixuan walked out of the school and directly called an express train. It was very efficient and left the school in the blink of an eye. About ten minutes later, he arrived in front of the Pearl Master Tower.

The tower stood tall, as if touching the clouds, and the top could not be seen at a glance. Lin Zixuan got out of the car and took a look around, "The scale here is similar to that of the Magic Palace of the Imperial Capital. I guess so, they are two top cities in China."

With this in mind, he walked in and passed by many people with different clothes and different heights. Their auras also ranged from high to low, and most of them were high-level. It was obvious that they belonged to a mage. dividing line.

"Well, now I should have just obtained the entrance ticket to the Supreme Mage's Palace."

Seeing many mysterious people who couldn't see their aura at all, and even felt that some were the same as ordinary people but could freely enter and exit the upper floors of the Mage Tower, Lin Zixuan couldn't help but sigh, these are either super-level or forbidden curses!

After sighing with emotion, his figure had already arrived in the elevator of the Pearl Tower and soared straight up to the top floor.

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