Full-time BOSS

Chapter 35 - Group Dance

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“Well, aren’t your jackals the most powerful? The so-called talented people work hard. This most difficult task will naturally be assigned to the most powerful people. And although the temple is harder to fight, it is estimated to have a higher reputation. what.”

“Fuck, you think I’m Hogger. I’m flattered by you and don’t know the north. I won’t beat you whoever you like in this temple.” Derek immediately turned his face and didn’t recognize anyone.

Xiao Yu’s face appeared embarrassed, and he looked at Black Rhodes: “Is the Black boss responsible for attacking the temple?”

Black Rhode sneered and shook his head. “Don’t tell me, since Eric Boss is the culprit of this time, this kind of limelight will naturally be left to Eric Boss to complete.

“Yes, yes, I think it would be best for Eric Boss to come and attack the temple!” Derek immediately turned his firepower to Xiao Yu’s look when he saw someone help, and said that he also kicked the big golden tooth beside him. Da Jinya also hurriedly helped, “Yes, yes, this task should be completed by Eric Boss.”

On Xiao Yu’s face, there was an expression of cocooning and self-confidence, but Derek suddenly sneered when he saw it. The sample is now speechless.

Despite the embarrassment on Xiao Yu’s face, he laughed secretly in his heart. Sure enough, it was not what I expected. How can you escape my calculation based on your thoughts.

He wanted to be responsible for attacking the temple from the beginning, but he was afraid that other people would see his deep intentions, so he specially arranged the temple for others, and arranged for himself a errand that seemed simple and oily. As expected, this group of guys really didn’t do it, but instead pushed the task of attacking the temple on themselves, (Hey, then I can’t let it go.)

Xiao Yu hesitated for a long time, and finally showed a ruthless expression on his face, “Yes, it is not impossible for you to let me attack the temple, but you have to sponsor me a little force. After all, that big druid is not easy to deal with.”

“This, sponsorship is not impossible, but it can’t be too much.”

“Not too much,” Xiao Yu hit the iron while it was hot. “That Black boss, just borrow two of the Defias therapists under you. Derek boss, you can borrow my four kobold divination masters.”

Each monster force has some special units, and the Defias healer and kobold diviner proposed by Xiao Yu are one of them.

Defias healers are rare monsters that can heal, while kobold fortune-tellers can throw fireballs, all special monsters with blue stripes.

Black Rod and Derek glanced at each other, and each nodded, “Yes, that’s it.”

Xiao Yu still seems not very bottomless, “In addition, if I can’t attack at that time, you remember to come and support me.”

“Relax, you’ll be worse than you will then.” Several bosses said, patting their **** one after another, but they thought when they wanted to die.

In this intriguing atmosphere, the plan to attack Yeyu Village was confirmed.

“Okay, then let’s start to act,” several monster bosses returned to their teams, and with the sound of a trumpeter trumpeter’s horn, the monster army moved from the forest to Yeyu Village like a tide. Rushed past.

After a few minutes, the army came to the gate of Yeyu Village. Such a big movement naturally concealed the guards in the village. The branches of the two thorn trees were put down one after another, blocking the entrance of Yeyu Village. A night elf archer even raised his bow and arrow to shoot arrows at the monsters below. The densely packed monsters had almost no possibility of being missed, and a few were shot in the blink of an eye, but this situation Xiao Yu had already expected .

“All archers, concentrate their firepower to attack the guards on the tree tower-let the arrows go!”

With an order, the arrow was like a migratory locust.

Although the hit rate is a bit worse, there are too many archers here. There are nearly a hundred. The dense rain of arrows shot over, and several night elf archers on the tree tower were shot as hedgehogs in the blink of an eye.

“Fireball rocket ready, aim at the gate, let go!” Another order, this time attacking the kobold fortuneteller, Defias arsonist, and Xiao Yu and the fire element he called, all kinds of fireball rockets rained like raindrops It fell on the gate of thorns, and in the blink of an eye the gate of thorns was burned out and endured into a pool of ashes.

It was already crowded by the unbearable crowd, and the night elf guards behind the door were cut down by the monsters who swarmed in before they could react.

“Good things, rush me inside, don’t stop don’t stop!”

Xiao Yu felt excited for a while, and it seemed that the plan was smooth this time.

However, not long after rushing in, the team was blocked by three huge ancient trees. During the previous investigation, the three ancient trees were all green in name and displayed as friendly units. It seems that they are not too scary. However, the whole body exuded a violent breath. The huge body made a squeaking noise while moving. It was terrible. The monster rushing in front stopped almost instinctively.

“Don’t panic, everyone who can perform a flame attack is concentrated in front.”

In a blink of an eye, Defias Arsonist, Kobold Diviner, and Xiao Yu and Xiao Yu’s fire elements stood in a row.

“The old tree of war that set fire! Fight me!”

All kinds of fireball rockets flew densely in an instant, Xiao Yu roared, and flame bombs burst out again and again, although the ancient tree of war was huge, but the tree was afraid of fire, and the fire was burning in the blink of an eye, the blood in the flame Slippery crazy, although the blood volume is up to three thousand, but it can not be carried for too long.

At this time, the two ancient tree guards in the back picked up a huge stone and smashed it towards this side. The throwing of this giant stone was a range attack, and it smashed three or four kobold fortune tellers and four or five goblin scouts at once. .

“I wipe, so high attack, no, can’t wait, all give me!” Several monster bosses shouted, the little brother under his hand suddenly swarmed up, bypassing the ancient tree of war that had been burned to ashes, toward two An ancient tree guard rushed over.

The two ancient tree guards threw a few more stones and killed several unlucky mobs, and then were overwhelmed by the monsters.

Swords and chopping, in the end it was a double fist and four opponents. Two ancient tree guards struggled and slammed after a dozen monsters slammed. Two huge ancient tree guards crashed down one after another. In a blink of an eye, it was chopped into pieces of wood.

“Hahaha, it’s so cool, so cool, is this a game, according to the plan, everyone kill me!” Jackal Derek screamed excitedly, playing monsters for so long, being killed by adventurers so Many times, I can finally raise my eyebrows and exhale.

Black Rod’s eyes flickered, and there was no master style before. The death claw and several of his friends were screaming and dancing for a while.

After losing a few big trees, the monster army suddenly stopped, and the tide flooded into Yeyu Village, and the monsters first encountered by the gang of monsters were those civilian players who were watching the bustle. Those without any combat skills, only have a basic health of 100 points. They are completely a dish in front of monster attacks. Those who have opened the combat exemption service can be automatically converted into backgrounds. Attacks cannot touch them, not only will not be affected. Any damage can still watch free war blockbuster live, this lively looks like a cool.

Those who did not open the combat exemption service are miserable. They are cut in a blink of an eye, and the first person is divided. Although civilian players do not have a pain system, it is estimated that leaving a psychological shadow is inevitable.

“Wow, yeah, you guys and dogs, run out of sleep in the middle of the night and show love, all die to me!” Probably because I can’t pay my girlfriend on weekdays, I have accumulated a lot of grievances. Derek picks those specifically. A pair of hacks in pairs, but unfortunately this game does not have an impolite system, otherwise you may not be able to do anything, but even if so, it is covered with blood, so it is not scary.

Black Rhode is specifically to pick up those night elf guards, or adventurers who come to support, these are all living reputation values.

As for the beasts, they disappeared as soon as they entered the village, and they did not know where to go to bite.

Xiao Yu didn’t join the killing carnival in his heart, but he still remembered what he had done to attack Yeyu Village this time.

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