Full-time BOSS

Chapter 31 - Yeyu Village

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Five minutes later, with the white light flashing, Xiao Yu found himself in a room.

Akado? Yeyu’s room, hehe, this system is really thoughtful, even the house is ready.

This is also the advantage of the civilian template. You can have your own residence. Of course, the number of civilian templates in each village is fixed. If the houses are full, then the civilian template cannot be born here. Of course, the house is only the most For the humble one, if you want to live in a better house, you just need to spend some money to buy it.

Fortunately, Yeyu Village is not particularly famous as a novice village, and there are not many adventurers and civilians.

Xiao Yu stood up while thinking about it, and moved his body. He had to say that the night elf’s body was much better than that of the goblins. He was tall and strong, and he didn’t feel the goblin’s feeling of looking up at all.

Xiao Yu looked at his appearance in the mirror. Because he directly scanned the appearance in reality, it looked mediocre, but it was only a little vicissitudes. There was no way. The night elf male always gave the feeling of an uncle.

Civilian templates actually have their own ways of playing, that is, to experience life, experience the daily life of different races, and appreciate the scenic wonders of the game world. It is said that many casual players will choose civilian templates to relax in the game, make friends, and those of the fighting type By comparison, civilian players can be said to be playing a completely different game.

But this does not mean that the players of civilian templates will not consume anymore. In fact, the consumption of civilian templates is not small.

For example, the house in front of Xiao Yu can be described by the four walls of the apprentice. If you want to play often, you have to buy some furniture. When you go out, you have to buy some clothes. You need to eat something.

Even if you have a girlfriend in the game, you have to send some flowers and jewelry, and even if you have a chat with your girlfriend and want to hold hands, you can also spend money to open the oo×× system-yes, the world of the sky Here players can activate the oo×× system, but only for civilian players, and it will cost a lot of money.

But Xiao Yu is not interested in this. If he wants to hold hands, he will naturally play those adult games. What kind of beauty does not have.

Xiao Yu looked at what he was wearing. He wore the simplest jacket and leather pants. He looked like a common night elf civilian. He walked out of the house and was on the street of Yeyu Village.

After looking at the surrounding scenery, Xiao Yu couldn’t help but sigh in secret. The place where the night elves lived was really poetic and picturesque. Although he had seen it more than once, Shan still couldn’t help but be amazed. Yeyu Village does not have houses in a strict sense. Instead, there are various tree towers and tree houses. Druid spells can control the growth of plants, so they are grown into the shape of a house or tower. Filled with night elf-style decorations, this peculiar residence is formed. The atmosphere in the village is very comfortable. People walk around on the street, or sit on a bench in the shade to read a book, or double into a pair. Yes, kiss me, the relaxed and laid-back atmosphere, the feeling that you can’t find it in reality, no wonder so many people come here to relax.

In the shops on both sides of the street, you can see a lot of clothing and accessories made of magic pattern cloth and moon cloth, and gem jewelry of various colors are being sold. The night elf’s clothing style is natural and elegant, and the jewelry is natural and gorgeous, which is very popular among civilian players. Because of the high price, Xiao Yu couldn’t understand why anyone would spend hundreds of rolls to buy a piece of clothing or jewelry without any attributes, but it did not prevent it from becoming a gathering place for casual players.

But Xiao Yu didn’t look at the scenery, he came to scout the terrain.

I walked back and forth along the streets of the village for a few circles, and soon became familiar with Yeyu Village, which was not very big, except for those irrelevant buildings that did not make much sense, the tree houses for civilians, Xiao Yu’s main concern is the defense system and the temple in the village.

Yeyu Village has no sentry towers and fortresses, or even walls, but a whole circle of thorn grass has been planted around the village to form a thorn defense. It is inevitable to pay a great price to rush from this defense.

Yeyu Village also does not have a strict door. There are two thorn trees on both sides of the village exit, and they will grow thorns at night to block the village exit.

As for the main defense force, it is an ancient tree of war and two ancient tree guards. These huge trees of seven or eight meters tall look really scary. Fortunately, this world is a game, so the size does not completely represent strength. Xiao Yu estimated that as long as he had the opportunity to output, it would not be a problem to pick one, after all, the flames hurt the tree by the bonus.

Most of the night elves in the village are civilians, and they have little combat power. There are about 30 to 40 guards, all of them are night elf warriors and night elf shooters of level 10. Although the combat effectiveness is slightly stronger than monsters of the same level, they have a huge advantage in number. It made Xiao Yu confident to kill them in one breath, but the night elf village head made Xiao Yu feel a little tricky. This village head is a 17-level elite, the big druid-Manster? Moonwalker. With enough blood volume of 1500, more than double that of Hogg, it can be seen that the elite of the night elf and the elite of the monster are obviously not a concept.

However, if this is the case, Xiao Yu still does not pay attention to it, but he has hundreds of troops in the five alliances, and the heap has also killed him.

What worries him most is the adventurers. These guys can be resurrected indefinitely. Although continuous resurrection will increase the resurrection time, it is still a lot of trouble, but if it is done at night, it should be no problem.

Thinking about it, Xiao Yu came to the pub in Yeyu Village. This is his last stop on the plate. In addition to the village guards, adventurers, mayors, and ancient war trees, the fighting power is in the pub. Mercenaries, although mercenaries usually only receive money to fight, but who knows if the mayor of the crisis will spend a lot of money to hire all mercenaries.

Generally, there are only three or five mercenaries in the tavern of this small village, not too many.

I walked in and took a look. I was relieved. As expected, there were only three mercenaries. A ranger, a druid, and a warrior were ordinary mercenaries of less than ten levels. The level of adventurers is also very wasteful, don’t worry at all.

(Mercenaries are also graded, distinguished by name and color, white ordinary, green excellent, blue elite, silver elite, golden legend, orange legend)

Xiao Yu thought, turning around to go out, but the tavern door was suddenly opened, and a night elf female thief walked in with silent steps. Xiao Yu’s eyes suddenly jumped, but the night elf female thief’s name was It’s silver-Moonscar? The shadow chaser, is the 47-level mercenary whose sky has been destroyed by the goblin. No, it is now 48-level.

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