Full-time BOSS

Chapter 23 - Ogre Wizard

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At this time, Xiao Yu dared not go out any more. Not only could he not go out, even to stay in the camp was not absolutely safe. Although there were many goblins around him, most of them were goblin laborers, and there was no fighting power. If there were dozens of players rushing Come in, Xiao Yu really did not make a difference.

Fortunately, several goblin scouts have been trained before. Let’s talk about the camp’s walled tower.

“Close the gate and goblin scouts to guard at the sentry tower, all cheer me up!” Xiao Yu shouted loudly, even kicking the kicked hands, the newly trained goblin scouts pushed onto the sentry tower.

The sentry tower can increase the range of the long-range attack. Seeing that the four towers in the four camps were all filled with scouts, Xiao Yu was relieved.

He stood on the wall and looked out. The team of players appeared outside the camp without the effort of the meeting, but when they saw the goblin camp being heavily guarded, they were not decisive but continued to kill outside. Shan’s goblin didn’t go away until the sky turned black.

But even if the player left Xiao Yu, he didn’t plan to go out anymore. The beast tired monsters have attribute layers at night. Even for the goblins who are also monsters, the night language forest at night is also a dangerous place. Fortunately, the resources are already The collection is complete, Xiao Yu thought.

In the following time, the entire camp was very busy. There were torches in the camp, and work began overnight to start training goblin warriors and goblin scouts.

Before the whole day, the goblin laborers had collected a lot of wood and food, which is what Xiao Yu urgently needs.

Wood was used to build goblin shacks, and ten more were built in one breath, increasing the population limit of the mud cave tribe to 200, which is already the limit of the camp population.

All the food is used to recruit small goblins, and 60 are fully recruited, and then trained by trainers into goblin warriors and goblin scouts. Of course, because only one can be trained in half an hour, only a dozen or so were trained throughout the day. Therefore, if you start working in the evening, you can train more than a dozen more. On average, you can train more than 20 a day. This is already the limit, but three days is enough to train them all.

Seeing one after another goblin scouts and goblin warriors pick up crude weapons and join the army sequence in the camp, Xiao Yu finally got a little emboldened.

After waiting for another two hours, at nine o’clock in the evening, the goblin messengers who went out to deliver the letter came back, but only two came back.

Eric (Goblinitis Surgeon): “Did you send the letter? Why are there fewer people?”

Goblin Courier: “Sir Chief, we sent the letter to Black Rhodes and Big Golden Fang, but the one that sent Hog hasn’t returned yet. I’m afraid it was eaten by the beast.”

“Then send the messenger to send it again. This time you two will send it together. Be sure to send the letter.” Xiao Yu did not understand that the two messengers had just returned and took out a copy of the previously copied letter to let them both Again on the road.

Fortunately, the goblin’s character is very accustomed to obeying the command, “Yes, Chieftain! Resolutely complete the task.” The two goblin messengers who had just come back without breathing were on the road again.

This is just a small episode, Xiao Yu did not mind.

After looking around, the current goblin camp has been on the right track. The goblin laborers collected resources and the goblin trainers trained the soldiers. However, the combat effectiveness of these goblin soldiers Xiao Yu was really not at ease. Players of the same level can basically 1v2 or even 1v3. It’s not impossible if you equip it with a little bit higher technology and 1v5, so he desperately hopes that the campfire will attract more powerful monsters, but this will have to be said tomorrow. It’s not too early to see Xiao Yu. Line.

By the next morning, the first thing he entered the game was to go straight to the campfire.

When I saw the campfire, I was stunned, but I saw a three-meter-tall blue-skinned ogre, sitting by the campfire, roasting the fire while nibbling at something.

Nima, isn’t that the goblin chef’s body? However, half of the goblin chef had entered the ogre’s belly, and the other half shrugged, miserable.

Speaking of this, the goblin chef is still Xiao Yu’s old acquaintance. He was the one who taught Xiao Yu’s bonfire skills at that time. That month mark? When the shadow chaser came to slaughter, he hid in a firewood pile and escaped. After fifteen, he was eaten by the monsters recruited by the campfire.

Seemingly aware of Xiao Yu’s arrival, the blue-skinned ogre gave him a bold look.

Grubb (Ogre Magi): “Hello, my name is Grubb, I’m an ogre. You are so delicious here. I heard that you are recruiting people. I am just interested in joining you, as long as you give There are enough foods for me to join you. It’s just as good as this food. Do you have more?”

While talking, he glanced behind Xiao Yu with bad intentions, as if Xiao Yu concealed a goblin in his trouser pocket, or he stared at Xiao Yu himself.

System prompt: Your campfire has attracted an ogre wizard, whether to recruit.

Xiao Yu checked the introduction of this ogre wizard

[Monster Name: Grubb (Ogre Sorcerer)]

[Monster category: Ogre (large humanoid)]

[Monster Rank: Rare Elite 13]

[Monster Skill: Bloodthirsty, causes a target to fall into a bloodthirsty state, increasing attack speed and movement speed by 30% for 45 seconds]

[Monster Skill 2: Slam, launch a full blow, causing twice the normal attack damage]

[Recruitment price: 500 foods, 5 population limit]

[Maintenance price: 50 foods per day]

[Remarks: A strong ogre warrior also has a certain spell talent, but the appetite is bigger-and never picky eaters]

[Remark 2: Be careful, never stand on his tableware and talk to him]

Xiao Yu’s eyelids twitched, to say that the ogre in front of him still looks very powerful, especially his bloodthirsty skills, can greatly enhance the combat effectiveness of the army, the only problem is that he is too powerful , Although it is only a rare elite, but due to the high nature of ogres, the size of the block, the ability to fight and cast spells, the fighting power of a single challenge is no longer weaker than itself, let alone the creatures such as ogres are very hungry. What I said is that even the chef ate it. Xiao Yu didn’t want to accidentally become food.

Moreover, the wandering monster anti-guest is the leader who killed the monster power. It has not happened that he ruled the monster power. As a goblin chief, he has a natural ability to suppress goblins, so don’t be afraid that the goblin will rebel. The three black stone orcs were just ordinary monsters yesterday. Xiao Yu naturally does not have to worry, but today this ogre is a rare elite, with a high level, and its fighting power is even stronger than himself, so he must not stay.

Thinking of this, he gave a smirk, did not answer, and turned and left.

“Everyone is ready to fight!” Xiao Yu shouted at the goblin shacks, and a group of goblin warriors and goblin scouts got out of the shack, carrying a short bow and axe in their hands, one by one at a loss. Xiao Yu.

“What the **** are you, the enemies have come into the house and you haven’t responded, you see, our chefs have eaten it for everyone! Hurry up and prepare for battle! The soldier is in front, the archer is in the back! Listen to me! “

The goblins laid out a messy formation, letting them line up for formation is not to be expected, but the melee still managed to do it in the front and back.

The ogre Grab didn’t know what was happening yet. He scratched his head and looked at the goblin in front of him. He seemed confused.

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