F*tanari System

Diplomatic Matters

The ride with my ladies with that dwarf was awkward, to say the least. The Wolf-kin refused to see this matter closed easily. We arrived at the embassy in the middle of the city near the government city council building. The Captial was about a week away, but due to the amount of trade between the countries, it needed diplomats in the city to stop international incidents from showing up.

We arrived at the lavish building with grumbles only inside the carriage, and nothing was said. We entered stepped out with another carriage pulling out and the group of wolf-kin and rest of the dwarfs piling out of it. Things were very awkward as we entered the building. We talked to a Red furred Bunny-kin who was a very cute girl who I wanted to chat with. When I started to flirt with her a little, the dwarf behind me coughed and ended my flirting.

"Fine, Although cute thing I would love to take you out to dinner. I need to see the diplomat here in the city; these men think they can cage a Magical Silver Bunny-kin for no reason other than having consensual sex with the son of a baron." I loudly stated so everyone could hear. "We will do this, so everyone understands my rights as well as to stop this from becoming an incident between two friendly companies."

The Cute Red haired bunny-kin tilted her head. "Why would that lead to an international incident between our countries Miss?"

"I am Chelsea Loveknot Heir of Silvermoon Tower. Fuck I hate using my fucking title makes me seem pretentious. Mally, Tina, I seem Pretentious, right?" I asked the two ladies I thought they would give it to me straight.

"Kinda It's in the delivery Chelsea the way you say it makes you seem above them." Started Mally.

"It's like you know your better than them by Birth Chelsea. I have no idea where it comes from either; I think it's the inflection in your voice. You know you will be their Leader; you know your superior comes in your voice. I think your mother raised you to have it like that." Tina continued.

I felt like that was wrong, and the bunny-kin girl was slack-jawed in front of us. "Tina, I think that is unfair. I was a researcher. I never paid attention to most classes unless they discussed mana. It's why I am so stupid on other things. I should probably know being raised in the environment I was in. I just simply didn't care; it has nothing to do with me."

"There That's, where it comes From Chelsea the title that would make others awed is nothing but trash to you. You see what awes people like trash, so it sounds pretentious to others and yourself when you state it. The title in your mind is of no consequence. Me talking to someone of your birth and station even though it isn't confirmed still awes me, Chelsea." She finished, and I thought about it.

I touched the cute girl's chin and helped her close it. "There you go; no need to be surprised that dinner is still up for grabs too later if you want." I smile while my mind is on what Tina just told me.

"CAN WE FUCKING TALK ABOUT THE MAIN TOPIC NOW YOUR CONCERNS ARE NOT MINE!!!" I jump, startled by a pissed-off dwarf shouting. An Echo goes through the halls of the lavish embassy.

"Who is yelling in my building?!" I turned to see a pissed off draconic male stomping down a hall to my left. He had too large horns on top of his head and scaled peeling back into his hairline with a blonde top. His scales were white, and his white robe matched his scales. His horn slightly grew wider among the top but curved inward at the peak. Each Dranconics horns grew differently if I remembered correctly. But this was one pissed draconic.

"I was in the middle of an inscription, an Enchantment, and some Dumbass shouts in my building. Who did it?" he turned to the red-haired Bunny-kin, and she pointed to the dwarf. "You there; why are you shouting in my embassy? This is a place of mediation between our nations. I can tell you are here on official business. Now get it out!" I hear him being very pissed, but it seems his job took importance, but everything he said seemed to be a shout. Or he just talked really loudly. An Echo appeared each time he talked. I look around the unnecessarily large reception area and think the acoustics might be doing it.

"Mr. Ambassador, I didn't think you would be in the city. I thought you were in the capital; why are you here in the Trade hub of the Dwarven Kingdom." The dwarf starts prying into his business, and I want to laugh.

"Look, I am here because I am here; you are here for a reason; state it!" He loudly says again.

"Look, I am here on behalf of Baron Beastal on the fact that Miss Chelsea Loveknot did things to the Barons son to his unwillingness. He then lodged a complaint hoping to imprison Miss Loveknot to at least the mandatory minimum sentencing for rape. This is the violation of the Heir of a noble, and she raped him maliciously." he stated seriously, and this was an escalation from the conversation in residence; it was good I didn't go with him.

The Ambassador looks at me and sighs. "Look, she is a citizen of Our Beast-kin nation plus one of renown. Miss Loveknot, I will talk to you in a bit," I nod my head and let him take charge, "Our Beast-kin nation will investigate this and see if your complaint about the law is lawful. I will mention that the renown and level of Chelsea's birth and just her species will make her have the Highest protection of the Bunny folk of our nation. This is our stance to start. But this complaint originates with the Baron he can come to talk to Chelsea and me to see if we can agree to terms together."

The dwarf looked pissed but stood his ground. "These are our laws; you are asking us to dismiss Ambassador. You will respect them even if you have immunity; it does not extend to Miss Loveknot!" He exclaimed.

"On the Contrary, Constable, that is not true. Chelsea here is a Loveknot and applies in the international treaty your nation and mine signed in the summit ten years ago to protect nobles that every county has signed. It states in paragraph three that visiting Nobles or people of similar stature along with their heirs enjoy diplomatic immunity. On the premise that their own country investigates the laws they break and, if found guilty, will be prosecuted to the maximum of their own countries laws." Wow, I thought that is basically a Noble can do whatever they want as long as they don't go overboard. "Our countries have both agreed with this. Miss Loveknot here is The daughter of the Loveknots, The father being The Supreme Speaker of the Council. She is the Heir to his position. This is not a nobility Title, but as stated in my previous statement. Her father has an equivalent title, and she is the Heir. That grants her diplomatic immunity and the privileges that go along with that. Now constable, unless you will go in front of your King and state, you want to seek justice. Then explain that a Supreme Speaker of the Council is not equivalent to a Noble title; you can not seek laws against her for this. But we will try our best to make this better with the Baron. Oh, and if you do try to do that with your King, the outcome will be extreme. The bunny-kin will look weak; there is a reason only us Dragonic are only slightly above them. We don't dare to go to war against their army. Now choose to leave and tell the Baron to come himself, and the problem can be laid down or make this bigger."

The constable looked pissed, and all the wolf-kin looked pissed as well. I saw there blushing in anger before they turned to leave. All of them walked out one by one, looking angry. I sighed; I used to deal with exchanges like these, but I had no idea about the laws in these countries. I would need law and books to fill an entire Library with at least a year to study to be able to hold my own in things like this. I thought he handled it well, but I was ignorant of the laws in place. Hell, I was surprised there was a summit with all the nations. That seemed a little modern for a country in the feudal era, but magic made things weird.

When they left the embassy, the Ambassador looked at me with a look of frustration. "Miss Loveknot come with me; leave your friends here. Alexa here will look after them." the Cute bunny-kin nodded, and I followed him down the hallway to his office and entered. It was an extensive library with a simple desk in the middle with lots of paper. "Look, Chelsea, I got a message from your father and mother for you. I was actually going to head to your place in a few hours. Your mother Is kind of disappointed in you right now due to your lack of movement. While your father is proud of your battle with the merchants, he is also disappointed with your lack of traveling. You have left The beast nation and set up here. This is what most of our lowest dregs of society do since their parents can't keep up with them. The nobility is expected to see at least there's or four other countries, and Here you are. I know you have a lot of time, Chelsea, but your parents have made a note to me to tell you to move along and not get comfortable here. Here are the letters Miss Chelsea. I will also need you to stay here at the embassy while this trouble is dealt with."

He finished, and I took some papers from him. I was not surprised but not regretful of my stay in this city so far. "Ambassador, I understand. Would you please let them know I was planning on staying here for no more than one extra month, although that plan has been sped up? I was injured grievously from my trip here, and most of this time was spent recovering and making sure my companions could continue stronger with me. I needed to make sure of that. Please pass that on to my parents. I will compose a letter after reading theirs to both my parents. Thank you for your assistance, and please tell me something."

"What would that be, Chelsea?" with a frown.

"Is that Cute Alexa dating anyone?" The laugh he made changed the mood in the room.

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